October 30, 2015 To All Interested Parties: Industry Notice #15-44 For Immediate Release ATTENTION MEDALLION OWNERS AND AGENTS: Because of a court ruling, on April 17, 2014 the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) instructed taxicab medallion owners to stop withholding a six (6) cents per-ride fee for the Taxi Driver Healthcare Services Fund. The ruling by the court is now final and the Fund is permanently closed. For Healthcare Services funds never sent to TLC: All Healthcare Services funds collected from taxi drivers and kept by either medallion owners or their agents between October 1, 2013 and April 17, 2014 must be returned to the drivers as soon as possible. For Healthcare Services funds already sent to TLC: Any Healthcare Services funds previously paid to the TLC will be refunded directly to the current medallion owner by the TLC. This process will begin in several months. Refund checks will be sent to the current medallion owner’s address on record or to their current agent of record on file with the TLC. If you need to update your address or agent information please make certain to do so immediately by completing the appropriate TLC form and submitting it to our Long Island City Facility. Upon receipt of the refund check, medallion owners and/or their agents must return those monies as soon as possible to the taxi drivers. Record-Keeping Requirement: Medallion owners must keep a record of all refunds made to taxi drivers. These records must be available to the TLC for inspection upon request. Questions? To determine the amount you need to refund to an individual driver, please consult your financial records. If you do not have records of the amount collected from a driver, consult with your TPEP provider for an estimate of the number of trips that you should have collected money for. Neither TPEP providers nor the TLC can provide data about the actual amounts medallion owners collected from individual drivers. Thank you for your cooperation with this process. If you have any questions, please contact the TLC Call Center at (718)391-5501.Visit Taxi and Limousine Commission Web site at: |