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MEDIA NEWS STORIES-December 2016 | ||||
12/31 | Accusations of fronts in debate over Uber, Lyft upstate | Times Union | http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/ Accusations-of-fronts-in-debate-over-Uber-Lyft-10827903.php |
12/31 | Many will use Uber, Lyft on New Year’s, but a regular taxi might end up being cheaper | L.A. Daily News | http://www.dailynews.com/business/20161230/many-will-use-uber- lyft-on-new-years-but-a-regular-taxi-might-end-up-being-cheaper |
12/31 | ‘Taxi King’ must cough up 46 cabs, medallions to pay off debts | N.Y. Post | http://nyp.st/2hAHaiW | |
12/31 | No Ride-Hailing Yet But Plenty of Options to Get Home Safely | Time Warner | http://www.twcnews.com/nys/buffalo/news/2016/12/30/ new-york-state-police-to-up-patrol-for-new-year-s-eve.html |
12/31 | Uber no longer requires math from you this New Year's Eve | Mashable | http://mashable.com/2016/12/30/uber-new-years-eve-fares/#tWO0Sq1ITOqH | |
12/31 | A New York City Driveway: Blessing or Curse? | N.Y. Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/30/realestate/ a-new-york-city-driveway-blessing-or-curse.html?_r=1 |
12/31 | Uber Drivers Try Unique Lawsuit Challenging Their Contractor Status | DAILY KOS | http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/12/30/1615799/ -Uber-Drivers-Try-Unique-Lawsuit-Challenging-Their-Contractor-Status |
12/30 | New York Taxi Mogul Must Surrender 46 Cabs | THE STREET | https://www.thestreet.com/story/13938549/ 1/new-york-taxi-mogul-must-surrender-46-cabs.html |
12/30 | N.J. Legislature tightens rules for Uber, Lyft | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/news/new_jersey/20161229 _N_J__Legislature_tightens_rules_for_Uber__Lyft.html |
12/30 | Thanks for the calories: NYC's Carnegie Deli says goodbye | JUNO | http://www.startjuno.com/news/read/category/News/article/ the_associated_press-thanks_for_the_calories_nycs_carnegie_deli_says_go-ap |
12/30 | Uber Passenger: Driver Stranded Her Halfway Through 150-Mile Trip Home From Hospital | CONSUMERIST | https://consumerist.com/2016/12/28/uber-passenger- driver-stranded-her-halfway-through-150-mile-trip-home-from-hospital/ |
12/30 | Sorry, Uber Riders, Surge- Pricing Will Still Be Legal This New Year’s Eve | NEWS SOURCE | http://lawnewz.com/legal-analysis/sorry-uber- riders-surge-pricing-will-still-be-legal-this-new-years-eve/ |
12/29 | It's not legal, but you can get an Uber ride in mid-Hudson | recordonline | http://www.recordonline.com/news/20161228/ its-not-legal-but-you-can-get-uber-ride-in-mid-hudson |
12/29 | In Florida, no permit needed for driverless cars, Florida senator says | POLITIFACT | http://www.politifact.com/florida/statements/2016/ dec/28/jeff-brandes/florida-no-permit-needed-driverless-cars-florida-s/ |
12/29 | Uber, Lyft respond to Sen. Al Franken's discrimination concerns | San Francisco Chronicle | http://www.sfchronicle.com/aboutsfgate/article/ Uber-Lyft-respond-to-Sen-Al-Franken-s-10823323.php |
12/29 | 3 Bumps on the Road Ahead for Shared Autonomous Vehicles | CITYLAB | http://www.citylab.com/commute/2016/12/ regulating-shared-autonomous-vehicles-on-city-streets/511544/ |
12/29 | Cab driver accused of groping woman, saying ‘this ass is going to be mine’ | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2iELxYd | |
12/29 | Lyft Driver Charged In Stabbing Shouldn't Have Been Eligible To Even Work | JALOPNIK | http://jalopnik.com/lyft-driver-charged-in- stabbing-shouldnt-have-been-elig-1790553809 |
12/29 | Higher gas prices expected in 2017: 'Money out of my pocket,' taxi driver says | WZZM | http://www.wzzm13.com/money/consumer/higher-gas-prices- expected-in-2017-money-out-of-my-pocket-says-taxi-driver/379885432 |
12/28 | NYC Taxi Giants Fire Back at Capital One | Courthouse News Service | http://courthousenews.com/nyc-taxi-giants-fire-back-at-capital-one/ | |
12/28 | Uber Drivers Sue for Minimum Wage | INSIDESOURCES | http://www.insidesources.com/uber-drivers-sue-for-minimum-wage/ | |
12/28 | Uber Banned By Turkey | NEXTPOWERUP | http://www.nextpowerup.com/news/32630/uber-banned-by-turkey/ | |
12/28 | Uber's Expansion Into Upstate NY Hinges on Fingerprinting | ABC NEWS | http://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/ ubers-expansion-upstate-ny-hinges-fingerprinting-44414709 |
12/28 | What’s Missing from Emanuel E-Mail Dump? | Chicago Daily Observer | http://www.cdobs.com/archive/featured/whats-missing-from-emanuel-e-mail-dump/ | |
12/28 | Uber drivers want pay while waiting for riders | THE HILL | http://thehill.com/policy/transportation/311877- uber-drivers-want-pay-while-waiting-for-riders |
12/28 | Lyft driver charged in stabbing had record | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/news/local_coverage /2016/12/lyft_driver_charged_in_stabbing_had_record |
12/28 | Uber Drivers Stiff Passengers After Finding Out Final Destination | NBC-Washington | http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Uber-Drivers- Stiff-Passengers-After-Finding-Out-Final-Destination-408432315.html |
12/27 | Meet The Woman Who Leads The New York Taxi Workers Alliance | VERVE | http://www.vervemagazine.in/people/bhairavi- desai-executive-director-of-new-york-taxi-workers-alliance |
12/27 | Drivers challenge Uber for pay while waiting for riders | Pittsburgh Post Gazette | http://www.post-gazette.com/business/career-workplace/2016/12/27/Drivers- challenge-Uber-for-pay-while-waiting-for-riders-UberBLACK/stories/201612180001 |
12/27 | Letter: We must not give Uber, Lyft special privileges | The Buffalo News | http://buffalonews.com/2016/12/22/letter-we-must-not-give-uber-lyft-special-privileges/ | |
12/27 | Lyft and Uber drivers afraid to return to work after Lyft driver was kidnapped | WFTS | http://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-pinellas/lyft- and-uber-drivers-afraid-to-return-to-work-after-lyft-driver-was-kidnapped |
12/27 | Hillsborough PTC on the chopping block after issues with Uber and Yellow Cab | Florida Record | http://flarecord.com/stories/511062971-hillsborough- ptc-on-the-chopping-block-after-issues-with-uber-and-yellow-cab |
12/27 | Uber determined to stay despite huge fines | TAIPEI TIMES | http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/biz/archives/2016/12/27/2003661967 | |
12/26 | Google's self-driving cars have driven over 2 million miles — but they still need work in one key area | MSN | http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/googles-self-driving-cars-have-driven- over-2-million-miles-%E2%80%94-but-they-still-need-work-in-one-key-area-googl/ar- BBxxalB?li=AA4Zoy&ocid=spartanntp |
12/26 | Not just for skiers: Gondolas seen as urban transit solution | uticaod.com | http://www.uticaod.com/news/20161225/not-just- for-skiers-gondolas-seen-as-urban-transit-solution |
12/26 | California puts brakes on Uber's self-driving car rollout | Herald and News | http://www.heraldandnews.com/news/local_news/business/california-puts-brakes- on-uber-s-self-driving-car-rollout/article_4baa9a59-840f-56e3-8a4e-48c7b55598d7.html |
12/26 | Michigan-State bars local taxi ordinances | Record Eagle | http://www.record-eagle.com/news/local_news/state-bars-local- taxi-ordinances/article_38fe1699-4153-5dfc-a7be-e71f621929b5.html |
12/25 | Group: 3rd Uber Driver Deemed Employee, Not Contractor | ABC | http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/group-3rd-uber- driver-deemed-employee-contractor-44351407 |
12/25 | Uber Taking 'Millions' In Tax Deductions By Lying To Employees, Lawsuit Alleges | JALOPNIK | http://jalopnik.com/uber-taking-millions-in-tax-deductions-by-lying-to-empl-1790335249 | |
12/25 | Uber Has Had A No-Good Very Bad Month | JALOPNIK | http://jalopnik.com/uber-has-had-a-no-good-very-bad-month-1790420518 | |
12/25 | Uber Driver Sleeps in Her Car Because She Can't Afford Rent Anywhere Near Where She Works | ALTERNET | http://www.onlinemunity.alternet.org/labor/san-francisco- uber-driver-travels-nearly-100-miles-sleep-her-car-and-shes-not-alone |
12/25 | How Uber embarrassed Volvo in California | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/how-uber-embarrassed-volvo-in-california-2016-12 | |
12/24 | NY lawmakers won't move on ridesharing in 2016 | WGRZ | http://www.wgrz.com/news/local/ny-lawmakers- wont-move-on-ridesharing-in-2016/377599438 |
12/24 | Arizona governor welcomes Uber fleet of self-driving cars | Miami Herald | http://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/article122628539.html | |
12/24 | What Gig Workers Can Expect from Trump Administration | CPA Practice Advisor | http://www.cpapracticeadvisor.com/news/12289860/ what-gig-workers-can-expect-from-trump-administration |
12/24 | Uber driver's rear window shot out while picking up fare in Florida | Statsman | http://www.statesman.com/news/crime--law/uber-driver-rear- window-shot-out-while-picking-fare-florida/Fkrh6Ojyx3UJ133Qg0ZZhM/ |
12/23 | Transportation horrors | Queens Chronicle | http://www.qchron.com/editions/queenswide/transportation- horrors/article_b31b961a-e378-5309-8631-676880f2f1cf.html |
12/23 | Warning For New York City Travelers Using Airport Car Service | NBC4NY | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/on-air/as-seen-on/Warning- For-New-York-City-Travelers-Using-Airport-Car-Service_New-York-407967496.html |
12/23 | Privacy over safety | Vice News | https://news.vice.com/story/nyc-says-it-needs-ubers- data-to-make-passengers-safer-so-why-is-uber |
12/23 | Frequent Taxi Riders Still Running the Roads in NYC | SalesFuel | http://salesfuel.com/frequent-taxi-riders-still-running-roads-nyc/ | |
12/23 | Uber, Lyft avoid fingerprint requirement in Md. | wtop | http://wtop.com/sprawl-crawl/2016/12/uber-lyft-avoid-fingerprint-requirement-md/ | |
12/23 | Uber’s Value to Riders Is Clear. To Investors, It May Prove More Elusive. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/22/business/dealbook/ubers- value-to-riders-is-clear-to-investors-it-may-prove-more-elusive.html |
12/23 | Cabbies’ lawsuit over Uber in Boston dismissed | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2016/12/22/cabbies-lawsuit- over-uber-boston-dismissed/jXfA6hEdnJJTRaPfMcKYZO/story.html |
12/23 | Uber lawsuit alleges employees were misled on equity compensation | Tech Crunch | https://techcrunch.com/2016/12/22/uber-lawsuit- alleges-employees-were-misled-on-equity-compensation/ |
12/22 | Uber, taxis at odds in Albany | Poughkeepsie Journal | http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/story/news/ local/new-york/2016/12/21/uber-taxis-albany/95722614/ |
12/22 | NYC Tunnels to Nix Toll Plazas in January, Bridges to Go Cashless by End of 2017 | NBC4NY | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Cashless-Tolls-Begin-January-2017- Queens-Midtown-Tunnel-Brooklyn-Battery-Hugh-Carey-Tunnel-407814135.html |
12/22 | Uber yanks self-driving cars off California roads | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2hVdTOJ | |
12/22 | Uber Is Just Setting Itself Up for Failure in San Francisco | PC | http://www.pcmag.com/commentary/350446/ uber-is-just-setting-itself-up-for-failure-in-san-francisco |
12/22 | Witness says self-driving Uber ran red light on its own, disputing Uber's claims | theguardian | https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/dec/21/witness-says-self- driving-uber-ran-red-light-on-its-own-disputing-ubers-claims |
12/22 | Uber losses expected to hit $3 billion in 2016 despite revenue growth | Tech Crunch | https://techcrunch.com/2016/12/21/uber-losses- expected-to-hit-3-billion-in-2016-despite-revenue-growth/ |
12/21 | LAPD Arrests Hundreds of Uber and Lyft Drivers in Stings Funded by Taxi Companies | PINAC | https://photographyisnotacrime.com/2016/12/19/ lapd-arrests-hundreds-uber-lyft-drivers-stings-funded-taxi-companies/ |
12/21 | Fingerprinting Of Taxi Drivers Now Required In East Hampton | 27east.com | http://www.27east.com/news/article.cfm/Montauk/505701 /Fingerprinting-Of-Taxi-Drivers-Now-Required-In-East-Hampton |
12/21 | Uber Is Reportedly Bleeding Money, But They May Not Care | NBC4NY | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/national-international/Uber-Is- Reportedly-Bleeding-Money-But-They-May-Not-Care-407708515.html |
12/21 | Uber's Self-Driving Cars Could Be a Threat to Bicyclists | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/12/20/ubers-self-driving-cars-could-be-a-threat-to-bicyclists/ | |
12/21 | Is Uber's Legal Fight With California All Part of its Master Plan? | THEDRIVE | http://www.thedrive.com/tech/6595/is-ubers-legal- fight-with-california-all-part-of-its-master-plan |
12/21 | Security Concerns halt Uber in Upstate NY | Victor Post | http://www.victorpost.com/news/20161219/security-concerns-halt-uber-in-upstate-ny | |
12/21 | Uber Can’t Replace Transit — Here Are 3 Reasons Why | STREETSBLOG USA | http://usa.streetsblog.org/2016/12/19/uber-cant-replace-transit-here-are-3-reasons-why/ | |
12/21 | Uber is hiding everything it can from users and investors who deserve to know the facts | MarketWatch | http://www.marketwatch.com/story/uber-is-hiding-everything-it-can- from-users-and-investors-who-deserve-to-know-the-facts-2016-12-20 |
12/20 | In New York, Chicago and Boston, Taxi Woes Continue, Spelling Trouble for Lenders | The Street | https://www.thestreet.com/story/13929210/1/in-new-york-chicago- and-boston-taxi-woes-continue-spelling-trouble-for-lenders.html |
12/20 | Disrespected' Uber driver stabs passenger several times | FOX | http://www.foxnews.com/auto/2016/12/19/disrespected- uber-driver-stabs-passenger-several-times.html?refresh=true |
12/20 | Uber admits its self-driving cars have a problem with bike lanes | The Verge | http://www.theverge.com/2016/12/20/ 14020720/uber-self-driving-cars-bike-lane-problem |
12/20 | Uber Drivers Plead With Airport for a Little Relief | newser | http://www.newser.com/story/235653/uber-drivers-tired-of-peeing-in-bottles.html | |
12/20 | Uber, Lyft face regulation in N.J. | newsworks | http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/local/ new-jersey/99846-uber-lyft-face-regulation-in-nj |
12/20 | Albany may soon approve Uber upstate | recordonline.com | http://www.recordonline.com/news/20161219/albany-may-soon-approve-uber-upstate | |
12/20 | New York City welcomes record number of tourists in 2016 | metro | http://www.metro.us/new-york/new-york-city-welcomes- record-number-of-tourists-in-2016/zsJpls---JtzpJn6Kwmx7/ |
12/20 | Boston-area cab companies sue Uber, governor | metro | http://www.metro.us/boston/boston-area-cab-companies- sue-uber-gov-baker/zsJpls---bCfAYfPhoZ9uU/ |
12/20 | Uber Lost Hundreds of Millions In the Most Recent Quarter | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/12/19/uber-financials-2016/ | |
12/19 | Governor Cuomo Calling A Special Session to Kill New York City’s Taxi Industry | NYS Senate | https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/articles/ruben-diaz/ governor-cuomo-calling-special-session-kill-new-york-citys-taxi |
12/19 | 2nd Avenue Subway Service to Begin New Year's Day: Gov. Cuomo | NBC-4 | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/NYC-Second-Avenue- Subway-Service-Begins-January-Gov-Cuomo-Says-407383455.html |
12/19 | The Latest: Uber to keep self-driving cars in San Francisco | WACH | http://wach.com/news/nation-world/the-latest- uber-to-keep-self-driving-cars-in-san-francisco |
12/19 | Florida Uber Driver Shoots and Kills Would-Be Robber | NBC | http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/national-international/ Uber-Driver-Shoots-and-Kills-Would-Be-Robber-Aventura-PD-407309935.html |
12/19 | Google Wants Driverless Cars, but Do We? | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/19/opinion/ google-wants-driverless-cars-but-do-we.html |
12/19 | AMAZON Plans to DO TO THE TRUCKING INDUSTRY what Uber Did to the TAXI BIZ | IWB | http://investmentwatchblog.com/amazon-plans- to-do-to-the-trucking-industry-what-uber-did-to-the-taxi-biz/ |
12/18 | Disability Activists Slam MTA for Considering Uber as an Alternative to Existing Access-a-Ride Service | Time Warner Cable | http://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/transit/2016/12/13/disability-activists-slam-mta- for-considering-uber-as-an-alternative-to-existing-access-a-ride-service.html |
12/18 | Cab erupts in flames near Brooklyn Bridge | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/brooklyn/ cab-erupts-flames-brooklyn-bridge-article-1.2914383 |
12/18 | Uber has a plan to completely transform your city | INSIDER | http://www.thisisinsider.com/how-driverless-cars-might-change-cities-2016-12 | |
12/18 | Cities' checks of Uber, Lyft drivers appear to be hit or miss | Star Tribune | http://www.startribune.com/uber-driver-checks-appear-to-be-hit-or-miss/407231936/ | |
12/18 | Uber, Lyft wage intense, behind-the-scenes campaign to bring ride-hailing upstate | The Buffalo News | http://buffalonews.com/2016/12/17/uber-lyft- conducs-coordindated-ride-sharing-campaign-upstate/ |
12/17 | Ludlow Hotel Doorman Beats Up Driver for Not Accepting Passengers: NYPD | dnainfo | https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20161215/lower-east-side/ ludlow-hotel-doormen-driver-dispute-punched-broke-phone |
12/17 | Daily Drive-Thru: Uber's self-driving Volvos in San Francisco | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/autos/news/uber-new- autonomous-volvo-fleet-google-debuts-waymo-article-1.2911679 |
12/17 | Uber, Lyft Face Pushback From Hometown Taxis Taking a Stand | Bloomberg | http://www.bloombergquint.com/markets/2016/12/15/ uber-lyft-face-pushback-from-hometown-taxis-making-last-stand |
12/17 | California, Uber Meet Amid Self-Driving Car Legal Showdown | ABC | http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/california-uber-legal-showdown-driving-cars-44207030 | |
12/17 | Sorry, Uber, your new app may drive me back to taxis | stuff | http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/industries/87673942/ sorry-uber-your-new-app-may-drive-me-back-to-taxis |
12/17 | Could State Lawmakers Allow Uber and Lyft to Operate in CNY? | WAER | http://waer.org/post/could-state-lawmakers-allow-uber-and-lyft-operate-cny | |
12/16 | 12 NYC taxi drivers busted in credit card scam | PIX11 | http://pix11.com/2016/12/15/12-nyc-taxi-drivers-busted-in-credit-card-scam/ | |
12/16 | Fake Uber driver takes Chicago passenger's bank accout for a ride | WTHR | http://www.wthr.com/article/fake-uber-driver- takes-chicago-passengers-bank-accout-for-a-ride |
12/16 | Uber refuses to halt self-driving cars | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2hoONJO | |
12/16 | California pumps the brakes on Uber's autonomous plans after taxi runs red light | autoblog | http://www.autoblog.com/2016/12/15/california-uber-autonomous-plans-red-light/ | |
12/16 | Uber drivers: JFK airport lacks sufficient bathroom access | amNWEYORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/uber-drivers-jfk- airport-lacks-sufficient-bathroom-access-1.12764490 |
12/16 | Uber Advocate: 'We're begging the NYS Legislature | WGRZ | http://www.wgrz.com/news/uber-advocate- were-begging-the-nys-legislature/371052027 |
12/16 | House conservatives want Trump to undo regulations on climate, FDA, Uber | msn | http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/house-conservatives-want- trump-to-undo-regulations-on-climate-fda-uber/ar-AAlAEnB |
12/16 | Uber blames humans for self-driving car traffic offenses as California orders halt | theguardian | https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/ dec/14/uber-self-driving-cars-run-red-lights-san-francisco?CMP=share_btn_tw |
12/16 | Uncovering Uber’s Big Security Problem | psfk | http://www.psfk.com/2016/12/uncovering-uber-big-security-problem.html | |
12/15 | Why the MTA should give Uber the cold shoulder | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20161215/ OPINION/161209910/why-the-mta-should-give-uber-the-cold-shoulder |
12/15 | Carone continues call for better wheelchair accessibility in taxicabs | Brooklyn Daily Eagle | http://www.brooklyneagle.com/articles/2016/12/14/ carone-continues-call-better-wheelchair-accessibility-taxicabs |
12/15 | Upstate NY Uber battle continues with pro and con video ads | NYup.com | http://www.newyorkupstate.com/news/2016/12/upstate_ uber_battle_continues_with_pro_and_con_video_ads.html |
12//15 | Proposed NYC Law Would Create A Public Database Of Ride-Hail Sexual Assault Reports | BuzzFeedNews | https://www.buzzfeed.com/charliewarzel/nyc-law-would-create- database-of-ride-hail-sexual-assaults?utm_term=.nkyo2djqe#.poEgmNx1M |
12/15 | Here’s where the self-driving car stands right now (VIDEO) | themalaymailonline | http://www.themalaymailonline.com/drive/article/ heres-where-the-self-driving-car-stands-right-now-video |
12/15 | Uber ordered to stop self-driving vehicle service in San Francisco | techcrunch | https://techcrunch.com/2016/12/14/uber-ordered- to-stop-self-driving-vehicle-service-in-san-francisco/ |
12/15 | Fake Uber driver takes Chicago passenger's bank accout for a ride | WTHR | http://www.wthr.com/article/fake-uber-driver- takes-chicago-passengers-bank-accout-for-a-ride |
12/15 | They Can Just Take an Uber | Slate | http://www.slate.com/articles/business/metropolis/2016/12/cities_ are_cutting_transportation_service_because_they_think_uber_will_fill.html |
12/15 | What…Uber NYC Tracking Folks Even After They Exit Ride? | eurthisnthat.com | http://www.eurthisnthat.com/2016/12/14/ what-uber-nyc-tracking-folks-even-after-they-exit-ride/ |
12/14 | Having trouble hailing that taxi? This could be why | Science | http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/11/having-trouble-hailing-taxi-could-be-why | |
12//14 | SFMTA Blaming Uber And Lyft Drivers For Traffic Congestion | 5KPIX | http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2016/12/13/ sfmta-blaming-uber-and-lyft-drivers-for-traffic-congestion/ |
12/14 | Uber Is Watching You, Say Former Employees | Inc. | http://www.inc.com/tess-townsend/uber-employees-tracking-features.html | |
12/14 | Taxi industry wants background checks for ride-sharing drivers | Buffalo News | http://buffalonews.com/2016/12/13/taxi-industry- wants-fingerprinting-for-ride-sharing-drivers/ |
12/14 | Uber encrypts its computers from afar when the government raids its offices, a lawsuit claims | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/uber-encrypts- company-computers-during-raids-lawsuit-claims-2016-12 |
12/14 | Uber has lost three of its top self-driving engineers | recode | http://www.recode.net/2016/12/12/13920558/uber-self-driving-cmu-top-engineers-leave | |
12/14 | Google is reportedly shelving its plan to put self-driving cars on the road | TNW | http://thenextweb.com/google/2016/12/13/google-not-building-self-driving-cars/ | |
12/14 | Uber allegedly spied on celebrities like Beyoncé for years | N.Y.Post | http://nyp.st/2hJd1eK | |
12/14 | Think you're still in the 1%? In NYC, the bar has been raised | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20161213/BLOGS01/ 161219972/think-youre-still-in-the-1-in-nyc-the-bar-has-been-raised |
12/14 | How Sweden Has Redesigned Streets To Route Around Bad Human Behavior | fastcoexist.com | https://www.fastcoexist.com/3066435/how-sweden- has-redesigned-streets-to-route-around-bad-human-behavior |
12/13 | MTA quietly tests taxis and Uber to provide car services for disabled | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20161212/ NEWS/161219992?utm_campaign=socialflow& utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social |
12/13 | Uber said it protects you from spying. Security sources say otherwise | Reveal News | https://www.revealnews.org/article/uber-said- it-protects-you-from-spying-security-sources-say-otherwise/ |
12/13 | City Plans to Give Private Car-Sharing Companies Reserved Street Parking | dnainfo | https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20161212/ washington-heights/zipcar-street-parking-dot-plan?utm_source= |
12/13 | NYS Exposed: Taxi drivers say Uber drivers should be fingerprinted, held to same standards | WHEC | http://www.whec.com/news/uber-driver-regulations/4342800/ | |
12/13 | In New York City, a Traffic Nightmare Awaits With Trump as President | NEWSMAX | http://www.newsmax.com/US/new-york-city- traffic-woes-donald-trump/2016/12/12/id/763554/ |
12/13 | Cuomo in talks over Uber, ride-sharing bill | WGRZ | http://www.wgrz.com/news/local/lawmakers- cuomo-in-talks-over-ride-sharing-bill/368641398 |
12/13 | Driving Lyft Has Its Rewards, But Not In The Bank Account | bullshitist | https://bullshit.ist/driving-lyft-has-its-rewards- but-not-in-the-bank-account-2ada3f19dc36#.f5db76h3z |
12/13 | Tax office announces crackdown on Uber and other ride-sharing services | the guardian | https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/dec/13/tax- office-announces-crackdown-on-uber-and-other-ride-sharing-services |
12/12 | EXCLUSIVE: Uber to air million dollar TV ad in hopes of pressuring N.Y. lawmakers to expand service upstate | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/uber-air-tv- ad-sway-n-y-pols-expand-service-upstate-article-1.2907352 |
12/12 | Uber guidelines crackdown on drunk passengers | N.Y.Post | http://nyp.st/2gAw8cU | |
12/12 | Montreal cabbie, 77, struggles to retire as ride-hailing apps devalue taxi permits | CTV | http://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/montreal-cabbie-77- struggles-to-retire-as-ride-hailing-apps-devalue-taxi-permits-1.3198233 |
12/12 | Uber Drivers’ Harsh Conditions Detailed in British Government Report | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/12/11/uber-driver-frank-field-uk/ | |
12/12 | S. Korea to implement pilot project for hydrogen-powered EV taxis for 1st time | yonhapnews | http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/national/2016/12/12/89/ 0302000000AEN20161212005300315F.html |
12/11 | Cuomo puts Uber in Upstate on Albany special session wish list | NYup.com | http://www.newyorkupstate.com/news/2016/12/cuomo_puts_ uber_in_upstate_on_albany_special_session_wish_list.html |
12/11 | The longest ride in Uber history | N.Y.POST | http://nyp.st/2gxd9zZ | |
12/11 | Driving for Uber, sleeping in her car | VICE NEWS | https://news.vice.com/story/uber-driver-live-in-car | |
12/11 | Accessible for-hire vehicles on the road, and soon | N.Y. Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/accessible- for-hire-vehicles-road-article-1.2905363 |
12//11 | Long Beach Airport isn't ready to give Uber and Lyft a green light | L. A. Times | http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-travel-briefcase-long-beach-20161210-story.html | |
12/11 | New Uber privacy policy making customers uneasy | KRQE | http://krqe.com/2016/12/10/new-uber-privacy-policy-making-customers-uneasy/ | |
12/11 | Killeen City Council looks to regulate Uber, Deregulate City Cabs | KCEN-TV | http://www.kcentv.com/news/local/killeen-city- council-looks-to-regulate-uber-deregulate-city-cabs/367761708 |
12/10 | Uber cherry picks data from study about drunken driving | POLITIFACT | http://www.politifact.com/new-york/statements/2016/dec/09/ uber/uber-cherry-picks-data-study-about-drunken-driving/ |
12/10 | Uber tells passengers to quit using Uber Pool as a hook-up service | QUARTZ | http://qz.com/858841/uber-tells-passengers-to- quit-using-uber-pool-as-a-hook-up-service/ |
12/10 | Is Uber getting too vital to fail? | BBC | http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-38252405 | |
12/10 | Uber Now Bans Flirting in Its Vehicles. Will That Stop Creepy Drivers? | slate.com | http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2016/12/09/uber_now_ bans_flirting_in_its_vehicles_will_that_stop_creepy_drivers.html |
12/10 | Second Avenue subway opening makes a big impact on home sales | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20161209/REAL_ESTATE/161209865/ second-avenue-subway-opening-makes-a-big-impact-on-home-sales |
12/9 | Port Authority split on 10-year plan, New York bus terminal | JUNO | http://www.startjuno.com/news/read/category/News/article/the_ associated_press-rifts_evident_as_port_authority_wrestles_over_10ye-ap |
12/9 | Uber May Have Just Driven Itself Out of a Big Loophole | WIRED | https://www.wired.com/2016/12/uber-may-just-driven-big-loophole/ | |
12/9 | Fine print alert! | ExpertClick | http://www.expertclick.com/NewsRelease/Oooooh-Sneaky-Uber,201693945.aspx | |
12/9 | Uber Case-Status of UK Uber drivers | JDSUPRA | http://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/uber-case-status-of-uk-uber-drivers-99109/ | |
12/9 | Uber, Lyft announce 70 statewide business supporters | timesunion | http://blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archives/270034/ uber-lyft-announces-70-statewide-business-supporters/ |
12/9 | Lyft, Uber prime time a rip-off | AZTEC PRESS | http://aztecpressonline.com/2016/12/lyft-uber-prime-time-a-rip-off/ | |
12/9 | Done Deal: City Council Okays a Four Year Contract With Uber, Lyft | WOAI | http://woai.iheart.com/articles/local-news-119078/ done-deal-city-council-okays-a-15373466/ |
12/9 | NY Gov. Cuomo: Uber expansion would be good for upstate | PIX-11 | http://pix11.com/2016/12/09/ny-gov-cuomo-uber-expansion-would-be-good-for-upstate/ | |
12/9 | Cuomo Unsure If Ride-Hailing Will Be Included In Budge | Time Warner | http://www.nystateofpolitics.com/2016/12/ cuomo-unsure-if-ride-hailing-will-be-included-in-budget/ |
12/8 | Taxi Tablets With Mobile Apps to Launch in New York City | Advertising Age | http://adage.com/article/digital/taxi-tablets-mobile-apps-launch-york-city/307053/ | |
12/8 | Erie County unanimously passes 2017 budget with few changes from Poloncarz proposal | WBFO | http://news.wbfo.org/post/erie-county-unanimously- passes-2017-budget-few-changes-poloncarz-proposal |
12/8 | 51 Law Professors Join Fight Against Arbitration in Uber Price-Fixing Case | New York Law Journal | http://www.newyorklawjournal.com/this-weeks-news/id=1202774152389/51-Law- Professors-Join-Fight-Against-Arbitration-in-Uber-PriceFixing- Case?mcode=1202615036097&curindex=2&slreturn=20161108073929 |
12/8 | Taxi surge pricing, discounted rides could be coming to San Antonio | San Antonio Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/sanantonio/news /2016/12/07/taxi-surge-pricing-and-discounted-rides-could-be.html |
12/8 | As taxi permit value drops, Quebec looking at ways to help drivers | CTV | http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/as-taxi-permit-value- drops-quebec-looking-at-ways-to-help-drivers-1.3193551 |
12/8 | Can Uber win in India after China loss | CNBC | http://www.cnbc.com/2016/12/07/can-uber-win-in-india-after-china-loss.html | |
12/8 | Lawyers who sued Uber over service animals will get $2.38M fee award | arsTECHNICA | http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/12/lawyers- who-sued-uber-over-service-animals-will-get-2-38m-fee-award/ |
12/8 | Uber wants Pennsylvania to delay rules for driverless cars | The Mercury News | http://www.mercurynews.com/2016/12/07/ uber-wants-pennsylvania-to-delay-rules-for-driverless-cars/ |
12/7 | Rochester green lights Uber service | POSTBULLETIN | http://www.postbulletin.com/news/local/rochester-green- lights-uber-service/article_596534d7-0331-53fe-bcf2-fa25f97da6e2.html |
12/7 | Uber is losing $2 billion a year, new report says, with passengers paying for only 41% of each ride | San Francisco Business Times | http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/news/2016/12/02/uber-losses.html | |
12/7 | Uber to resume operations today in Calgary under newly amended bylaw | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/ uber-calgary-resume-announcement-live-1.3883348 |
12/7 | Uber, Lyft poach passengers, cash away from BART's SFO line | San Francisco Business Times | http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/news/2016/12/06/uber-lyft-bart-sfo.html | |
12/7 | Texas to Reexamine Regulating Uber, Lyft Statewide | Time Warner | http://www.twcnews.com/tx/austin/news/2016/12/6/ texas-to-reexamine-regulating-uber--lyft-statewide.html |
12/7 | Uber drivers face RM3.5b fines in Taiwan | The Malaysian Reserve | http://themalaysianreserve.com/new/story/uber-drivers-face-rm35b-fines-taiwan | |
12/7 | Riders React To New Uber Feature, Tracking Your Location After Your Ride | CBS | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/12/05/new-uber-feature/ | |
12/7 | Group: NY police chiefs should support fingerprint background checks for Uber drivers | auburnpub.com | http://auburnpub.com/blogs/eye_on_ny/group-ny-police-chiefs-should-support- fingerprint-background-checks-for/article_2416e2c7-b3cf-52eb-a46a-5c600d2e0dfb.html |
12/7 | Erie Co. to spend $100K to bring Uber/Lyft to WNY | WGRZ | http://www.wgrz.com/news/erie-co-to-spend-100k-to-bring-uberlyft-to-wny/364317925 | |
12/6 | Uber, NYC at odds over data collection for new safety rule | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/uber-nyc-at-odds- over-data-collection-for-new-safety-rule-1.12707850 |
12/6 | Taxi owners competing against Uber, Lyft want state to pay up | myAJC | http://www.myajc.com/news/news/transportation/ taxi-owners-competing-against-uber-lyft-want-state/ntJ4R/ |
12/6 | Uber Bets on Artificial Intelligence With Acquisition and New Lab | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/05/technology/uber- bets-on-artificial-intelligence-with-acquisition-and-new-lab.html |
12/6 | Uber Drivers Face $780,000 Fines as Taiwan Opposition Grows | Bloomberg | https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-12-06/ uber-drivers-face-780-000-fines-as-taiwan-lawmakers-get-tough |
12/6 | Kx Streaming Analytics Crunches 1.2 Billion NYC Taxi Data Points using Intel Xeon Phi | Inside HPC | http://insidehpc.com/2016/12/kx-streaming-analytics-demo-easily- crunches-1-2-billion-nyc-taxi-data-points-using-standard-intel-xeon-phi-platform/ |
12/6 | Chicago City Council might ban autonomous cars | cnet | https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/ chicago-city-council-might-ban-autonomous-cars/ |
12/6 | Uber in Upstate: Why ridesharing services are still illegal in Ithaca | WICB | https://wicb.org/2016/12/ride-sharing-services-possible-for-ithacas-future/ | |
12/6 | Trump's not moving from Fifth Avenue, so NYPD acts to end gridlock | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20161205/BLOGS04/161209931/trumps- not-moving-from-fifth-avenue-so-nypd-acts-to-end-gridlock#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20161205 |
12/5 | Uber’s NY executive to drivers: No more price cuts | RECODE | http://www.recode.net/2016/12/4/13835514/uber-drivers-new-york-fare-cuts-josh-mohrer | |
12/5 | New York police chiefs want ride-sharing services in upstate to help reduce drunk driving | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ police-chiefs-uber-upstate-curb-drunk-driving-article-1.2898729 |
12/5 | The Uber Cases: The Legal Canary in the Economic Goldmine | American Thinker | http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/12/ the_uber_cases_the_legal_canary_in_the_economic_goldmine.html |
12/5 | How Otto defied Nevada and scored a $680 million payout from Uber | BUSINESS INSIDER | http://www.businessinsider.com/how-otto-defied- nevada-scored-a-680-million-payout-from-uber-2016-11 |
12/5 | New Uber update prompts 'big brother' feeling among some users | NYC | http://www.nbc-2.com/story/33862742/new-uber- update-prompts-big-brother-feeling-among-some-users |
12/5 | Did Uber help drivers break the law in Denmark? | DIGITAL TRENDS | http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/uber-break-law-denmark/ | |
12/5 | Up Close: NYC steps up Vision Zero program to reduce traffic deaths | ABC7 | http://abc7ny.com/news/up-close-nyc-steps-up-vision-zero-program-/1639130/ | |
12/5 | Here's How BMW Plans to Outpace Uber | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/12/05/bmw-ride-hailing-uber-self-driving/ | |
12/4 | The real reason for New York City's traffic nightmare | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2h49Sd0 | |
12/4 | People are getting sick of working in the “sharing” economy | QUARTZ | http://qz.com/837237/people-are-getting-sick-of-working-in-the-sharing-economy/ | |
12/4 | Ford to build fleet of self-driving taxis that will drive around cities by 2021 and kill Uber | INDEPENDENT | http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/ ford-to-build-fleet-of-self-driving-taxis-that-will-drive-around- cities-by-2021-and-kill-uber-a7195241.html?amp |
12/4 | Uber prices will quadruple - expert | NZ Hearald | http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11760148 | |
12/4 | Uber threatens to pull out of Maryland if state requires fingerprint-based background checks | The Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/uber-is-threatening- to-leave-maryland-if-state-toughens-driver-screening-rules/2016/12/03/1080b1b2- | |
12/4 | Department Of Transportation Debuts Pedestrian Plaza At Chaotic Bushwick Intersection | Gothamist | http://gothamist.com/2016/12/03/department_of_transportation_ debuts.php?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds |
12/3 | Uber knows where you go, even after ride is over | arstechnica | http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/12/uber-now- tracks-you-after-ride-ends-before-it-begins/?comments=1 |
12/3 | Taxi industry crying foul, claims Uber license granted without notice | MONTREAL GAZETTE | http://montrealgazette.com/business/taxi-industry- crying-foul-over-uber-license-granted-without-notice?__lsa=22cd-5831 |
12/3 | Uber is losing $2 billion a year, new report says, with passengers paying for only 41% of each ride | San Francisco Business times | http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/news/2016/12/02/uber-losses.html | |
12/3 | Denmark Files Charges Against Uber Over 'Illegal' Business | ABC NEWS | http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/ denmark-files-charges-uber-illegal-business-43923539 |
12/2 | Can Uber Ever Deliver? Part Two: Understanding Uber’s Uncompetitive Costs | Naked Capitalism | http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2016/12/can-uber-ever- deliver-part-two-understanding-ubers-uncompetitive-costs.html |
12/2 | How Ruling Uber as a Transportation Company Will Affect Uber Drivers | PASTE | https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2016/11/ how-the-ruling-on-uber-as-transportation-company-w.html |
12/2 | Uber announces it's hiking fare prices in France | THE LOCAL | http://www.thelocal.fr/20161201/uber-announces-price-rise-in-france | |
12/2 | Michigan-Senate passes bills to regulate Uber, Lyft like taxis, limousines | Detroit Free Press | http://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/2016/12/01/ bills-pass-regulate-uber-lyft-like-taxis-limousines/94726598/ |
12/2 | Before Raping Passenger, Uber Driver Harassed Other Riders: Prosecutors | dnainfo | https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20161201/ boystown/uber-driver-rape-prior-complaints-sexual-questions |
12/2 | Classifying Uber's Business Model Is a Complicated Affair | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/12/01/classifying-uber/ | |
12/2 | Uber Now Tracks Passengers' Locations Even After They're Dropped Off | npr | http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/12/01/503985473/ uber-now-tracks-passengers-locations-even-after-theyre-dropped-off |
12/1 | EXCLUSIVE: Woman says Uber driver kidnapped her, refused to drop her at UES destination | PIX-11 | http://pix11.com/2016/11/30/exclusive-woman-says- uber-driver-kidnapped-her-refused-to-drop-her-at-ues-destination/ |
12/1 | In veto message, Cuomo pushes for ride-hailing bill in state budget | Times Union | http://blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archives/269707/ in-veto-message-cuomo-pushes-for-ride-hailing-bill-in-state-budget/ |
12/1 | EU court will resolve Uber's identity crisis | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-wp-blm-uber- eu-comment-713e7c14-b716-11e6-939c-91749443c5e5-20161130-story.html |
12/1 | Uber, Lyft drivers to undergo 'toughest' background checks in US | Economic Times | http://auto.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/aftermarket/ uber-lyft-drivers-to-undergo-toughest-background-checks-in-us/55684511 |
12/1 | Uber is running scared of Juno, a NYC competitor that's kicking its ass | boingboing | https://boingboing.net/2016/11/29/uber-is-running-scared-of-juno.html | |
MEDIA NEWS STORIES-November 2016 | ||||
11/30 | Uber, Seeking to Expand, Defends Itself at Europe’s Highest Court | N.Y. Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/29/technology/uber-europe-court.html | |
11/30 | If Ridesharing Is Inevitable in Buffalo, City Must Be Ready – Councilmember | Time Warner Cable | http://www.twcnews.com/nys/buffalo/news/ 2016/11/29/buffalo-uber-lyft-ridesharing.html |
11/30 | Uber Drivers, Other Workers Protest For $15 Minimum Wage | npr | http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/11/29/503719171/ uber-drivers-other-workers-protest-for-15-minimum-wage |
11/30 | What Trump's Secretary of Transportation Could Mean for Uber and Lyft | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/11/29/elaine-chao-transportation-uber-lyft/ | |
11/30 | John Tomassi - Upstate Transportation Association | WIBX | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCcxjoLseMY | |
11/30 | Dreaded by Drivers, Brooklyn-Queens Expressway Is Set for Repairs | N.Y. Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/28/nyregion/dreaded- by-drivers-brooklyn-queens-expressway-is-set-for-repairs.html?_r=0 |
11/30 | Safety in numbers: TrafficStat shows the way to Vision Zero | N.Y. Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/safety- numbers-trafficstat-shows-vision-zero-article-1.2891836 |
11/29 | MTA Subway Service: Fare Hike Will Increase Costs By Four Percent In 2017 Because Of Construction, Debt | International Business Times | http://www.ibtimes.com/mta-subway-service-fare- hike-will-increase-costs-four-percent-2017-because-2447935 |
11/29 | Uber drivers demand higher pay in nationwide protest | c/net | https://www.cnet.com/news/uber-drivers-demand-better-pay-in-nation-wide-protest/ | |
11/29 | Buffalo Councilman takes big step in Uber battle | WKBW | http://www.wkbw.com/news/buffalo-councilman-takes-big-step-in-uber-battle | |
11/29 | Airbnb settles lawsuit with state of New York | Buying Business Travel | https://buyingbusinesstravel.com/news/2326534-airbnb-settles-lawsuit-state-new-york | |
11/29 | San Francisco's largest taxi company up for sale | SFGATE | http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/ San-Francisco-s-largest-taxi-company-up-for-sale-10633301.php |
11/29 | Calgary passes Uber-enabling bylaw, releases 222 taxi plates | metro | http://www.metronews.ca/news/calgary/2016/11/28/ calgary-passes-uber-enabling-bylaw-releases-taxi-plates.html |
11/29 | Massachusetts Uber, Lyft screenings called toughest in US | San Francisco Chronicle | http://www.sfchronicle.com/news/us/article/ Uber-Lyft-regs-in-Massachusetts-called-toughest-10639836.php |
11/29 | Uber is deactivating New York drivers for ‘advertising’ for rival Juno | recode | http://www.recode.net/2016/11/28/13768756/ uber-driver-deactivation-juno-advertising-new-york |
11/28 | In Europe, Is Uber a Transportation Service or a Digital Platform? | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/27/technology/uber-europe-court-ecj.html?_r=1 | |
11/28 | The Uber controversy | The Daily Star | http://dev.thedailystar.net/bytes/the-uber-controversy-1321321 | |
11/28 | Fight vs Uber, NY Taxi Alliance 11 21 16 | archive.org | https://archive.org/details/NYTaxiAlliance112116 | |
11/28 | Uber Prepares Its Biggest Argument Yet: It’s Not a Taxi or Transport Company | Skift | https://skift.com/2016/11/27/uber-prepares-its-biggest- argument-yet-its-not-a-taxi-or-transport-company/ |
11/28 | Uber drivers in U.S. cities to join planned worker protests | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-wages-uber-idUSKBN13N0S6 | |
11/28 | City’s big retail day turns into opportunity for 35,000 parking tickets | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2fS5Q3g | |
11/27 | Is Uber a ‘digital service’ or a transport company? | ANDROID AUTHORITY | http://www.androidauthority.com/uber-digital-service-transport-company-732212/ | |
11/27 | London's Uber-regulating bylaw will allow surge pricing | Western Gazette | http://www.westerngazette.ca/news/london-s-uber-regulating-bylaw-will- allow-surge-pricing/article_4a9408da-b2cb-11e6-86c5-37e2ad417e0d.html |
11/27 | How Indonesian Go-Jek is beating Uber | Jakarta Post | http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/11/26/ how-indonesian-go-jek-beating-uber.html |
11/26 | Uber in landmark court battle on Tuesday to escape strict rules | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/us-uber-tech-spain-court-idUSKBN13K23V | |
11/26 | Bangladesh says Uber 'illegal', days after launch | PHYS.ORG | http://phys.org/news/2016-11-bangladesh-uber-illegal-days.html | |
11/26 | Missouri Uber regulations means drivers must be licensed in each city | KOMU | http://www.komu.com/news/missouri-uber- regulations-means-drivers-must-be-licensed-in-each-city |
11/26 | 11 Investigates: Could a self-driving Uber be targeted by hackers? | WPXI | http://www.wpxi.com/news/investigates/11-investigates- could-a-self-driving-uber-be-targeted-by-hackers/462499562 |
11/26 | Uber picks up support from black clergy | timesunion | http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/ Uber-picks-up-support-from-black-clergy-10636918.php |
11/25 | Gov't wants phone makers to lock out most apps for drivers | YAHOO | https://www.yahoo.com/tech/govt-wants-phone-makers-lock-150917739.html | |
11/25 | Taxi driver loses license for allegedly hitting passenger | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2gFDltv | |
11/25 | 13CABS launches new app, booking system | ITWIRE | http://www.itwire.com/business-software/75899- 13cabs-launches-new-app,-booking-system.html |
11/25 | Resort city of Cancun rounds up dozens of Uber cars | CNBC | http://www.cnbc.com/2016/11/23/resort-city- of-cancun-rounds-up-dozens-of-uber-cars.html |
11/25 | Uber and Lyft criticize new Seattle proposal to decide which drivers could vote to unionize | GeekWire | http://www.geekwire.com/2016/seattle-releases-proposal-for-which- drivers-get-a-say-in-unionizing-under-historic-uber-collective-bargaining-law/ |
11/25 | Uber Driver Under Investigation after Woman’s ‘Creepy’ Ride | FOX 40 | http://fox40.com/2016/11/24/uber-driver-under-investigation-after-womans-creepy-ride/ | |
11/25 | Cab Driver Who Challenged Constitutionality of ROW Law Pleads Guilty | STREETSBLOG NYC | http://www.streetsblog.org/2016/11/22/cab-driver-who-challenged-constitutionality-of-row-law-pleads-guilty/ | |
11/24 | Cab Driver Who Challenged Constitutionality of ROW Law Pleads Guilty | STREETSBLOG NYC | http://www.streetsblog.org/2016/11/22/cab-driver- who-challenged-constitutionality-of-row-law-pleads-guilty/ |
11/24 | Police: Woman Fights Off Uber Driver’s Sexual Advances | CBS Pittsburg | http://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2016/11/23/ police-woman-fights-off-uber-drivers-sexual-advances/ |
11/24 | What’s Next For S.F. Taxi Industry? | KQED | https://ww2.kqed.org/news/2016/11/23/whats-next-for-s-f-taxi-industry/ | |
11/24 | Another charge for fliers: Airport fee on taking a taxi | Portland Press Herald | http://www.pressherald.com/2016/11/22/ another-charge-for-fliers-airport-fee-on-taking-a-taxi/ |
11/24 | Rochester council deadlocks on vote to allow Uber, Lyft | Austin Daily Hearald | http://www.austindailyherald.com/2016/11/ rochester-council-deadlocks-on-vote-to-allow-uber-lyft/ |
11/24 | Uber drivers fired in New York can now appeal before a panel of their peers | QUARTZ | http://qz.com/843967/uber-drivers-fired-in-new-york- can-now-appeal-before-a-panel-of-their-peers/ |
11/23 | FBI arrests Brooklyn Uber driver who joined ISIS in hopes of planning Nice-style terror attack in Times Square | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/fbi-arrests- brooklyn-man-joined-isis-hoped-attack-nyc-article-1.2882425 |
11/23 | Leading taxi lender sees better times amid the gloom | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20161122/TRANSPORTATION/161129973 | |
11/23 | Uber policy change will allow non-violent ex-cons to take the wheel | NY POST | http://nyp.st/2fBTA6T | |
11/23 | Lyft named in class action suit alleging passengers were overcharged for toll fees | Legal News Line | http://legalnewsline.com/stories/511012182-lyft-named- in-class-action-suit-alleging-passengers-were-overcharged-for-toll-fees |
11/23 | Rochester-Taxis want fair treatment with Uber in town | POST BULLETIN | http://www.postbulletin.com/news/local/taxis-want-fair-treatment- with-uber-in-town/article_8880fcc3-169e-565c-b779-d3759dc43c79.html |
11/23 | SEX DRIVE Uber to employ former PROSTITUTES and other ex-criminals as taxi drivers | THE SUN | https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2237459/uber-to-employ- former-prostitutes-and-other-ex-criminals-as-taxi-drivers/ |
11/23 | Tired of travel fees? Here's a charge you may be unaware of | YAHOO | http://finance.yahoo.com/news/add-fee-cost-flying-hailing- airport-taxi-050233210.html?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma |
11/22 | New Taxi Hailing App Offers Ride Sharing Alternative | prweb | http://www.prweb.com/releases/2016/11/prweb13859087.htm | |
11/22 | Uber wants to make sure you don’t get scammed at the airport | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2fzQK2g | |
11/22 | Hazards for Hire: Recalls ignored by taxis, Uber and Lyft | WTSP | http://www.wtsp.com/news/investigations/hazards- for-hire-recalls-getting-ignored-by-taxis-uber-and-lyft/354517072 |
11/22 | Car Service Driver Tried to Join ISIS, Talked About Wanting to Attack Times Square: Officials | NBC New York | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/investigations/Nice-Attack- Times-Square-New-York-City-Attack-Mohamed-Rafik-Naji-402298375.html |
11/22 | Uber gently reminds users they've waived the right to sue | cnet.com | https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/did-uber- drivers-passengers-just-lose-the-right-to-sue/ |
11/21 | Subways are New York’s biggest death trap | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2g9y4Ki | |
11/21 | MTA Subway Service: Fare Hike Will Increase Costs By Four Percent In 2017 Because Of Construction, Debt | nternational Business Times | http://www.ibtimes.com/mta-subway-service-fare- hike-will-increase-costs-four-percent-2017-because-2447935 |
11/21 | Noose tightens round Uber | Electronics Weekly | http://www.electronicsweekly.com/news/business/noose-tightens-round-uber-2016-11/ | |
11/21 | 2017 New York City Taxi Drivers Calendar | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/2017- new-york-city-taxi-drivers-calendar-gallery-1.2874161 |
11/21 | One of Britain's biggest unions is ratcheting up its war on Uber | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/gmb-asks-hmrc- investigate-uber-minimum-wage-taxes-2016-11?r=UK&IR=T |
11/21 | Shadow Minister for Labour Jack Dromey attacks Uber for its 'disreputable' business model | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/interview-labour-shadow-minister- jack-dromey-mp-uber-workers-rights-gig-economy-2016-11?r=UK&IR=T |
11/20 | Get ready for Trump-lock: How NYC can deal with the traffic nightmare that will come with the President-elect | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc- solve-traffic-woes-trump-presidency-article-1.2874572 |
11/20 | Rule-breakers bring dark side to ride-share culture | StarTribune | http://www.startribune.com/rule-breakers- bring-dark-side-to-ride-share-culture/402072965/ |
11/20 | Uber’s Challenge… Replacing Rental Cars | BARRON'S | http://www.barrons.com/articles/ubers-challengereplacing-rental-cars-1479398520 | |
11/20 | Uber Shows That The Future Is Driverless, But Why? | Forbes | http://www.forbes.com/sites/ryanwibberley/2016/11/15/uber- is-showing-us-that-the-future-is-driverless-but-why/#ae371f5f20c8 |
11/20 | Woman sues Uber driver after sexual assault charges dropped | Chicago Sun Times | http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/woman-sues- uber-driver-after-sexual-assault-charges-dropped/ |
11/19 | Uber declared an illegal taxi service by Danish high court | The Telegraph | http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/19/ uber-declared-an-illegal-taxi-service-by-danish-high-court/ |
11/19 | Uber relaunches #NYNeedsUber campaign | Rochester Business Journal | http://www.rbj.net/article.asp?aID=237059 | |
11/19 | Uber, Lyft can pick up at airport, if they drug test | The Desert Sun | http://www.desertsun.com/story/news/politics/politicalinsider /2016/11/17/uber-lyft-can-pick-up-airport-if-they-drug-test/94019398/ |
11/19 | Taxi committee wants more cabs on the street before Uber arrives | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/taxi-committee- wants-more-cabs-on-the-street-before-uber-arrives-1.3858753 |
11/19 | Why the future of car companies like Uber is driverless, ride- hailing and electric | EVENING STANDARD | http://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/motors/why- the-future-of-cars-is-driverless-ridehailing-and-electric-a3399006.html |
11/19 | Danish high court convicts, fines Uber driver for lacking taxi permits | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/us-uber-denmark-idUSKBN13D1CP | |
11/19 | Uber wants to come back to Austin | Austin Monitor | http://www.austinmonitor.com/stories/2016/11/uber-wants-come-back-austin/ | |
11/18 | Upstate Transportation Group: Fingerprint Uber Drivers | STATE OF POLITICS | http://www.nystateofpolitics.com/2016/11/taxi-group-fingerprint-uber-drivers/ | |
11/18 | Uber Says It Will Begin To Accept Drivers In Connecticut With Minor Criminal Records | Hartford Currant | http://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-uber- connecticut-criminal-records-1118-20161118-story.html |
11/18 | Huston reaches deal with Uber and announces new taxi app | Fox26 | http://www.fox26houston.com/news/local-news/217983727-story | |
11/18 | Olbermann Suggests Uber Boycott for Giuliani Association, Warns of ‘Concentration Camps’ for Illegals | breitbart.com | http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/11/17/olbermann-suggests- uber-boycott-giuliani-association-warns-concentration-camps-illegals/ |
11/17 | Uber Close to Settling Drivers’ Suit With Billions at Stake | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-16/uber- close-to-settling-drivers-lawsuit-with-billions-at-stake |
11/17 | Uber, Lyft fight fingerprinting requirement for drivers | THE BALTIMORE SUN | http://www.baltimoresun.com/business/bs-bz-uber-fingerprinting-hearing-20161116-story.html | |
11/17 | NY Gov. Cuomo: want Uber upstate? Call your lawmaker | SF Cronicle | http://www.sfchronicle.com/news/article/ NY-Gov-Cuomo-want-Uber-upstate-Call-your-10619836.php |
11/17 | What’s Keeping Uber and Airbnb From Going Public | SKIFT | https://skift.com/2016/11/16/whats-keeping-uber-and-airbnb-from-going-public/ | |
11/17 | Boston Commuters Outraged Over Uber Price Hike, MBTA Delays | WBZ | http://boston.cbslocal.com/2016/11/15/uber-surge-pricing-red-line-delays-mbta/ | |
11/17 | Uber Says Atlantic City’s Crackdown Could Drive Them Out Of NJ | CBS Philly | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/11/15/uber-atlantic-city-nj/ | |
11/17 | BMW confirms plan to launch Uber and Lyft rival in Seattle, expands ReachNow car-sharing to Brooklyn | GeekWire | http://www.geekwire.com/2016/bmw-launch-uber- lyft-competitor-seattle-launches-reachnow-car-sharing-brooklyn/ |
11/16 | Uber spent $750k lobbying New York legislators | syracuse.com | http://www.syracuse.com/state/index.ssf/2016/11/ uber_spent_750k_lobbying_state_legislators_during_session.html |
11/16 | Public Hearing Set On Oswego Taxi Law Plan | OSWEGO COUNTY TODAY | http://oswegocountytoday.com/public-hearing-set-on-oswego-taxi-law-plan/ | |
11/16 | Ride-sharing millennials crave car ownership after all | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2016/11/14/ride-sharing- millennials-crave-car-ownership-after-all/FTTEgE5kyZ4b8aCY7wbFdJ/story.html |
11/16 | PTC named in another lawsuit, this one challenging agreement with Uber, Lyft | Tampa Bay Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news/2016/11/15/ ptc-named-in-another-lawsuit-this-one-challenging.html |
11/16 | Taiwan asks Apple, Google to remove Uber apps | Focus Taiwan | http://focustaiwan.tw/news/asoc/201611150028.aspx | |
11/16 | Taxis want ride-sharing services to follow same rules | News Herald | http://www.newsherald.com/news/20161114/ taxis-want-ride-sharing-services-to-follow-same-rules |
11/15 | Uber Plans to Expand its Services in the Suburbs | TWB | http://www.theworldbeast.com/uber-plans-expand-services-suburbs.html | |
11/15 | Uber screening process drew scrutiny long before Kalamazoo shootings | The Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/uber-screening-process- drew-scrutiny-long-before-kalamazoo-shootings /2016/02/21/10741614-d8d7-11e5-891a-4ed04f4213e8_story.html |
11/15 | Fasten Raises $10M Series A to Up the Competition with Uber & Lyft | Bostino | http://bostinno.streetwise.co/2016/11/10/ uber-competitor-fasten-closes-10m-series-a-led-by-almaz-ufg/ |
11/15 | Uber Drivers Keep Getting Arrested In LAPD Sting Operations Funded By Taxi Industry | laist | http://laist.com/2016/11/14/uber_stings.php | |
11/15 | Bay Area mom describes days-long Uber customer service nightmare | SFGATE | http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/ Uber-user-s-customer-service-nightmare-10612080.php |
11/14 | Uber’s obligation: A growing fleet requires more disabled-access cars | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/uber-obligation-article-1.2869909 | |
11/14 | Former driver claims Uber is like a 'sweatshop' | Stuff | http://www.stuff.co.nz/motoring/news/86207327/ former-driver-claims-uber-is-like-a-sweatshop |
11/14 | Why The World’s Biggest Banks Don’t Want to Participate in Uber’s IPO | SKIFT | https://skift.com/2016/11/12/why-the-worlds-biggest- banks-dont-want-to-participate-in-ubers-ipo/ |
11/14 | An Open Breakup Letter to Lyft, Who Wouldn't Let My Service Dog in the Car | Yahoo | https://www.yahoo.com/style/open-breakup-letter-lyft-wouldnt-210000851.html | |
11/14 | City should cap ride-hail fleets | My San Antonio | http://www.mysanantonio.com/opinion/commentary/ article/City-should-cap-ride-hail-fleets-10608763.php |
11/14 | Lyft Says COO Tibbens Not Interested in Trump Cabinet Post | Bloomberg | https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-11/ lyft-says-coo-tibbens-not-interested-in-trump-cabinet-post |
11/14 | Uber drivers playing 'cat and mouse' in South Jersey | Press Of Atlantic City | http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/press/atlantic_city/uber-drivers-playing- cat-and-mouse-in-south-jersey/article_948c41a1-d344-50a1-91fb-1d57d8b5c4a0.html |
11/13 | A Taxi Driver’s Photos of New York | NY Times | http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/11/10/a-taxi-drivers-photos-of-new-york/?_r=0 | |
11/13 | Key West city leaders say Uber, rideshare programs needed | FLKEYSNEWS | http://www.flkeysnews.com/news/local/article114405643.html | |
11/13 | Key West city leaders say Uber, rideshare programs needed | NEWS SOURCE | LINK | |
11/13 | Banks Passed Up Uber Share Sale on Lack of Data | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-07/ banks-said-to-have-passed-up-uber-share-sale-on-lack-of-data |
11/13 | MIT & Uber Team Up to Investigate the Future of Urban Ride-Sharing | Bostinno | http://bostinno.streetwise.co/2016/11/11/uber-mit-research-on-future-city-transportation/ | |
11/13 | Uber, Lyft spur possible updates to taxi regulations in Fredericksburg | fredericksburg.com | http://www.fredericksburg.com/business/local_business/uber- lyft-spur-possible-updates-to-taxi-regulations-in-fredericksburg/ article_bbfec48d-4f35-5c12-bfd0-7c58c63865a9.html |
11/12 | New York City residents and tourists rely on yellow taxis around the clock, but many are moving on. | public.tableau.com | https://public.tableau.com/en-us/s/gallery/new-york-taxis | |
11/12 | A Would-Be Uber Rival’s $250 Million Taxi Ride to Nowhere | Bloomberg | https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-11/ a-would-be-uber-rival-s-250-million-taxi-ride-to-nowhere |
11/12 | New Orleans Considers Ride-Hailing App Surcharge | NEXT CITY | https://nextcity.org/daily/entry/new-orleans-ride-hailing-app-surcharge | |
11/11 | TLC wants citywide expansion for wheelchair- accessible taxi dispatches | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/tlc-wants-citywide- expansion-for-wheelchair-accessible-taxi-dispatches-1.12599179 |
11/11 | SoCal Uber Driver Accused Of Raping Unconscious Teen Girl | KPIX | http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2016/11/10/ uber-driver-accused-rape-teen-girl-orange-county/ |
11/11 | Philly Collects 1.4% From Ride-Sharing, Why Can’t Other Cities? | WSKG | http://wskgnews.org/post/philly-collects- 14-ride-sharing-why-can-t-other-cities#stream/0 |
11/10 | Queens taxi officials busted for allegedly embezzling more than $750G to pay off loans, buy cars | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/queens/queens-taxi- officials-busted-alleged-730g-scheme-article-1.2866854 |
11/10 | Cabbie illegally soliciting fares drags Port Authority cop after being busted | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2ferjWv | |
11/10 | Hillsborough reaches deal with Uber, Lyft | WTSP | http://www.wtsp.com/news/local/hillsborough-reaches-deal-with-uber-lyft/350501652 | |
11/10 | 10Investigates story prompts call to restrict taxi drivers' hours | WTSP | http://www.wtsp.com/news/investigations/10investigates- story-prompts-call-to-restrict-taxi-drivers-hours/350474504 |
11/10 | Don't vote against mass transit just because Uber is so cheap | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/11/8/13567466/ uber-lyft-cheap-mass-transit-ballot-measures |
11/10 | Britain leads the assault on the so-called “peer-to-peer” economy | NEWEUROPE | https://www.neweurope.eu/article/britain-leads-assault-called-peer-peer-economy/ | |
11/10 | London: Black cab drivers descend on Whitehall to call for inquiry into Transport for London | Evening Standard | http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/london-cabbies-descend- on-whitehall-in-protest-against-traffic-and-air-pollution-a3390321.html |
11/9 | Livery Cab Service in Brooklyn Trafficked Cocaine, Not Passengers, Prosecutors Say | NY1 | http://brooklyn.ny1.com/nyc/brooklyn/news/2016/11/7/livery-cab- service-in-brooklyn-trafficked-cocaine--not-passengers--prosecutors-say.html |
11/9 | Banks passed up Uber share sale on lack of data | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20161107/TECHNOLOGY/ 161109890/jpmorgan-chase-and-deutsche-passed-up-uber-share-sale-on-lack-of-data |
11/9 | The Reason Your Ubers Are Cheap As Hell Might Be The Reason They’re Getting Sued | postgradproblems | http://postgradproblems.com/uber-getting-sued/ | |
11/9 | Ensure the safety of upstate riders | timesunion | http://blog.timesunion.com/opinion/ensure-the-safety-of-upstate-riders/36728/ | |
11/9 | Legally blind woman says some Uber drivers refuse to give her rides | WBTV | http://www.wbtv.com/story/33653548/legally- blind-woman-says-some-uber-drivers-refuse-to-give-her-rides |
11/9 | UK Uber-rival Karhoo is dead | engadget | https://www.engadget.com/2016/11/08/rip-karhoo/ | |
11/9 | Taxi drivers protest against Uber in Brazil's capital | The San Francisco Chronicle | http://www.sfchronicle.com/news/world/article/ Taxi-drivers-protest-against-Uber-in-Brazil-10600941.php |
11/9 | Uber is so secretive about its finances, it spooked investment banks | THE BUSINESS JOURNALS | http://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/news/2016/11/08/ uber-is-so-secretive-about-its-finances-it-spooked.html |
11/9 | Portland man gets $140 Uber charge for East Coast ride he didn't take | NWCN | http://www.nwcn.com/news/investigations/portland- man-gets-surprise-140-uber-bill-after-account-hack/349510585 |
11/8 | Uber 'Insulting' Wheelchair Users With Inaccessible Cars, Disabled Man Says | dnainfo | https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20161107/west-farms/ uber-wheelchair-accessible-taxis-dustin-jones-human-rights-commission |
11/8 | Uber tribunal decision could have "huge" implications for Watford businesses | REVIEW | http://www.stalbansreview.co.uk/watford/14842506.Uber_tribunal_ decision_could_have__huge__implications_for_Watford_businesses/ |
11/8 | 45,000 Uber and Lyft drivers may now operate in SF | San Francisco Examiner | http://www.sfexaminer.com/45000-uber-lyft-drivers- may-now-operate-san-francisco-drivers-continue-multiply/ |
11/8 | Taxi drivers to bring central London to standstill in protests over Uber | THE SUN | https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2136179/ taxi-drivers-central-london-standstill-protests-uber/ |
11/7 | Man pees in Lyft before punching driver and making off with car | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2eM2Uob | |
11/7 | With updated app, Uber hopes to access users' phone contacts | Arkansas Online | http://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2016/nov/07/ with-updated-app-uber-hopes-to-access-u/?f=business |
11/7 | Proposed legislation clarifies insurance rules for Uber, Lyft | CRAIN'S DETROIT BUSINESS | http://www.crainsdetroit.com/article/20161106/BLOG020/161109904/ proposed-legislation-clarifies-insurance-rules-for-uber-lyft |
11/7 | Uber’s Record of Disability Discrimination Is Appalling | Care2 | http://www.care2.com/causes/ubers-record- of-disability-discrimination-is-appalling.html |
11/7 | Letter to Uber | lawyerscommittee.org | https://lawyerscommittee.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Letter-to-Uber-11-04-2016.pdf | |
11/6 | USING UBER WHILE BLACK—NEW SERVICE, SAME DISCRIMINATION | Newsweek | http://www.newsweek.com/uber-while-black- new-technology-same-discrimination-517285 |
11/6 | Ride-Hailing Apps: New Economy, Same Invisible Discrimination | KUOW.ORG | http://kuow.org/post/ride-sharing-apps-new-economy-same-invisible-discrimination | |
11/6 | Uber Settles Lawsuit Over Sexual Assaults | Courthouse News Service | http://www.courthousenews.com/2016/11/04/ uber-settles-lawsuit-over-sexual-assaults.htm |
11/5 | Driverless cabs could lure transit riders, choking streets with traffic | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20161025/TECHNOLOGY/161029910 | |
11/5 | British Uber drivers are entitled to minimum wage and holiday pay, tribunal rules | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/british-uber-drivers- entitled-to-minimum-wage-holiday-pay-lodon-tribunal-rules-2016-10 |
11/5 | Uber tribunal judges criticise 'fictions' and 'twisted language' | theguardian | https://www.theguardian.com/technology /2016/oct/28/uber-tribunal-judges-fictions-twisted-language-appeal |
11/5 | Palm Springs asks Uber, Lyft to submit to drug testing | The Desert Sun | http://www.desertsun.com/story/news/local/palm- springs/2016/11/03/palm-springs-asks-uber-lyft-submit-drug-testing/93205396/ |
11/5 | Judge rules Uber, Lyft regulatory data not public | the oregorian | http://www.oregonlive.com/commuting/ index.ssf/2016/11/judge_rules_uber_lyft_regulato.html |
11/5 | How Uber Drivers Might Be Ripping You Off | stamford advocate | http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/article/ How-Uber-Drivers-Might-Be-Ripping-You-Off-10591244.php |
11/5 | Uber’s Discrimination Problem Is Bad News for Public Transit | WIRED | https://www.wired.com/2016/11/ubers-discrimination-problem-bad-news-public-transit/ | |
11/5 | NLRB argues against Uber | Politico | http://www.politico.com/tipsheets/morning- shift/2016/11/nlrb-argues-against-uber-217214 |
11/5 | Taxi Owners' Roadblocks Un-Fare | heritage.org | http://www.heritage.org/research/commentary/2016/11/taxi-owners-roadblocks-unfare | |
11/5 | The Cities Where Gig Economy is Taking Off Fastest | fastcoexist.com | https://www.fastcoexist.com/3064647/the- cities-where-the-gig-economy-is-taking-off-fastest |
11/5 | Uber Sued For “Illegal Strategies” | SAV FRANCISCO NEWS | http://www.thesfnews.com/uber-sued-flywheel-taxi-illegal-strategies/29477 | |
11/4 | Dollar van’ crackdown coming | Brooklyn Paper | http://www.brooklynpaper.com/stories/39/45/ mm-flatbush-avenue-dollar-van-crackdown-2016-11-04-bk.html |
11/4 | Senator Franken wants answers from Uber, Lyft | KFGO | http://kfgo.com/news/articles/2016/nov/03/ mn-senator-franken-wants-answers-from-uber-lyft/ |
11/4 | Letter To US Uber and Lyft Concerning Discrimination | franken.senate.gov | http://www.franken.senate.gov/files/letter/161102_UberLyft.pdf | |
11/4 | SEPTA strike's silver lining: Uber, Lyft, and cabs are doing great | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/business/ transportation/strike-uber-lyft-septa-doing-great.html |
11/4 | National Labor Board Urges Court to Block Uber Arbitration Agreement | INSURANCE JOURNAL | http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/national/2016/11/03/431419.htm | |
11/4 | Uber's redesigned app wants to mine personal information on your phone | L.A. Times | http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-uber-privacy-20161102-story.html | |
11/3 | Warning: Fake Uber drivers popping up everywhere | rollingout | http://rollingout.com/2016/11/01/warning-fake-uber-drivers-popping-everywhere/ | |
11/3 | Uber's Drivers Win the Backing of U.S. Labor Watchdog | Bloomberg | https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-02/ u-s-labor-panel-backs-uber-drivers-in-class-action-fight |
11/3 | Flywheel Taxi sues Uber for antitrust violations | SFGATE | http://www.sfgate.com/business/article/Flywheel- Taxi-sues-Uber-for-antitrust-violations-10488784.php |
11/3 | Palm Springs asks Uber, Lyft to submit to drug testing | The Desert Sun | http://www.desertsun.com/story/news/local/palm-springs/ 2016/11/03/palm-springs-asks-uber-lyft-submit-drug-testing/93205396/ |
11/3 | Study Finds Racial Discrimination by Uber and Lyft Drivers | Bloomberg | https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-31/ study-finds-racial-discrimination-by-uber-and-lyft-drivers |
11/2 | Uber gets a Lyft from think tank | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20161013/ OPINION/161019987/uber-gets-a-lyft-fromthink-tank |
11/2 | Are Uber driver imposters luring unsuspecting passengers? | nbc-2.com | http://www.nbc-2.com/story/33559314/are-uber- driver-imposters-luring-unsuspecting-passengers |
11/2 | Ride-sharing in Upstate: still need compromise | Rochester First | http://www.rochesterfirst.com/news/local- news/ride-sharing-in-upstate-still-need-compromise |
11/2 | Lyft partners with JetBlue on rewards, app integration and JFK pickup zone | TECH CRUNCH | https://techcrunch.com/2016/11/01/lyft-partners- with-jetblue-on-rewards-app-integration-and-jfk-pickup-zone/ |
11/2 | European Taxi Unions Merge to Create United Front Against ‘Uber Lobby’ | MOTHERBOARD | http://motherboard.vice.com/read/european-taxi- unions-merge-to-create-united-front-against-uber-lobby |
11/2 | Philadelphia-“I Refuse To Pay $10 For An Uber, I Pay $24 For A Weekly SEPTA Pass” | KYW | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/11/01/ i-refuse-to-pay-10-for-an-uber-i-pay-24-for-a-weekly-septa-pass/ |
11/2 | Strike by Philadelphia transit workers enters 2nd day | WPVI | http://6abc.com/traffic/strike-by-septa-workers-enters-2nd-day/1577465/ | |
11/2 | Uber Drivers Discriminate Against Women and Black People, According to New Study | nymag.com | http://nymag.com/thecut/2016/10/study-finds-uber- discriminates-against-women-black-people.html |
11/2 | Uber attorney: PTC must protect documents over concern agency chief is resigning | TAMPA BAY BUSINESS JOURNAL | http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news /2016/10/31/uber-attorney-ptc-must-protect-documents-over.html |
11/1 | Taxi-hailing app coming to Binghamton area | WBNG | http://www.wbng.com/news/local/Taxi- hailing-app-coming-to-Binghamton-area-399391361.html |
11/1 | Study Finds Racial Discrimination by Uber and Lyft Drivers | Bloomberg | https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-31/ study-finds-racial-discrimination-by-uber-and-lyft-drivers |
11/1 | Uber's happy go lucky drivers never existed | INDEPENDENT | http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/uber- drivers-employment-tribunal-never-existed-a7385691.html |
11/1 | BMW prepares to directly challenge Uber and Lyft with new ride-hailing service in Seattle | GeekWire | http://www.geekwire.com/2016/bmw-prepares- directly-challenge-uber-lyft-new-ride-hailing-service-seattle/ |
11/1 | The Ride-Share Startup That's Competing With Uber And Lyft By Charging $1 | FC | https://www.fastcompany.com/3065089/startup-report/ the-ride-share-startup-thats-competing-with-uber-and-lyft-by-charging-1 |
MEDIA NEWS STORIES-October 2016 | ||||
10/31 | Uber is misleading drivers about its legal defeat, claims union | theguardian | https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/oct/30/ uber-is-misleading-drivers-about-its-legal-defeat-claims-union |
10/31 | NYPD: Man tried to sell fake Statue of Liberty tickets to tourists in Lower Manhattan | ABC7NY | http://abc7ny.com/news/nypd-man-tried- to-sell-fake-statue-of-liberty-tickets-to-tourists/1579760/ |
10/31 | Bills spark debate over ride sharing at airports | CRAIN'S DETROIT BUSINESS | http://www.crainsdetroit.com/article/20161030/NEWS/ 161039988/bills-spark-debate-over-ride-sharing-at-airports |
10/31 | Threat to Revenue: Metro Airport Is Uneasy About State Bill, to License Uber and Lyft | DEADLINE DETROIT | http://www.deadlinedetroit.com/articles/16105/metro_airport_showdown_ ride_app_choices_vs_any_significant_decrease_in_revenue#.WBctesmznSZ |
10/30 | Unlicensed Van Driver Kills Infant in Stroller on Astoria Boulevard [Updated] | STREETSBLOG NYC | http://www.streetsblog.org/2016/10/28/drunk-unlicensed- van-driver-kills-infant-in-stroller-on-astoria-boulevard/ |
10/30 | UK Judges Tell Uber It’s Kidding Itself That It’s Not a Taxi Service | SKIFT | https://skift.com/2016/10/29/uk-judges-tell- uber-its-kidding-itself-that-its-not-a-taxi-service/ |
10/30 | Police: Uber Driver Kidnapped DC Passenger, Took Her to Maryland Hotel | NBC | http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Police-Uber-Driver- Kidnapped-DC-Passenger-Took-Her-to-Maryland-Hotel-399089291.html |
10/30 | Uber court case: What is it and why does it matter? | itv | http://www.itv.com/news/2016-10-28/uber-court-case-what-is-it-and-why-does-it-matter/ | |
10/30 | Self-driving cars face massive roadblocks in New York City | cnet.com | https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/self-driving-cars-nyc-face-massive-roadblocks/ | |
10/29 | Head of Staten Island Zoo appointed to Taxi and Limousine Commission | silive.com | http://www.silive.com/news/index.ssf/2016/10/staten_island_zoo_head_appoint.html | |
10/29 | NYC Can Make Room for New Food Carts and Leave Space to Walk | STREETSBLOG NYC | http://www.streetsblog.org/2016/10/28/nyc- can-make-room-for-new-food-carts-and-leave-space-to-walk/ |
10/29 | Uber drivers win key employment case | BBC | http://www.bbc.com/news/business-37802386 | |
10/29 | Uber and Lyft await ruling in suit seeking to block Seattle from releasing ride data | GeekWire | http://www.geekwire.com/2016/uber-lyft-await- ruling-suit-seeking-block-seattle-releasing-ride-data/ |
10/29 | Ride-Sharing Legislation Drives Slowly Through Trenton | Cape May Herald | http://www.capemaycountyherald.com/news/government/ article_eae9c166-9d23-11e6-8dc3-1b59dfb27f2a.html |
10/29 | Uber loses landmark tribunal decision over drivers' working rights | The Telegraph | http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/10/28/ uber-awaits-major-tribunal-decision-over-drivers-working-rights/ |
10/29 | As Uber Offers Bagels by Bike, New York City Couriers Seek More Pay | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-10-27/ as-uber-offers-bagels-by-bike-nyc-couriers-seek-more-pay |
10/29 | NYC Sees Rise In Traffic- Related Deaths For First Time In 3 Years | CBS | http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/10/27/vision-zero-traffic-related-deaths-rise/ | |
10/28 | De Blasio: Vision Zero is working on Staten Island | silive.com | http://www.silive.com/news/index.ssf/2016/10/de_blasio_vision_zero_is_worki.html | |
10/28 | You'll likely pay more to take Uber and Lyft from Cleveland Hopkins Airport | clevland.com | http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf /2016/10/uber_and_lyft_to_be_regulated.html |
10/28 | N.J. company acquires zero-emission medical taxi business | NJBIZ | http://www.njbiz.com/article/20161027/NJBIZ01/161029832/ nj-company-acquires-zeroemission-medical-taxi-business |
10/28 | Uber driver crashes into Boston building injuring passenger (video) | MASS LIVE | http://www.masslive.com/news/boston/index.ssf /2016/10/uber_crashes_into_boston_build.html |
10/28 | No More Free (Uber) Rides in Pennsylvania and a Growing Number of States Facing Revenue Challenges | TAX JUSTICE | http://www.taxjusticeblog.org/archive/2016/10/ state_rundown_1026_no_more_fre.php#.WBM2TcmznSZ |
10/28 | Fasten your seatbelts! Uber wants to bring flying electric cars to cities by 2026 | FC | https://news.fastcompany.com/fasten-your-seatbelts- uber-wants-to-bring-flying-electric-cars-to-cities-by-2026-4023134 |
10/27 | Bloomberg helps mayors prepare for self-driving future | USA TODAY | http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2016/10/25/ bloomberg-aims-help-mayors-prepare-self-driving-future/92724386/ |
10/27 | Here’s Why Business Travelers Are Ditching Taxis | Money | http://time.com/money/4543758/business-travelers-ditching-taxis-uber-lyft/ | |
10/27 | Uber And Lyft Officially Legal In Philadelphia | PATCH | http://patch.com/pennsylvania/roxborough/ uber-lyft-almost-officially-legal-philadelphia |
10/27 | Travis Kalanick: Uber or Bust | cfi.co | http://cfi.co/northamerica/2016/10/travis-kalanick-uber-or-bust/ | |
10/27 | Uber’s courtship of upstate NY continues with free flu shots | WISHTV | http://wishtv.com/2016/10/26/ubers-courtship- of-upstate-ny-continues-with-free-flu-shots/ |
10/26 | Common-sense legislation would bring ride sharing upstate | The Buffalo News | http://buffalonews.com/2016/10/25/common- sense-legislation-bring-ride-sharing-upstate/ |
10/26 | Lyft, Uber again hoping to keep records private | seattlepi.com | http://www.seattlepi.com/local/transportation/article/ Lyft-Uber-again-hoping-to-keep-records-private-10354837.php |
10/26 | Hillsborough PTC director keeps job during tense meeting | WFLA | http://wfla.com/2016/10/25/hillsborough-ptc-meeting- about-uber-lyft-leads-to-showdown-between-officials/ |
10/26 | Will legal ridesharing slay the taxicab industry in Philly? | VOICE | http://www.phillyvoice.com/will-legal-ridesharing-slay-the-taxicab-industry-in-philly/ | |
10/26 | Are Lyft and Uber going to kill public transportation? | vator | http://vator.tv/news/2020-10-25-are-lyft-and-uber-going-to-kill-public-transportation | |
10/25 | ARRO Officially Approved by City of Houston to Provide Transportation App Service for All of Houston's For-Hire Vehicles | NYC Taxi News | http://www.nyctaxinews.com/Arro Press Release - Houston Launch.final.pdf | |
10/25 | Airbnb ruling proof NYC is unprepared for 21st century business | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2dRbVhU | |
10/25 | Fake Uber Drivers Are Illegally Luring Travelers At LaGuardia, JFK | gothamist | http://gothamist.com/2016/10/24/fake_cabs_jfk_lga.php | |
10/25 | Wheelchair accessibility advocates speak out against Uber expansion to Buffalo | WIBV | http://wivb.com/2016/10/23/wheelchair-accessibility- advocates-speak-out-against-uber-expansion-to-buffalo/ |
10/25 | Man Claims Uber Laughed at Him When He Tried to Report Sexual Assault | Cloud Hosting Providers | http://cloudwebhostingproviders.com/2016/10/21/ man-claims-uber-laughed-at-him-when-he-tried-to-report-sexual-assault/ |
10/25 | Lyft customers face potential hack from recycled phone numbers | PCWorld | http://www.pcworld.com/article/3134870/security/lyft- customers-face-potential-hack-from-recycled-phone-numbers.html |
10/25 | UberX and Lyft in Philly pass biggest Harrisburg hurdle | BILLYPENN | http://billypenn.com/2016/10/24/uberx-and-lyft-in-philly-pass-biggest-harrisburg-hurdle/ | |
10/25 | Super-Cheap Driverless Taxis May Kick Mass Transit to the Curb | Bloomberg | https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-24/ super-cheap-driverless-taxis-may-kick-mass-transit-to-the-curb |
10/25 | Uber should investigate own databases after more claims of bogus fares, privacy experts say | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/uber-should-investigate- own-databases-after-more-claims-of-bogus-fares-privacy-experts-say-1.3819640 |
10/25 | Uber’s legal battles underscore complexities of gig economy | geektime | http://www.geektime.com/2016/10/24/ubers- legal-battles-underscore-complexities-of-gig-economy/ |
10/24 | Uber warns of fake driver scam spike at city airports | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2eIv2Zc | |
10/24 | New York woman raped by man she mistook for Lyft driver | thegrio | http://thegrio.com/2016/10/23/new-york-woman- raped-by-man-she-mistook-for-lyft-driver/ |
10/24 | Police: Man assaulted woman getting into Midtown taxi | WABC/NY | http://abc7ny.com/news/police-man-assaulted- woman-getting-into-midtown-taxi/1568573/ |
10/24 | Uber driver, passenger seriously injured in crash | WCTV | http://www.wctv.tv/content/news/Uber-driver-passenger- seriously-injured-in-crash-398047251.html |
10/24 | No Ridesharing: Tesla Bans Drivers From Using Tesla Cars For Uber Or Lyft | TECH TIMES | http://www.techtimes.com/articles/183320/20161022/ no-ridesharing-tesla-bans-drivers-from-using-tesla-cars-for-uber-or-lyft.htm |
10/23 | Green Cab Driver Shot in Leg Friday Morning, NYPD Says | dnainfo | https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20161021/ greenpoint/green-taxi-driver-shot-north-eighth-berry-street |
10/23 | Stopping traffic! Stella Maxwell flashes her taut tummy in crop top and skinny jeans as she flags down a taxi | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3861226/Stella- Maxwell-provides-glimpse-taut-tummy-fantastic-figure-flagging-taxi-NYC.html |
10/23 | Uber pilot project gets official green light | CTV | http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/uber-pilot-project-gets-official-green-light-1.3127047 | |
10/23 | Lyft makes 2 key hires as it attempts to tag on Uber | UPSTART Business Journal | http://upstart.bizjournals.com/news/wire/2016/10/21/ lyft-makes-2-key-hires-as-it-attempts-to-tag-on.html |
10/23 | Elon Musk's strategy for taking on Uber and Lyft | Daily Herald | http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20161022/business/161029737/ | |
10/23 | Uber Has Spent Almost $1 Million On Lobbying This Year | BuzzFeed | https://www.buzzfeed.com/hamzashaban/uber-has-spent-almost -1-million-on-lobbying-this-year?utm_term=.fhKBVXbxw#.qu75Mr86o |
10/22 | Cuomo signs bill authorizing fines for illegal Airbnb listings | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20161021/TECHNOLOGY/161029968/cuomo- signs-bill-authorizing-fines-for-illegal-airbnb-listings#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20161021 |
10/22 | Drivers beware: NYPD set for Vision Zero enforcement crackdown | silive.com | http://www.silive.com/news/index.ssf/2016/10/drivers_be_ware_nypd_set_for_v.html | |
10/22 | Brookline Bancorp Boosts Loans, Deposits In Q3, But Stills Faces Off Over Taxi Medallions | BANKER & TRADESMAN | http://www.bankerandtradesman.com/2016/10/brookline- bancorp-boosts-loans-deposits-q3-stills-faces-off-taxi-medallions/ |
10/22 | Senate bill would let Uber off hook for $11 million fine | TRIB LIVE | http://triblive.com/news/allegheny/11346254-74/uber-bill-puc | |
10/22 | Editorial: Don't use taxi workers to snare Uber drivers | Tampa Bay Times | http://www.tampabay.com/opinion/editorials/ editorial-dont-use-taxi-workers-to-snare-uber-drivers/2299577 |
10/22 | Taxi drivers blast Uber during five-hour meeting | Calgary Herald | http://calgaryherald.com/news/ local-news/taxi-drivers-blast-uber-during-five-hour-meeting |
10/22 | Uber sued over location- sharing technology | WIPR | http://www.worldipreview.com/news/ uber-sued-over-location-sharing-technology-12435 |
10/22 | Uber won't come to Vancouver for at least another year, votes city council | Daily Hive | http://dailyhive.com/vancouver/uber-city-council-vote-october-19-2016 | |
10/21 | Why does the city close the taxi industry's doors on Camrys? | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20161021/OPINION/161019950/why-does-the-city-close-the-taxi-industrys-doors-on-camrys | |
10/21 | Woman Says She Was Raped by Fake Lyft Driver After Requesting Ride in Manhattan | NBC News NY | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/NYC-Fake-Lyft-Driver-Rapes-Woman- Ride-Share-Rapist-397862291.html?_osource=SocialFlowFB_NYBrand |
10/21 | De Blasio's Vision Zero agenda under fire as hit-and-run crash stats released | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/de-blasio- vision-zero-fire-hit-and-run-stats-released-article-1.2834430 |
10/21 | Courts rejecting taxi medallion owners’ bids for compensation | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/letters/2016/10/20/courts-rejecting- taxi-medallion-owners-bids-for-compensation/IisnrPriWnhgncwoTbT1mL/story.html |
10/21 | Police: Uber driver admits to sexually battering customer | San Francisco Chronicle | http://www.sfchronicle.com/news/crime/article/ Police-Uber-driver-admits-to-sexually-battering-9985356.php |
10/21 | Uber loses bid to quash NLRB subpoenas | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/uber-subpoenas-idUSL1N1CQ2HX | |
10/21 | ADA Compliance & Defense Lawyer: Court hits Uber and Lyft for ADA Violations | JMBM | http://hotellaw.jmbm.com/fed-court-hits-uber-for-ada.html | |
10/21 | St Louis Taxi Commission’s Newest Member — a Young Woman (Gasp!) Who Rides Uber | RFT | http://www.riverfronttimes.com/newsblog/2016/10/20/the-taxi- commissions-newest-member-a-young-woman-gasp-who-rides-uber |
10/21 | 2 NY Uber Drivers Win Ruling to Receive Unemployment Benefits | Jewish Voice | http://jewishvoiceny.com/index.php?option=com_content& view=article&id=16033:2-ny-uber-drivers-win-ruling-to- receive-unemployment-benefits&catid=112&Itemid=792&lang=en |
10/20 | Bandwagon & The 34th Street Partnership Bring Smart Taxisharing To New York Penn Station | Inversorideas.com | http://www.investorideas.com/news/2016/technology/10192SmartTaxisharing.asp | |
10/20 | Uber Loses Drive to Block NLRB's National Subpoenas | NATIONAL LAW JOURNAL | http://www.nationallawjournal.com/courts-litigation/id=1202770304722/ Uber-Loses-Drive-to-Block-NLRBs-National-Subpoenas?mcode= 1202615549854&curindex=1&slreturn=20160920075832 |
10/20 | Travis Kalanick says Uber is becoming a 'robotics company' | Mashable | http://mashable.com/2016/10/19/uber-robotics-company/#HWxeHfcF3Sqk | |
10/20 | Scammer using Lyft ride share app to steal cash | ABC | http://abc7chicago.com/news/scammer- using-lyft-ride-share-app-to-steal-cash/1562717/ |
10/20 | Bill to legalize UberX and Lyft passes the House | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/in-transit/ Bill-to-legalize-UberX-and-Lyft-passes-the-House.html |
10/20 | Taxi Drivers Ask For Equal Rights: 'Since Uber Came To Miami-Dade County We Lost Everything' | WLRN | http://wlrn.org/post/taxi-drivers-ask-equal- rights-uber-came-miami-dade-county-we-lost-everything |
10/20 | Singapore's self-driving taxi service has its first accident | engadget | https://www.engadget.com/2016/10/19/singapores- self-driving-taxi-service-has-its-first-accident/ |
10/19 | Taxi group organizes bike messengers to fight Uber | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20161018/SMALLBIZ/161019849 | |
10/19 | Nail in coffin for Hillsborough PTC? | WTSP | http://www.wtsp.com/news/investigations/nail-in-coffin-for-hillsborough-ptc/337583418 | |
10/19 | Oswego Councilors To Tweak Taxi Ordinance Plan | OSWEGO COUNTY TODAY | http://oswegocountytoday.com/oswego-councilors-to-tweak-taxi-ordinance-plan/ | |
10/19 | Car service driver accused of sexually assaulting rider near home in NJ | WABC-TV | http://abc7ny.com/news/car-service-driver- accused-of-sexually-assaulting-rider/1560606/ |
10/19 | Uber Facing Lawsuit in Chicago for Violating Wheelchair Laws | NBC | http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/uber- facing-lawsuit-chicago-violating-wheelchair-laws-n666226 |
10/19 | Ride-sharing Popularity Surge Could Derail CTA Business | LOYOLA PHOENIX | http://www.loyolaphoenix.com/2016/10/ride- sharing-popularity-surge-derail-cta-business/ |
10/19 | London insists on English requirement for private hire drivers | stuff | http://www.stuff.co.nz/motoring/news/85515389/london- insists-on-english-requirement-for-private-hire-drivers |
10/18 | Pennsylvania vote on Uber, Lyft law set for this week | METRO | http://www.metro.us/philadelphia/pennsylvania- vote-on-uber-lyft-law-set-for-this-week/zsJpjo---Z2YpZkLwmFoUc/ |
10/18 | Uber ruling could bolster case law around employee designation | MarketWatch | http://www.marketwatch.com/story/uber-ruling-could- bolster-case-law-around-employee-designation-2016-10-17 |
10/18 | Self-employed 'now earning less than in 1995' | BBC | http://www.bbc.com/news/business-37678065 | |
10/18 | Uber driver allegedly punches woman in the face in Atlanta | KENS5 | http://www.kens5.com/news/local/uber-driver- punches-woman-in-the-face-in-atlanta/337061711 |
10/18 | Taxis take a stand against Uber | THE DOMINION Post | http://www.dominionpost.com/Taxis-take-a-stand-against-Uber | |
10/18 | Gig Economy Ruling: Ubers Can Be Regulated Differently Than Taxis | FindLaw | http://blogs.findlaw.com/decided/2016/10/gig-economy-ruling-ubers- can-be-regulated-differently-than-taxis.html?utm_source=feedburner& utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Decided+%28Decided%29 |
10/18 | ‘Taxi Driver Wisdom’ author Risa Mickenberg shares her take on cabbie conversations on book's 20th anniversary | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/taxi-driver-wisdom-author-risa-mickenberg- shares-her-take-on-cabbie-conversations-on-book-s-20th-a-1.12461889 |
10/18 | Laws to be amended to regulate e-hailing services and issuance of new individual taxi permits | thesundaily | http://www.thesundaily.my/node/401762 | |
10/17 | The ride sharing gig economy might not be all its cracked up to be | diginomica | http://diginomica.com/2016/10/16/the-ride-sharing- gig-economy-might-not-be-all-its-cracked-up-to-be/ |
10/17 | Future of UberX and Lyft in Philly could soon be decided | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/business/20161017_Future_of _UberX_and_Lyft_in_Philly_could_soon_be_decided.html |
10/16 | Emails Reveal Shady Relationship Between Uber CEO and Pittsburgh’s Mayor | GIZMODO | http://gizmodo.com/questionable-relationship- between-uber-ceo-and-mayor-of-1787834717 |
10/16 | Taxi owners worry Uber and Lyft will win lucrative government work | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20161016/TRANSPORTATION/161019897/ taxi-owners-worry-uber-and-lyft-will-win-lucrative-government-work |
10/16 | The gig is up | NEWS SOURCE | LINK | |
10/16 | New York Uber drivers win lawsuit to obtain benefits | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/new-york- uber-drivers-win-lawsuit-obtain-benefits-article-1.2830080 |
10/16 | No business has a constitutional right to a monopoly | Tyler Morning Telegraph | http://www.tylerpaper.com/TP-Opinion/253046/no-business-has-a-constitutional-right-to-a-monopoly | |
10/16 | Opinion: We will ride | Chicago Sun Times | http://chicago.suntimes.com/opinion/opinion-we-will-ride/ | |
10/15 | N.Y.C. legislators propose 'drivers benefit fund' for yellow cabs and Uber too | NY Business Journa | http://www.bizjournals.com/newyork/news/2016/10/13/n-y-c-proposes-drivers- benefits-taxi-uber-drivers.html?ana=RSS%26s%3Darticle_search&utm_source= feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+bizj_ national+%28Bizjournals+National+Feed%29 |
10/15 | The Cities That Uber and Lyft Are Changing | Bloomberg | https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/ 2016-10-14/the-cities-that-uber-and-lyft-are-changing |
10/15 | New York Uber-Driver Ruling Has 'Major Implications' | TheStreet | http://realmoney.thestreet.com/articles/10/13/2016/ new-york-uber-driver-ruling-has-major-implications |
10/15 | Uber Slams 'Remarkable' $3M Fee Request in Blind Riders Suit | The Recorder | http://www.therecorder.com/home/id=1202770005737/Uber-Slams-Remarkable- 3M-Fee-Request-in-Blind-Riders-Suit?mcode=1202617072607& curindex=0&slreturn=20160915071009 |
10/14 | Disability rights group sues Uber over wheelchair access | US NEWS | http://www.usnews.com/news/business/articles/ 2016-10-13/disability-rights-groups-sues-uber-over-wheelchair-access |
10/14 | Taxi owners' case against wheelchair accessible cabs gets shut down by judge | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/taxi-owners-lose- appeal-wheelchair-accessible-cabs-article-1.2829910 |
10/14 | New Bruce Schaller Report: Recommendations for Regulating Taxi & Ride-Hail | STREETSBLOG LA | http://la.streetsblog.org/2016/10/13/new-bruce-schaller- report-recommendations-for-regulating-taxi-ride-hail/ |
10/14 | NY regulators rule 2 former Uber drivers eligible for jobless payments | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2016/10/13/regulators-rule-former- uber-drivers-eligible-for-jobless-payments/fAdFlie6QoG6YJ7629tf5J/story.html |
10/14 | The Uber economy looks a lot like the pre-industrial economy | QUARTZ | http://qz.com/806117/uber-and-the-gig-economy- look-a-lot-like-the-pre-industrial-economy/ |
10/14 | Why it’s taking Harrisburg forever to legalize UberX and Lyft in Philly | BILLYPENN | http://billypenn.com/2016/10/11/why-its-taking- harrisburg-forever-to-legalize-uberx-and-lyft-in-philly/ |
10/14 | London Joins the Worldwide War on Uber | E21 | http://economics21.org/html/london-joins-worldwide-war-uber-2096.html | |
10/14 | The Cabbie Conundrum | Chicago Mag | http://www.chicagomag.com/city-life/October-2016/Chicagos-Top-Cabbie/ | 10/13 | With position unclear on Uber unemployment, Cuomo's office faces federal lawsuit | POLITICO | http://www.politico.com/states/new-york/albany/story/2016/07/hesitant-to-opine- on-uber-unemployment-claims-cuomo-administration-faces-federal-lawsuit-104292 |
10/13 | Victory for Uber drivers on jobless benefits | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2dm6yHb | |
10/13 | Uber gets a Lyft from think tank | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20161013 /OPINION/161019987/uber-gets-a-lyft-from-think-tank |
10/13 | I got taken for a ride by a fake Uber driver. Don’t become the next victim | USA TODAY | http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/stevenpetrow /2016/10/12/fake-uber-drivers-dont-become-next-victim/91903508/ |
10/13 | CDTA wants to know what you think about taxi service in this area | All Over Albany | http://alloveralbany.com/archive/2016/10/12/cdta-taxi-survey | |
10/13 | City leaders to address requests for taxi licenses as Uber remains outlawed | FLKEYSNEWS | http://www.flkeysnews.com/news/local/article107682387.html | |
10/13 | Uber and Lyft Ask Judge to Block Release of Ride-Hailing Data | WILLAMETTE WEEK | http://www.wweek.com/news/2016/10/11/uber- and-lyft-seek-to-block-release-of-ride-sharing-data/ |
10/13 | Fingerprinting new sticking point in Uber/Lyft conversation with Hillsborough regulators | WFLA | http://wfla.com/2016/10/11/fingerprinting-new-sticking- point-in-uberlyft-conversation-with-hillsborough-regulators/ |
10/12 | How self-driving cars could become weapons of terror | San Francisco Chronicle | http://www.sfchronicle.com/business/article/How-self-driving-cars-could-become-weapons-of-9958541.php | |
10/12 | Uber's Minimum Wage Suit Moves Forward in Philadelphia | The Legal Intelligencer | http://www.thelegalintelligencer.com/home/id=1202769604379/ Ubers-Minimum-Wage-Suit-Moves-Forward-in-Philadelphia?mcode= 1202617075166&curindex=0&slreturn=20160912074451&LikelyCookieIssue=true |
10/12 | City OK to regulate Uber, Lyft differently; license doesn't entitle cabs to no competition, appeals judge says | Cook County Record | http://cookcountyrecord.com/stories/511017859-city-ok-to-regulate-uber-lyft- differently-license-doesn-t-entitle-cabs-to-no-competition-appeals-judge-says |
10/12 | Lyft co-founder John Zimmer tells Cramer 'Lyft is not for sale' | CNBC | http://www.cnbc.com/2016/10/11/lyft-co-founder- john-zimmer-tells-cramer-lyft-is-not-for-sale.html |
10/12 | Chicago court’s Uber decision may hurt Boston taxi companies | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2016/10/11/chicago-court-uber- decision-may-hurt-boston-taxi-companies/lBcv6owMsNVlRyZg6iJEPN/story.html |
10/11 | Uber gets reprieve from judge's cease-and-desist, remains illegal, but now uncertain what PPA will do | PLANPHILLY | http://planphilly.com/articles/2016/10/07/uber-gets-reprieve-from-judge- s-cease-and-desist-remains-illegal-but-now-uncertain-what-ppa-will-do |
10/11 | Another Car Rental Service for Uber and Lyft Drivers Suspends Operations | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/10/10/evercar-car-rental-shuts-down/ | |
10/11 | New regulations aim to bring the D.C. taxi industry into the digital age | The Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/ new-regulations-aim-to-bring-the-dc-taxi-industry- into-the-digital-age/2016/10/10/0939bdb0-8d43-11e6-bff0-d53f592f176e_story.html |
10/11 | France’s “Le Taxi” is a state- sponsored assault on Uber | THE MEMO | https://www.thememo.com/2016/10/10/uber-france- le-taxi-is-a-state-sponsored-assault-on-uber/ |
10/11 | Florida woman says man pretended to be Uber driver, urged her to get in car | WHIO | http://www.whio.com/news/national/florida-woman-says-man- pretended-uber-driver-urged-her-get-car/WRr5QP3JmxroDiUPdfj44O/ |
10/11 | Taxi businesses give to local political leaders to push against red tape in SA | San Antonio Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/sanantonio/news/2016/10/10/ taxi-businesses-give-to-local-political-leaders-to.html |
10/10 | Keith Crain: Lack of Uber and Lyft regulation can't last forever | CRAIN'S DETROIT BUSINESS | http://www.crainsdetroit.com/article/20161009/OPINION01/161009770/keith- crain-lack-of-uber-and-lyft-regulation-cant-last-forever |
10/10 | Top state economic development official advocates for Uber upstate | POLITICO | http://www.politico.com/states/new-york/albany/ story/2016/10/zemsky-lets-get-uber-running-upstate-106209 |
10/10 | Chinese Cities Plan Tighter Ride-Sharing Rules in Blow to Didi | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-09/ chinese-cities-plan-tighter-ride-sharing-rules-in-blow-to-didi |
10/10 | Here’s why your Uber passenger rating sucks | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2e0TCoG | |
10/10 | Uber Upfront Fares Come To ALL New York City; But There’s One Big Problem? | GAMENGUIDE | http://www.gamenguide.com/articles/53057/20161008/ uber-upfront-fares-come-to-all-new-york-city-but-there-s-one-big-problem.htm |
10/10 | Fixed-in-advance taxi fee system to be introduced in Japan | Japan News | http://the-japan-news.com/news/article/0003246216 | |
10/9 | Nassau County cracks down on illegal Uber drivers | fox5NY | http://www.fox5ny.com/news/210355876-story | |
10/9 | Nassau County cracks down on illegal Uber drivers | NEWS SOURCE | LINK | |
10/9 | Uber, Lyft hit with injunction in Philadelphia (updated) | Tech Crunch | https://techcrunch.com/2016/10/07/uber-lyft-hit-with-injunction-in-philadelphia/ | |
10/9 | Milwaukee taxi firms lose in the 7th Circuit | Journal Sentinel | http://www.jsonline.com/story/news/blogs/proof- and-hearsay/2016/10/07/milwaukee-taxi-firms-lose-7th-circuit/91744330/ |
10/9 | Before Europe Lets Uber Run Wild, It Should Consider What It Did to US Workers | yes! | http://www.yesmagazine.org/new-economy/before-europe-lets- uber-run-wild-it-should-consider-what-it-did-to-us-workers-20161007 |
10/9 | Cheap cab ride? You must have missed Uber’s true cost | theguardian | https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/ jan/31/cheap-cab-ride-uber-true-cost-google-wealth-taxation |
10/9 | Nobody’s talking about the biggest, most obvious problem with Uber | FUSION | http://fusion.net/story/355142/ubers-product-problem/ | |
10/8 | CBS2 Investigates: Fake Uber Drivers Charge False ‘Sales Taxes’ While Gouging Customers | CBS-NY | http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/10/06/cbs2-investigates- fake-uber-drivers-charge-false-sales-taxes-while-gouging-customers/ |
10/8 | Ruling Lets UberX, Lyft Stay on Philly Streets, for Now | ABC | http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/ ruling-lets-uberx-lyft-stay-philly-streets-now-42658348 |
10/8 | Victory Over Taxi Monopolists in 7th Circuit Court of Appeals | reason.com | http://reason.com/blog/2016/10/07/victory-over-taxi-monopolists-in-7th-cir | |
10/8 | Taxis reversed: Appeals court rules in favor of Uber | Chicago Sun Times | http://chicago.suntimes.com/chicago/taxis- reversed-appeals-court-rules-in-favor-of-uber/ |
10/8 | Boston-based attorney argues Uber’s star ratings are racially biased | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2016/10/06/attorney-for-uber-drivers- says-star-ratings-are-racially-biased/R28mqWL6ShjMFB5xAr3uGL/story.html |
10/8 | Uber is using a tax 'loophole' to make its rides cheaper | BUSINESS INSIDER | http://www.businessinsider.com/uber-found-a- tax-loophole-that-lets-people-ride-for-cheaper-2016-10 |
10/7 | 'I Was Bleeding Out of the Back of My Head': Woman Sues Driver, Uber Over Alleged Attack, Lack of Cooperation | NBC-NY | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/investigations/ Uber-Assault-Investigation-Driver-Victim- New-York-Police--396162161.html?_osource=mobilesharebar |
10/7 | Philadelphia Judge Orders Uber And Lyft To Cease Operations In The City | CBS | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/10/06/philadelphia-judge- orders-uber-and-lyft-to-cease-operations-in-the-city/ |
10/7 | Houston to receive universal taxi app by end of the month | HOUSTON BUSINESS JOURNAL | http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2016/10/06/ houston-to-receive-universal-taxi-app-by-end-of.html |
10/7 | Uber goes into storm mode, caps surge pricing | TAMPA BAY BUSINESS JOURNAL | http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news/2016/10/06/ uber-goes-into-storm-mode-caps-surge-pricing.html |
10/7 | Florida’s Uber Drivers Get Excited For Hurricane Surge Pricing | vocativ | http://www.vocativ.com/365249/uber-surge-pricing-hurricane-matthew/ | |
10/7 | More than 100 Uber Black drivers strike against new Uber terms | Orlando Sentinel | http://www.orlandosentinel.com/business/ os-uber-black-drivers-strike-20161005-story.html |
10/6 | New York State to Eliminate Cash Option for Paying Tolls | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/06/nyregion/new-york-to-eliminate-cash-option-for-paying-tolls.html | |
10/6 | UberX and Lyft will be illegal again in Philly ... so now what? | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/business/UberX- and-Lyft-will-be-illegal-again-so-now-what.html |
10/6 | Uber Responds After PPA Vows To Crackdown On Ridesharing Services | KYW | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/10/05/ ppa-vows-to-crackdown-on-ridesharing-services/ |
10/6 | Fate of Uber in the hands of St. Louis County judge | KMOV | http://www.kmov.com/story/33318172/fate-of-uber-in-the-hands-of-st-louis-county-judge | |
10/6 | Loopholes in Uber background checks | WIAT | http://wiat.com/2016/10/05/loopholes-in-uber-background-checks/ | |
10/6 | Fate of Uber in the hands of St. Louis County judge | KMOV | http://www.kmov.com/story/33318172/fate-of-uber-in-the-hands-of-st-louis-county-judge | |
10/6 | Montreal taxi drivers take Uber protest to the streets | Montreal Gazette | http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/taxi-drivers-to-hold-one-day-strike-on-wednesday | |
10/6 | Let’s Quit Pretending About Uber | HUMAN TRANSIT | http://humantransit.org/2016/10/lets-quit-pretending-about-uber.html | |
10/6 | Letting cabbies not learn English is another ‘progressive’ debacle | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2dqtTYR | |
10/5 | Uber's self-driving cars are off to a rough start | engadget | https://www.engadget.com/2016/10/04/ubers-self-driving-cars-are-off-to-a-rough-start/ | |
10/5 | Cyclist critically injured slamming into taxi in East Harlem, was riding against traffic | N.Y. Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/manhattan/cyclist- critically-injured-slamming-taxi-east-harlem-article-1.2816398 |
10/5 | France launches new taxi apps to rival Uber | THE LOCAL | https://www.thelocal.fr/20161004/france-launches-new-taxi-apps-to-rival-uber | |
10/5 | PPA eases taxis regulations, vows to enforce laws against Uber | PHILADELPHIA BUSINESS JOURNAL | http://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/news /2016/10/04/ppa-taxi-uber-lyft-tnc-eases-regulation-doran.html |
10/5 | Why Surge Pricing During A Crisis Is Bad For Uber's Brand | Forbes | http://www.forbes.com/sites/blakemorgan/2016/10/03/ why-surge-pricing-during-a-crisis-is-bad-for-ubers-brand/#4212bb657204 |
10/5 | PPA Vows To Tighten Reins On Uber & Lyft, Relax Taxi Regulations | KYW | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/10/04/philadelphia- vows-to-tighten-reins-on-uber-lyft-relax-taxi-regulations/ |
10/5 | Delays on Uber rules prompt questions about taxi pressure | CTV | http://bc.ctvnews.ca/delays-on-uber-rules- prompt-questions-about-taxi-pressure-1.3102144 |
10/4 | Could Lyft Soon Be For Sale? | PYMNTS.com | http://www.pymnts.com/whats-hot-2/2016/could-lyft-soon-be-for-sale/ | |
10/4 | Taxi industry calls for province-wide work stoppage Wednesday | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/quebec- uber-philippe-couillard-taxi-industry-stoppage-1.3788175 |
10/4 | Uber’s reach is growing – and here’s why I’m worried | Driving | http://driving.ca/auto-news/news/more-reasons- lorraine-sommerfeld-is-worried-about-uber |
10/4 | Uber Rival Waze Rolled Out In San Francisco | Market Exclusive | http://marketexclusive.com/uber-rival-waze-rolled-san-francisco- highlighting-competitive-move-alphabet-inc-nasdaqgoogl/33038/ |
10/3 | Rodriguez Wants DOT to Remedy NYC’s Most Cramped Sidewalks | STREETSBLOG NYC | http://www.streetsblog.org/2016/09/30/rodriguez- wants-dot-to-remedy-nycs-most-cramped-sidewalks/ |
10/3 | Falling prices for ride-share services provide competition for CTA | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ ct-ride-share-versus-transit-getting-around-20161001-story.html |
10/3 | Uber Has Already Lost Over $1 Billion This Year! | CELEBRITY NET WORTH | http://www.celebritynetworth.com/articles/ entertainment-articles/uber-already-lost-1-billion-year/ |
10/3 | Uber and Lyft are technically illegal in Philadelphia as of today | Mashable | http://mashable.com/2016/10/01/uber-philadelphia-illegal/#KOXGCMnn_5qk | |
10/3 | How Uber Plans To Conquer The Suburbs | BUZZ FEED | https://www.buzzfeed.com/priya/how-uber-plans-to-conquer- the-suburbs?utm_term=.miNwMJkEo#.jgOdMkOWR |
10/2 | Uber drivers accuse company of ripping off customers with upfront pricing | SAN FRANCISCO BUSINESS TIMES | http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/blog/techflash/2016/09/uber- drivers-upfront-pricing-controversy-google.html?ana=yahoo&yptr=yahoo |
10/2 | Uber remains unlicensed as Ottawa's new taxi bylaw takes effect | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/uber-no-licence-yet-ottawa-1.3786904 | |
10/2 | After grace period, Uber faces renewed legal wrangling | newsworks | http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/local/the-latest/97677- uber-grace-period-in-philly-gives-way-to-renewed-legal-wrangling |
10/2 | Want to get rid of the PTC? Here's what would happen. | TAMPA BAY BUSINESS JOURNAL | http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news/2016/09/30/ want-to-get-rid-of-the-ptc-heres-what-would-happen.html |
10/2 | New Uber, Lyft Law Attacked by Boston Taxi Group | bloomberg | http://www.bna.com/new-uber-lyft-n57982077813/ | |
10/2 | Google’s Uber Competitor Is Finally Here | TIME | http://time.com/4514434/googles-uber-competitor-is-finally-here/ | |
10/2 | Cab Rides Down 23 Percent In Chicago This Year As Uber And Lyft Take Bite | dnainfo | https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20160930/ rogers-park/taxi-uber-lyft-effect-ride-share-cab-decline |
10/1 | St. Louis requires cabbies to enter digital age | AMINEWSWIRE.COM | https://aminewswire.com/stories/511013814- st-louis-requires-cabbies-to-enter-digital-age |
10/1 | Uber wins arbitration claim over contract | CINCINNATI.COM | http://www.cincinnati.com/story/money/2016/09/29/ uber-wins-arbitration-claim-over-contract/91289198/ |
10/1 | Uber, Hillsborough County work out temporary operating agreement | WFLA | http://wfla.com/2016/09/29/uber-transportation- officials-reportedly-reach-agreement-to-operate-in-hillsborough/ |
10/1 | Lyft driver charged with sexual assault | WILX | http://www.wilx.com/content/news/ Lyft-driver-charged-with-sexual-assault-395341171.html |
MEDIA NEWS STORIES-September 2016 | ||||
9/30 | Taxis, not Uber, are an Access-a-Ride solution | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160929/OPINION/160929866 | |
9/30 | The Gig Economy: Brave New World and Pure Exploitation | OBSERVER | http://observer.com/2016/09/the-gig-economy-brave-new-world-and-pure-exploitation/ | |
9/30 | Quebec taxi drivers vow to keep up pressure over Uber | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/ quebec-taxi-government-deal-uber-1.3782023 |
9/30 | California To Require Background Checks For Uber, Lyft Drivers | KPIX | http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2016/09/29/ uber-lyft-background-check-ab1289-gov-jerry-brown/ |
9/30 | Can Taxi Companies Develop A Survival Plan In The Ride-Hailing Age? | PYMNTS.com | http://www.pymnts.com/news/payment-methods /2016/taxis-ride-hailing-developer-payments/ |
9/29 | Driverless cars panel hosted by Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/driverless-cars-panel-hosted- by-manhattan-borough-president-gale-brewer-1.12378681 |
9/29 | Legislators say Uber will be a priority | WGRZ | http://www.wgrz.com/news/local/legislators-say-uber-will-be-a-priority/326907808 | |
9/29 | Uber and Lyft poised to return to legal limbo in Philly | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/business/transportation/ Uber-and-Lyft-poised-to-return-to-legal-limbo-in-Philly.html |
9/29 | California Law Strengthens Background Checks for Uber and Lyft | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/california-law-strengthens- background-checks-for-uber-and-lyft-1475112116 |
9/29 | Ridesharing, taxi compromise in the works | NEWS4SA.COM | http://news4sanantonio.com/news/local/ridesharing-taxi-compromise-in-the-works | |
9/29 | Uber, Lyft may soon halt operations in Pennsylvania | ABC27.com | http://abc27.com/2016/09/27/uber-lyft-may-soon-halt-operations-in-pennsylvania/ | |
9/29 | Uber and Lyft agree to PTC rule compromise | WTSP | http://www.wtsp.com/news/local/10-investigates-learns-uber-and- lyft-agree-to-public-transportation-commission-rule-compromise/326949333 |
9/29 | Can Taxis Compete With Uber? Overhaul Of D.C. Cabs On The Way | WLRN | http://one.npr.org/?sharedMediaId=495547898:495547903 | |
9/29 | Why Uber Sometimes Charges Extra Without Paying Drivers More | Inc | http://www.inc.com/tess-townsend/uber-explains-upfront-fare-discrepancieshtml.html | |
9/28 | Analyzing 1.1 Billion NYC Taxi and Uber Trips, with a Vengeance | Todd W. Schneider | http://toddwschneider.com/posts/analyzing-1-1- billion-nyc-taxi-and-uber-trips-with-a-vengeance/ |
9/28 | NYC Uber and Lyft drivers are protesting for union rights | VICE NEWS | https://news.vice.com/article/nyc-uber-and-lyft-drivers-are-protesting-for-union-rights | |
9/28 | Quebec Taxi drivers lose another legal challenge against Uber | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/montreal-taxi-uber-injunction-1.3780654 | |
9/28 | Traditional Taxis Getting a Tech Makeover | voanews | http://www.voanews.com/a/traditional-taxis-getting-tech-makeover/3527492.html | |
9/28 | Uber’s Self-Driving Car Passengers Were Signing Their Lives Away | GIZOMODO | http://gizmodo.com/uber-s-self-driving-car-passengers-were-signing-their-l-1787108328 | |
9/27 | Yellow taxis have a new weapon in their war against Uber: gadgets | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/9/26/13035642/ nyc-taxi-cab-android-touchscreen-tablet-verifone |
9/27 | TLC Issues New, Universal Taxi I.D.: Mean More Competition for Ride-Share Users? | BKREADER | http://www.bkreader.com/2016/09/tlc-issues- new-universal-taxi-d-mean-competition-ride-share-users/ |
9/27 | Behind the scenes of Uber’s blistering political attacks | recode | http://www.recode.net/2016/9/26/13051582/ bradley-tusk-uber-regulation-new-york-bill-de-blasio |
9/27 | Uber’s Upfront Pricing is Secretly Overcharging Passengers Without Paying Drivers | THE RIDESHARE GUY | http://therideshareguy.com/ubers-upfront-pricing- is-secretly-overcharging-passengers-without-paying-drivers/ |
9/27 | Is Uber the next big thing that goes kaput? This guy thinks so. | The Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/tripping/wp/2016/09/26/ is-uber-the-next-big-thing-that-goes-kaput-this-guy-thinks-so/ |
9/27 | The State’s Taxi Industry vs. Uber Battle Is Headed to Federal Court | Boston Magazine | http://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/blog/2016/09/26/taxi-uber-lyft-lawsuit/ | |
9/27 | Taxi drivers protest as they await news of Uber injunction request | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/taxi-drivers- protest-as-they-await-news-of-uber-injunction-request-1.3779049 |
9/27 | As end of reprieve approaches, Lyft & Uber differ on legislation wishes | PHILADELPHIA BUSINESS JOURNAL | http://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/news/2016/09/26/as-end-of-reprieve-approaches-lyft-uber-differ-on.html | |
9/27 | Uber plans self-flying drone taxis to beat city traffic | The Telegraph | http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/09/26/ uber-plans-self-flying-drone-taxis-to-beat-city-traffic/ |
9/26 | Facing Uber and accessibility hurdles, green taxi operators are seeing red | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160925/SMALLBIZ/160929932/the-great-green- cab-experiment-is-on-the-brink-of-crumbling-against-uber-and-wheelchair- accessibility-requirements-that-many-green-cab-operators-say-could-change- at-random-drivers-are-finding-it-difficult-to-keep-rolling |
9/26 | Uber India’s head of business development Mahesh Bhalla quits in just 4 months | The Economic Times | http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/small-biz/hr-leadership/leadership/ uber-indias-head-of-business-development-mahesh-bhalla- quits-in-just-4-months/articleshow/54517347.cms |
9/26 | 250 cabbies walk to 'drive away diabetes' | THE STRAITS TIMES | http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/ health/250-cabbies-walk-to-drive-away-diabetes |
9/26 | Day Around The Bay: Chinese Uber Drivers Pull Zombie Scam | sfist | http://sfist.com/2016/09/23/day_around_the_bay_1401.php | |
9/25 | Taxi industry claims PPA purposely trying to 'ruin' them in lawsuit | Philadelphia Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/news/ 2016/09/23/uber-lyft-ppa-taxi-industry-lawsuit-fox-14th-amend.html |
9/25 | Man Claims Uber Laughed at Him When He Tried to Report Sexual Assault | GIZMADO | http://gizmodo.com/man-claims-uber-laughed- at-him-when-he-tried-to-report-1786998751 |
9/25 | "Uber asks drivers to take selfies for security | WFXT | http://www.fox25boston.com/news/uber-asks- drivers-to-take-selfies-for-security/449566539 |
9/25 | Should Metro outsource late-night service to Uber and Lyft? | The Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/dr-gridlock/wp/2016/09/23/ should-metro-outsource-late-night-service-to-uber-and-lyft/ |
9/25 | California police eye more claims against Uber driver | The Salt Lake Tribune | http://www.sltrib.com/home/4387223-155/cal-police-eye-more-claims-against | |
9/25 | Lawmakers signal support for statewide ride-hailing regulations | Statesman | http://www.statesman.com/news/news/state-regional-govt- politics/mayor-legislators-talk-freedom-safety-and-ride-hai/nsdy9/ |
9/25 | How driverless cars could change our whole future | theguardian | https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/sep/25/uber-self-driving- cars-pittsburgh-how-driverless-cars-could-change-our-future-lyft-john-zimmer |
9/24 | Designs for a new bus terminal unveiled | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160922/REAL_ESTATE/160929950/five-firms- unveil-designs-for-a-revamped-port-authority-bus-terminal#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160923 |
9/24 | Letter: Reserve airport taxi lanes for real taxis | The Salt Lake Tribune | http://www.sltrib.com/opinion/4335479-155/letter-reserve-airport-taxi-lanes-forLINK | |
9/24 | Boston Taxi Group Files Federal Lawsuit Over State's New Ride-Hailing Law | WBUR | http://www.wbur.org/bostonomix/2016/09/23/boston-taxi-group-sues-massachusetts | |
9/24 | Taxi industry claims PPA purposely trying to 'ruin' them in lawsuit | PHILADELPHIA BUSINESS JOURNAL | http://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/news/2016/09/23/ uber-lyft-ppa-taxi-industry-lawsuit-fox-14th-amend.html |
9/23 | Flywheel's phone-based taxi meter arrives in NYC | engadget | https://www.engadget.com/2016/09/22/flywheel-app-taxis-nyc/ | |
9/23 | New Orleans taxi rule tweaks renew Uber, Lyft debate | nola | http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/09/new_orleans_taxi_rule_tweaks_r.html | |
9/23 | Ridesharing apps face lawsuits over disability access | AUSTIN BUSINESS JOURNAL | http://www.bizjournals.com/austin/news/2016/09/21/ ridesharing-apps-face-lawsuits-over-disability.html |
9/23 | Is it enough to just disrupt the market or will the Uber value bubble burst? | THEDRUM | http://www.thedrum.com/opinion/2016/09/22/it-enough-just- disrupt-the-market-or-will-the-uber-value-bubble-burst |
9/23 | Poll: Should Uber, Lyft get permanent approval in Pa.? | lehighvalleylive | http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/opinion/index.ssf /2016/09/poll_should_uber_lyft_get_perm.html |
9/23 | Taxi Drivers See Bankruptcy Threat, Seek Tighter Regulation of Uber | The Legal Intelligencer | http://www.thelegalintelligencer.com/home/id=1202767990898/ Taxi-Drivers-See-Bankruptcy-Threat-Seek-Tighter-Regulation-of- Uber?mcode=1202617075166&curindex=2&slreturn=20160823075715 |
9/22 | California Uber, Lyft driver accused of sexually assaulting several women | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/uber- lyft-driver-accused-sexually-assaulting-women-article-1.2801384 |
9/22 | St. Louis Taxi Commission votes to move towards single mobile app to link riders to cabs | FOX | http://fox2now.com/2016/09/20/st-louis-taxi-commission- votes-to-move-towards-single-mobile-app-to-link-riders-to-cabs/ |
9/22 | Uber problems: Ride-hailing companies serving Pa. want permanent authorization, or else | PENN LIVE | http://www.pennlive.com/news/2016/09/uber_problems_ride-hailing_com.html | |
9/22 | Tampa taxis battling ride-sharing services | WFTS | http://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-tampa/uber-lyft | |
9/22 | What Finland Has Against Uber Drivers | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/09/21/uber-drivers-need-taxi-license-in-finland/ | |
9/22 | The five issues holding Uber and Lyft back in big states | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/9/21/12987566/ uber-lyft-five-issues-big-state-legislation-failure-schaller |
9/21 | Uber gets creative in lobbying for expansion into Upstate NY | syracuse.com | http://www.syracuse.com/state/index.ssf/2016/09/uber_gets_ creative_in_lobbying_for_expansion_into_upstate_ny.html |
9/21 | Chicago taxi group asks appellate court to even playing field with Uber | USA TODAY | http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/09/19/chicago- taxi-group-asks-appellate-court-even-playing-field-uber/90706852/ |
9/21 | How will Uber help drivers when its cars don't have any? | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160921/OPINION/160929996/how-will- uber-help-drivers-when-its-cars-dont-have-any |
9/21 | Neither Uber nor Lyft Believe Sharing is the Future | Economists View | http://economistsview.typepad.com/economistsview/2016/09/neither-uber-nor-lyft-believe-sharing-is-the-future.html | |
9/21 | Access-a-Ride wastes up to $100 million a year, experts say | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160920/BLOGS04/160919867/access-a-ride- wastes-up-to-100-million-a-year-experts-say#utm_medium=email&utm_source=cnyb- dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160920 |
9/21 | How Uber Won In Montreal | Forbes | http://www.forbes.com/sites/jaredmeyer /2016/09/19/how-uber-won-in-montreal/#79f7ddba54b8 |
9/20 | Shutdown of L train to bring traffic changes to NYC drivers | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/shutdown- train-bring-traffic-nyc-drivers-article-1.2797162 |
9/20 | Undercover investigation finds Lyft, Uber, limo drivers accepting passengers illegally | The Denver Post | http://www.denverpost.com/2016/09/19/undercover-investigation- finds-lyft-uber-limo-drivers-accepting-passengers-illegally/ |
9/20 | Lyft’s Timeline for a Fully Autonomous Fleet Is Unrealistic | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/video/2016/09/19/lyft-fully-autonomous-fleet/ | |
9/20 | What Do Uber Drivers Think About Driverless Cars? We Hailed an Uber and Asked | ChicagoInno | http://chicagoinno.streetwise.co/2016/09/19/uber- and-lyft-driverless-cars-what-do-uber-drivers-think/ |
9/20 | Feds plan aggressive approach to safety on driverless cars | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/bluesky/technology/ ct-driverless-cars-feds-safety-20160919-story.html |
9/20 | London Taxi Association Vows Not to Pay License Renewal Fees to City | AM980 | http://www.am980.ca/2016/09/19/london-taxi- association-vows-not-to-pay-renewal-fees-to-city/ |
9/20 | Driverless in Boston? It’s time to experiment | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/editorials/2016/09/18/driverless- boston-time-experiment/msSmFl8IQkTWVAnSxv7BPK/story.html |
9/19 | ‘I hear the boom’: Uber driver’s car sprayed with shrapnel from Chelsea blast | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2cnyrOx | |
9/19 | ‘SHAME ON YOU’ Uber accused of cashing in on bomb explosion by charging almost double to take terrified New Yorkers home | THE SUN | https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/1805286/uber-accused-of-cashing-in-on- bomb-explosion-by-charging-almost-double-to-take-terrified-new-yorkers-home/ |
9/19 | Customers Furious With Uber Over Surge Pricing In Chelsea | vocativ | http://www.vocativ.com/360125/customers- furious-with-uber-over-surge-pricing-in-chelsea/ |
9/19 | Video shows heated dispute between Uber driver, passenger | ABC | http://abc7chicago.com/news/video-shows- heated-dispute-between-uber-driver-passenger/1516987/ |
9/19 | Lyft’s president says ‘majority’ of rides will be in self-driving cars by 2021 | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/9/18/12944506/ lyft-self-driving-car-prediction-2021-john-zimmer |
9/19 | Uber Wants to Negotiate After Judge Rejects Settlement With Calif. Drivers | SKIFT | https://skift.com/2016/09/17/uber-wants-to-negotiate- after-judge-rejects-settlement-with-calif-drivers/ |
9/18 | Uber investors aren’t paying for innovation anymore | QUARTZ | http://qz.com/782916/ubers-billion-dollar-losses- expose-the-fragile-state-of-the-on-demand-economy/ |
9/18 | Uber nears settlement after pocketing half of drivers' tips | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-tn-uber-tip-settlement-20160916-snap-story.html | |
9/18 | Bike advocates call for more funding to Mayor Bill de Blasio's Vision Zero initiative | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/bike-advocates-call-for- more-funding-to-mayor-bill-de-blasio-s-vision-zero-initiative-1.12324920 |
9/18 | New company steps up to create Houston taxi app | HOUSTON BUSINESS JOURNAL | http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2016/09/14/ new-company-steps-up-to-create-houston-taxi-app.html |
9/18 | A Look At Uber's Ambitions For A Driverless Future | npr | http://www.npr.org/2016/09/17/494394898/ a-look-at-ubers-ambitions-for-a-driverless-future |
9/18 | Booking an Uber is now like buying a plane ticket you don't know whether it's a bad deal | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/uber-upfront-fares-obscure-surge-pricing-2016-9 | |
9/17 | A Legal Hurdle Is Keeping Uber Drivers Out of San Francisco | Inc. | http://www.inc.com/tess-townsend/uber-lyft-san-francisco-business-registration.html | |
9/17 | Judge to rule Tuesday on taxi industry's Quebec-Uber injunction request | Times Colonist | http://www.timescolonist.com/judge-to-rule-tuesday- on-taxi-industry-s-quebec-uber-injunction-request-1.2345813 |
9/17 | Calgary taxi company wants Uber ban and compensation for legal costs | Calgary Metro | http://www.metronews.ca/news/calgary/2016/09/15/ calgary-taxi-company-asks-city-for-compensation-ban-uber.html |
9/17 | Exhilarating, and a little frightening: A ride in a self-driving car | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/business/transportation/20160918_ Exhilarating__and_a_little_frightening__a_ride_in_a_self-driving_car.html |
9/17 | Uber drivers go to war against self-driving cars | MarketWatch | http://www.marketwatch.com/story/uber-drivers-wont- accept-autonomous-cars-without-a-fight-2016-09-15 |
9/17 | Uber will repay thousands of riders for misleading them about tips | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/9/15/12933442/ uber-lawsuit-settlement-repay-misleading-tip-gratuity |
9/17 | Uber Self-Driving Cars Might Not Be Such a Great Idea After All | HEATSTREET | http://heatst.com/biz/uber-self-driving-cars-might-not-be-such-a-great-idea-after-all/ | |
9/17 | Taxis versus Uber: The Regulations, the People, the Money and the Future | NATIONAL CENTER FOR POLICY ANALYSIS | http://images.realclear.com/files/2016/09/344_bg184.pdf | |
9/16 | Can Uber Prevent the Traffic Chaos of the L Train Closure? | Newsweek | http://www.newsweek.com/can-uber-prevent-traffic-chaos-l-train-closure-497719 | |
9/16 | Report slams Uber and Lyft’s claim to benefit the community | CURBED | http://www.curbed.com/2016/9/14/12917874/ report-uber-lyft-sharing-economy-community |
9/16 | London Mayor Challenges Uber, Pledges Government Support To Local Taxi Industry | iTechPost | http://www.itechpost.com/articles/29479/20160914/london-mayor- challenges-uber-pledges-government-support-to-local-taxi-industry.htm |
9/16 | It’s fair to question Uber safety after driver arrests | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2016/09/15/fair-question- uber-safety-after-driver-arrests/OiXe6K12FEMfGxLxN3mWVN/story.html |
9/16 | Uber/Lyft Philadelphia Authorization Unclear After September 30 | CBS | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/09/14/uberlyft- philadelphia-authorization-unclear-after-september-30/ |
9/16 | Regulators relent on some Uber, Lyft rules, but stick by fingerprint requirement | TBO.com | http://www.tbo.com/news/transportation/regulators-relent- on-some-uber-lyft-rules-but-stick-by-fingerprint-requirement-20160914/ |
9/16 | Quebec taxi drivers take battle over Uber to court | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/quebec- taxi-drivers-injunction-uber-deal-2016-1.3763452 |
9/16 | America Would Happily Pay Uber An Extra $7 Billion | CITYLAB | http://www.citylab.com/commute/2016/09/uber-consumer-surplus/500135/ | |
9/15 | Chicago aldermen want to ban driverless cars | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/bluesky/originals/ct- driverless-cars-uber-ban-ordinance-chicago-bsi-20160914-story.html |
9/15 | Uber, Lyft run afoul of city rules more often than taxis | The Oregonian | http://www.oregonlive.com/commuting/index.ssf/ 2016/09/uber_lyft_run_afoul_of_city_ru.html |
9/15 | London to Destroy Uber and Lyft; is New York Next? | CLAPWAY | http://clapway.com/2016/09/15/london-to-destroy-uber-and-lyft-is-new-york-next/ | |
9/15 | Uber/Lyft Philadelphia Authorization Unclear After September 30 | WPHT | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/09/14/uberlyft- philadelphia-authorization-unclear-after-september-30/ |
9/15 | Hillsborough PTC approves new rules — Future uncertain for Uber and Lyft | SPB | http://saintpetersblog.com/hillsborough-county- ptc-approves-new-rules-future-uncertain-uber-lyft/ |
9/15 | New company steps up to create Houston taxi app | Houston Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2016/09/14/ new-company-steps-up-to-create-houston-taxi-app.html |
9/14 | Is Uber Killing the Public Bus, or Helping It? | Slate | http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2016/09/12/how_cities_can_ user_uber_bikeshare_and_carshare_to_supplement_trains_and.html |
9/14 | Lyft accused of overcharging customers $60M in E-Pass tolls | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2cuZkgV | |
9/14 | Uber, Lyft leaving many Philly cabbies in the dust | newsworks | http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/local/ philadelphia/97118-uber-lyft-leaving-many-philly-cabbies-in-the-dust |
9/14 | For a Better Judicial Nominating Process, Support a Constitutional Convention | GOTHAM GAZETTE | http://www.gothamgazette.com/index.php/opinion/6523-for-a-better-judicial- nominating-process-support-a-constitutional-convention |
9/14 | More Developers Kick Parking Lots to the Curb | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/more-developers-kick-parking-lots-to-the-curb-1473759000 | |
9/14 | Taxi industry to launch court challenges to Uber pilot project | CBC | http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/taxi-industry-to-launch- court-challenges-to-uber-pilot-project-1.3070360 |
9/13 | Uber's surge pricing earnsit an 'F' on Better Business Bureau test | COMPUTERWORLDUK | http://www.computerworlduk.com/cloud-computing/ubers- surge-pricing-earns-it-an-f-on-better-business-bureau-test-3580020/ |
9/13 | NY: Report: NYC Should Work with Uber, Lyft, Other Private Companies | MASS TRANSIT | http://www.masstransitmag.com/news/12255075/transitcenter- nyc-should-work-with-uber-lyft-other-private-companies |
9/13 | Oakland: Leaders want to tax ride-hailing drivers | EAST BAY TIMES | http://www.eastbaytimes.com/2016/09/12/oakland- leaders-want-to-tax-ridesharing-drivers/ |
9/13 | Affidavit shows Lyft provided 80,000 rides without authority | Pittsburg Post Gazette | http://www.post-gazette.com/business/tech-news/2016/09/13/Affidavit- shows-Lyft-provided-80-000-rides-without-authority/stories/201609120159 |
9/13 | Driverless in Pittsburgh? ‘Greenlight governing’ deserves a green light | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2016/09/12/driverless-pittsburgh-greenlight- governing-deserves-green-light/ErK8AzCTFIum0J8XnpxtBK/story.html |
9/13 | Google car project loses leaders, and advantage, as rivals gain | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/sns-wp-blm-google- auto-4f308744-78e0-11e6-8064-c1ddc8a724bb-20160912-story.html |
9/13 | Uber Gets No Love From London Mayor’s Pledge to Cab Industry | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-09-13/ uber-gets-no-love-from-london-mayor-s-pledge-to-taxi-industry |
9/13 | Here's why Uber is avoiding an IPO for as long as possible | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/bill-gurley-uber-public-2016-9 | |
9/12 | For some safety experts, Uber’s self-driving taxi test isn’t something to hail | The Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/ for-some-safety-experts-ubers-self-driving-taxi-test- isnt-something-to-hail/2016/09/11/375f980a- 769a-11e6-be4f-3f42f2e5a49e_story.html |
9/12 | Uber, Drivers Jump-Start Talks After $100 Million Pact Denied | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-09-11/ uber-drivers-jump-start-talks-after-100-million-pact-denied |
9-12 | Fake Uber Drivers Scam Tourists at US Open: Report | WNBC | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Fake-Uber- Drivers-Scamming-Tourists-at-US-Open-Report-393003341.html |
9/11 | Fake cops rob two taxi drivers in Queens after pulling them over and macing them | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ fake-cops-rob-taxi-drivers-queens-macing-article-1.2786921 |
9/11 | Google just unveiled a feature that Uber has been blocking startups from making for years | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/google-ride-sharing-price-comparison-tool-2016-9 | |
9/11 | Fully Autonomous Cars Are Unlikely, Says America’s Top Transportation Safety Official | MIT Technology Review | https://www.technologyreview.com/s/602273/fully-autonomous- cars-are-unlikely-says-americas-top-transportation-safety-official/ |
9/11 | Taxi industry hails California bill to help it compete with Uber, Lyft: Guest commentary | LA Daily News | http://www.dailynews.com/opinion/20160910/taxi-industry-hails- california-bill-to-help-it-compete-with-uber-lyft-guest-commentary |
9/11 | Argentina Is Taking Fight Against Uber To A Whole New Level Of Ridiculous | the bubble | http://www.thebubble.com/argentina-is-taking-its- fight-against-uber-to-a-whole-new-ridiculous-level/ |
9/11 | Uber ups pressure on PTC ahead of key vote on ridesharing | Tampa Bay Times | http://www.tampabay.com/news/transportation/uber-ups- pressure-on-ptc-ahead-of-key-vote-on-ridesharing/2292956 |
9/11 | Ford to Acquire Chariot Van Service | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/ford-to-acquire-chariot-van-service-1473454302 | |
9/11 | Apple Is Said to Be Rethinking Strategy on Self-Driving Cars | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/10/technology/ apple-is-said-to-be-rethinking-strategy-on-self-driving-cars.html |
9/11 | Quebec taxi drivers to hold emergency meeting to plan reaction to Uber deal | CBCNEWS | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/quebec-uber-taxi-strike-1.3756980 | |
9/10 | Fake Uber drivers are scamming tourists at US Open | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2c5t72p | |
9/10 | When It Comes to Surge Pricing, Who Benefits You or Uber? | WNYC | http://www.wnyc.org/story/when-it-comes-surge-pricing-who-benefits-you-or-uber/ | |
9/10 | Amsterdam taxi number surge, drivers barely make ends meet | DutchNews.nl | http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2016/09/ amsterdam-taxi-number-surge-drivers-barely-make-ends-meet/ |
9/10 | Uber pressed to make self-driving service info public | The Detroit News | http://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/autos /2016/09/08/uber-pressed-make-self-driving-service-info-public/90096004/ |
9/10 | Jacksonville gears up for another attempt t ridesharing legislation | FLORIDA POLITICS | http://floridapolitics.com/archives/221533-jacksonville- gears-up-for-another-attempt-at-ride-sharing-legislation |
9/10 | Uber's onslaught is over | YAHOO | http://finance.yahoo.com/news/ubers-onslaught-is-over-183342430.html | |
9/10 | 'We'll give them a war,' Montreal cabbies say after Uber deal | Montreal Gazette | http://montrealgazette.com/news/ local-news/uber-deal-means-war-montreal-cabbies-say |
9/10 | Agreement reached in Uber-Quebec dispute | Global News | http://globalnews.ca/news/2927011/agreement-reached-in-uber-quebec-dispute/ | |
9/10 | No, Uber’s Not Going to Replace Buses, But It Can Complement Them | STREETSBLOG USA | http://usa.streetsblog.org/2016/09/09/no-ubers-not- going-to-replace-buses-but-it-can-complement-them/ |
9/10 | A New Uber Rival? Ford Adds Van Pool, Bike Share Service To Mobility Portfolio | FORBES | http://www.forbes.com/sites/alanohnsman/2016/09/09/a-new-uber-rival- ford-adds-van-pool-bikeshare-service-to-mobility-portfolio/#5621160373ee |
9/9 | Cops Arrest Minivan Driver Who Allegedly Ran Over 6-Year-Old In Crosswalk | gothamist | http://gothamist.com/2016/09/08/minivan_driver_arrest.php | |
9/9 | How Safe Is Uber? | Lawyers.com | http://blogs.lawyers.com/attorney/automobile-accidents/how-safe-is-uber-38018/ | |
9/9 | Talks between Uber, Quebec going down to the wire | MONTREAL GAZETTE | http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/ quebec-uber-might-shut-down-wednesday |
9/9 | Ruling Tips Uber Drivers Away From Class-Action Suits | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/08/technology/ruling-tips- uber-drivers-away-from-class-action-suits.html?_r=0 |
9/9 | Will Uber Be the Hottest IPO of 2017? | stockpickbloggers.com | http://www.stockpickbloggers.com/2016/09/07/will-uber-be-the-hottest-ipo-of-2017/ | |
9/9 | Massachusetts taxi drivers say surcharge on Uber is useless | AMI Newswire | https://aminewswire.com/stories/511008369-massachusetts- taxi-drivers-say-surcharge-on-uber-is-useless |
9/8 | Is Uber Bleeding to Death? | Pulse | https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/uber-bleeding-death-jared-carmel-2 | |
9/8 | Denver Taxi Drivers Are Turning Uber’s Disruption on Its Head | THE Nation | https://www.thenation.com/article/denver-taxi- drivers-are-turning-ubers-disruption-on-its-head/ |
9/8 | Employee suit ruling could be win for Uber | USA TODAY | http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2016/09/07/uber-law- suit-employee-contract-worker-credit-report-mohamed-gillette/89978116/ |
9/7 | Council bill would provide health benefits for taxi, Uber drivers | POLITICO | http://www.politico.com/states/new-york/city-hall/story/2016/09/ city-council-aims-to-revive-health-care-fund-for-taxi-uber-drivers-105199 |
9/7 | Karhoo taxi app 'bigger than Uber after just three months' | EVENING STANDARD | http://www.standard.co.uk/news/techandgadgets/karhoo- taxi-app-bigger-than-uber-after-just-three-months-a3337546.html |
9/7 | How a 62-Year-Old Sikh Taxi Driver Landed a Modelling Gig While on Duty in New York | THE BETTER INDIA | http://www.thebetterindia.com/67388/ajit- singh-bharath-menswear-new-york-fashion-week/ |
9/7 | Cashman: Uber CEO, it’s on you to fix driver screening | BOSTON Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/news/columnists/jaclyn_cashman /2016/09/cashman_uber_ceo_it_s_on_you_to_fix_driver_screening |
9/7 | Frustrated by assaults, Senator sees need to revisit ride-hail law | WWLP | http://wwlp.com/2016/09/05/frustrated-by- assaults-senator-sees-need-to-revisit-ride-hail-law/ |
9/7 | Measure tightening rules on Uber and Lyft passes major hurdle | Tampa Bay Times | http://web.tampabay.com/news/transportation/measure- tightening-rules-on-uber-and-lyft-passes-major-hurdle/2292460 |
9/7 | Self-driving Uber car seen in SF was not actually driving itself | SFGATE | http://www.sfgate.com/business/article/Self-driving-Uber-car-spotted-in-SF-was-not-9205687.php | |
9/6 | Uber must face Lyft driver lawsuit arising from alleged fake rides | DIGITAL TRENDS | http://www.digitaltrends.com/cars/lyft-driver-sues-uber-fake-rides/ | |
9/6 | Rideshare, taxi accidents happen in Chicago, so why is data hard to get? | redeye | http://www.redeyechicago.com/news/redeye-rideshare- taxi-accidents-chicago-stats-transit-diaries-20160902-column.html |
9/6 | Uber exits the unicorn years and awkwardly steps into adolescence. Can it survive and thrive? | FOX NEWS | http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/09/05/uber-exits-unicorn-years- and-awkwardly-steps-into-adolescence-can-it-survive-and-thrive.html |
9/6 | Transit advocate weighs in on death of Flushing cyclist | TIMES Ledger | http://www.timesledger.com/stories/2016/36/biker_2016_09_02_q.html | |
9/5 | Uber Really, Really Doesn’t Pay Very Well, According to a Lawsuit Filed in North Carolina | INDY WEEK | http://www.indyweek.com/news/archives/2016/09/02/uber-really-really- doesnt-pay-very-well-according-to-a-lawsuit-filed-in-north-carolina |
9/5 | Uber Disrupted An Industry, But Can It Make A Profit? | Seeking Alpha | http://seekingalpha.com/article/4003958-uber-disrupted-industry-can-make-profit | |
9/5 | How Lyft works to shape ride-hailing legislation | Mercury News | http://www.mercurynews.com/business/ci_30322771/ driving-regulation-how-lyft-works-shape-ride-hailing |
9/5 | Self-Driving Ubers Appear in San Francisco | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/09/04/self-driving-ubers-san-francisco/ | |
9/5 | New Orleans cab drivers try to win back riders from Uber, Lyft with apps of their own | The Advocate | http://www.theadvocate.com/new_orleans/news/business/ article_7c08b5ea-6bcd-11e6-96a1-a39f75a120aa.html |
9/4 | Here's how Uber hopes to capitalize on the L train shutdown | CURBED NY | http://ny.curbed.com/2016/9/2/12769960/uber-l-train-shutdown-alternative | |
9/4 | Why The Disabled Oppose Ride Share Services Like Uber And Lyft | CBS | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/09/03/why- the-disabled-oppose-ride-share-services-like-uber-and-lyft/ |
9/4 | Dutchess cabs, limos now legal in NYC | Poughkeepsie Journal | http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/story/ news/local/2016/09/02/dutchess-cabs-limos-now-legal-nyc/89750996/ |
9/4 | Guy Says He Was Charged $573 For A 45-Hour Uber Ride He Didn’t Take | CONSUMERIST | https://consumerist.com/2016/09/02/guy-says-he- was-charged-573-for-a-45-hour-uber-ride-he-didnt-take/ |
9/4 | The Battle For The Future Of Transportation Seems Imminent | HUFFINGTON POST | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/uber-google- waze-ride-hailing-lyft_us_57c8558fe4b0a22de09485cc? |
9/3 | Uber wants Brooklyn to ride to work with the neighbors | N.Y. Post | http://nyp.st/2bVedMi | |
9/3 | Google and Uber both want to monetize hitchhiking | FUSION | http://fusion.net/story/343373/google-uber-waze-carpooling-l-train/ | |
9/3 | Google’s Waze Challenging Uber | Tech Guru Daily | http://www.tgdaily.com/enterprise/172596-googles-waze-challenging-uber | |
9/3 | California is about to overhaul its taxi industry, which could suck for self-driving cars | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/9/2/12759384/ california-legislation-taxi-overhaul-uber-google-self-driving |
9/3 | Taxi companies create petition concerning ride-sharing services | KESQ | http://www.kesq.com/news/Taxi-companies- create-petition-concerning-ride-sharing-services/41478432 |
9/3 | Uber and Lyft are getting pushback from municipalities all over the US | CNBC | http://www.cnbc.com/2016/09/02/uber-and-lyft-are- getting-pushback-from-municipalities-all-over-the-us.html |
9/3 | Uber Driver Charged With Raping Passenger In Boston | WBZ | http://boston.cbslocal.com/2016/09/02/uber- driver-rape-sexual-assault-boston-michael-vedrine/ |
9/3 | Uber Can’t Force Lyft Driver’s Fake-Rides Suit Into Arbitration | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-09-02/ uber-can-t-force-lyft-driver-s-fake-rides-suit-into-arbitration |
9/2 | New license launched | Manhattan Times | http://www.manhattantimesnews.com/new- license-launchedlanzamiento-de-nueva-licencia/ |
9/2 | Uber wants to bury the hatchet with NYC and help with its looming subway crisis | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/9/1/12753112/ uber-new-york-l-train-shutdown-carpool-williamsburg-bridge |
9/2 | Uber Charged Rider For A Ride He Never Took | WBBM | http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2016/09/01/uber-charged-rider-for-a-ride-he-never-took/ | |
9/2 | Pennsylvania reinstates $11M fine against Uber after appeal | San Francisco Chronicle | http://www.sfchronicle.com/news/us/article/ Pennsylvania-reinstates-11M-fine-against-Uber-9197793.php |
9/2 | Bullish times keep rolling on but green light may turn yellow | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160821/STATS/160819872/bullish-times- keep-rolling-on-but-green-light-may-turn-yellow#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160901 |
9/2 | Proposed bill aims to keep criminals from working for Uber, Lyft | ABC | http://abc7news.com/news/proposed-bill- aims-to-keep-criminals-from-working-for-uber-lyft/1493932/ |
9/2 | Daily Report: Uber and Google, Ride-Sharing ‘Frenemies’ | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/01/technology/ daily-report-uber-and-google-ride-sharing-frenemies.html?_r=2 |
9/2 | Chinese regulators reviewing Uber-Didi merger | San Francisco Chronicle | http://www.sfchronicle.com/news/article/ Chinese-regulators-reviewing-Uber-Didi-merger-9199314.php |
9/1 | Another Uber Settlement Rejected, This Time Over Riders’ Fee | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-08-31/another-uber- settlement-is-rejected-this-time-over-riders-fee?bcomanews=true |
9/1 | Uber Driver Accused Of Stealing From Disabled Woman | WBZ | http://boston.cbslocal.com/2016/08/30/uber-driver-arrested-wilson-brea/ | |
9/1 | California: Lawmakers want Uber, Lyft to fire criminals | KOLO | http://www.kolotv.com/content/news/California- Lawmakers-want-Uber-Lyft-to-fire-criminals-391958621.html |
9/1 | Everett Mayor requests meeting with Uber CEO | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/business/business_markets /2016/08/everett_mayor_requests_meeting_with_uber_ceo |
9/1 | An overhaul of California's taxi regulations passes the Legislature | L.A. Times | http://www.latimes.com/politics/essential/la-pol-sac-essential- politics-updates-an-overhaul-of-california-s-taxi-1472711475-htmlstory.html |
9/1 | Google Is Gearing Up To Disrupt Uber | FORBES | http://www.forbes.com/sites/jaclyntrop/2016/08/31/ google-is-gearing-up-to-disrupt-uber/#400de26338e0 |
MEDIA NEWS STORIES-August 2016 | ||||
8/31 | Bloomberg Law: NYC Cabbie Brings 4th Amendment Suit (Audio) | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/audio/2016-08-29/ bloomberg-law-nyc-cabbie-brings-4th-amendment-suit-audio |
8/31 | Uber IPO: Losing Luster After a $1.2 Billion Loss | U.S.NEWS | http://money.usnews.com/investing/articles/ 2016-08-29/uber-ipo-losing-luster-after-a-12-billion-loss |
8/31 | After Apathetic First Response, Cops Arrest Uber & Lyft Driver Who Allegedly Assaulted Cyclist | gothamist | http://gothamist.com/2016/08/29/uber_driver_cyclist_assault_arrest.php | |
8/31 | Uber is trying to figure out if it's a real business | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-wp-blm-uber- comment-80ae25f2-6ead-11e6-993f-73c693a89820-20160830-story.html |
8/31 | The Looming Threat to Uber’s Plan for World Domination | Vanity Fair | http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/08/uber-travis-kalanick-driverless-cars | |
8/30 | EXCLUSIVE: Uber targets college students for help in pushing lawmakers to allow upstate expansion | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ uber-targets-college-kids-expanding-upstate-n-y-article-1.2769286 |
8/30 | The End Of Taxi TV and The Impact on Broadway Show Advertising | NYTIX.COM | http://www.nytix.com/news/12948/the-end-of- taxi-tv-and-the-impact-on-broadway-show-advertising |
8/30 | Local Uber driver charged with open and gross lewdness | WHDH | http://whdh.com/news/local-uber-driver-charged-with-open-and-gross-lewdness/ | |
8/30 | Despite opposition Uber fights for Tampa business | THE ORACLE | http://www.usforacle.com/news/view.php/1023367/ Despite-opposition-Uber-fights-for-Tampa |
8/30 | We're getting a glimpse of the real Uber and it's a big surprise | BUSINESS INSIDER | http://www.businessinsider.com/uber-is-turning- into-a-different-company-that-you-thought-it-was-2016-8?r=UK&IR=T |
8/30 | Longtime Google exec leaves Uber board of directors | YAHOO | https://www.yahoo.com/news/longtime-google- exec-leaves-uber-board-directors-015942278.html |
8/29 | Taxi tycoon Evgeny Freidman owes $13M in taxes, NYC blasted for doing nothing about it | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/taxi- king-owes-13m-taxes-nyc-article-1.2769154 |
8/29 | Saudi official says Uber-style taxi services are ‘illegal’ | ALAR ABIYA | http://english.alarabiya.net/en/business/aviation-and-transport /2016/01/04/Saudi-official-asserts-smart-taxis-like-Uber-are-illegal-.html |
8/29 | Victorian taxi owners consider legal action over ride-sharing reforms | The Age | http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/victorian-taxi-owners- consider-legal-action-over-ride-sharing-reforms-20160828-gr305h.html |
8/29 | Uber Chooses Self Driving Cars Now | FORBES | http://www.forbes.com/sites/jonmarkman/2016/08/27/ uber-chooses-self-driving-cars-now/#1c3914efa92e |
8/29 | What India can learn about dealing with Uber from these 5 countries | The Economic Times | http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/small-biz/startups/what-india-can-learn- about-dealing-with-uber-from-these-5-countries/articleshow/53890620.cms |
8/29 | Uber dispute led to shooting that killed NBA star’s cousin | KLFY | http://klfy.com/2016/08/28/uber-dispute-led-to-shooting-that-killed-nba-stars-cousin/ | |
8/28 | More NYC Cyclists Have Died So Far This Year Than In All Of Last Year | gothamist | http://gothamist.com/2016/08/26/cyclist_deaths_2016_schenkman.php | |
8/28 | Police seek man who posed as Uber driver, attacked woman | U.S.NEWS | http://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2016-08-26/ police-seek-man-who-posed-as-uber-driver-attacked-woman |
8/28 | All Uber Wants to Do is Win, Win, Win | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/08/26/uber-data-sheet/ | |
8/28 | Self-driving taxi trial kicks off in Singapore | BBC | http://www.bbc.com/news/business-37181956 | |
8/27 | Hailing a Cab Just Got a Lot Easier in New York City | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/hailing-a-cab-has- never-been-easier-in-new-york-city-1472172389 |
8/27 | Fear Over Elimination of English Test for Taxi Drivers is Unfounded: Pol | dnainfo | https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20160826/inwood/ fear-over-elimination-of-english-test-for-taxi-drivers-is-unfounded-pol |
8/27 | Appeals Court Rules NYC Can Use GPS to Track Taxi Drivers | ABC | http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/court-city-gps-track-taxi-drivers-41680502 | |
8/27 | YELLOW CAB VS UBER: NEW YORK CITY HAILING SERVICE REPORTRDLY GETTING MORE DANGEROUS | INQUISITR | http://www.inquisitr.com/3454665/yellow-cab-vs-uber-new-york- city-taxi-hailing-service-reportedly-getting-more-dangerous/ |
8/27 | Why Uber is turning the streets of a U.S. city into its laboratory | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/bluesky/technology/ ct-uber-self-driving-cars-pittsburgh-20160826-story.html |
8/27 | Can Uber and Lyft Save Carpooling? | govtech.com | http://www.govtech.com/fs/Can-Uber-and-Lyft-Save-Carpooling.html | |
8/27 | Uber wins halt to N.Y. price- fixing lawsuit during appeal | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/us-uber-lawsuit-pricefixing-idUSKCN11121H | |
8/26 | Avoid car services if you want to survive in NYC | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2bSUGK1 | |
8/26 | Uber bid for dominance cost it $1.2B in six months | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2biKmtt | |
8/26 | MIT spinout NuTonomy just beat Uber to launch the world’s first self-driving taxi | TC | https://techcrunch.com/2016/08/24/mit-spinout-nutonomy- just-beat-uber-to-launch-the-worlds-first-self-driving-taxi/ |
8/26 | Can Uber and Lyft Save Carpooling? | STATELINE | http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/ stateline/2016/08/26/can-uber-and-lyft-save-carpooling |
8/26 | Uber said to lose at least $1.2 billion in first half of 2016 | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/technology/2016/08/25/ uber-said-lose-least-billion-first-half/b2H4LFZPFLvRdlusLOqMyH/story.html |
8/26 | NYC defends new rule that cab drivers no longer have to speak English | WABC | http://abc7ny.com/news/nyc-defends-new-rule- that-cab-drivers-no-longer-have-to-speak-english/1483185/ |
8/26 | Uber Won’t Kill Car Ownership | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/08/24/uber-volvo-car-ownership/ | |
8/25 | Why LaGuardia Is Such A Mess Right Now, And How To Navigate It | gothamist | http://gothamist.com/2016/08/24/first_go_to_jfk.php | |
8/25 | Uber and Lyft hate fingerprinting drivers, but new data show why they might be wrong | CNBC | http://www.cnbc.com/2016/08/23/uber-and-lyft-hate-fingerprinting- drivers-but-new-data-shows-why-they-might-be-wrong.html |
8/25 | Narrowing the income gap. New $15 wage to lift millions | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160821/STATS/160819840/ narrowing-the-income-gap-new-15-wage-to-lift-millions#utm_medium= email&utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160824 |
8/25 | Uber and Lyft Promise to Play By the Rules (Sort Of) | CITYLAB | http://www.citylab.com/commute/2016/08/ uber-massachusetts-tax-regulation/497036/ |
8/25 | Judge Blocks Taxi King’s Abandonment of Cabs in Lender Dispute | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/judge-blocks-taxi- kings-abandonment-of-cabs-in-lender-dispute-1472069464 |
8/25 | The Price Of Medallions Needed To Operate Taxis In Philly Is Down | CBS | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/08/23/uber-vs-taxis-the- price-of-medallions-needed-to-operate-taxis-in-philly-is-down/ |
8/25 | Uber & the Auto Loan Bubble - An Analysis | UP | http://www.uberpeople.net/threads/uber-the-auto-loan-bubble-an-analysis.98564/ | |
9/24 | Designs for a new bus terminal unveiled | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160922/REAL_ESTATE/160929950/five-firms- unveil-designs-for-a-revamped-port-authority-bus-terminal#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160923 |
8/24 | No Delay of Labor Board's Look Into Uber | Courthouse News Service | http://www.courthousenews.com/2016/08/22/ no-delay-of-labor-boards-look-into-uber.htm |
8/24 | It's self-driving or bust for Uber CEO; the IPO can wait | USA TODAY | http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2016/08/19/ s-self-driving-cars-uber-ceo-travis-kalanick-ipo/88967594/ |
8/24 | Cyclist Says Uber Driver Assaulted Her In Front Of Cops & They Did Nothing | gothamist | http://gothamist.com/2016/08/23/uber_cyclist_assault_williamsburg.php | |
8/24 | Putting the Con in the Gig Economy | LABORNOTES | http://labornotes.org/blogs/2016/08/putting-con-gig-economy | |
8/24 | The days of Taxi TV are numbered | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/opinion/columnists/mark-chiusano /the-days-of-taxi-tv-are-numbered-what-will-replace-it-1.12211007 |
8/24 | Finnish police crack down on Uber drivers without taxi permits | YAHOO | https://www.yahoo.com/news/finnish-police-crack-down-uber- drivers-without-taxi-123344570--finance.html?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma |
8/24 | Uber may have the weaker hand in dispute with drivers | The Mercury News | http://www.mercurynews.com/michelle-quinn/ci_ 30277132/uber-may-have-weaker-hand-dispute-drivers |
8/24 | As Goes Uber? New York City Drops English Test For Yellow Cab Drivers | Zero Hedge | http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-22/know- english-no-problem-least-nyc-cabdrivers-riders-other-hand |
8/24 | Don't Believe Uber Massachusetts' New Ridesharing Tax Is Terrible | Forbes | http://www.forbes.com/sites/jaredmeyer/2016/08/23/ dont-believe-uber-bostons-new-ridesharing-tax-is-terrible/#20bec4e84664 |
8/24 | Uber rides in DC region getting more expensive | San Francisco Chronicle | http://www.sfchronicle.com/news/article/Uber- rides-in-DC-region-getting-more-expensive-9179222.php |
8/24 | Lyft says it isn't for sale — here's what that really means | BUSINESS INSIDER | http://www.businessinsider.com/what-lyft-means-when-it-says-its-not-for-sale-2016-8 | |
8/23 | Uber, the real lives of its drivers | TAXI LEAKS | http://taxileaks.blogspot.com/2016/08/channel-4-news-special-uber-real-lives.html | |
8/23 | Should Uber and Lyft pay to improve taxi industry? The Bay State says yes | Christian Science Monitor | http://www.csmonitor.com/Business/In-Gear/2016/0822/Should- Uber-and-Lyft-pay-to-improve-taxi-industry-The-Bay-State-says-yes |
8/23 | New St. Louis Cab Co., A Super Taxi, Is Taking on Uber — and Old-School Rivals, Too | RFT | http://www.riverfronttimes.com/newsblog/2016/08/22/new-st-louis- cab-co-a-super-taxi-is-taking-on-uber-and-old-school-rivals-too |
8/23 | Citing Uber's 'unsavory tactics,' Lyft denies that it's for sale | SAN FRANCISCO BUSINESS TIMES | http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/blog /2016/08/uber-lyft-sale-reports-tactics.html |
8/23 | Federal judge dismisses cab owners' lawsuit against Uber | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/business/20160823_Federal_ judge_dismisses_cab_owners__lawsuit_against_Uber.html |
8/23 | Judge Rejecting Settlement with Drivers May Give Uber Upper Hand | BLUE MAUMAU | http://www.bluemaumau.org/15388/judge_rejecting_ settlement_drivers_may_give_uber_upper_hand |
8/22 | Our TaxiTV Nightmare Is Coming To An End | gothamist | http://gothamist.com/2016/08/21/taxi_tv_unplugged.php | |
8/22 | A $1 tax on Uber rides to support licensed taxi drivers paves way for legalization in Melbourne | GeekTime | http://www.geektime.com/2016/08/21/a-1-tax-on-uber-rides-to- support-licensed-taxi-drivers-paves-way-for-legalization-in-melbourne/ |
8/22 | Can fast change in self-driving autos equal profits? | Detroit Free Press | http://www.freep.com/story/money/cars/ford/2016/08/21/uber--lyft-gm-pittsburgh- autonomous-vehicles-self-driving-autos-equal-profits/88944036/ |
8/22 | Uber driver ‘terrorized’ women, tried to exchange rides for sex, police say | The Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/08/20/uber- driver-terrorized-women-tried-to-exchange-rides-for-sex-police-say/ |
8/22 | Uber faces possible multimillion-dollar tax in Taiwan | THE HILL | http://thehill.com/policy/technology/292042-uber- faces-possible-multi-million-dollar-tax-in-taiwan |
8/22 | Uber's settlement flop reignites potentially costly driver lawsuits | The Business Times | http://www.businesstimes.com.sg/transport/ubers-settlement- flop-reignites-potentially-costly-driver-lawsuits |
8/22 | 'We're Just Rentals':Uber Drivers Ask Where They Fit In a Self-Driving Future | Slashdot | https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/16/08/19/1916252/were- just-rentals-uber-drivers-ask-where-they-fit-in-a-self-driving-future |
8/21 | EXCLUSIVE: TLC prepares for Taxi TV's termination by testing tablets with Wi-Fi and valuable apps | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/tlc-preps- taxi-tv-termination-tests-tablet-options-article-1.2759397 |
8/21 | New law cuts English language requirement for NYC cab drivers | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/us-new-york-taxi-idUSKCN10V0V4 | |
8/21 | Area taxi bill signed by Cuomo | Albany Times Union | http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Area-taxi-bill-signed-by-Cuomo-9174184.php | |
8/21 | Is Uber’s Push For Self-Driving Cars A Job Killer? | CBS | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/08/19/uber-self-driving-cars-job-killer/ | |
8/21 | Uber Is Running Away From Everyone, Here's How It Can Still Lose | FORBES | http://www.forbes.com/sites/markrogowsky/2016/08/19/uber-is-running-away- from-everyone-heres-how-it-can-still-lose/#27a348fd79e4 |
8/20 | Lyft And Uber Provide Interesting Economic Truths From The Ride Sharing Market | FORBES | http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2016/08/20/lyft-and-uber-provide- interesting-economic-truths-from-the-ride-sharing-market/#34fcf35d62ec |
8/20 | Lyft Is Said to Seek a Buyer, Without Success | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/20/technology/lyft-is-said-to- fail-to-find-a-buyer-despite-talks-with-several-companies.html?_r=0 |
8/20 | What happened in Austin after Uber and Lyft got up and left | CNBC | http://www.cnbc.com/2016/08/18/what-happened-in- austin-after-uber-and-lyft-got-up-and-left.html |
8/20 | Lyft looks to Apple, Uber for buyout: report | USA TODAY | http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2016/08/19/ lyft-looks-apple-uber-buyout-report/89018334/ |
8/20 | Florida Uber Driver Accused of Sexually Assaulting 3 Women | ABC | http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/florida-uber- driver-accused-sexually-assaulting-women-41507761 |
8/20 | NLRB Fights to See How Uber Handles Its Drivers | Courthouse News Service | http://www.courthousenews.com/2016/08/18/ nlrb-fights-to-see-how-uber-handles-its-drivers.htm |
8/20 | Travis Kalanick on Uber's bet on self-driving cars: 'I can't be wrong' | BUSINESS INSIDER | http://www.businessinsider.com/travis-kalanick- interview-on-self-driving-cars-future-driver-jobs-2016-8 |
8/19 | Suspects wanted in string of taxi robberies in Manhattan | WABC-TV | http://abc7ny.com/news/suspects-wanted- in-string-of-taxi-robberies-in-manhattan/1474154/ |
8/19 | A nickel for your thoughts on how to make taxis better | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2016/08/19/ kirsner/8zZ7P7THjE4joHLiYqxQ7J/story.html |
8/19 | Self-Driving Cars Go Public; Uber Offers Rides in Pittsburgh | ABC | http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/ uber-autonomous-cars-haul-people-weeks-41481011 |
8/19 | The Ride Sharing Business: Is A Bar Mitzvah Moment Approaching? | Seeking Alpha | http://seekingalpha.com/article/4000703-ride-sharing-business- bar-mitzvah-moment-approaching?app=1&auth_param=rmoif: 1brc459:dcee0033c90846f82bb76d4aebf56017&uprof=82&dr=1 |
8/19 | Florida County Becomes New Front In Uber, Lyft’s Biometric Background Check Fight | FORTUNE | http://findbiometrics.com/florida-uber-lyft-biometric-check-308176/ | |
8/19 | Here's Why Uber Is Taking London's Transport Authority to Court | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/08/17/uber-london-transport/ | |
8/19 | How the Daily Commute Is Going to Change | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/how-the-daily-commute-is-going-to-change-1461550158 | |
8/19 | Judge rejects $100 million settlement in key case with Uber drivers | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-uber- settlement-rejected-20160818-story.html |
8/18 | Three-strike policy for cab drivers pushed by Councilman Daniel Garodnick | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/three-strike-policy-for-cab-drivers- pushed-by-councilman-daniel-garodnick-1.12188128 |
8/18 | An Expert in Valuation Says Uber Is Only Worth $28 Billion, Not $62.5 Billion | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-08-17/an- expert-in-valuation-says-uber-may-have-already-peaked |
8/18 | Uber and Lyft considered to replace public buses in two U.S. cities | YAHOO | https://www.yahoo.com/tech/uber-lyft-considered-replace-public-214410691.html | |
8/18 | Uber and Lyft criticize Seattle’s data demands as city struggles to implement new union law | GeekWire | http://www.geekwire.com/2016/uber-and-lyft-criticize-seattles- data-demands-as-city-struggles-to-implement-new-union-law/ |
8/17 | Your Uber bill and wait time could go up under new PTC rules | TBO | http://www.tbo.com/news/transportation/new-rideshare-rules- move-ahead-in-hillsborough-despite-uber-lyft-objections-20160816/ |
8/17 | City won't delay Uber legalization because of massive taxi lawsuit | OTTAWA SUN | http://www.ottawasun.com/2016/08/15/city-wont-delay- uber-legalization-because-of-massive-taxi-lawsuit |
8/17 | Cambridge says the new Mass. Uber law should end cabbies’ complaints | boston.com | http://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/08/16/cambridge- says-the-new-mass-uber-law-should-end-cabbies-complaints |
8/17 | If Uber won't drive handicapped, it should fund accessible cabs | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160816/OPINION/160819928/if-uber- wont-drive-handicapped-it-should-fund-accessible-cabs#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160816 |
8/17 | New York’s dollar vans teach a useful lesson | THE ECONOMIST | http://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21705275-flourishing- efficient-semi-legal-trade-ferrying-new-yorkers-around-new-yorks |
8/17 | Taxi Medallion Loan Concentration at Heart of Melrose CU Consent Order | Credit Union Times | http://www.cutimes.com/2016/08/16/taxi-medallion-loan-concentration-at-heart-of-melr | |
8/16 | A new New York? Manhattan's oldest neighbourhood goes car-free, kind of | theguardian | https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2016/aug/15/ new-york-manhattan-car-free-shared-streets-financial-district |
8/16 | Group of Men Targeting Cab Drivers, Passengers for Robberies Near Empire State Building | Patch | http://patch.com/new-york/midtown-nyc/group-men-targeting- cab-drivers-passengers-robberies-near-empire-state-building |
8/16 | Even with an Uber drivers’ ‘union,’ little has changed in their fight for in-app tipping | recode | http://www.recode.net/2016/8/13/12466930/uber- drivers-union-tipping-option-petition-independent-drivers-guild |
8/16 | Uber and Lyft Work With Cities to Replace Public Buses | SKIFT | https://skift.com/2016/08/15/uber-and-lyft-work-with-cities-to-replace-public-buses/ | |
8/15 | NYPD: Cab Drivers Targeted In Manhattan Robbery String | CBS | http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/08/15/cab-driver-robberies-manhattan/ | |
8/15 | Uber Driver Charged With Teen Girl's Rape Sobs During Arraignment | YAHOO | https://www.yahoo.com/news/uber-driver-charged-teen-girls-180356339.html | |
8/15 | Dollar-van driver sought in hit-run death of Brooklyn couple | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2aRXCFa | |
8/15 | Melrose Credit Union Undercapitalized | Credit Union Times | http://www.cutimes.com/2016/08/14/melrose-credit- union-undercapitalized?slreturn=1471262494 |
8/15 | Lyft Inks Partnership to Bring Ridesharing to Seniors | Senior Housing | http://seniorhousingnews.com/2016/08/14/ lyft-inks-partnership-bring-ridesharing-seniors/ |
8/14 | Uber scrapping yellow cab option | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2aOeg8G | |
8/14 | Apps see surge in riders willing to get comfy with strangers | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2aQ4q6a | |
8/14 | Uber and Lyft Not Giving Up on Ridesharing for Upstate New York | Time Warner | http://www.twcnews.com/nys/rochester/news/2016/08/11/ uber-and-lyft-not-giving-up-on-ridesharing-for-upstate-new-york.html |
8/14 | Ottawa taxi plate owners hope class-action lawsuit will proceed | CBN | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/taxi-plate- owners-hope-class-action-lawsuit-proceeds-1.3719963 |
8/14 | Uber faces serious setbacks and challenges | eTN | http://www.eturbonews.com/73694/uber-faces-serious-setbacks-and-challenges | |
8/14 | PTC rules could mean the end of Uber in Tampa | TAMPA BAY BUSINESS JOURNAL | http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news/2016/08/12/ ptc-rules-could-mean-the-end-of-uber-in-tampa.html |
8/14 | Uber missed driver’s battery conviction | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/news/local_coverage /2016/08/uber_missed_driver_s_battery_conviction |
8/13 | Investigators exclusive: Taxi king who owes millions speaks out | WABC | http://abc7ny.com/news/the-investigators-taxi- king-who-owes-millions-in-taxes-speaks-out/1467418/ |
8/13 | New Rideshare Rules to Take Effect in Chicago | THE HEARTLAND INSTITUTE | https://www.heartland.org/news-opinion/ news/new-rideshare-rules-to-take-effect-in-chicago |
8/13 | No surge pricing: Delhi HC directs Uber, Ola to not charge more than stipulated rates | Indian EXPRESS | http://indianexpress.com/article/cities/delhi/ delhi-surge-pricing-ola-uber-high-court-2968226/ |
8/13 | Boston Police Commissioner Decries Lack of Fingerprinting for Uber, Lyft Drivers | FIBDBIOMETRICS | http://findbiometrics.com/boston-fingerprinting-uber-lyft-308124/ | |
8/13 | Crackdown on Uber will continue: Transportation Ministry | FOCUS TAWWAN | http://focustaiwan.tw/news/asoc/201608120024.aspx | |
8/13 | Uber’s never-ending stream of lawsuits | WGNO | http://wgno.com/2016/08/11/ubers-never-ending-stream-of-lawsuits/ | |
8/12 | Uber rolling out pre-scheduled rides to Boston customers | boston.com | http://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/08/10/ uber-rolling-out-pre-scheduled-rides-to-boston-customers |
8/12 | New law says Uber, Lyft must be accessible to all | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2016/08/11/under-new-law- uber-and-lyft-must-accessible-all/gJ5E4Xvpf60A5la8Ad95HL/story.html |
8/12 | Innovation and the Progressive’s War on Uber | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/innovation-and-the-progressives-war-on-uber-1470861268 | |
8/12 | Bike Messengers Battle Uber's Courier Service | Village Voice | http://www.villagevoice.com/news/bike- messengers-battle-ubers-courier-service-8965008 |
8/12 | Uber is concerned thousands of drivers in London will lose their jobs if they're forced to take an English writing test | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/uber-transport- for-london-english-language-test-2016-8 |
8/12 | Emanuel’s former chief of staff joins Uber | CHICAGO SUN TIMES | http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/emanuels-former-chief-of-staff-joins-uber/ | |
8/12 | Uber driver with 8-page criminal record raped teen, prosecutor says | WCVB | http://www.wcvb.com/news/uber-driver-accused-of-rape/41150296 | |
8/11 | DISABILITY ADVOCATE DEMANDS YANKEES CUT TIES WITH UBER | The Bronx Chronicle | http://thebronxchronicle.com/2016/08/09/mdisability- | |
8/11 | Taxi drivers clash with police in Costa Rica protest against Uber | YAHOO | https://www.yahoo.com/news/taxis-clog-costa- ricas-capital-anti-uber-protest-174322368.html |
8/11 | Uber Drivers In London Will Have To Learn English | CBS | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/08/10/uber- drivers-in-london-will-have-to-learn-english/ |
8/11 | Will Uber Rouse the Trustbusters? | Slate | http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2016/08/ uber_s_deal_with_didi_chuxing_could_open_it_up_to_antitrust_scrutiny.html |
8/11 | Mayor Walsh wishes the city had more control over Uber | boston.com | http://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/08/09/mayor- walsh-wishes-the-city-had-more-control-over-uber |
8/11 | New Technologies Take Aim at Uber | BTN | http://www.businesstravelnews.com/Transportation/ Ground/New-Technologies-Take-Aim-at-Uber |
8/11 | Lawsuit Alleging Kalanick Cribbed Idea for Uber Survives, for Now | THE RECORDER | http://www.therecorder.com/id=1202764794814/Lawsuit-Alleging- Kalanick-Cribbed-Idea-for-Uber-Survives-for-Now?slreturn=20160711070107 |
8/10 | Newark cab companies file federal lawsuit over city's $10M Uber deal | NJ.com | http://www.nj.com/essex/index.ssf/2016/08/ taxi_groups_sue_newark_over_regulation_of_uber.html |
8/10 | U.S. judge dismisses challenge to Seattle's Uber, Lyft union law | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/r-us-judge-dismisses- challenge-to-seattles-uber-lyft-union-law-2016-8 |
8/10 | How Uber Manages Drivers Without Technically Managing Drivers | fast company | http://www.fastcompany.com/3062622/how-ubers- app-manages-drivers-without-technically-managing-drivers |
8/10 | How black and yellow cabs in Delhi and Mumbai are trying to beat Uber and Ola at their own game | scroll.in | http://scroll.in/article/813422/how-black-and-yellow-cabs-in- delhi-mumbai-are-attempting-to-beat-uber-ola-at-their-own-game |
8/10 | Dotson defends investigation into possible rape in Uber vehicle | ST. LOUIS POST DISPATCH | http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/dotson-defends-investigation- into-possible-rape-in-uber-vehicle/article_0830d66a-8972-5f52-9b51-db7d6d02a319.html |
8/9 | Uber calls UberPool flat rate in Manhattan a success, says trip times are down | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/uber-calls-uberpool-flat- rate-in-manhattan-a-success-says-trip-times-are-down-1.12146204 |
8/9 | Plans finally underway to expand overcrowded Brooklyn Bridge bike path | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160808/BLOGS04/160809874/plans-finally- underway-to-expand-overcrowded-brooklyn-bridge-bike#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160808 |
8/9 | Schenectady hikes taxi fares, medallion price | timesunion | http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Schenectady- hikes-taxi-fares-medallion-price-9130376.php |
8/9 | Will Uber Go Under? | truth-out.org | http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/37141-will-uber-go-unter | |
8/9 | Taxi commission's suit against Uber moved to St. Louis County Circuit Court | ST. LOUIS POST DISPATCH | http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/taxi-commission-s-suit- against-uber-moved-to-st-louis/article_6e9a72b5-8c9d-569a-abf3-0aa433a05f89.html |
8/9 | Why Uber Couldn’t Crack China | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/08/07/uber-china-didi-chuxing/ | |
8/9 | How and why to short Uber | boingboing | https://boingboing.net/2016/08/06/how-and-why-to-short-uber.html | |
8/9 | Uber just renewed its feud with London's regulators | CITY A.M. | http://www.cityam.com/247077/uber-just-renewed-its-feud-londons-regulators | |
8/9 | Toronto to screen Uber drivers by the end of August, city says, as cabbies plan job action | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-cabbie-uber-screening-1.3710324 | |
8/8 | Uber, Lyft spent nearly $1M on NYS lobbying so far in 2016 | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ uber-lyft-spent-1m-nys-lobbying-2016-article-1.2741680 |
8/8 | Uber slammed in lawsuit over accessibility by Brooklyn woman who uses wheelchair | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/disabled-brooklyn- woman-slams-uber-accessibilty-lawsuit-article-1.2742076 |
8/8 | Former Start Co. Company Expands to Help Taxis Take on Uber and Lyft | Memphis Daily News | https://www.memphisdailynews.com/news/2016/aug/8/former- start-co-company-expands-to-help-taxis-take-on-uber-and-lyft/ |
8/8 | Why Uber Might Stalk an IPO Sooner Rather Than Later | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/article_email/why-uber-might-stalk- an-ipo-sooner-rather-than-later-1470593467-lMyQjAxMTE2MTAxNzEwODc2Wj |
8/8 | Mom of boy fatally hit by Uber car is suing city, driver | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2ayK1pD | |
8/7 | Cheap fares fueled the rise of ride-hailing. But will rides stay cheap forever? | L.A. Times | http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/ la-fi-tn-future-ride-hailing-snap-story.html |
8/7 | Competitors aren’t scared of Uber’s latest alliance | N.Y.Post | http://nyp.st/2aAja95 | |
8/7 | Taxi drivers to start job action on morning of Aug. 17 | CTV Toronto | http://toronto.ctvnews.ca/taxi-drivers-to- start-job-action-on-morning-of-aug-17-1.3017802 |
8/6 | After conceding China, Uber’s battle for Southeast Asia just got tougher | PitchBook | http://pitchbook.com/news/articles/after-conceding- china-ubers-battle-for-southeast-asia-just-got-tougher |
8/6 | Toyota developing new taxi for Japan, ties up with hire-taxi body | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/r-toyota-developing- new-taxi-for-japan-ties-up-with-hire-taxi-body-2016-8 |
8/6 | The taxi industry’s Uber battle in Massachusetts is not over yet | boston.com | https://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/08/05/ taxi-industrys-uber-battle-massachusetts-not-yet |
8/6 | Taxi group eyes lawsuit over new ride-hailing law | BOSTON HERALD | http://www.bostonherald.com/news/local_politics/2016/08/ taxi_group_eyes_lawsuit_over_new_ride_hailing_law |
8/6 | Uber, Lyft now pay fee to taxi companies | WWLP | http://wwlp.com/2016/08/05/uber-lyft-now-pay-fee-to-taxi-companies/ | |
8/6 | St. Louis rape investigation delayed by Uber's 'technical obstacles' | ST LOUIIS POST DISPATCH | http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/st-louis-rape- investigation-delayed-by-uber-s-technical-obstacles/article_ 61d3c6ea-ae10-511e-9e26-5a76084ecf90.html |
8/6 | Underserved Communities Rely on Uber, but Challenges Remain | AMERICAN PROSPECT | http://prospect.org/article/underserved-communities-rely-uber-challenges-remain | |
8/5 | Uber’s competitors are raising billions to make sure it doesn’t dominate southeast Asia | FAST COMPANY | https://news.fastcompany.com/ubers-competitors-are-raising- billions-to-make-sure-it-doesnt-dominate-southeast-asia-4015949 |
8/5 | Baker will sign Uber, Lyft legislation | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/08/04/baker- will-sign-uber-legislation/yKzTOGU6yh7oTQp1cMQz2K/story.html |
8/5 | Syracuse Taxi Companies Protest Airport 'Monopoly' | TIME WARNER CABLE | http://www.twcnews.com/nys/central-ny/news/2016/08/3/ syracuse-taxi-companies-protest-airport--monopoly-.html |
8/5 | Uber IPO: Does Uber-Didi Deal Clear the Way for an Uber IPO in 2016? | PROFIT CONFIDENTIAL | http://www.profitconfidential.com/ipo/uber-ipo-does- uber-didi-deal-clear-the-way-for-an-uber-ipo-in-2016/ |
8/5 | Uber faces ban in Taiwan | BBC | http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-36966334 | |
8/5 | Lessons from the Uber war | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2016/08/04/ lessons-from-uber-war/Gq8oNWabciihO4GTx5lbnM/story.html |
8/4 | Taxi commission plans to impound cars suspected of picking up fares without the right license | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ taxi-commisison-impound-cars-article-1.2737276 |
8/4 | Ahead of state bill, Albany pushes local taxi reform | timesunion | http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/ Ahead-of-state-bill-Albany-pushes-local-taxi-9105919.php |
8/4 | A Potential Uber Class/Collective Action Will Proceed in the Eastern Districtof Pennsylvania | JDSUPRA | http://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/to-arbitrate-or-not-to-arbitrate-that-25604/ | |
8/4 | Has Uber maxed out on private financing? | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/ la-fi-tn-uber-funding-ipo-20160801-snap-story.html |
8/4 | Judge Shreds Uber; Says Company Can’t Prove Riders Are Giving Up Right To Sue | CONSUMERIST | https://consumerist.com/2016/08/02/judge-shreds-uber- says-company-cant-prove-riders-are-giving-up-right-to-sue/ |
8/4 | NYC Cab Fight: Israelis Take On Uber | The Jewish Week | http://www.thejewishweek.com/news/new-york/nyc-cab-fight-israelis-take-uber-0 | |
8/4 | Baker won’t say if he will sign the new Uber, Lyft regulations | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/08/01/commissioner- evans-uber-lyft-drivers-should-fingerprinted/0f7wRUFOkoHnkgdrj5JzAO/story.html |
8/4 | Public meeting on proposed new ride-sharing rules in Hillsborough County goes nowhere | Florida Politics | http://floridapolitics.com/archives/218142-public-meeting- proposed-new-ride-sharing-rules-hillsborough-county-goes-nowhere |
8/3 | Bill Bratton stepping down as NYPD commissioner | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160802/POLITICS/160809971/ bill-bratton-stepping-down-as-nypd-commissioner#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160802 |
8/3 | New Uber competitor accused of being in cahoots with taxi companies, PTC | TAMPA BAY BUSINESS JOURNAL | http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news/ 2016/08/01/new-uber-competitor-accused-of-being-in-cahoots.html |
8/3 | Gay Uber customer says driver hurled slurs and tried to run him over | LGBTQ NATION | http://www.lgbtqnation.com/2016/08/gay-uber- customer-says-driver-hurled-slurs-tried-run/ |
8/3 | Law would require Uber to pay a nickel for every ride to help the taxi industry | boston.com | https://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/08/01/ new-law-require-uber-pay-5-cents-every-ride-taxi-industry |
8/3 | Forced to compete with Uber and Lyft, Pittsburgh Yellow Cab innovates | watchdog.org | http://watchdog.org/272226/forced-compete-uber-lyft-pittsburgh-yellow-cab-innovates/ | |
8/3 | Commissioner Evans: Fingerprint Uber, Lyft Drivers | WBZ | http://boston.cbslocal.com/2016/08/01/boston- police-evans-upset-fingerprint-uber-lyft-ridesharing-drivers/ |
8/3 | Cities Need More Public Transit, Not More Uber and Self-Driving Cars | truthout.org | http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/37061-cities- need-more-public-transit-not-more-uber-and-self-driving-cars |
8/3 | Commentary: Uber's competitors are a better bet than Uber | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/ commentary/ct-uber-competitors-lyft-20160802-story.html |
8/2 | Ride-share companies riding on the American society? | Patch | http://patch.com/california/paloalto/ride-share-companies-riding-american-society | |
8/2 | Taxi reform in Albany, finally! | Times Union | http://blog.timesunion.com/juddkrasher/taxi-reform-in-albany-finally/105/ | |
8/2 | The taxi industry could sue the state over the new Uber and Lyft law | boston.com | https://www.boston.com/news/business/ 2016/08/01/taxi-industry-might-sue-state-new-uber-lyft-law |
8/2 | Mass-Taxi drivers: New Uber, Lyft regulations don’t go far enough | WWLX | http://wwlp.com/2016/08/01/taxi-drivers-new-uber-lyft-regulations-go-far-enough/ | |
8/2 | Uber driver accused of shouting slurs, trying to hit man with car | AOL | http://www.aol.com/article/2016/08/01/uber-driver- accused-of-shouting-slurs-trying-to-hit-man-with-ca/21442951/ |
8/2 | Boston police commissioner: Fingerprint Uber, Lyft drivers | boston.com | https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2016/08/01/ boston-police-commissioner-fingerprint-uber-lyft-drivers |
8/2 | Lyft is bleeding hundreds of millions of dollars | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/leaked-lyft-finances-show-big-losses-2016-8 | |
8/2 | Uber in Dare to Judge Says It’s Ready to Ditch Driver Deal | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-08-01/ uber-in-dare-to-judge-says-it-s-ready-to-ditch-driver-settlement |
8/2 | Uber Wins by Losing in China | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/gadfly/articles/2016-08-01/ uber-may-end-up-winning-big-by-losing-out-in-china |
8/1 | Massachusetts lawmakers agree on new rules for Uber and Lyft | boston.com | http://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/08/01/uber-lyft-state-house-bill | |
8/1 | Uber drivers want rate hikes but not all want a union | KNOW.ORG | http://kuow.org/post/uber-drivers-want-rate-hikes-not-all-want-union | |
MEDIA NEWS STORIES-July 2016 | ||||
7/31 | China finally made ride-hailing legal, in a way that could destroy Uber’s business model | QUARTZ | http://qz.com/745337/china-finally-made-ride-hailing- legal-in-a-way-that-could-destroy-ubers-business-model/ |
7/31 | Calif. Agency Can't Dodge Cab Co.'s Suit Over Uber Rules | Law360 | http://www.law360.com/articles/819644/calif- agency-can-t-dodge-cab-co-s-suit-over-uber-rules |
7/31 | NLA Petitions White House On Fair Labor Rules For TNCs | LCT | http://www.lctmag.com/regulations/news/714593/nla-petitions- white-house-to-apply-fair-labor-rules-to-tncs?utm_campaign= LCTENews-20160727&utm_medium=Enewsletter&utm_source=Email |
7/30 | Uber driver threatens Clay Aiken with bat, 'American Idol' star alleges in tweet | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/uber- driver-allegedly-threatens-clay-aiken-bat-article-1.2731209 |
7/30 | Uber Can’t Force Arbitration Over Pricing Antitrust Claim | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-07-29/ uber-customer-avoids-arbitration-on-antitrust-claim-in-new-york |
7/30 | Sageworks announces medallion-lending focused solution | CU Press | https://www.cuinsight.com/press-release/ sageworks-announces-medallion-lending-focused-solution |
7/30 | Melrose Credit Union Appoints Interim CEO | CreditUnionTimes | http://www.cutimes.com/2016/07/29/melrose- credit-union-appoints-interim-ceo?slreturn=1469879742 |
7/30 | Big yellow taxi took government-controlled markets away? | HOT AIR | http://hotair.com/archives/2016/07/29/big-yellow- taxi-took-government-controlled-markets-away/ |
7/30 | Why Austin’s ‘Anti-Uber’ start-up is probably doomed | FUSION | http://fusion.net/story/330436/christopher-david-arcade-city/ | |
7/30 | How Uber’s Truce With Regulators Played Out During The DNC | FiveThirtyEight | http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-ubers- truce-with-regulators-played-out-during-the-dnc/ |
7/30 | How the Democratic Party Befriended Megacorporation Uber for Its Convention | truthdig | http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/how_the_ democratic_party_befriended_megacorporation_20160728 |
7/30 | Uber Is Now Legal In China, But What About The US? | Libertarian Republic | http://thelibertarianrepublic.com/uber-now-legal-china-us/ | |
7/29 | Uber, Lyft Are Costing The MTA Money, Officials Say | CBS | http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/07/28/uber-lyft-mta-fees/ | |
7/29 | Uber making enemies at the Democratic convention | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2ag2t5T | |
7/29 | Uber Gets Special Treatment in Philadelphia, Thanks to the Democratic Party (Video) | truthdig | http://www.truthdig.com/avbooth/item/uber_ gets_special_treatment_in_philadelphia_20160728 |
7/29 | With position unclear on Uber unemployment, Cuomo's office faces federal lawsuit | POLITICO | http://www.politico.com/states/new-york/albany/story/2016/07/hesitant-to-opine- on-uber-unemployment-claims-cuomo-administration-faces-federal-lawsuit-104292 |
7/29 | With position unclear on Uber unemployment, Cuomo's office faces federal lawsuit | NEWS SOURCE | LINK | |
7/29 | Why activists in Philly are furious with Uber and the Democratic Party | FUSION | http://fusion.net/story/330471/uber-philadelphia-democratic-convention/ | |
7/29 | Woman suing Uber for negligence in 2014 rape speaks out | ABC | http://abc7.com/news/woman-suing-uber- for-negligence-in-2014-rape-speaks-out/1445221/ |
7/29 | Disability Rights Advocate Condemns DNC’s Partnership With Uber | Buzz Feed News | https://www.buzzfeed.com/maryanngeorgantopoulos/disability-rights-advocate- condemns-dncs-partnernship-with-u?utm_term=.br2VqGKD1#.bndyAKY31 |
7/29 | How Uber punishes drivers who refuse to use UberPool | click2houston | http://www.click2houston.com/news/how-uber- punishes-drivers-who-refuse-to-use-uberpool |
7/28 | Is Uber reducing drunk driving? New study says no. | The Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/tripping/wp/2016/07/27/ is-uber-reducing-drunk-driving-new-study-says-no/ |
7/28 | Crash Data Show NYC Is Losing Ground on Vision Zero | STREETSBLOG NYC | http://www.streetsblog.org/2016/07/26/crash- data-show-nyc-is-losing-ground-on-vision-zero/ |
7/28 | CityViews: We Need the NYPD out of Vision Zero | CITYLIMITS.org | http://citylimits.org/2016/07/26/cityviews-we-need-the-nypd-out-of-vision-zero/ | |
7/28 | Uber driver who sexually assaulted passenger gets up to 15 years in jail | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20160727_Uber_driver_ charged_in_rape_gets_up_to_15_years_in_jail.html |
7/28 | Uber’s Exclusive, Air-Conditioned DNC Pickup Lounge Is Riling Rivals | phillymag.com | http://www.phillymag.com/news/2016/07/27/uber-lyft-dnc-lounge-fight/ | |
7/28 | Airbnb and Uber Lobby Democrats at Philadelphia Convention | SKIFT | https://skift.com/2016/07/26/airbnb-and- uber-lobby-democrats-at-philadelphia-convention/ |
7/28 | How Uber Took Over The Democratic National Convention | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/07/26/how-uber-took-over-the-democratic-national-convention/ | |
7/28 | After backtracking on Airbnb tax, Charlie Baker mum on potential Uber surcharge | boston.com | https://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/07/26/ airbnb-roundabout-baker-mum-potential-uber-tax |
7/28 | New nationwide taxi app run by local firms to launch in Oxford to tackle Uber threat | Oxford Mail | http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/14641893.New_nationwide_taxi_ app_run_by_local_firms_to_launch_in_Oxford_to_tackle_Uber_threat/ |
7/28 | St. Louis Taxi Commission ticketing unlicensed Uber drivers | KMOV | http://www.kmov.com/story/32550330/st-louis- taxi-commission-ticketing-unlicensed-uber-drivers |
7/28 | Evanston, Ill Taxi Ordinance Revisions Complete | Evanston Roune Table | http://www.evanstonroundtable.com/main.asp? SectionID=15&SubSectionID=26&ArticleID=12307 |
7/28 | Uber, ADA Accessibility and Jackson | JACKSON FREE PRESS | http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/news/2016/ jul/27/uber-ada-accessibility-and-jackson/ |
7/27 | NY-Schenectady council proposes taxi changes | timesunion | http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/ Schenectady-council-proposes-taxi-changes-8425355.php |
7/27 | Uber, Lyft and city cabs clash over access to DNC venue | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/dnc/20160727_DNC_logistics__Some_ delegates_report_long_waits_for_food__transport__even_water.html |
7/27 | Uber drivers, others crash Uber party for Pa. delegation | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/dnc/20160726_Uber_ drivers__others__crash_Uber_party_for_Pa__delegation.html |
7/27 | Philly Suspends Annoying Uber, Booze Regs During DNC | HEATSTREET | https://heatst.com/politics/philly-suspends-annoying-uber-booze-regs-during-dnc/ | |
7/27 | U.S. judge faults Uber, bans background check in NY lawsuit | YAHOO | http://finance.yahoo.com/news/judge-bans-uber-background-checks-145730705.html | |
7/27 | Woman Sues Uber For Negligence After She Was Sexually Assaulted By Driver | CBS | http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2016/07/26/woman-sues- uber-for-negligence-after-she-was-sexually-assaulted-by-driver/ |
7/26 | There's a New Competitor for UberPool and Lyft Line | dnainfo | https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20160722/ central-harlem/theres-new-competitor-for-uberpool-lyft-line |
7/26 | Judge slams Uber for digging up dirt on customer who sued | NEW YORK POST | http://nyp.st/2acLdyN | |
7/26 | How Taxes, Uber and Lyft Undermine Car-Sharing Companies | ChicagoInno | http://chicagoinno.streetwise.co/2016/07/25/how- taxes-uber-and-lyft-undermine-car-sharing-companies/ |
7/26 | Car-Sharing Industry Carries Heavy Tax Burden | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/car-sharing-industry-carries- heavy-tax-burden-1469207576?mod=WSJ_TechWSJD_moreTopStories |
7/26 | Philly cabbies to picket Uber’s swanky party for DNC delegates tonight | BILLYPENN | http://billypenn.com/2016/07/25/philly-cabbies- to-picket-ubers-swanky-party-for-dnc-delegates-tonight/ |
7/26 | Just in Time for DNC Circus Uber, Lyft Get Philly’s Nod of Approval | Independent Womens Forum | http://www.iwf.org/blog/2800906/Just-in-Time-for- DNC-Circus-Uber,-Lyft-Get-Philly%E2%80%99s-Nod-of-Approval |
7/26 | Judge bans Uber use of background checks in NY lawsuit | CNBC | http://www.cnbc.com/2016/07/25/judge-bans- uber-use-of-background-checks-in-ny-lawsuit.html |
7/25 | Uber driver banned after alleged sexual assault | SF BAY | https://sfbay.ca/2016/07/24/uber-driver-banned-after-alleged-sexual-assault/ | |
7/25 | FBI Fingerprinting Background Checks of Uber Drivers Central Theme of Regulatory Battle | ESR | http://www.esrcheck.com/wordpress/2016/07/22/fbi-fingerprinting- background-checks-of-uber-drivers-central-theme-of-regulatory-battle/ |
7/24 | Will Uber remain the Uber of car services? | MarketWatch | http://www.marketwatch.com/story/will-uber- remain-the-uber-of-car-services-2016-07-22 |
7/24 | Uber Driver Arrested On Sexual Assault Charges | CBS | http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2016/07/23/ uber-driver-arrested-on-sexual-assault-charges/ |
7/24 | Chicago Police Say Uber Driver a Felon With Handgun, Drugs | ABC | http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/chicago-police- uber-driver-felon-handgun-drugs-40826657 |
7/23 | Is Uber Taking Investors the Long Way Home? | Real Money | http://realmoney.thestreet.com/articles /07/22/2016/uber-taking-investors-long-way-home |
7/23 | Florida consumer accuses Uber of phone harassment | Legal NewsLine | http://legalnewsline.com/stories/510965155- florida-consumer-accuses-uber-of-phone-harassment |
7/23 | Verifone helps taxi industry play catch-up with Uber, Lyft | mobilepaymentstoday | http://www.mobilepaymentstoday.com/news/verifone- helps-taxi-industry-play-catch-up-with-uber-lyft/ |
7/23 | Judge postpones day of reckoning for Uber in Philly while taxis promise not to strike | newsworks | http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/local/philadelphia/95666-judge-postpones- day-of-reckoning-for-uber-in-philly-while-taxis-promise-not-to-strike |
7/23 | Philly's UberBlack drivers can pursue class action suit, judge rules | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/business/20160722_Philly_s_UberBlack_ drivers_can_pursue_class_action_suit__judge_rules.html |
7/23 | How Uber drivers are getting screwed during the Republican National Convention | FUSION | http://fusion.net/story/328144/uber-drivers-cleveland-republican-convention/ | |
7/22 | Popular Car Rental Service for Uber and Lyft Drivers Suspends Operations | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/07/21/breeze-car-rentals-shutdown/ | |
7/22 | How bad is Philly's transportation shortage? Uber's now allowed to use older vehicles for rides | PENN LIVE | http://www.pennlive.com/news/2016/07/how_bad_is_phillys_transportat.html | |
7/22 | Uber investors are getting nervous about the fight with China's Didi and want to call a truce | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.in/Uber-investors-are-getting-nervous-about-the-fight- with-Chinas-Didi-and-want-to-call-a-truce/articleshow/53310474.cms |
7/22 | Car service roundup: Via hits airports, taxis do ride sharing, guide to best apps | Paris Guardian | http://www.parisguardian.com/index.php/sid/246041863 | |
7/21 | Taxis get into the ride-share game with new app | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160720/TECHNOLOGY/160729987 | |
7/21 | The iconic New York City yellow taxi is finally jumping on the carpooling bandwagon | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/7/20/12236342/ nyc-yellow-taxi-carpool-arro-cmt-bandwagon |
7/21 | NYPD to launch bike lane safety initiative for third time since May | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/nypd-to-launch-bike- lane-safety-initiative-for-third-time-since-may-1.12066761 |
7/21 | What Does a Recovering Medallion Market Mean for Uber's Sometime IPO? | StreetInsider.com | http://www.streetinsider.com/Corporate+News/ What+Does+a+Recovering+Medallion+Market+Mean+ for+Ubers+Sometime+IPO%3F/11847398.html |
7/21 | Signature Bank Reports 2016 Second Quarter Results | Business Wire | http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/ 20160720005175/en/Signature-Bank-Reports-2016-Quarter-Results |
7/21 | Uber cites potential rule-making snafu in opposition to Hillsborough ticket hikes | TAMPA BAY BUSINESS JOURNAL | http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news/2016/07/19/ uber-cites-potential-rule-making-snafu-in.html |
7/21 | Seattle judge hears challenge to Uber, Lyft union law | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/us-uber-labor-seattle-idUSKCN0ZZ2UY | |
7/21 | Uber Sued Over Alleged Scheme to Collect ‘Fraudulent’ Cancellation Fees on No-Show Rides | San Francisco Magazine | http://www.modernluxury.com/san-francisco/story/uber-sued-over-alleged- scheme-collect-fraudulent-cancellation-fees-no-show-rides |
7/20 | Uber & Taxi Drivers Will Be Required To Fully Rest After 12 Hours On The Road | gothamist | http://gothamist.com/2016/07/19/tlc_votes_to_cap_drivers_hours.php | |
7/20 | Plans for self-driving cars have pitfall: the human brain | AP | http://bigstory.ap.org/78a716f8c4474a36bf97a33e4c207b7b | |
7/20 | Regulators Focus on Enhancing Guidelines for Booming Multi- Billion Dollar GIG Economy | Market Watch | http://www.marketwatch.com/story/regulators-focus-on-enhancing- guidelines-for-booming-multi-billion-dollar-gig-economy-2016-07-19 |
7/20 | Seattle judge hears challenge, to Uber, Lyft union law | euron news | http://www.euronews.com/business-newswires /3222775-seattle-judge-hears-challenge-to-uber-lyft-union-law/ |
7/20 | Negotiations with Uber and Lyft to resume in Hillsborough | Tampa Bay Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news /2016/07/19/negotiations-with-uber-and-lyft-to-resume-in.html |
7/20 | All hail Uber, anywhere but Logan | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2016/07/19/all-hail-uber- anywhere-but-logan/ctCZfMwyeZTFIGMB618R8L/story.html |
7/20 | Uber's Phila. Presence Spurs More Legislation, Litigation | The Legal Intelligencer | http://www.thelegalintelligencer.com/home/id=1202762994033/Ubers- Phila-Presence-Spurs-More-Legislation-Litigation?mcode= 1202617075166&curindex=0&slreturn=20160620065253 |
7/19 | Taking Aim at Fatigue, Taxi Commission Limits Drivers to 12-Hour Days | N Y Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/19/nyregion/taking-aim- at-fatigue-taxi-commission-limits-drivers-to-12-hour-days.html?_r=0 |
7/19 | ARRO, Just What We've Been Waiting For? New Taxi Hailing App From CMT. | TAXI LEAKS | http://taxileaks.blogspot.ca/2016/07/arro-just-what-we-been-waiting-for-new.html | |
7/19 | Uber drivers must accept service animals under lawsuit settlement | L.A. Times | http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn- uber-service-animals-20160715-snap-story.html |
7/19 | Liberty Yellow Cab fights back against UberIceCream day with Mister Softee | The Buffalo News | http://www.buffalonews.com/business/liberty-yellow-cab- fights-back-against-ubericecream-day-with-mister-softee-20160715 |
7/19 | Austin’s hotels resting well without Uber and Lyft | Austin Chronicle | http://www.austinmonitor.com/stories/2016/07/ austins-hotels-resting-well-without-uber-lyft/ |
7/19 | Drivers take Uber to UK tribunal in threat to business model | Yahoo | https://www.yahoo.com/tech/drivers-uber- uk-tribunal-threat-business-model-092541597--sector.html |
7/19 | Melrose CU CEO Alan Kaufman Departs | Credit Union Times | http://www.cutimes.com/2016/07/18/melrose-cu-ceo-alan-kaufman-departs | |
7/18 | Saudi Push for Tech Deals Stirs Silicon Valley Debate | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/saudi-push-for-tech- deals-stirs-silicon-valley-debate-1468793930 |
7/18 | Uber Defense Falls Flat in Driver Rape Case | THE RECORDER | http://m.therecorder.com/?slreturn=20160717173855/#/article/ 1202753939545/Uber-Defense-Falls-Flat-in-Driver-Rape-Case? kw=Uber%20Defense%20Falls%20Flat%20in%20Driver% 20Rape%20Case&cn=20160404&pt=News%20Alert&src= EMC-Email&et=editorial&bu=The%20Recorder&_almReferrer= |
7/18 | Uber faces its first UK legal action to see if it should pay workers for holidays and pay the National Minimum Wage | This Is Money | http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-3693657/Uber-company- taxi-hailing-app-faces-legal-action-UK-drivers-workers-self-employed.html |
7/18 | Griffo And Brindisi Discuss Efforts To Bring Uber To Utica | WIBX | http://wibx950.com/griffo-and-brindisi-discuss-efforts-to-bring-uber-to-utica/ | |
7/17 | Cursing cabby to pay kissing lesbians $14K — unless he learns his lesson | NY Post | http://nyp.st/2ahvlsH | |
7/17 | Court: Uber drivers must accept service animals | HeraldNet | http://www.heraldnet.com/business/court-uber-drivers-must-accept-service-animals/ | |
7/17 | Uber’s investigators admit to lying while digging up dirt on legal foes | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/7/15/12201134/uber- ergo-admit-lie-investigation-court-travis-kalanick |
7/17 | Uber Background Check on Legal Adversaries Backfires | WSJ | http://blogs.wsj.com/law/2016/07/15/uber- background-check-on-legal-adversaries-backfires/ |
7/16 | Uber uses sweets, song, to win upstate support | WKTV | http://www.wktv.com/news/Uber_uses_sweets_song_to_win_upstate_support.html | |
7/16 | Taxi groups fight to limit Uber at Democratic convention | Washington Examiner | http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/taxi-groups-fight-to-limit- uber-at-democratic-convention/article/2596564?custom_click=rss |
7/16 | Uber debate puts Walsh in a bind | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/07/15/uber- debate-puts-walsh-bind/Ypmhr2no3hIq4ZDWe92dDP/story.html |
7/16 | Keep ride-sharing safe from state control | pressconnects | http://www.pressconnects.com/story/opinion/ 2016/07/14/guest-viewpoint-keep-ride-sharing-safe/87083768/ |
7/16 | Uber Moves A Little Closer To Public Transit’s Turf | HUFFINGTON POST | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/uber-gilt-city- uberpool_us_578661f8e4b08608d3327621?section |
7/16 | Melrose CU Fires CEO Kaufman | Credit Union Journal | http://www.cujournal.com/news/people/melrose-cu-fires-ceo-kaufman-1026294-1.html | |
7/15 | Uber Just Completely Hid Their Surge Pricing From Customers: Here’s How To Find It | HUFFINGTON POST | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andrew- wise/uber-just-completely-hid-_b_10946810.html |
7/15 | Why Do These Congressmen Want to Help Federal Employees Use Uber— but Not Taxis? | Slate.com | http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2016/07/14/do_uber_ and_lyft_deserve_tax_free_transit_benefit_status_from_the_irs.html |
7/15 | Uber Is Gradually Replacing Public Services | Inc | http://www.inc.com/tess-townsend/uber-new-911.html | |
7/15 | Ride-sharing legal Friday, but the Uber-taxi war rages on | thestar.com | https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2016/07/14/ ride-sharing-legal-friday-but-the-uber-taxi-war-rages-on.html |
7/15 | Anti-uber coalition will get its day in court, but will it matter? | PLAN PHILLY | http://planphilly.com/articles/2016/07/13/anti-uber- coalition-will-get-its-day-in-court-but-will-it-matter |
7/15 | Wolf signs bill allowing Uber, Lyft to operate in Philly | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/20160715_ Wolf_signs_bill_allowing_Uber__Lyft_to_operate_in_Philly.html |
7/15 | Massport, convention center have different takes on Uber bill | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2016/07/14/massport-convention-center- take-different-approach-with-uber-legislation/MH0ZEYZsz6MHIKBUMmU03K/story.html |
7/15 | MV-1 Taxis Making a Splash in Chicago | MV-1 | http://www.mv-1.us/mv-1-taxis-making-a-splash-in-chicago | |
7/15 | Uber driver charged with sexual assault | Chicago Sun Times | http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/uber-driver-charged-with-sexual-assault/ | |
7/14 | Uber Undercuts The MTA With Unlimited Rush Hour Passes In Manhattan | gothamist | http://gothamist.com/2016/07/12/uberpool_subway_mta.php | |
7/14 | Lyft Is Losing $50 Million a Month Battling Uber, Co-Founder Says | The Drive | http://www.thedrive.com/news/4391/node/4391 | |
7/14 | Phila. Taxi Drivers Say Strike During DNC Is Possible | CBS | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/07/13/ phila-taxi-drivers-say-strike-during-dnc-is-possible/ |
7/14 | Live by the Uber sword . . . | Siliconbeat | http://www.siliconbeat.com/2016/07/13/live-uber-sword/ | |
7/14 | Limo firms’ class-action suit: Palm Beach County unlawfully helped Uber | myPalmBeach Post | http://www.mypalmbeachpost.com/news/news/ local/limo-firms-class-action-suit-palm-beach-county-unl/nrxsQ/ |
7/14 | UberX is still illegal despite PPA truce, Philly judge rules | metro | http://www.metro.us/philadelphia/uberx-is-still- illegal-despite-ppa-truce-philly-judge-rules/zsJpgl---0Wi17Bleq5uU/ |
7/14 | The Uber price-fixing ride: what are the anti-trust implications? | CNBC | http://www.cnbcafrica.com/news/special-report /2016/07/13/the-uber-price-fixing-ride-anti-trust-implications/ |
7/14 | Pennsylvania judge orders further hearing on Uber services during DNC | c/net | http://www.cnet.com/news/pennsylvania- judge-orders-further-hearing-on-uber-services-during-dnc/ |
7/13 | NYC taxi, limousine drivers to have anti-discrimination training | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/nyc-taxi-limousine- drivers-to-have-anti-discrimination-training-1.12036028 |
7/13 | Toyota Gets an Uber Blowback From Outraged Japanese Taxi Drivers | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-07-11/ toyota-gets-an-uber-blowback-from-outraged-japanese-taxi-drivers |
7/13 | Philly-Cab Drivers Fight Back Against PPA’s DNC Deal With Uber | CBS | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/07/12/ cab-drivers-fight-back-against-ppas-dnc-deal-with-uber/ |
7/13 | NYC Taxis are still giving twice as many rides as Uber | TECH CRUNCH | https://techcrunch.com/2016/07/11/nyc- taxis-are-still-giving-twice-as-many-rides-as-uber/ |
7/13 | How Uber secretly investigated its legal foes — and got caught | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/7/10/12127638/ uber-ergo-investigation-lawsuit-fraud-travis-kalanick |
7/13 | Uber ride-sharing app suspending Hungary operations July 24 | AP | http://bigstory.ap.org/4e4db7aa07b2482caf4597993a76a79e | |
7/13 | Why Uber and Lyft regulations may see life in 2017 | bizjournals.com | http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news/2016/07/12/ why-uber-and-lyft-regulations-may-see-life-in-2017.html |
7/12 | Uber hasn’t killed the taxi industry after all | Yahoo | http://finance.yahoo.com/news/uber-hasn-t-killed-taxi-000000965.html | |
7/12 | Austin to fine taxi non-compliant taxi firms on fingerprint law | Planet Biometrics | http://www.planetbiometrics.com/article-details/i/4712/ desc/austin-to-fine-taxi-non-compliant-taxi-firms-on-fingerprint-law/ |
7/12 | Uber Is Experimenting With a Service in Manhattan That's Cheaper Than the Subway | Money Box | http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2016/07/11/uber_s_manhattan_ commute_card_signifies_the_company_s_move_from_taxis_towards.html |
7/12 | Uber Driver Freaks The F*%$ Out At Passenger Who Won’t Get Out Of His Car (NSFW) | the interro bang | http://theinterrobang.com/angry-uber-driver/ | |
7/11 | EXCLUSIVE: Uber, Lyft drivers avoid passenger complaints compared to other NYC cabbies | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/exclusive-uber- lyft-drivers-avoid-nyc-passenger-complaints-article-1.2706701 |
7/11 | City Council adds fines for failure to comply with fingerprint background check requirement | The Daily Texan | http://www.dailytexanonline.com/2016/07/10/city-council-adds- fines-for-failure-to-comply-with-fingerprint-background-check |
7/10 | Spike in ex-Uber drivers turning to taxis: Beck Taxi | TORONTO SUN | http://www.torontosun.com/2016/07/09/spike- in-ex-uber-drivers-turning-to-taxis-beck-taxi |
7/10 | Uber Is Currently Facing More Than 70 Lawsuits in Federal Court | Slate.com | http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2016/07/08/ uber_is_fighting_more_than_70_lawsuits_in_federal_court.html |
7/10 | Uber strikes deal with Democrats, Republicans left out | Silocon Beat | http://www.siliconbeat.com/2016/07/08/uber- strikes-deal-with-democrats-republicans-left-out/ |
7/10 | Kennewick, Uber taxi service wrangle over driver background checks | Tri-City Herald | http://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/local/article88729147.html | |
7/9 | Chicago Adds 50 Wheelchair- Accessible MV-1s to Taxi Fleet | MASS TRANSIT | http://www.masstransitmag.com/press_release/12229754/ chicago-adds-50-wheelchair-accessible-mv-1s-to-taxi-fleet |
7/9 | GOP can't hitch ride in Uber convention plans | POLITICO | http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/gop-convention-uber-225261 | |
7/9 | If you’re waiting for a self-driving car revolution, keep waiting | TECH CRUNCH | https://techcrunch.com/2016/07/07/if-youre- waiting-for-a-self-driving-car-revolution-keep-waiting/ |
7/9 | Uber files response to snooping charges, but won't let the public see it—yet | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160707/TECHNOLOGY/160709942/ ubers-latest-controversy-of-having-a-conservationist-investigated-by |
7/9 | Uber raises $1.15 billion leveraged loan | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/us-uber-loan-idUSKCN0ZO020?utm_source=applenews | |
7/9 | Uber or Taxi? Here’s How to Get the Best Deal on Your Ride | Money Talks | http://www.moneytalksnews.com/uber-taxi-heres-how-get-the-best-deal-your-ride/ | |
7/8 | One Small Step for Uber, One Giant Leap for Chicago’s Sharing Economy (or something like that)! | jdsupra.com | http://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/one-small-step-for-uber-one-giant-leap-17968/ | |
7/8 | Former foes Uber, PPA in temporary, $350K ride-share agreement | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20160708_Former_ foes_Uber__PPA_in_temporary___350K_ride-share_agreement.html |
7/8 | Taxi drivers protest as ex-Uber driver arraigned | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/07/07/taxi-drivers-protest-uber-driver- arraigned-indecent-assault-charge/hRdaBcSzvWzL5AHJegpugL/story.html |
7/8 | Savannah City Council approves revisions to taxi ordinance | WTVM | http://www.wtvm.com/story/32395339/savannah- city-council-approves-revisions-to-taxi-ordinance |
7/8 | Toronto taxi industry skeptical over new insurance policy for UberX drivers | InsideToronto.com | http://www.insidetoronto.com/news-story/6758195-toronto-taxi-industry- skeptical-over-new-insurance-policy-for-uberx-drivers/ |
7/8 | Uber taxi driver drove 200miles to stab popular Glasgow shopkeeper Asad Shah to death in argument over religion | Mirror | http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/uber-taxi-driver-drove-200miles-8368097 | |
7/8 | Uber and Kansas City are poised to battle again over regulations | The Kansas City Star | http://www.kansascity.com/news/business/technology/article88012797.html | |
7/8 | Lyft just added a luxury service to rival UberBlack | MSN | http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/lyft-just-added- a-luxury-service-to-rival-uberblack/ar-BBu4iQm?li=BBnbklF&ocid=DELLDHP |
7/7 | Former Mississauga mayor Hazel McCallion backs taxi industry in battle with Uber | The Mississauga News | http://m.mississauga.com/news-story/6756142-former-mississauga- mayor-hazel-mccallion-backs-taxi-industry-in-battle-with-uber |
7/7 | You Can’t Take an Uber Home From These Airports | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/you-cant-take- an-uber-home-from-these-airports-1467829592 |
7/7 | Uber driver accused of sexually assaulting passenger | wishtv.com | http://wishtv.com/2016/07/06/uber-driver-accused-of-sexually-assaulting-passenger/ | |
7/7 | Tougher fines in works for Uber and Lyft drivers | Tampa Bay Times | http://www.tampabay.com/news/tougher-fines-in-works-for-uberlyft-drivers/2284400 | |
7/7 | Former Uber Driver Arrested in Coconut Grove for Allegedly Selling Drugs | NBC Miami | http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/Uber-Driver-Arrested- in-Coconut-Grove-for-Allegedly-Selling-Drugs-While-On-The-Job-385664101.html |
7/7 | Deputies: Uber driver refused to give ride to group of blind people, service dog | Action News Jax | http://www.actionnewsjax.com/news/local/central-florida- uber-driver-refuses-ride-for-blind-man-service-dog/388995365 |
7/6 | New details about Uber's investigation of man who sued it | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160705/TECHNOLOGY/160709979/new-details- about-ubers-investigation-of-man-who-sued-it#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-morning10&utm_campaign=cnyb-morning10-20160706 |
7/6 | Uber faces attacks on multiple fronts | Mercury News | http://www.mercurynews.com/business/ci_30091649/uber-faces-attacks-multiple-fronts | |
7/6 | Cambridge cabbies sue city over 'unfair' regs; demand level playing field | wickedlocal.com | http://www.wickedlocal.com/news/20160705/cambridge-cabbies- sue-city-over-unfair-regs-demand-level-playing-field |
7/6 | Taxi medallion owners find their dreams dashed by Uber, Lyft | NY Post | http://nyp.st/29k4WvG | |
7/6 | Uber data reveals drivers earn less than $13.25 an hour | autoblog | http://www.autoblog.com/2016/07/05/uber-drivers-earning-less-money/ | |
7/5 | San Jose woman says she was denied Lyft rides because of service dog | ABC | http://abc7news.com/news/san-jose-woman-says- she-was-denied-lyft-rides-because-of-service-dog/1412647/ |
7/5 | Is Lyft Preparing To Sell? | PYMNTS.com | http://www.pymnts.com/news/mobile-commerce /2016/is-lyft-preparing-to-sell/ |
7/5 | Wall Street loans Uber $1 billion to offer subprime auto leases | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/6/3/11852940/ uber-subprime-auto-loans-drivers-xchange |
7/5 | Judge throws back $84 million Uber settlement, citing missing information | SV Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/sanjose/blog/techflash/ 2016/07/judge-throws-back-84-million-uber-settlement.html |
7/4 | Editorial: Lawmakers should, 'lyft' the veil on ride-share records | Eagle Tribune | http://www.eagletribune.com/opinion/editorial-lawmakers-should-lyft-the- veil-on-ride-share-records/article_a9c19d3b-e139-5603-9273-02276223ed16.html |
7/4 | Uber, accused of illegal background checks, opts to pay fine | DIGITAL JOURNAL | http://www.digitaljournal.com/technology/uber-accused-of- illegal-background-checks-opts-for-paying-a-fine/article/469003 |
7/4 | Uber Rival Grab Seizes Lead in Southeast Asia | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/uber-rival-grab-seizes-lead-in-southeast-asia-1467620502 | |
7/4 | Regular Uber, GoCatch drivers 'will pay more' under GPS tracking plan | AU NEWS | http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-04/regular-nsw- uber-drivers-to-pay-more-under-new-gps-system/7566348 |
7/3 | Uber, Lyft resist plan to fingerprint | NorthJersey.com | http://www.northjersey.com/news/uber-lyft-resist-plan-to-fingerprint-1.1625359 | |
7/3 | Uber, drivers in battle over the right to opt out of UberPool trips | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/uber- drivers-battle-opt-uberpool-trips-article-1.2696572 |
7/3 | Woman says angry Uber driver ran her over | WFXT | http://www.fox25boston.com/news/trending-now/woman- says-angry-uber-driver-ran-her-over/377800821 |
7/3 | Cab companies find flaws with Uber laws | OC TODAY | http://www.oceancitytoday.net/p/cab-companies-find-flaws-with-uber-laws/1543521 | |
7/3 | Taxi! Leonardo DiCaprio tries to go incognito as he hails a cab in NYC | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3670234/ Leonardo-DiCaprio-tries-incognito-baseball-cap-hails-cab-NYC.html |
7/3 | Cleveland’s cabbies to be out in full force | CRAIN'S Clevland | http://www.crainscleveland.com/article/20160702/ NEWS/160709966/cleveland-s-cabbies-to-be-out-in-full-force |
7/3 | Massachusetts lawmakers debate fallout of 'gig economy' | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/news/local_coverage/2016/07/ massachusetts_lawmakers_debate_fallout_of_gig_economy |
7/2 | Uber Algorithm Alleged To Constitute Price-Fixing | NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL | http://www.cahill.com/publications/antitrust-monthly- column/00133/_res/id=Attachments/index=0/Uber%20Algorithm% 20Alleged%20To%20Constitute%20Price-Fixing.pdf |
7/2 | Daily Report: Tesla Driver Dies in ‘Autopilot’ Accident | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/02/technology/daily-report- tesla-driver-dies-in-autopilot-accident.html?mwrsm=Email |
7/2 | Uber CEO Fails to Appear in Court | THE CHOSUNILBO | http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2016/06/30/2016063001388.html | |
7/2 | Ride-hailing legislation tabled until fall | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/business/20160701_ Ride-hailing_legislation_tabled_until_fall.html |
7/2 | Uber driver threatens gay Atlanta men with gun | PROJECT Q | http://www.projectq.us/atlanta/uber_driver_ threatens_gay_atlanta_men_with_gun?gid=17890 |
7/1 | Without due care: A Vision Zero law | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/due-care-vision-zero-law-article-1.2694952 | |
7/1 | Disruptors find scorched-earth strategy can backfire | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160630/OPINION/ 160629857/disruptors-find-scorched-earth-strategy-can-backfire |
7/1 | Smugglers Use Uber-Registered Drivers to Move Migrants to U.S. Border | Fortune | http://fortune.com/2016/06/30/uber-smugglers-border/ | |
7/1 | A Cambridge taxi group is suing the city over Uber | boston.com | http://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/06/30/ cambridge-taxi-group-files-federal-suit-regulations-uber-continues-grow |
7/1 | Did DUI arrests in Tampa plummet when Uber came to town? | POLITIFACT | http://www.politifact.com/florida/statements/2016/jun/29/ dana-young/do-dui-arrests-plummet-when-uber-comes-town/ |
7/1 | Uber Isn't Going to Conquer the World | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/ 2016-06-29/uber-isn-t-going-to-conquer-the-world |
7/1 | Uber urges MWAA to reconsider that $4 airport fee that you’re paying | The Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/dr-gridlock/wp/2016/06/29/ uber-urges-mwaa-to-reconsider-that-4-airport-fee-that-youre-paying/ |
7/1 | Judge holds up Uber settlement with drivers | SFGATE | http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Uber- settlement-with-drivers-blocked-by-judge-8335424.php |
MEDIA NEWS STORIES-June 2016 | ||||
6/30 | Taxi groups crafting legislation to hit Uber with wheelchair mandate | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160630/TECHNOLOGY/160629804 | |
6/30 | Uber CEO to stand trial in South Korea over illicit taxi service charges | NEW STRAITS TIMES ONLINE | http://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/06/155451/uber- ceo-stand-trial-south-korea-over-illicit-taxi-service-charges |
6/30 | FBI grills woman used as front for de Blasio donations | NY Post | http://nyp.st/29mVaah | |
6/30 | Lyft hires investment banker as it guzzles cash | NY Post | http://nyp.st/29kqre1 | |
6/30 | Head Of Uber Boston, Key Litigator Against Uber, Weigh In On Proposed Senate Bill | WBUR | http://www.wbur.org/radioboston/2016/06/28/uber-regulations-senate | |
6/30 | Uber bill would provide transportation options in Western Mass., but taxi industry critics cry foul | MASS LIVE | http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2016/06/what_does_the_uber_bill_mean_f.html | |
6/30 | Who Will Acquire Lyft? | CB insights | https://www.cbinsights.com/blog/lyft-acquirer-list/ | |
6/30 | Boston-Senate approves bill regulating Uber and Lyft | boston.com | https://www.boston.com/news/business/ 2016/06/29/senate-approves-bill-regulating-uber-and-lyft |
6/30 | Boston wants better data from Uber, and is taking a roundabout route to try and get it | boston.com | https://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/06/28/uber-data-boston-wants | |
6/30 | Uber software tracks drivers for high speed, sudden stops | BOSTON Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/news/national/2016/06/ uber_software_tracks_drivers_for_high_speed_sudden_stops |
6/30 | India’s first woman Uber driver found dead | THE HINDU | http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/indias- first-woman-uber-driver-bharati-veerath-found-dead/article8784652.ece |
6/30 | Uber’s App Will Soon Begin Tracking Driving Behavior | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/ubers-app-will- soon-begin-tracking-driving-behavior-1467194404 |
6/29 | Why taxi medallion owners feel betrayed by NYC | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160621/OPINION/160629967 | |
6/29 | What Brexit Means for Tech Startups | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/what-brexit-means-for-tech-startups-1467130986 | |
6/29 | Advocate says he funneled de Blasio donations in pay-for-play scheme | NY Post | http://nyp.st/29j6pRa | |
6/29 | Letter: Yellow Cab CEO: Treat Uber and taxis the same | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/letters/ ct-yellow-cab-ceo-treat-uber-and-taxis-the-same-20160628-story.html |
6/29 | Why the next month will be huge for Uber in Massachusetts | Boston.com | https://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/06/28/uber-regulations-boston | |
6/29 | Lyft Driver Groped, Threatened to 'F--- Up' Passenger, Prosecutors Say | DNA-info | https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20160628/lakeview/ lyft-driver-groped-threatened-f----up-passenger-prosecutors-say |
6/29 | Edmonton councillors concerned ride-sharing companies potentially breaking rules | Global News | http://globalnews.ca/news/2793270/edmonton-councillors- concerned-ride-sharing-companies-potentially-breaking-rules/ |
6/29 | Uber proves profitable for at least one group — lobbyists | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/06/28/uber-legislation- creates-windfall-for-lobbyists/RwKSYDooLGddusnzZDlKbP/story.html |
6/29 | Bad for Business | WSVN | http://wsvn.com/news/special-reports/bad-for-business/ | |
6/29 | Lyft tells investors to expect no growth in rides for June | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-wp-blm-lyft-6651d8ae-3d5f-11e6-9e16-4cf01a41decb-20160628-story.html | |
6/29 | Uber software tracks drivers for high speed, sudden stops | Miami Herald | http://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/article86582597.html | |
6/29 | Austin Aims to Snuff Out the Ride-Sharing Economy | National Review | http://www.nationalreview.com/article/437256/ austin-ridesharing-companies-fight-social-control |
6/28 | Uber is trying to make you forget that surge pricing exists | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/6/23/12017002/ uber-surge-pricing-upfront-fare-app-update-announcement |
6/28 | Vision Zero proposals concerning for-hire safety regulations divide city and drivers | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/news/vision-zero-proposals-concerning- for-hire-safety-regulations-divide-city-and-drivers-1.11959559 |
6/28 | Uber driver files suit against NYPD cop who berated him, city | NY Post | http://nyp.st/28TTa7O | |
6/28 | Here’s What We Learned About Price Cuts From Those Leaked Uber Docs | BuzzFeedNews | https://www.buzzfeed.com/carolineodonovan/uber-documents-suggest-price- cuts-dont-always-raise-driver-w?utm_term=.kfM4ZxbnA#.idNqjnQe4 |
6/28 | Hackers peer into Uber passenger privates, find and plot trips on maps | The Register | http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/06/27/hackers_peer_into_ uber_passenger_privates_find_and_plot_trips_on_maps// | |
6/28 | Uber, Lyft could get new overseer in California | SFGATE | http://www.sfgate.com/business/article/Uber- Lyft-could-get-new-overseer-in-California-8328101.php |
6/28 | Endgame? With Lyft Reportedly For Sale, The Rideshare Wars May Be Over (Mostly) | Forbes | http://www.forbes.com/sites/markrogowsky/2016/06/28/endgame-with-lyft- reportedly-for-sale-the-rideshare-wars-may-be-over-mostly/#13d1d3671f67 |
6/28 | Why I won't use Uber (or Lyft) | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/ commentary/ct-uber-lyft-perspec-0628-20160627-story.html |
6/28 | Gay Couple Kicked Out Of Uber For Kissing At San Francisco Pride | instinct | http://instinctmagazine.com/post/gay-couple- kicked-out-uber-kissing-san-francisco-pride |
6/27 | Bill permits CDTA to oversee taxi rules in Albany area | TIMES UNION | http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Bill-permits- CDTA-to-oversee-taxi-rules-in-Albany-8310428.php |
6/27 | Former Uber driver in Milwaukee sues company | CHANNEL3000.COM | http://www.channel3000.com/news/former-uber- driver-in-milwaukee-sues-company/40239390 |
6/27 | Boston-Senate to debate bill regulating ride-hailing service like Uber, Lyft | WCVB | http://www.wcvb.com/news/senate-to-debate-bill- regulating-ridehailing-service-like-uber-lyft/40232942 |
6/26 | Typical Detroit Uber driver gets less than $9/hr, Buzzfeed says | Detroit Free Press | http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/ detroit/2016/06/24/detroit-uber-drivers-pay/86331332/ |
6/26 | Canada-Uber drivers should expect regulations this fall | BARRIE TODAY | https://www.barrietoday.com/local-news/uber- drivers-should-expect-regulations-this-fall-324006 |
6/26 | New Uber Rules May Leave Chicago In Legal Limbo | WBEZE | https://www.wbez.org/shows/wbez-news/new-uber-rules-may-leave- chicago-in-legal-limbo/48587608-329b-4a1c-b86c-c3ce19f484a7 |
6/26 | Watertown cabs tested after bill fails to allow Uber and Lyft in upstate New York | Watertown Daily Times | http://www.watertowndailytimes.com/news03/watertown-cabs-tested- after-bill-fails-to-allow-uber-and-lyft-in-upstate-new-york-20160626 |
6/26 | Walsh may seek more city control over Uber and Lyft as state debate continues | Boston.com | https://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/06/24/walsh-uber-local-control | |
6/26 | Uber is facing a legal showdown in its fastest-growing market | Buisiness Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/uber-crackdown-in-colombia-2016-6?r=UK&IR=T | |
6/26 | Uber, Lyft leave fingerprints on Sacramento ride-hailing bills | San Francisco Chronicle | http://www.sfchronicle.com/business/article/ Uber-Lyft-leave-fingerprints-on-Sacramento-8324477.php |
6/25 | Cab drivers to TLC: We can decide our own hours | NY Post | http://nyp.st/290PnII | |
6/25 | New York Taxi Drivers Fight Drowsy Driving Rule | HUFF POST | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/new-york- taxi-drivers-hourly-limits_us_576d48eee4b0f168323949cf |
6/25 | What is the Uber-taxi debate about in Massachusetts? | MASSLIVE | http://www.masslive.com/politics/ index.ssf/2016/06/what_is_the_uber_-_taxi_debate.html |
6/25 | Boston-Police chiefs say Senate ride-for-hire proposal does not protect public | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/06/24/commissioner- evans-and-police-chiefs-say-senate-ride-for-hire-proposal- does-not-protect-public/CkOXsM9GN8OTfXrs7eSBQK/story.html |
6/25 | Uber Documents Suggest Price Cuts Don’t Always Raise Driver Wages | BuzzFeedNews | https://www.buzzfeed.com/carolineodonovan/uber-documents-suggest-price -cuts-dont-always-raise-driver-w?utm_term=.yo1Xgeq3z#.ad1P9Gm8k |
6/25 | Judge Grants Preliminary Approval To $27 Million Lyft Driver Settlement | CBS | http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2016/06/24/judge- grants-preliminary-approval-to-27-million-lyft-driver-settlement/ |
6/24 | New York Taxi Drivers Denounce Proposed Shift Limits | NY Times | http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/06/24/nyregion/new-york-taxi- drivers-denounce-proposed-restrictions.html?_r=0&referer= |
6/24 | New York City Taxi Drivers Decry Plan to Limit Driving Time | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/new-york-city-taxi- drivers-decry-plan-to-limit-driving-time-1466729448 |
6/24 | NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission may cap hours to 12 a day for cabbies to reduce driver fatigue | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-taxi-limousine- commission-cap-cabbie-hours-article-1.2685869 |
6/24 | Taxi drivers rally for equal accessibility regulations for Uber, all e-hails | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/taxi-drivers-rally- for-equal-accessibility-regulations-for-uber-all-e-hails-1.11953279 |
6/24 | City's Taxi Inspection Building Is Sinking Into the Ground, Officials Say | dna-info | https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20160623/woodside/citys- taxi-inspection-building-is-sinking-into-ground-officials-say |
6/24 | After Austin, Uber and Lyft could leave Chicago too | CNBC | http://www.cnbc.com/2016/06/23/after-austin- uber-and-lyft-could-leave-chicago-too.html |
6/24 | Boston-Uber, Lyft hail proposed state Senate rules | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/business/business_ markets/2016/06/uber_lyft_hail_proposed_state_senate_rules |
6/24 | Boston-5 things you need to know about the state Senate’s proposed Uber, Lyft law | boston.com | https://www.boston.com/news/business/ 2016/06/23/takeaways-state-senates-new-uber-bill |
6/24 | Leaked documents show roughly what Uber drivers in Houston make per hour | CHRON | http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/ Leaked-documents-show-exactly-what-Uber-drivers-8320925.php |
6/24 | Why Hillary hates Uber | NY Post | http://nyp.st/28Y0bXV | |
6/24 | Uber data and leaked docs provide a look at how much Uber drivers make | CNBC | http://www.cnbc.com/2016/06/23/uber-data-and-leaked- docs-provide-a-look-at-how-much-uber-drivers-make.html |
6/24 | Chicago Ride-sharing Services Uber and Lyft Six Months | NEWS SOURCE | http://chicagodefender.com/2016/06/24/chicago- ride-sharing-services-uber-and-lyft-six-months/ |
6/23 | Why taxi medallion owners feel betrayed by NYC | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160621/OPINION/ 160629967/why-taxi-medallion-owners-feel-betrayed-by-nyc |
6/23 | When Uber Gets In Trouble With a City, They Call This Guy | inc.com | http://www.inc.com/magazine/201607/christine-lagorio/uber-bradley-tusk-political- operator.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed& utm_campaign=Feed%3A+home%2Fupdates+%28Inc.com%29 |
6/23 | Taxi medallion owners demand that half of Uber’s fleet provide wheelchair accessibility | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ nyc-urged-force-uber-wheelchair-friendly-article-1.2684153 |
6/23 | Taxi medallion owners, disability activists protest Uber at City Hall | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160622/TECHNOLOGY/160629933/taxi- medallion-owners-disability-activists-protest-uber-at-city-hall#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160622 |
6/23 | NY1 Online: Saying 'Nein' to Uber | NY1 | http://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/inside-city-hall/2016/06/21/ ny1-online--saying--nein--to-uber.html?cid=twitter_NY1 |
6/23 | De Blasio to host 2017 conference on 'sharing economy' regulation | POLITICO | http://www.politico.com/states/new-york/city-hall/story/2016/06/ de-blasio-to-host-2017-conference-on-sharing-economy-regulation-103162 |
6/23 | Many states govern Uber exactly the way it wants. Will Massachusetts? | Boston.com | https://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/06/22/ uber-awaits-bill-senate-heres-states-regulated |
6/23 | NYC Taxi Operators Say Mayor De Blasio Has Capitulated to Uber | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-06-22/nyc-taxi- operators-say-mayor-de-blasio-has-capitulated-to-uber |
6/23 | Weakened Uber, Lyft Ordinance Approved By Aldermen After Floor Fight | DNAinfo | https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20160622/downtown/ weakened-uber-lyft-ordinance-approved-by-flustered-aldermen |
6/23 | You Can Make More Working At McDonalds Than Driving For Uber | refinery29 | http://www.refinery29.com/2016/06/114762/uber-drivers-paid-less | |
6/22 | City Mayors Worldwide Forge Alliance in Response to Airbnb, Uber | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-06-20/ city-mayors-worldwide-forge-alliance-in-response-to-airbnb-uber |
6/22 | Tech companies struggling in New York as Uber and Lyft fail to expand upstate, anti-Airbnb bill passes | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/uber-lyft-hit- roadblocks-n-y-anti-airbnb-bill-passes-article-1.2680744 |
6/22 | Uber rival Gett launches ad campaign against rideshare giant | amNEW YORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/uber-rival-gett-launches- ad-campaign-against-rideshare-giant-1.11938483 |
6/22 | California Senate Panel Backs Waiving Fees For Uber, Lyft Drivers | CBS | http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2016/06/21/california- senate-panel-backs-waiving-fees-for-uber-lyft-drivers/ |
6/22 | Uber OK with AG deciding fingerprinting requirement | ST LOUIS POST DISPATCH | http://www.stltoday.com/business/local/uber-ok-with-ag-deciding-fingerprinting- requirement/article_ce47464f-8fbb-5da2-93d0-726cf3080f61.html |
6/22 | Driving for Uber isn't free — these are the top cities that make drivers pay big bucks | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/how-hard-it- is-to-drive-for-uber-ranked-2016-6 |
6/22 | Uber and Lyft rivals rush to Texas capital after fingerprint fight | Yahoo | http://finance.yahoo.com/news/uber-lyft-rivals-rush-texas-154513696.html | |
6/21 | Why Uber Keeps Raising Billions | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/21/business/ dealbook/why-uber-keeps-raising-billions.html?_r=0 |
6/21 | Uber is added to surge-pricing lawsuit, could prompt arbitration | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/us-uber-tech-lawsuit-idUSKCN0Z62IY | |
6/21 | Uber, Lyft to avoid fingerprinting drivers — for now | CHICAGO SUN TIMES | http://chicago.suntimes.com/politics/ride-hailing-services-driver-regulations/ | |
6/21 | Uber customers gripe to feds about spam | THE HILL | http://thehill.com/policy/technology/283982-uber-customers-gripe-to-feds-about-spam | |
6/21 | State Lawmakers Put The Brakes On Ride-sharing Legislation | WXXI | http://wxxinews.org/post/state-lawmakers-put-brakes-ride-sharing-legislation | |
6/21 | Ridesharing must embrace safety to have a shot | WKBW | http://www.wkbw.com/news/ridesharing-must-embrace-safety-to-have-a-shot | |
6/20 | Regulating Uber and Lyft doesn’t require a new state agency | BOSTON GLOBE | https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/editorials/2016/06/18/editorial-regulating- uber-and-lyft-doesn-require-new-state-agency/KPhfGytKfYAX5gNSXVcLUO/story.html |
6/20 | Chicago expects stricter rules for Uber drivers | THE FINANCIAL EXPRESS | http://www.financialexpress.com/article/industry/ companies/chicago-expects-stricter-rules-for-uber-drivers/290505/ |
6/20 | Taxicabs collide in Capitol with Uber and Lyft over legislation | Sacramento Bee | http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/ politics-columns-blogs/dan-walters/article84733007.html |
6/20 | JFK Terminal 5 traffic detours begin Monday, travelers warned | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/jfk-terminal-5-traffic- detours-begin-monday-travelers-warned-1.11938821 |
6/20 | Uber remains outlawed in Key West as taxi drivers fight ride-sharing | Miami Herald | http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/florida-keys/article84696267.html | |
6/18 | Report shows Uber drivers were involved in more deadly car crashes than yellow cabbies; car service says findings are ‘inaccurate’ | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ uber-argues-nyc-daily-crash-data-inaccurate-article-1.2675556 |
6/18 | New England Livery Association Continues State-by-State TNC Fight | LCT | http://www.lctmag.com/regulations/news/713895/new-england-livery-association- continues-state-by-state-tnc-fight?utm_campaign=LCT-E-News-Weekend-Edition- 20160617&utm_medium=Enewsletter&utm_source=Email |
6/18 | Miami Taxicab Companies Sue County Government Over Uber Legalization | heartland.org | http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-article/2016/06/16/ miami-taxicab-companies-sue-county-government-over-uber-legalization |
6/18 | CDTA will have say over Albany-area taxi drivers, if Cuomo signs bill | Albany Business Review | http://www.bizjournals.com/albany/news/2016/06/17/cdta-will-have-say-over-albany-area-taxi-drivers.html | |
6/18 | Senate passes Uber in Upstate NY bill, but Assemby expected to balk | syracuse.com | http://www.syracuse.com/state/index.ssf/2016/06/senate_ passes_uber_in_upstate_ny_bill_but_assemby_expected_to_balk.html |
6/18 | Highly touted Boston-Uber partnership has not lived up to hype so far | boston.com | https://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/06/16/ bostons-uber-partnership-has-not-lived-up-to-promise |
6/18 | Transportation in New York City could be carbon-free | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160617/OPINION/160619904/transportation-in- new-york-city-could-be-carbon-free#utm_medium=email&utm_source=cnyb- dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160617 |
6/18 | Chicago-Uber, Lyft drivers face stricter rules after council committee vote | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct- uber-city-council-committee-20160617-story.html |
6/17 | TLC begins offering Vision Zero data on its for-hire bases | am NEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/tlc-begins-offering- vision-zero-data-on-its-for-hire-bases-1.11920036 |
6/17 | New York state lawmakers OK round-trip taxi fares from Ulster County to NYC | Daily Freeman | http://www.dailyfreeman.com/general-news/20160616/new-york-state-lawmakers- ok-round-trip-taxi-fares-from-ulster-county-to-nyc |
6/17 | N.J. Senate committee advances bill regulating Uber, Lyft | NorthJersey.com | http://www.northjersey.com/news/n-j-senate- committee-advances-bill-regulating-uber-lyft-1.1617424 |
6/17 | Here’s whats going on with all of those Uber lawsuits | FUSION | http://fusion.net/story/315350/uber-class-action-lawsuit-settlement/ | |
6/17 | Skeptics of Self-Driving Cars Span Generations | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/17/automobiles/ wheels/skeptics-of-self-driving-cars-span-generations.html |
6/17 | Will Self-Driving Cars Cause More or Less Accidents? | Huff Post | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/aj-agrawal/will- self-driving-cars-ca_b_10468936.html?yptr=yahoo |
6/17 | If you want to move fast in Midtown, ride a bike | NY Post | http://nyp.st/25IfSIm | |
6/16 | Uber to experiment with telephone dispatch system in Florida | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/uber-experiment- telephone-dispatch-system-florida-article-1.2673888 |
6/16 | The future of Uber in New Jersey | app.com | http://www.app.com/story/money/business/2016/06/14/future-uber-new-jersey/85893886/ | |
6/16 | In New York State, ex-Uber drivers stuck in unemployment limbo | POLITICO | http://www.politico.com/states/new-york/albany/story/2016/06/ in-new-york-state-former-uber-drivers-are-in-unemployment-limbo-102878 |
6/16 | Under Pressure, Lawyer For Uber Drivers Slashes Her Fees | NPR | http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/06/14/482041499/ under-attack-lawyer-rep-ing-uber-drivers-slashes-her-fees |
6/16 | Examining What Happens When Uber Pulls Out of a City | gt | http://www.govtech.com/transportation/ Examining-What-Happens-When-Uber-Pulls-Out-of-a-City.html |
6/16 | Proposed expansion of Uber, Lyft falters | CNYCENTRAL | http://cnycentral.com/news/local/proposed-expansion-of-uber-lyft-falters | |
6/16 | Usage of Uber and Lyft remains low | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/usage-of-uber-and-lyft-remains-low-2016-6 | |
6/15 | Chicago-Ride-hailing showdown vote scheduled for Friday | CHICAGO SUN TIMES | http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/ride- hailing-showdown-vote-scheduled-for-friday/ |
6/15 | Uber and other ridesharing apps face tough obstacles in N.Y. state legislature's end of session | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ uber-ridesharing-bills-not-good-new-york-state-article-1.2672616 |
6/15 | Uber, Lyft oppose latest amendments to Assembly ride-share bill | Albany Times Union | http://blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archives/250180/uber-insurance- groups-oppose-latest-amendments-to-assembly-ride-share-bill/ |
6/15 | Ride-sharing bill stalls in the Assembly as taxi drivers rally | Albany Times Union | http://blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archives/250238/ ride-sharing-bill-stalls-in-the-assembly-as-taxi-drivers-rally/ |
6/15 | Hungary Tightens Law on Car-Hailing Services | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/hungary-tightens-law-on-car-hailing-services-1465828969 | |
6/14 | Chances Of Ride Hailing Upstate Dim | NY State Assembly | http://www.nyctaxinews.com/nys_ride_hail_dim.html | |
6/14 | Uber, Lyft Accused of Layoff Notice Violations in Austin | Bloomberg BNA | http://www.bna.com/uber-lyft-accused-n57982074000/ | |
6/14 | Rental cars still going strong in age of Uber | USA TODAY | http://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/2016/06/13/rental-cars-uber/85647694/ | |
6/14 | Is Uber Doing Enough to Protect Women Drivers From Sexual Harassment? | Tech.Mic | https://mic.com/articles/145658/is-uber-doing-enough- to-protect-women-drivers-from-sexual-harassment#.6551kt4DX |
6/14 | Hungary passes law that could block Uber sites | The FISCAL Times | http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/latestnews/2016/06/13/ Hungarian-parliament-passes-law-could-block-Uber-sites |
6/14 | Uber, But For Desperate Petrostates | US NEWS | http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2016-06-07/ saudi-arabias-investment-in-uber-sets-a-dangerous-precedent |
6/13 | Uber and Lyft are playing a shameless game of copycat | QUARTZ | http://qz.com/703451/uber-and-lyft-are-playing-a-never-ending-game-of-copycat/ | |
6/13 | Uber takes U-turn, lets riders schedule trips in advance | Christian Science Monitor | http://www.csmonitor.com/Business/2016/0612/ Uber-takes-U-turn-lets-riders-schedule-trips-in-advance |
6/13 | Troy restauranteur takes the Uber fight to Twitter | spotlightnews | http://spotlightnews.com/news/2016/06/12/troy-restauranteur-takes-the-uber-fight-to-twitter/ | |
6/13 | Uber—and its execs— hit with fines in France for illegal taxi service | arstechnica | http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/ 06/uber-and-execs-fined-france-illegal-taxi-service/ |
6/12 | How sleazy is Uber? This federal judge wants to know | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/ la-fi-hiltzik-uber-rakoff-20160610-snap-story.html |
6/12 | Quebec passes law to regulate Uber | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/uber-law-could-pass-today-1.3628992 | |
6/12 | Uber and Lyft Drivers in Austin Sue Over “Mass Layoff” in May | Time | http://time.com/money/4363659/uber-lyft-driver-lawsuit-austin/ | |
6/12 | State doles out big fines as stalemate with Uber continues | KHON | http://khon2.com/2016/06/10/state-doles-out-big-fines-as-stalemate-with-uber-continues/ | |
6/11 | For Uber and Lyft: Goodbye Austin, Hello Class Action Lawsuits | TEXAS LAWYER | http://www.texaslawyer.com/id=1202759734660/For-Uber-and-Lyft- Goodbye-Austin-Hello-Class-Action-Lawsuits?slreturn=20160511053538 |
6/11 | Pa. to reconsider record $11.4M fine against Uber | THE BLADE | http://www.toledoblade.com/business/2016/06/09/Pennsylvania-to-reconsider-record- 11-4M-fine-against-Uber-Company-operated-for-6-months-in-2014-without-approval.html |
6/11 | French Court Convicts Uber of Violating Transport, Privacy Laws | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/french-court-convicts-uber- of-violating-transport-privacy-laws-1465477861#livefyre-comment |
6/11 | Ride-booking bill in Albany still stuck in roadblock over insurance | Buffalo News | http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/ride-booking-bill- in-albany-still-stuck-in-roadblock-over-insurance-20160609 |
6/11 | An Uber Driver Was Paid Only $35 for 36 Hours of Work | OBSERVER | http://observer.com/2016/06/an-uber-driver-was-paid-only-35-for-36-hours-of-work/ | |
6/11 | Data show NYPD ticketed thousands of cars parked legally | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160608/TRANSPORTATION/160609885/data- show-nypd-ticketed-thousands-of-cars-parked-legally#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160610 |
6/10 | Uber CEO investigated over allegations of fraud in price-fixing case | theguardian | https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jun/08/ uber-price-fixing-lawsuit-ceo-travis-kalanick-spencer-meyer |
6/10 | Here’s Why the Feds Are Worried About Self-Driving Cars | YahooS | http://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-feds-worried-self-driving-203201245.html?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma | |
6/10 | German court upholds ban of unlicensed Uber taxi service | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-3633512/ German-court-upholds-ban-unlicensed-Uber-taxi-service.html |
6/10 | Uber and Lyft Drivers in Austin Sue Over “Mass Layoff” in May | Yahoo | http://finance.yahoo.com/news/uber-lyft-drivers-austin-sue-213002183.html | |
6/10 | Uber Convicted, Fined in French Trial Over Taxi Practices | ABC | http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/uber-convicted- fined-french-trial-taxi-practices-39722100 |
6/9 | Uber Is Now Actively Preying On the Poor | Motley Fool | http://www.fool.com/investing/2016/06/05/uber-is-now-actively-preying-on-the- poor.aspx?source=yahoo-2-news&utm_campaign=article&utm_medium=feed& utm_source=yahoo-2-news&yptr=yahoo#.V1S3bqE5TLU.facebook |
6/9 | U.S. judge probes Uber over allegations of fraud in antitrust case | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-3630675/ U-S-judge-probes-Uber-allegations-fraud-antitrust-case.html |
6/9 | Palm Beach to consider new Uber regulations | Palm Beach Daily News | http://www.palmbeachdailynews.com/news/news/ local/palm-beach-to-consider-new-uber-regulations/nrbwS/ |
6/9 | City of Austin having no problem finding replacements for Uber and Lyft | KBTX | http://www.kbtx.com/content/news/City-of-Austin-having-no-problem-finding- replacements-for-Uber-and-Lyft-382159231.html |
6/9 | Hillsborough Public Transportation Commission rejects deal with Uber and Lyft | Tampa Bay Times | http://web.tampabay.com/news/transportation/hillsborough-public- transportation-commission-rejects-deal-with-uber-and/2280777 |
6/8 | MAKE $1,500/WEEK DRIVING A TAXI | Craigs List | http://boston.craigslist.org/bmw/trp/5622571732.html | |
6/8 | A hedge fund sold fake pre-IPO Uber shares and then blew the money on strip clubs and sports, SEC claims | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/sec-hedge-fund-sold-fake- uber-shares-then-blew-the-money-on-nightclubs-2016-6 |
6/8 | The Economics Of Uber: Who Loses From The Company's Existence? | Forbes | http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2016/06/07/ the-economics-of-uber-who-loses-from-the-companys-existence/#1a31542b1362 |
6/7 | Just when you thought your cab(UBER) ride couldn’t get any sleazier | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1U5hoPE | |
6/7 | Uber Ban in Buenos Aires Clears the Way for Taxis-Only Government App | Pan Am Post | https://panampost.com/raquel-garcia/2016/06/05/ uber-ban-in-buenos-aires-way-government-app/ |
6/7 | New coalition group asks lawmakers to wait on rules for Uber, Lyft | WHCU | http://whcuradio.com/news/025520-new-coalition-group-lawmakers-uber-lyft/ | |
6/7 | City’s Uber, Lyft drivers paying more than $600 in late fees for $91 business license | San Francisco Examiner | http://www.sfexaminer.com/citys-uber-lyft- drivers-paying-600-late-fees-91-business-license/ |
6/7 | Uber denies access to Harvard startup that compared ride-hailing prices | boston.com | http://www.boston.com/news/technology/2016/06/05/ uber-app-urbanhail-startup-ride-prices |
6/7 | Even the playing field for taxis, ride-hailing services | Chicago Sun Times | http://chicago.suntimes.com/opinion/even- the-playing-field-for-taxis-ride-hailing-services/ |
6/6 | Drivers are breaking up with Uber to get back with yellow | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160605/TECHNOLOGY/160609940/drivers- are-breaking-up-with-uber-to-get-back-with-yellow?utm_campaign=socialflow& utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social |
6/5 | New Uber Update Allows Users To File Lawsuit Against Company Directly In App | The Onion | http://www.theonion.com/article/new-uber- update-allows-users-file-lawsuit-against--53018" |
6/5 | Blind woman sues Uber, says she and her guide dog were refused service | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/blind-woman-sues-uber-says-she-and-her-guide-dog-were-refused-service/2016/06/02/7391156e-28f8-11e6-ae4a-3cdd5fe74204_story.html | |
6/5 | Critics of Uber’s $100M Driver Settlement Have Day in Court | Insurance Journal | http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/national/2016/06/03/410795.htm | |
6/5 | Uber Needs an $11 Billion War Chest | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/ 2016-06-02/uber-needs-an-11-billion-war-chest |
6/5 | Uber's Easy Auto-Lease Program Raises Concerns | LCT | http://click.bobitnews.com/?qs=e2e9fc7197a10be898aef6786c4 cbe906a7750b2997396773d82a461ec63177a0a1c1a812bc61961 |
6/5 | Uber’s Saudi cash prepares company for competition but draws fire | San Francisco Chronicle | http://www.sfchronicle.com/business/article/, Uber-s-Saudi-cash-prepares-company-for-7963911.php |
6/4 | Coalition of Upstate taxi companies voicing opposition to ride-sharing expansion | bizjournals.com | http://www.bizjournals.com/buffalo/blog/buffalo-law- journal/2016/06/coalition-of-pstate-taxi-companies-voicing.html |
6/4 | Uber and Lyft Are Adding Jobs, Not Just Stealing Them? | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-06-03/ uber-and-lyft-are-adding-jobs-not-just-stealing-them |
6/4 | Police: Uber driver allegedly drove more than 30 miles over speed limit | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/wilmette/ crime/ct-wml-blotter-tl-0609-20160603-story.html |
6/3 | Two U.S. judges defer decisions on deals to settle Uber, Lyft driver lawsuits | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/us-uber-tech-lyft-settlement-idUSKCN0YO1A5 |
6/3 | Sparks fly at Uber settlement hearing in San Francisco | Santa Cruz Sentinel | http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/business/20160602/ sparks-fly-at-uber-settlement-hearing-in-san-francisco |
6/3 | 32BJ Launches Online Campaign Against Ride Hailing Bill | Time Warner Cable | http://www.nystateofpolitics.com/2016/06/32bj- launches-online-campaign-against-ride-hailing-bill/ |
6/3 | Partnering with a country that won't let women drive is a huge PR blunder for Uber | VOX | http://www.vox.com/2016/6/2/11841318/uber-saudi-arabia-mistake | |
6/3 | Uber accused of wage stealing in new lawsuit from New York drivers | Tech Crunch | http://techcrunch.com/2016/06/02/uber-accused- of-wage-stealing-in-new-lawsuit-from-new-york-drivers/ |
6/3 | Upstate taxi group forms to fight Uber and Lyft | Albany times union | http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Upstate- taxi-group-forms-to-fight-Uber-and-Lyft-7960744.php |
6/3 | State law would give CDTA some control over Albany-area taxis | bizjournals.com | http://www.bizjournals.com/albany/news/2016/06/02/state-law-would-give-cdta-somecontrol-over-albany.html | |
6/3 | The new Uber economy leaves workers in slow lane | Sun Sentinel | http://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/columnists/fl-rsscol-uber-20160601-story.html | |
6/3 | Garcia: If Uber and Lyft quit Chicago, competitors will rush in | Chicago Sun Times | http://chicago.suntimes.com/opinion/garcia-if- uber-and-lyft-quit-chicago-competitors-will-rush-in/ |
6/3 | If you travel frequently, take a look at Arro app for taxis | rothmanshore.com | https://rothmanshore.com/2016/06/01/if-you- travel-frequently-take-a-look-at-arro-app-for-taxis/ |
6/2 | LaGuardia terminal's $4 billion revamp will finally begin | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160601/REAL_ESTATE/160609992/laguardia- terminals-4-billion-revamp-will-finally-begin#utm_medium=email&utm_source=cnyb- dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160601 |
6/2 | How criminals can get around driver background checks for rideshare, taxi services | Local10News | http://www.local10.com/news/local-10-investigates/how-criminals- can-get-around-driver-background-checks-for-rideshare-taxi-services |
6/2 | Uber Raises $3.5 Billion From Saudi Investors | KCBS | http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2016/06/01/ uber-raises-billions-saudi-arabia-investors-oil/ |
6/2 | Fake Uber driver robs, threatens to kill passenger | FOX-5 | http://www.fox5ny.com/news/150971308-story | |
6/2 | Uber And Goldman Now Leasing Cars To Broke People Because Good Ideas Are Boring | DEALBREAKER | http://dealbreaker.com/2016/05/uber-goldman-sachs-subprime-auto-leasing/ | |
6/1 | Uber hikes minimum NYC trip price by $1 for summer | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/uber-hikes- minimum-nyc-trip-price-1-summer-article-1.2656756 |
6/1 | Ex-Uber driver from N.J. seeking to sue about overtime pay | nj.com | http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2016/05/ ex-uber_driver_seeking_class_action_suit_on_overti.html |
6/1 | Uber, taxi cab owners fight over upstate New York market | San Francisco Chronicle | http://www.sfchronicle.com/news/article/Uber- cabs-fight-over-upstate-New-York-market-7954647.php |
6/1 | Uber claims its mission goes beyond money | Chicago Sun Times | http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/mihalopoulos-uber-claims-mission-beyond-money/ | |
6/1 | Price Hikes May Turn Off Robot Taxi Customers | Discover | http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/lovesick-cyborg/2016/05/31/2658/#.V07JqeTSu0s | |
6/1 | Uber, Lyft say expansion in Missouri unlikely after bill fails | KMBC | http://www.kmbc.com/news/uber-lyft-say-expansion- in-missouri-unlikely-after-bill-fails/39791832 |
6/1 | Subprime leases put Uber drivers on road, leave some shackled | MSN | http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/money/subprime-leases- put-uber-drivers-on-road-leave-some-shackled/ar-BBtH9Ej |
MEDIA NEWS STORIES-May 2016 | ||||
5/31 | Taxi and Limousine Commission rakes in big bucks with failure to display Vision Zero street safety sticker summonses | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/tlc-rakes-big- bucks-failure-display-vision-zero-sticker-article-1.2654110 |
5/31 | NYC Council Members support lifting cap on speed cameras near city schools | examiner.com | http://www.examiner.com/article/nyc-council-members- support-lifting-cap-on-speed-cameras-near-city-schools |
5/31 | TaxiFareFinder: US Taxi Cab Rate Ranking Chart Sample Fares | Taxi Fare Finder | https://www.taxifarefinder.com/rates.php | |
5/30 | Ithaca lawmakers say they’ll wait on passing rules for Uber drivers | Z95.5 | http://z955.com/news/025520-ithaca-rules-uber-drivers/ | |
5/30 | Mayor de Blasio, TLC Commissioner Joshi Announce Proposed Driver Fatigue Rules | NYC | http://www1.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/477-16/mayor-de-blasio-tlc-commissioner-joshi-proposed-driver-fatigue-rules | |
5/30 | Uber and Lyft Could Be Ready to Exit Chicago, Too | PLANETIZEN | http://www.planetizen.com/node/86555/uber-and-lyft-could-be-ready-exit-chicago-too | |
5/30 | Human drivers are still way better than self-driving cars | YAHOO | http://finance.yahoo.com/news/google-tesla- self-driving-cars-human-drivers-171042031.html# |
5/30 | Transportation Minister gives Uber a deadline | CTV | http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/mobile/transportation- minister-gives-uber-a-deadline-1.2920336 |
5/29 | Lawmakers consider ride-sharing north of NYC | REGISTER-STAR | http://www.registerstar.com/news/article_a6740c4e-2465-11e6-a177-c3f00f0b4c6e.html | |
5/29 | Uber needs to stop nudging me into carpooling | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/5/28/11799584/uber-uberpool-carpool-uberx-app | |
5/29 | Confessions of Uber drivers: | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3606419/Picking- passengers-high-driver-cheat-wife-shocking-confessions-Uber-drivers.html |
5/28 | Bronx Muslim Taxi Driver Beaten, Slurred, and Robbed Over $1 Dispute | NEWSMAX | http://www.newsmax.com/TheWire/bronx-muslim-taxi-driver/2016/05/26/id/730889/ | |
5/28 | Uber phasing out berated surge pricing in favor of specific fare quotes and monthly passes that bypass excess fees | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3611717/Uber-phasing-berated-surge- pricing-favor-specific-fare-quotes-monthly-passes-bypass-excess-fees.html |
5/28 | Read This Before You Take an Uber This Weekend | Esquire | http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a45264/uber-surge-pricing-secrets/ | |
5/28 | Uber And Lyft Are Threatening To Leave Chicago | chicagoist | http://chicagoist.com/2016/05/26/uber_and_lyft_are_threatening_to_le.php | |
5/28 | Ex-Uber driver arraigned in more attacks | CBS8 | http://www.cbs8.com/story/32077106/ex-uber-driver-arraigned-in-more-attacks | |
5/27 | Taxi owners: City is forcing us to buy cars that don't exist | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160526/SMALLBIZ/160529906/taxi-owners- city-is-forcing-us-to-buy-cars-that-dont-exist#utm_medium=email&utm_source=cnyb- dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160526 |
5/27 | New York State could be closer to allowing Uber and Lyft to operate here. Maybe. Sort of. | ALL OVER ALBANY | http://alloveralbany.com/archive/2016/05/26/uber-lyft-new-york-state | |
5/27 | In Austin, a display of ride-hailing Wild West | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2016/05/25/uber-competitors-flock- austin-after-demand-giant-flees-regulation/VJlv00lHNa7IfS4pigTRpL/story.html |
5/27 | Uber Vies to Force Arbitration in Surge-Price Antitrust Suit | BLOOMBERG | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-05-25/ uber-vies-to-force-arbitration-in-surge-price-antitrust-suit |
5/27 | Uber Driver Charged With Attempted Murder Had an ‘Extensive Criminal Record’ | OBSERVER | http://observer.com/2016/05/uber-driver-charged- with-attempted-murder-had-an-extensive-criminal-record/ |
5/27 | Uber pilots ‘upfront pricing,’ masks surge rate | San Diego Union Tribune | http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2016/ may/26/uber-upfront-pricing-surge-pricing/ |
5/26 | I-Team: Confessions of an Uber Driver | NBC-NY | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/investigations/Uber-Drivers-Long-Hours-Public-Risk-Worries-380743021.html?disableDownloadApp=true | |
5/26 | Ride-sharing bill could bring Uber, Lyft upstate | WNYT | http://wnyt.com/news/ride-sharing-companies-like-uber- and-lyft-are-pushing-lawmakers-to-pass-a-bill-that- would-make-it-easier-for-the-services-to-operate-upstate/4150410/?cat=256 |
5/26 | Uber and Lyft threaten to abandon Chicago to avoid licensing | CHICAGO SUN TIMES | http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/ride-hailing- vs-taxi-showdown-starts-with-a-pep-rally/ |
5/26 | Uber, Lyft Drivers Clash With Cabbies At Council Hearing | dnainfo | https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20160525/downtown/ uber-lyft-drivers-clash-with-cabbies-at-council-hearing |
5/26 | Uber Says New York Can't Be Trusted With Its Data | Courthouse News Service | http://www.courthousenews.com/2016/05/25/ uber-says-new-york-cant-be-trusted-with-its-data.htm |
5/26 | 'We cannot operate under a regulatory framework like this' | CRAIN'S | http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20160525/NEWS10/ 160529896/we-cannot-operate-under-a-regulatory-framework-like-this |
5/25 | Uber moderates its New York expectations, for now | POLITICO | http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/albany/ 2016/05/8600007/uber-moderates-its-new-york-expectations-now |
5/25 | Self-driving cars? Nobody wants one | YAHOO | http://finance.yahoo.com/news/tesla-google-cadillac-self-driving- cars-160441498.html?soc_src=mediacontentstory&soc_trk=ma# |
5/25 | Chicago-Showdown Over City’s Uber, Lyft Rules Set For City Council | CBS Chicago | http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2016/05/24/showdown- over-citys-uber-lyft-rules-set-for-city-council/ |
5/25 | Banks step up efforts to collect on taxi medallion loans | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2016/05/24/banks-stepping- efforts-collect-taxi-medallion-loans/QPc6vFHd5UDfN3X9dJqe8M/story.html |
5/24 | EXCLUSIVE: NYC seeks new rules to ensure taxi drivers get more sleep | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-seeks- rules-ensure-taxi-drives-sleep-article-1.2647535 |
5/24 | RideAustin invents alternative to Uber, Lyft | USA TODAY | http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2016/05/23/ rideaustin-offers-non-profit-alternative-uber-lyft/84788522/ |
5/24 | Why Everyone Hates UberPOOL | MOTHERBOARD | http://motherboard.vice.com/read/why-drivers-and-riders-hate-uberpool-and-lyft-line | |
5/24 | U.S. consumers buck investors' rush to self-driving cars : study | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-tech-selfdriving-idUSKCN0YE1TE | |
5/24 | Uber, Lyft and others must have rules or workers will lose out | theguardian | https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016 /may/20/elizabeth-warren-uber-lyft-gig-economy-workers |
5/24 | St. Louis Taxi Commission Takes Aim at Uber Again | CBS | http://stlouis.cbslocal.com/2016/05/23/st-louis -taxi-commission-takes-aim-at-uber-again/ |
5/23 | Irish taxi app firm rolling out to US | Business Irish | http://www.independent.ie/business/irish/ irish-taxi-app-firm-rolling-out-to-us-34735939.html |
5/23 | Meet the Montrealer who gave Uber a jolt | thestar.com | https://www.thestar.com/news/insight/2016/05/22/ meet-the-montrealer-who-gave-uber-a-jolt.html |
5/23 | Is General Motors Company Maven Expansion a hreat to Uber? | BFN | http://www.businessfinancenews.com/29066-is- general-motors-gm-maven-expansion-a-threat-to-uber/ |
5/22 | ‘Alarming’: Fox Sports Reporter Shares ‘Very Scary’ Uber Story | THE BLAZE | http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2016/05/20/alarming-fox-sports- reporter-shares-very-scary-uber-story/?utm_source=facebook &utm_medium=story&utm_campaign=ShareButtons |
5/22 | Uber and Lyft May Have a Hard Time Finding Its Way in Washington: Here's Why | NEWS EVERYDAY | http://www.newseveryday.com/articles/43226/20160521/ uber-lyft-elizabeth-warren-economic-security.htm |
5/22 | Philly-City Councilman Calls For Uber Regulation | CBS | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/05/21/city-councilman-calls-for-uber-regulation/ | |
5/22 | St Louis Taxi commission to ticket UberX drivers | ST LOUIS POST DISPATCH | http://www.stltoday.com/news/traffic/along-for-the-ride/taxi-commission-to-ticket- uberx-drivers/article_8feea8e6-f7c6-559b-8d65-4a0e22e59a59.html |
5/22 | Shots Fired in South Africa: Uber seeks to end battle with metered taxi drivers | EWN | http://ewn.co.za/2016/05/21/Uber-seeks-to-end-battle-with-metered-taxi-drivers | |
5/22 | Madrid to get world's largest electric taxi fleet of Nissan Leafs | Green Car Reports | http://www.greencarreports.com/news/1104075_madrid- to-get-worlds-largest-electric-taxi-fleet-of-nissan-leafs |
5/22 | Selling Uber Shares May Be Tougher Than You Think | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-05-20 selling-uber-shares-may-be-tougher-than-you-think |
5/22 | Uber Driver Accused of Murder is Dragged Out of Court After Lunging at Sobbing Witness | YAHOO | https://www.yahoo.com/news/uber-driver-accused-murder-dragged-192900755.html | |
5/21 | Taxi Medallion Financial Industry Pushing Back Against Uber | DAILY KOS | http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/5/19/1528715/-Taxi- Medallion-Financial-Industry-Pushing-Back-Against-Uber |
5/21 | Uber taxi driver hauled from from court over abuse | Euro News-You Tube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmD2YuuAb-k | |
5/21 | N.J. may require Uber, Lyft drivers to be fingerprinted | Philadelphia Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/morning_ roundup/2016/05/new-jersey-uber-lyft-drivers-fingerprinted.html |
5/21 | Uber in Quebec: Innovation is not an excuse to escape the law | THE GLOBE AND MAIL | http://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/uber-in-quebec- innovation-is-no-excuse-to-escape-the-law/article30099161/ |
5/21 | Austin City Council looks to support TNCs, taxi companies | COMMUNITY IMPACT | https://communityimpact.com/austin/city-county/ 2016/05/19/austin-city-council-looks-support-tncs-taxi-companies/ |
5/21 | Bylaw officers still writing up Uber drivers for illegal taxi service | Ottawa Sun | http://www.ottawasun.com/2016/05/19/bylaw- officers-still-writing-up-uber-drivers-for-illegal-taxi-service |
5/21 | El Paso Taxi companies, City Reps still stunned by Uber debate backlash | KVIA | http://www.kvia.com/news/taxi-companies-city-reps- still-stunned-by-uber-debate-backlash/39636938 |
5/21 | Senator takes aim at online employers in the 'gig economy' | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/news/us_politics/2016/05/ senator_takes_aim_at_online_employers_in_the_gig_economy |
5/21 | The Uber-taxi wars get ugly in South Africa | siliconbeat | http://www.siliconbeat.com/2016/05/20/uber-wars-get-ugly-south-africa/ | |
5/20 | New York Without Uber? Reviews of Gett, Via, Arro, and Way2Ride | INVERSE | https://www.inverse.com/article/15720-new-york- without-uber-reviews-of-gett-via-arro-and-way2ride |
5/20 | Uber seeks a Lyft upstate | Hudson Valley Times | http://www.kingstonx.com/2016/05/19/uber-seeks-a-lyft-upstate/ | |
5/20 | Springfield's proposed Uber ordinance was written by attorney for taxi industry | MASS LIVE | http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2016/05/ springfields_delayed_uber_ordi.html |
5/20 | Changing Lanes Taxi industry braces for big changes | Austin Chronicle | http://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2016-05-20/changing-lanes/ | |
5/20 | Warren skeptical of Uber, Lyft | WASHINGTON EXAMINER | http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/warren- skeptical-of-uber-lyft/article/2591811?custom_click=rss |
5/20 | 9 Investigates Uber drivers' effect on surge pricing | wsoctv | http://www.wsoctv.com/news/9-investigates/wednesday- 9-investigates-factors-affecting-ubers-surge-pricing/286958015 |
5/20 | Bill to regulate Uber, Lyft would require driver background checks | nj.com | http://www.nj.com/traffic/index.ssf/2016/05/ bill_to_regulate_uber_lyft_advances_to_state_assem.html |
5/20 | Uber drivers accused of over 30 sex attacks on customers in London last year | CITY A.M. | http://www.cityam.com/241436/uber-drivers-accused- of-over-30-sex-attacks-on-customers-in-london-last-year |
5/19 | San Francisco Ride-sharing drivers pretending to be taxis in violation of state law, getting huge fines | KRON | http://kron4.com/2016/05/17/in-depth-ride-sharing-drivers-pretending- to-be-taxis-in-violation-of-state-law-getting-huge-fines/ |
5/19 | 5 Ways New York’s Taxi of Tomorrow is Stuck in the Past | Cheat Sheet | http://www.cheatsheet.com/automobiles/5-ways-new-yorks-taxi-of-tomorrow-stuck-past.html/?a=viewall | |
5/19 | More female cab drivers behind the wheel in NYC | amNEW YORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/more-female-cab- drivers-behind-the-wheel-in-nyc-1.11813917 |
5/19 | Lead plaintiff in Uber class action suit fires lawyer, objects to settlement offer | YAHOO | https://www.yahoo.com/tech/lead-uber-driver-class-action-234319155.html | |
5/19 | SF pitches $149 million plan to replace cars with self-driving vehicles | SF Examiner | http://www.sfexaminer.com/sf-pitches-149- million-plan-replace-cars-self-driving-vehicles/ |
5/18 | Chicago's Progressive Caucus Supports Proposed Ride-Hailing Regulations | ProgressIllinois | http://www.progressillinois.com/news/content/2016/05/17/ chicagos-progressive-reform-caucus-supports-proposed-ride-hailing |
5/18 | Google is launching its own ridesharing service—Uber, Lyft and everyone else should be worried | QUARTZ | http://qz.com/686281/google-is-launching-its-own- ridesharing-service-uber-lyft-and-everyone-else-should-be-worried/ |
5/18 | 'Disastrous' Uber Deal Signed 'Under Duress': Driver | newser | http://www.newser.com/story/225219/disastrous- uber-deal-signed-under-duress-driver.html |
5/18 | Uber Disrupts Local Democracies Report Finds | Corporate Crime Reporter | http://www.corporatecrimereporter.com/news/200/ uber-disrupts-local-democracies-report-finds/ |
5/18/td> | Who is behind the wheel of an Uber ride? | WWL | http://www.wwltv.com/news/local/orleans/ who-is-behind-the-wheel-of-an-uber-ride/197406397 |
5/18 | Austin Voters Spoke, Now Uber & the State Need to Respect Their Will | HUFFPOST | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nikki-fortunato-bas/austin- voters-spoke-now-uber-needs-to-respect-them_b_9953638.html |
5/18 | New Company Gives Israel's Sherut Taxi a High- tech Makeover, Eyeing U.S. Congested Roads | HAARETZ | http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/business/1.720058 | |
5/18 | Uber hopes for compromise with Quebec government over taxi regulations | Global News | http://globalnews.ca/news/2704756/uber-hopes-for- compromise-with-quebec-government-over-taxi-regulations/ |
5/17 | Uber drivers are sideswiped by the ruthless gig economy | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/opinion/topoftheticket/ la-na-tt-uber-economy-20160516-story.html |
5/17 | Boston Ride-Hailing Service Fasten Seeks Inroads to Austin Market | xconomy.com | http://www.xconomy.com/texas/2016/05/16/boston-ride-hailing-service-fasten-seeks- inroads-to-austin-market/?utm_source=navigation-big&utm_medium=link& utm_campaign=navigation |
5/17 | Toronto Taxi Drivers To Uber: “I Can’t Make A Decent Living Anymore” | inquisitr.com | http://www.inquisitr.com/3100384/toronto-taxi- drivers-to-uber-i-cant-make-a-decent-living-anymore/ |
5/17 | Quebec to study ‘sharing economy’ but won’t back down on taxi bill | The Record | http://www.therecord.com/news-story/6555758-quebec-to- study-sharing-economy-but-won-t-back-down-on-taxi-bill-couillard/ |
5/17 | Sharing is caring: Are Uber, Lyft drivers independent contractors? | JDSUPRA | http://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/sharing-is-caring-are-uber-lyft-drivers-38810/ | |
5/17 | Five drivers allege Uber breached contracts | Legal News Line | http://legalnewsline.com/stories/510724765- five-drivers-allege-uber-breached-contracts |
5/17 | Lead Uber Driver in Class-Action Suit Criticizes Settlement | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-05-16/ uber-lead-driver-in-suit-calls-deal-sell-0ut-by-lawyer |
5/17 | Uber getting special zone at Miami International Airport | Miami Herald | http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/ community/miami-dade/article77973802.html |
5/16 | NYC Uber Driver Shares Tax Docs, Says He Only Took Home $10K in 2015 | NBC | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Uber-Driver-Makes- Tax-Returns-Public-376117981.html?_osource=SocialFlowTwt_NYBrand |
5/16 | Hero cabbie chases down hit-and-run driver | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1sgRyi9 | |
5/16 | NJ bills aim to catch up with Uber, Lyft | NorthJersey.com | http://www.northjersey.com/news/nj-bills-aim-to-catch-up-with-uber-lyft-1.1588082 | |
5/16 | Uber China Rival Didi to Consider U.S. IPO as Soon as 2017 | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-05-16/ uber-china-rival-didi-said-to-consider-u-s-ipo-as-soon-as-2017 |
5/16 | Taxi drivers support anti-Uber bill, with conditions | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/taxi-uber-bill-100-1.3583449 | |
5/16 | Did big spending on Austin’s Prop 1 send a message to other cities? | My Statesman | http://www.mystatesman.com/news/news/local-govt- politics/did-big-spending-on-austins-prop-1-send-a-message-/nrNJh/ |
5/16 | Are Austin cabs headed for Uber-like changes in fares, rules and apps? | My Statesman | http://www.mystatesman.com/news/news/opinion/ are-austin-cabs-headed-for-uber-like-changes-in-fa/nrMdF/ |
5/15 | Uber says its service complements public transit | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/05/14/uber-says-data-shows- its-service-complements-public-transit/PH0zEBWfZ6f2B5CyBhpKXI/story.html |
5/15 | Uber’s Spat With California Taxi Cab Companies Continues | SKIFT | https://skift.com/2016/05/14/ubers-spat-with-california-taxi-cab-companies-continues/ | |
5/15 | Ride-hailing app reveals CEO identity amid rush to fill vacuum left by Uber, Lyft | Austin Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/austin/blog/techflash/ 2016/05/ride-hailing-app-reveals-ceo-identity-amid-rush-to.html |
5/14 | Taxi Regulation Enforcement in Newburgh | HVNN.COM | http://hudsonvalleynewsnetwork.com/ 2016/05/13/taxi-regulation-enforcement-newburgh/ |
5/14 | Expressway gets the right amount of TLC | Queens Chronicle | http://www.qchron.com/editions/south/expressway-gets-the- right-amount-of-tlc/article_d6b62c48-f2cc-5a4a-a29b-c1219725333d.html |
5/14 | Uber Settlement Attacked by Drivers Saying Lawyer Sold Out | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-05-13/ uber-settlement-attacked-by-drivers-saying-their-lawyer-sold-out |
5/14 | Lyft users can no longer request rides from Logan Airport | boston.com | http://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/05/13/lyft-logan-airport | |
5/14 | Uber, Lyft Aren’t Illegal Anymore In Miami-Dade County | CBS | http://miami.cbslocal.com/2016/05/13/uber-lyft- arent-illegal-anymore-in-miami-dade-county/ |
5/14 | A Mathematical Breakdown Showing What A Rip-Off Uber Is For Drivers | digg.com | http://digg.com/video/uber-scam-rip-off-for-drivers | |
5/14 | Uber Drivers Rebuke Attorney For Settling Class Action Suit | LCT | http://www.lctmag.com/regulations/news/713248/uber-drivers-rebuke-their-attorney- for-settling-class-action-suit?utm_campaign=LCT-E-News-Weekend-Edition-20160513& utm_medium=Enewsletter&utm_source=Email |
5/14 | Ex-cop Uber driver allegedly kidnapped passenger… How the hell is this still happening? | The Next Web | http://thenextweb.com/opinion/2016/05/12/ubers-refusal- put-stricter-driver-safety-checks-place-leaves-us-risk/#gref |
5/14 | Well, Looks Like Uber Is Leaving Montreal | MTL BLOG | http://www.mtlblog.com/2016/05/uber-is-leaving-montreal/# | |
5/13 | LETTER: Uber, Lyft should be required to meet standards for transporting disabled in New York | Daily Freeman | http://www.dailyfreeman.com/opinion/20160512/letter-uber-lyft-should-be-required- to-meet-standards-for-transporting-disabled-in-new-york |
5/13 | Uber hit with restrictions for Newark Airport, Elizabeth train station pick-ups | nj.com | http://www.nj.com/union/index.ssf/2016/05/uber_ordinance_raised_again_at_elizabeth_city_coun.html | |
5/13 | City unveils hotline for drivers after Uber, Lyft leave Austin | kvue | http://www.kvue.com/news/local/city-unveils- hotline-for-drivers-after-uber-lyft-left-austin/187058963 |
5/13 | Cab Drivers Look Toward the Future | Austin Chronicle | http://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2016-05-13/cab-drivers-look-toward-the-future/ | |
5/13 | Uber and Lyft still illegal in Hillsborough County after heated PTC meeting | Tampa Bay Times | http://www.tampabay.com/news/transportation/uber-and- lyft-still-operating-illegally-in-hillsborough-county-after/2276885 |
5/13 | Heathrow crackdown on Uber drivers | travelweekly | http://www.travelweekly.co.uk/articles/61606/heathrow-crackdown-on-uber-drivers | |
5/13 | Quebec government introduces bill to regulate Uber and taxi industry | thestar.com | https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2016/05/12/quebec- government-introduces-bill-to-regulate-uber-and-taxi-industry.html |
5/12 | Chicago Aldermen Propose Taxi Medallion Buyback | wttw | http://chicagotonight.wttw.com/2016/ 05/11/aldermen-propose-taxi-medallion-buyback |
5/12 | Toronto taxi companies reject surge pricing, call it ‘extortion’ | thestar.com | https://www.thestar.com/news/city_hall/2016/05/11/toronto-taxi- companies-reject-surge-pricing-call-it-extortion.html |
5/12 | Uber Usually Gets What It Wants From Cities. Austin Is Different. | slate.com | http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2016/05/10/uber_ lyft_storm_out_of_austin_to_protest_regulations_the_tantrum_might_not.html |
5/12 | How Austin Beat Uber | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/12/opinion/how-austin-beat-uber.html?_r=0 | |
5/12 | This compromise could be the beginning of the end for Uber | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1Tbuk69 | |
5/12 | In the Uber Age, a Boom in Background Checks | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/article_email/background-checks- are-booming-1462926915-lMyQjAxMTI2MzE2MTMxOTE1Wj |
5/12 | Mississauga city council votes to ban UberX | CP 24 | http://www.cp24.com/news/mississauga-city-council-votes-to-ban-uberx-1.2897753 | |
5/11 | Uber fires back at taxi industry's campaign | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160510/BLOGS04/ 160509864/uber-fires-back-at-taxi-industrys-campaign |
5/11 | Cops and city agency crack down on illegal parking along Nassau Expressway near JFK Airport | QNS | http://qns.com/story/2016/05/09/cops-and-city-agency-crack-down- on-illegal-parking-along-nassau-expressway-near-jfk-airport/ |
5/11 | The D.C. start-up that’s crazy enough to take on Uber and Lyft | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/innovations/wp/2016/05/10/ the-d-c-start-up-thats-crazy-enough-to-take-on-uber-and-lyft/ |
5/11 | Who benefits from Uber, Lyft loss in Austin? #tellusatoday | USA TODAY | http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2016/05/10/uber-lyft- regulation-loss-austin-ride-sharing-taxi-companies-tellusatoday-your-say/84205254/ |
5/11 | How an agreement between Hillsborough and Uber, Lyft could benefit the companies | Tampa Bay Business Jopurnal | http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news/2016/05/09/ how-an-agreement-between-hillsborough-and-uber.html |
5/11 | Risky Ride? I-Team takes a closer look at Uber's background checks | WWMT | http://wwmt.com/news/i-team/risky-ride-i-team- takes-a-closer-look-at-ubers-background-checks |
5/11 | Uber, Lfyt Could Face New Obstacles From Chicago's City Council | chicagoist | http://chicagoist.com/2016/05/10/uber_ride-hailing_companies_fight_a.php | |
5/10 | Uber drivers unite. But is that enough to wring change from ride-sharing giant in NYC? | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/tripping/wp/2016/05/09/uber-drivers- unite-but-is-that-enough-to-wring-change-from-ride-sharing-giant-in-nyc/ |
5/10 | Uber, Lyft suspend service in Austin over fingerprint rule | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-uber- lyft-suspend-service-in-austin-20160509-story.html |
5/10 | Uber, Lyft Drivers May Face Background Checks, Other New Regulations | wttw | http://chicagotonight.wttw.com/2016/05/09/uber-lyft- drivers-may-face-background-checks-other-new-regulations |
5/10 | Heroin Found in Uber Driver's Car: Prosecutor | PATCH | http://patch.com/illinois/palos/heroin-found-uber-drivers-car-prosecutor-0 | |
5/10 | New regulations mean business as usual for Uber, says U of T expert | U of T | https://www.utoronto.ca/news/new-regulations- mean-business-usual-uber-says-u-t-expert |
5/10 | Uber drivers, if employees, owed $730 million more: U.S. court papers | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/us- uber-tech-drivers-lawsuit-idUSKCN0Y02E8 |
5/9 | Uber's enemies unite for counteroffensive | CRAIN"S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160509/BLOGS04/ 160509896/ubers-enemies-unite-for-counteroffensive |
5/9 | It ain’t all Uber: 80,000 cabbies join new rival taxi app Karhoo | The Sun | http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/7135754/ It-aint-all-Uber-80000-cabbies-join-new-rival-taxi-app-Karhoo.html |
5/9 | Has SeekingAlpha Been Bribed To Spike Pro-Taxi Stories? | TECH BLOG | http://www.alltechinfo.co.uk/has-seekingalpha-been-bribed-to-spike-pro-taxi-stories/ | |
5/9 | Uber, Lyft talks move into the fast lane | Tampa Bay Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news/ 2016/05/06/uber-lyft-talks-move-into-the-fast-lane.html |
5/9 | Uber reminds its customers that tips aren’t required | FC NEWS | https://news.fastcompany.com/uber-reminds-its- customers-that-tips-arent-required-4005090 |
5/9 | Uber to continue operating outside Austin city limits | KXAN | http://kxan.com/2016/05/08/uber-to-continue-operating-outside-austin-city-limits/ |
5/9 | Karhoo taxi app launches in London, joins the ranks of the e-hailing revolution taking on Uber | IBTimes | http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/karhoo-taxi-app-launches- london-joins-ranks-e-hailing-revolution-taking-uber-1558931 |
5/8 | London elects a new anti-Uber mayor | PANDO | https://pando.com/2016/05/06/anti-uber-mayor-london/ 43126e24e2942cfc8ef8afe43a44b4880990f257/ |
5/8 | Good and bad in city’s UberX, taxi policy | Toronto Sun | http://www.torontosun.com/2016/05/07/good-and-bad-in-citys-uberx-taxi-policy | |
5/8 | Lyft and GM will test self-driving fleet within a year | MSN | http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/lyft-and-gm- will-test-self-driving-fleet-within-a-year/ar-BBsGXhl |
5/7 | How Uber Promotes Dangerously Tired Driving | Inc.com | http://www.inc.com/jeff-bercovici/uber-drowsy-driving.html | |
5/7 | Bill could be death knell for Uber in Quebec | Montreal Gazette | http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/bill-expected- wednesday-could-be-death-knell-for-uber-in-quebec |
5/8 | New app gives Uber a little disruption of its own | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2016/05/05/new-app-gives-uber-little- disruption-its-own/ywjamDoXE2EphuNNuLcV3J/story.html |
5/7 | Uber Faces Class Action Lawsuit for Robo-Texting Austinites to Support Prop 1 | TLR | https://www.tortreform.com/news/uber-faces-class-action- lawsuit-robo-texting-austinites-support-prop-1 |
5/7 | Via Raises $70 Million: Here's How Carpooling Service Differs From Uber & Lyft | GAMENGUIDE | http://www.gamenguide.com/articles/25785/20160506/via-raises-70- million-heres-how-carpooling-service-differs-from-uber-lyft.htm |
5/7 | Judge: Women can sue Uber over alleged sexual assaults | CBS | http://www.cbsnews.com/news/judge-women- can-sue-uber-over-alleged-sexual-assaults/ |
5/7 | Politicians plan for marathon vehicle-for-hire bylaw debate | The Record.com | http://www.therecord.com/news-story/6541979-politicians- plan-for-marathon-vehicle-for-hire-bylaw-debate/ |
5/6 | Emails show Uber’s cultivation of Council before fight with de Blasio | POLITICO | http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/city-hall/ 2016/05/8598443/emails-show-ubers-cultivation-council-fight-de-blasio |
5/6 | Onondaga County pushes effort to bring Uber, Lyft to Upstate NY | Syracuse.com | http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2016/05/onondaga_ county_presses_effort_to_bring_uber_lyft_to_upstate_new_york.html |
5/6 | Taxi surge pricing considered by Quebec government in new bill | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/surge-pricing-quebec-taxis-1.3567810 | |
5/6 | Who should approve Uber’s drivers? | Boston.com | http://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/05/05/who-should-approve-ubers-drivers | |
5/6 | Pa. Bill brings Uber, Lyft Step Closer to Legal Operations in Philly | NBC | http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Pa-Bill-brings- Uber-Lyft-Step-Closer-to-Legal-Operations-in-Philly-378145141.html |
5/6 | Uber hit with class actions from drivers claiming they should be treated as employees under FLSA | Cook County Record | http://cookcountyrecord.com/stories/510722822-uber-hit-with-class-actions- from-drivers-claiming-they-should-be-treated-as-employees-under-flsa |
5/5 | Goldfeder To TLC: Put The Brakes On Expressway Parking | Queens Gazette | http://www.qgazette.com/news/2016-05-04/Front_Page/ Goldfeder_To_TLC_Put_The_Brakes_On_Expressway_Park.html |
5/5 | Taxi Owners Sue Dade County After Ride-Sharing Vote | CBS | http://miami.cbslocal.com/2016/05/04/taxi-owners- sue-dade-county-after-ride-sharing-vote/ |
5/5 | Judge’s ruling strengthens hand of struggling Chicago taxi industry | REBOOT ILLINOIS | http://www.rebootillinois.com/2016/05/03/editors-picks/fran-spielman/ judges-ruling-strengthens-hand-of-struggling-chicago-taxi-industry/57135/ |
5/5 | Uber isn’t killing surge pricing | msn | http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/uber-isn%E2%80%99t- killing-surge-pricing/ar-BBsANmZ?li=BBnbklF&ocid=DELLDHP |
5/5 | New Orleans cabbies claim Uber drivers accept illegal street hails | nola.com | http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2016/05/new_orleans_cabbies_claim_uber.html | |
5/5 | Uber’s Denial of Blame for Sex Attacks Fails to Kill Lawsuit | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-05-05/ uber-must-face-claims-by-women-for-alleged-driver-sex-assaults |
5/5 | Pennsylvania House committee advances legislation that would legalize Uber, Lyft in Philly | philly VOICE | http://www.phillyvoice.com/pennsylvania-house- committee-advances-legislation-would-legalize-uber-lyft-philly/ |
5/5 | Council approves regulations for Uber | 24 Hours Toronto | http://www.toronto24hours.ca/2016/05/03/taxi-uber-showdown-at-toronto-city-council | |
5/5 | Austin PAC calls for Uber, Lyft campaign tactics to be investigated | KVUE | http://www.kvue.com/news/local/austin-pac-calls-for- uber-lyft-campaign-tactics-to-be-investigated/171452370 |
5/4 | Judge at loss for way to remedy taxi, Uber disparity | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/politics/ct- emanuel-taxi-uber-ruling-met-0504-20160503-story.html |
5/4 | State House committee to consider legalizing Uber, Lyft in Philly | Philly Voice | http://www.phillyvoice.com/state-house- committee-consider-legalizing-uber-lyft-philly/ |
5/4 | New Yorkers would welcome Uber, Lyft in Westchester, on Long Island: poll | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/21uMnHF | |
5/4 | Uber Gets Hit With Two More Lawsuits Over Driver Wages | Fortune | http://fortune.com/2016/05/02/uber-driver-lasuits-florida-illinois/ | |
5/4 | The pros and cons of legalizing Uber in Miami-Dade County | Miami Herald | http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/ miami-dade/article75213597.html |
5/4 | Miami-Dade commissioners to vote on legalizing ride-sharing services | WSVN | http://www.wsvn.com/story/31868899/miami-dade- commissioners-to-vote-on-legalizing-ride-sharing-services |
5/4 | Uber Plans To Kill Surge Pricing, Though Drivers Say It Makes Job Worth It | NPR | http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/05/03/476513775/ uber-plans-to-kill-surge-pricing-though-drivers-say-it-makes-job-worth-it |
5/4 | Uber illustrates results of long, hard road in New York City | Market Watch | http://www.marketwatch.com/story/uber-illustrates-results-of- long-hard-road-in-new-york-city-2016-05-02#:HpW0tUcFtdhXAA |
5/4 | Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner responds to Uber's threat to leave city (Video) | Houston Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2016/04/27/ houstonmayor-sylvester-turner-responds-to-ubers.html |
5/4 | Uber attempts to block suit by Philly drivers over employment status | newsworks | http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/local/business-a-economy/ 93354-uber-attempts-to-block-suit-by-philly-drivers-over-employment-status |
5/4 | Toronto votes to ditch first-aid training, adopt 'surge pricing' for taxis and Uber | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-council-uber-licensing-1.3563739 | |
5/4 | Uber to bring new accessible ride services to Chicago this month | Chicago | http://www.chicagotribune.com/bluesky/originals/ct-uber- wheelchair-accessible-rides-chicago-bsi-20160503-story.html |
5/3 | NYC's 'Taxi of Tomorrow' Among 3.2M Vehicles Recalled by Nissan | NBC | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Taxi-of-Tomorrow- New-York-City-Recall-Nissan-Airbags-TLC-Cab-377833131.html |
5/3 | Aldermen winning in taxi war with ride-booking companies | CRAIN'S | http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20160502/BLOGS02/ 160429787/aldermen-winning-in-taxi-war-with-ride-booking-companies |
5/3 | Emanuel defends attempts to kill plan to license Uber drivers | CHICAGO SUN TIMES | http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/emanuel- defends-attempts-to-kill-plan-to-license-uber-drivers/ |
5/3 | Austin's Uber War Is the Dumbest One Yet | CITYLAB | http://www.citylab.com/commute/2016/05/uber-and- lyft-bluff-all-of-austin-with-proposition-1-ballot-measure/480837/ |
5/3 | Austin’s Prop 1 Vote Has Big Implications Around The State—And Around The Country | Texas Monthly | http://www.texasmonthly.com/the-daily-post/ austins-prop-1-vote-big-implications-texas-uber-lyft/ |
5/3 | FL: Transit Commission Looks to Break Taxi Company Stronghold | Mass Transit | http://www.masstransitmag.com/news/12201663/ transit-commission-looks-to-break-taxi-company-stronghold |
5/3 | Hungary aiming to drive Uber ride-hailing app out of country | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/business/business_markets/2016/05/ hungary_aiming_to_drive_uber_ride_hailing_app_out_of_country |
5/3 | Uber is facing a nationwide class-action lawsuit | Tech Crunch | http://techcrunch.com/2016/05/02/uber-is- facing-a-nationwide-class-action-lawsuit/ |
5/3 | Uber sued again over drivers' employment status | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/ la-fi-tn-uber-nationwide-class-action-20160502-story.html |
5/3 | Uber poll finds support for upstate NY expansion; cabs hit back | San Francisco Chronicle | http://www.sfchronicle.com/news/article/ Uber-poll-finds-support-for-upstate-expansion-7389250.php |
5/2 | 1,000 Uber Drivers In New York City Join Labor Solidarity Association | CBS | http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/05/01/uber-drivers-labor-association/ | |
5/2 | Nissan recalls nearly 4 million cars with air bag problems Including TOT | appealdemocrat | http://www.appeal-democrat.com/news/national/nissan-recalls-nearly-million- cars-with-air-bag-problems/article_5fc1bf51-71a3-5003-8187-b4567eae87aa.html |
5/2 | Uber has robbed me of a decent living — and more | thestar.com | http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2016/05/02/ uber-has-robbed-me-of-a-decent-living-and-more.html |
5/2 | Uber, Lyft rain money on Prop 1 election | AUSTIM MONITOR | http://www.austinmonitor.com/stories/2016/05/ uber-lyft-rain-money-on-prop-1-election/ |
5/2 | Uber Hits a Buenos Aires Pothole | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/uber-hits-a-buenos-aires-pothole-1462139744 | |
5/2 | City should demand UberX drivers prove proper insurance: Taxi industry | thestar.com | http://www.thestar.com/news/city_hall/2016/05/01/city-should-demand-uberx-drivers-prove-proper-insurance-taxi-industry.html | |
5/2 | Yet another woman comes forward to report sexual harassment from an Uber driver | MSN | http://www.msn.com/en-my/news/us/yet-another-woman-comes-forward-to- report-sexual-harassment-from-an-uber-driver/ar-BBsqWVW?li=BBr8Mk9 |
5/1 | Orange mayor moves to regulate Uber and other ride apps | nj.com | http://www.nj.com/essex/index.ssf/2016/04/orange_mayor_moves_to_regulate_uber_and_other_ride.html | |
5/1 | Facts missing behind claim that fingerprint checks of Austin drivers will cost city millions | POLITIFACT | http://www.politifact.com/texas/statements/2016/apr/30/ridesharing- works-austin/claim-about-millions-dollars-costs-bill-going-taxp/ |
5/1 | Uber uses ad campaign to push for deal with city | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/business/20160429_ Uber_uses_ad_campaign_to_push_for_deal_with_city.html |
5/1 | Uber’s Starting to Crack Down on Late Riders | Points Guy | http://thepointsguy.com/2016/04/uber-cracking-down-on-late-riders/ | |
5/1 | Are Houston Regs Hurting Uber? Hard to Say, Since Uber Sued to Keep City Records Hidden | Houston Press | http://www.houstonpress.com/news/are-houston-regs- hurting-uber-hard-to-say-since-uber-sued-to-keep-city-records-hidden-8361844 |
MEDIA NEWS STORIES-April 2016 | ||||
4/30 | Judge: Taxi drivers have constitutional beef, but won't issue injunction regarding city regulation of Uber, Lyft | Cook County Record | http://cookcountyrecord.com/stories/510720143-judge-taxi-drivers- have-constitutional-beef-but-won-t-issue-injunction- regarding-city-regulation-of-uber-lyft |
4/30 | Uber accused of using ‘manipulated’ poll to bully aldermen | Chicago Sun Times | http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/beale-blasts-uber-poll-manipulated/ | |
4/30 | Uber Plays the Race Card to Shoot Down Tipping | Newsweek | http://www.newsweek.com/uber-plays-race-card-shoot-down-tipping-453662 | |
4/30 | Uber Settles Airport-Fee Dispute for $1.8 Million | Courthouse News | http://www.courthousenews.com/2016/04/29/ uber-settles-airport-fee-dispute-for-1-8-million.htm |
4/29 | Uber and Lyft Expected to Be Picked Up Quickly By Upstate NY Lawmakers | TIME WARNER | http://www.twcnews.com/nys/capital-region/politics/ 2016/04/27/ridesharing-uber-lyft-buffalo-rochester-syracuse-albany-upstate.html |
4/29 | You’re going to be pissed about Uber’s new cancellation window | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1XWBT1E | |
4/29 | Newark Airport-BARAKA, UBER NJ GENERAL MANAGER MAHONY, AND TAXI OWNER/DRIVERS REVEAL DETAILS | PolitickerNJ | http://politickernj.com/2016/04/baraka-uber-nj-general-manager- mahony-and-taxi-ownerdrivers-reveal-details/ |
4/29 | Taxi medallion owners seek recognition that they’re on unequal terrain | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/letters/2016/04/28/taxi-medallion-owners-seek-recognition-that-they-unequal-terrain/JlEEsTSWjE760T67BqivJP/story.html | |
4/29 | As Newark touts benefits of $10M Uber deal, cabbies still cry foul | NJ.com | http://www.nj.com/essex/index.ssf/2016/04/cab_ drivers_still_seeing_red_over_newarks_10m_uber.html |
4/29 | Uber May Have to Reveal Financial Secrets in Driver Settlement | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-04-27/ uber-judge-questions-secrecy-of-driver-pay-settlement-details?bcomANews=true |
4/28 | Uber drivers will have to provide a ‘clear, well-lit’ selfie in order to pick up passengers as part of new safety feature | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1VToOZN | |
4/28 | Uber threatens to leave Houston | Chron | http://m.chron.com/news/transportation/article/Uber- threatens-to-leave-Houston-7379011.php?cmpid=email-tablet |
4/28 | Uber can keep on rolling at Newark Airport | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160427/TECHNOLOGY/160429874/uber- can-keep-on-rolling-at-newark-airport#utm_medium=email&utm_source=cnyb- dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160427 |
4/28 | College student, 21, disappears after telling her mom she was in an Uber | FOX29 | http://www.fox29.com/news/national-news/132850290-story | |
4/28 | Uber Testing 2 Minute Wait Time Before It Starts Charging You | CBSPHILLY | http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/04/27/uber- testing-2-minute-wait-time-before-it-starts-charging-you/ |
4/28 | Most Uber drivers to get less than $25 from big settlement | USA TODAY | http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2016/04/26/ most-uber-drivers-see-little-100-milion-payout/83546898/ |
4/28 | Business Licenses For Some SF Uber And Lyft Drivers Cost Hundreds More Than Expected | sfist | http://sfist.com/2016/04/27/ business_licenses_for_some_sf_uber_1.php |
4/28 | Austin Company Poised to Fill Gap if Uber, Lyft Leave | Texas Tribune | https://www.texastribune.org/2016/04/27/ austin-company-poised-fill-gap-uber-lyft/ |
4/28 | Uber may be liable for accidents, even if drivers are contractors | SF Chronicle | http://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/ Uber-may-be-liable-for-accidents-even-if-drivers-7377364.php |
4/27 | Uber plans post-budget push upstate | POLITICO | http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/albany/2016/04/ 8597704/uber-plans-post-budget-push-upstate |
4/27 | New Chicago taxi app program off to rough start | WGN | http://wgntv.com/2016/04/26/new- chicago-taxi-app-program-off-to-rough-start/ |
4/27 | Broward agrees to let more taxis operate | Sun Sentinel | http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/ fl-taxi-lottery-broward-20160426-story.html |
4/27 | Uber and Lyft help form coalition to jumpstart self-driving cars | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1NOZwTW | |
4/27 | Uber Spends $100 Million to Save its Business Model, But It May Have Just Doomed It | naked capitalism | http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2016/04/uber-spends-100- million-to-save-its-business-model-but-it-may-have-just-doomed-it.html |
4/27 | Why is my Lyft driver breathing into an ignition interlock device? | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/bluesky/technology/ ct-uber-lyft-background-check-20160426-story.html |
4/27 | Mihalopoulos: Rahm should quit back-seat driving in Uber debate | Chicago Sun Times | http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/ mihalopoulos-rahm-back-seat-driving-uber-debate/ |
4/26 | Uber’s NYC fare cuts haven’t helped drivers | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1NNbMED | |
4/26 | How Much Money Do Uber Drivers Really Make? Send Us Your Screenshots | NPR | http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/04/25/475592357/how-much- money-do-uber-drivers-really-make-send-us-your-screen-shots |
4/26 | The surge pricing debate presents a real opportunity for regulators to get it right | Scroll.in | http://scroll.in/article/807065/the-surge-pricing- debate-presents-a-real-opportunity-for-regulators-to-get-it-right |
4/26 | Uber drivers in California join with Teamsters Union to fight for better benefits | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/4/24/11497842/ uber-drivers-teamsters-partnership-wages-benefits |
4/26 | Calgary mayor apologizes for calling Uber and its CEO 'dicks' | 680 NEWS | http://www.680news.com/2016/04/24/calgary- mayor-apologizes-for-calling-uber-and-its-ceo-dicks/ |
4/26 | Lyft's new ad campaign shows drivers escaping the hellish circus of traffic | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/4/25/11502452/lyft-tv-ad-campaign | |
4/25 | How the Daily Commute Is Going to Change | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/how-the-daily- commute-is-going-to-change-1461550158 |
4/25 | Uber fights against upcoming Quebec legislation | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/montreal/ uber-quebec-legislation-users-summer-1.3550261 |
4/25 | Chronicle Endorsements | Austin Chronicle | http://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2016-04-22/chronicle-endorsements | |
4/25 | It's ridiculous that Uber won't let people tip drivers from its app | YAHOO | http://finance.yahoo.com/news/ridiculous-uber-wont-let-people-121638517.html | |
4/25 | Uber has become the symbol of everything right and wrong with Silicon Valley today | YAHOO | http://finance.yahoo.com/news/uber-become- symbol-everything-wrong-135437941.html |
4/25 | Next Step for Uber Users: Getting Used to Tipping | SKIFT | https://skift.com/2016/04/24/next-step-for-uber-users-getting-used-to-tipping/ | |
4/24 | Get ready for your Uber driver to start asking you for cash | QUARTZ | http://qz.com/668377/get-ready-for-your-uber-driver-to-start-asking-you-for-cash/ | |
4/24 | Chicago pushing taxi industry for wheelchair accessibility | The Washington Times | http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/ apr/22/chicago-pushing-taxi-industry-for-wheelchair-acces/ |
4/24 | New Taxi Service in Rochester | ABC6 | http://www.kaaltv.com/news/rochester-taxi-service-rst/4115221/ | |
4/24 | Uber drivers protest 'unfair guidelines' at Philadelphia International Airport | WPVI | http://6abc.com/news/uber-drivers-protest-unfair-guidelines-at-phl-/1304944/ | |
4/24 | The Huge Question Uber’s $100 Million Settlement Leaves Unanswered | HUFF POST | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/uber- lawsuit-settlement_us_571a4200e4b0d4d3f723114a |
4/24 | Teamsters To Organize California Uber Drivers Association | BUZZ FEED | https://www.buzzfeed.com/carolineodonovan/ teamsters-to-organize-uber-drivers-in-california#.ulePRe4eR |
4/24 | Uber Settles Major Employee / Contractor Lawuits, But Not the Complicated Issue Underlying Them | LATIN POST | http://www.latinpost.com/articles/119829/20160423/uber-settles-major-employee- contractor-lawuits-but-not-the-complicated-issue-underlying-them.htm |
4/23 | Taxi and Limousine Commission puts sexual harassment rules for cabbies on hold | N. Y. Daily News | http://nydn.us/1T223vK | |
4/23 | Boston-Medallions pile up as Uber, Lyft ride high | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/news/local_coverage/2016/04/ medallions_pile_up_as_uber_lyft_ride_high |
4/23 | Some taxis to have option to remove the partition | WABC | http://abc7ny.com/news/some-taxis-to- have-option-to-remove-the-partition/1303792/ |
4/23 | Port Authority to Newark on Uber Deal: Not so Fast | WNBC | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Port-Authority- to-Newark-on-Uber-deal-Not-so-fast-376754961.html |
4/23 | Uber settlement provides payout, no closure | The Mercury News | http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ ci_29802852/uber-settlement-provides-payout-no-closure |
4/23 | Chicago pushing taxi industry for wheelchair accessibility | The Washington Times | http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/apr/22/ chicago-pushing-taxi-industry-for-wheelchair-acces/ |
4/23 | New Ride Hailing Rules May Force Uber Out of Toronto | IC | http://www.iphoneincanada.ca/news/uber-may-be-forced-out-of-toronto/ ?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign= Feed%3A+iphoneincanada+%28SiPhone+ in+Canada+-+Canada%27s+%231+iPhone+Resource%29 |
4/22 | TLC abandons sex harassment bill in victory for creepy cabbies | N.Y. Post | http://nyp.st/1WIxTU6 | |
4/22 | Queens robbers targeting taxi passengers getting out of cabs | N.Y. Daily News | http://nydn.us/1SuRlAG | |
4/22 | Partitions in yellow cabs could soon be a thing of the past | PIX-11 | http://pix11.com/2016/04/21/partitions-in- yellow-cabs-could-soon-be-a-thing-of-the-past/ |
4/22 | Taxi survey: middle-aged and male driving young and rich | POLITICO | http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/city-hall/2014/01/8538256/ taxi-survey-middle-aged-and-male-driving-young-and-rich |
4/22 | Commuter safety is in doubt with UberX: Cole | thestar.com | http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/ 2016/04/20/commuter-safety-is-in-doubt-with-uberx.html |
4/22 | Newark cabbies cry 'corruption', rally against city's Uber deal | NJ.com | http://www.nj.com/essex/index.ssf/2016/04/ cabbies_rally_against_uber_deal_in_newark.html |
4/22 | Pennsylvania fines Uber $11M for operating without approval | WHDH | http://www.whdh.com/story/31783559/pennsylvania- fines-uber-11m-for-operating-without-approval |
4/22 | Boston officials work to regulate Uber and Lyft with 5-year ban | WHDH | http://www.whdh.com/story/31769514/boston- officials-work-to-regulate-uber-and-lyft-with-5-year-ban |
4/22 | If cab business falls to Uber, who serves disabled people? | CHICAGO SUN TIMES | http://chicago.suntimes.com/opinion/if-cab-business- falls-to-uber-who-serves-disabled-people/ |
4/22 | The Legal Problem That Could Crash Uber | HUFFPOST | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/legal-problem- could-crash-uber_us_5718d485e4b0479c59d714f6 |
4/22 | Uber and de Blasio aides quietly push dueling accessible-taxi proposals | POLITICO | http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/city-hall/2016/04/8597250/ uber-and-de-blasio-aides-quietly-push-dueling-accessible-taxi-prop |
4/22 | Uber settlement keeps drivers as contractors in Calif., Mass. | KCRA | http://www.kcra.com/news/uber-settlement- keeps-drivers-as-contractors-in-2-states/39157578 |
4/22 | California Regulators Give Stamp of Approval to Uber and Lyft's Carpools | Fortune | http://fortune.com/2016/04/21/california-uber-lyft-carpool/ | |
4/22 | Uber bill would commit tax money to taxi firms, study says | New Boston Post | http://newbostonpost.com/2016/04/21/uber-bill- would-commit-tax-money-to-taxi-firms-study-says/ |
4/21 | Why NYC Is Going Car-Free On Earth Day | HUFFPOST | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ydanis-rodriguez/ why-nyc-is-going-car-free_b_9744722.html |
4/21 | Hailing distance: City may move Sheepshead Bay Road taxi stand | Brooklyn Daily | http://www.brooklyndaily.com/stories/2016/17/ bn-sidebar-sheepshead-bay-road-2016-04-22-bk.html |
4/21 | An Uber Disappointment | creators.com | https://www.creators.com/read/taking-stock/04/16/an-uber-disappointment | |
4/21 | The Unstudied Traffic Impacts of Uber and Lyft | SF Weekly | http://www.sfweekly.com/sanfrancisco/the-unstudied-traffic-impacts- of-uber-and-lyft-news-traffic-rideshare-development-uber-lyft/Content?oid=4626985 |
4/21 | Boston officials work to regulate Uber and Lyft with 5-year ban | WHDH | http://www.whdh.com/story/31769514/boston-officials- work-to-regulate-uber-and-lyft-with-5-year-ban |
4/21 | Uber takes the high road in response to Philadelphia Taxi lawsuit, attorney says | Penn Record | http://pennrecord.com/stories/510715673-uber-takes-the- high-road-in-response-to-philadelphia-taxi-lawsuit-attorney-says |
4/20 | The Gig Economy Is Mostly a Myth | Mother Jones | http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2016/04/gig-economy-mostly-myth | |
4/20 | Broward moves forward to help taxis | Sun Sentinel | http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/ fl-broward-taxi-permits-20160419-story.html |
4/20 | Philly taxi, limo drivers ready for action over UberX operations at PHL Airport | Philadelphia Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/morning_roundup/2016/04/ limo-taxi-twa-blount-razak-uberx-lyft-phl-airport.html |
4/20 | Uber and Lyft are spending millions of dollars on a local election in Austin, Texas. Here’s why | FUSION | http://fusion.net/story/291210/uber-lyft-ridesharing-election-austin-texas/ | |
4/20 | End in sight for Philly's battle with Uber and Lyft? | METRO | http://www.metro.us/philadelphia/end-in-sight-for- philly-s-battle-with-uber-and-lyft/zsJpdr---tzYdJKbIMGxSU/ |
4/20 | Uber & Lyft get permanent deal to operate in Palm Beach Co. | WPTV | http://www.wptv.com/money/consumer/palm-beach- county-commissioners-to-vote-tuesday-on-final-deal-for-uber |
4/20 | Uber Followed Its Playbook to Get Newark Deal | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/uber-followed-its- playbook-to-get-newark-deal-1461028119 |
4/20 | Uber Shares Data on 12 Million Riders with Uncle Sam | Ron Paul Institute | http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and- prosperity/2016/april/18/uber-shares-data-on-12-million-riders-with-uncle-sam/ |
4/19 | NYC Uber Driver Shares Tax Docs, Says He Only Took Home $10K in 2015 | NBC | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Uber- Driver-Makes-Tax-Returns-Public-376117981.html |
4/19 | EXCLUSIVE: Plan for NYC green taxi program expansion stalls out | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1Shz7jI | |
4/19 | Uber joins forces with former New York City Council foe to promote carpooling | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/4/18/11439942/uber-pool- 100k-riders-nyc-ydanis-rodriguez-carfreenyc |
4/19 | Steve Wozniak Just Blasted Uber For Poor Treatment Of Workers | HUFF POST | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/steve-wozniak- criticizes-uber_us_5714f72be4b0018f9cba7bf1 |
4/19 | Tech-Driven Transportation Is Here to Stay | U.S. News | http://www.usnews.com/opinion/economic-intelligence/articles/2016-04-18/tech- driven-transportation-like-uber-and-lyft-is-here-to-stay |
4/19 | City taxi drivers becoming Uber vigilantes | Buenos Aires Herald | http://www.buenosairesherald.com/article/ 212773/city-taxi-drivers-becoming-uber-vigilantes |
4/19 | City’s insurance requirements could be a deal-breaker for Uber | Insurance Business | http://www.insurancebusiness.ca/news/citys-insurance- requirements-could-be-a-dealbreaker-for-uber-205962.aspx |
4/19 | Angry about Uber, Montreal taxi drivers threaten to withhold taxes | Montreal Gazette | http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/ angry-about-uber-montreal-taxi-drivers-threaten-to-withhold-taxes |
4/19 | Uber is facing a staggering number of lawsuits | FUSION | http://fusion.net/story/257423/everyone-is-suing-uber/?utm_source=emailshare& utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=socialshare&utm_content=sticky+navhttps:/ |
4/18 | Newark Mayor Provides Details on City’s Deal With Uber | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/newark-mayor- provides-details-on-citys-deal-with-uber-1460850774 |
4/18 | Uber and Lyft drivers now owe San Francisco a $91 fee because they're not employees | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/4/17/11447436/uber-lyft-san-francisco-fee | |
4/18 | Palm Beach County Commission set to green-light Uber rules Tuesday | myPalmBeachPost | http://www.mypalmbeachpost.com/news/news/local-govt-politics/ palm-beach-county-commission-set-to-green-light-ub/nq6RB/ |
4/17 | Uber suffers blow as Toronto City Hall committee votes against legalization | THE GLOBE AND MAIL | http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/uber-suffers-blow-as-toronto-city-hall-committee-votes-against-legalization/article29653105/ | |
4/17 | Uber to Pay $10M over Next Decade to Operate at Newark Airport: Mayor | NBC | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Uber-to-Pay-10M-over- Next-Decade-to-Operate-at-Newark-Airport-Mayor-375952101.html |
4/17 | San Francisco wants to collect over $3.3M each year from Uber, Lyft drivers | arstechnica.com | http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/04/san-francisco- wants-to-collect-over-3-3m-each-year-from-uber-lyft-drivers/ |
4/17 | Tampa-Push to change public transit with fewer bus rides and more Uber rides | WFTS | http://www.abcactionnews.com/traffic/push-to-change-public- transit-with-fewer-bus-rides-and-more-uber-rides |
4/17 | Uber Was Just Hit With Another Lawsuit | OBSERVER | http://observer.com/2016/04/uber-was-just-hit-with-another-lawsuit/ | |
4/17 | T. Rowe Price Marks Down Most of Its Tech Startups(UBER) | MORNINGSTAR | https://www.morningstar.com/news/dow-jones/TDJNDN_2016041510371/ t-rowe-price-marks-down-most-of-its-tech-startups.html |
4/16 | 'We won't stop': Baraka fires back amid mounting Uber pushback | nj.com | http://www.nj.com/essex/index.ssf/2016/04/we_wont_ stop_baraka_fires_back_amid_assault_on_pro.html |
4/16 | One Current City Law Goes Unfollowed by Uber and Lyft Drivers | kut.org | http://kut.org/post/one-current-city- law-goes-unfollowed-uber-and-lyft-drivers |
4/16 | SF to require Lyft, Uber drivers to obtain business licenses | SFGATE | http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/SF-to- require-Lyft-Uber-drivers-to-obtain-7250137.php |
4/16 | Argentina-Gov’t, taxi unions set for open clash with Uber | buenosairesherald.com | http://buenosairesherald.com/article/212608/gov% E2%80%99t-taxi-unions-set-for-open-clash-with-uber |
4/16 | Rep. Godshall tries to untangle Philly's ride-share knot | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/business/transportation/20160416_Rep__ Godshall_tries_to_untangle_Philly_s_ride-share_knot.html |
4/15 | Sparks set to fly as public debate on new taxi, Uber rules begins | 680NEWS | http://www.680news.com/2016/04/13/sparks- set-fly-public-debate-new-taxi-uber-rules-begins/ |
4/15 | Taxi drivers make music video asking Londoners to go ‘Back to Black’ cabs | EVENING STANDARD | http://www.standard.co.uk/news/livenews/taxi-drivers-make- music-video-asking-londoners-to-go-back-to-black-cabs-a3225511.html |
4/15 | Credit union supporters advocate in Albany at NYCUA’s State GAC | CU Press | https://www.cuinsight.com/press-release/credit-union- supporters-advocate-albany-nycuas-state-gac-2 |
4/15 | Argentina's Macri sides with taxis as Uber arrives in Buenos Aires | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/r-argentinas-macri- sides-with-taxis-as-uber-arrives-in-buenos-aires-2016-4 |
4/15 | Uber, Disrupted | Bloomberg | http://www.bloomberg.com/gadfly/articles/2016-04-15/uber-disrupted | |
4/15 | Uber rallies troops ahead of regulations fight | CRAIN'S-Chicago | http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20160414/NEWS10/ 160419904/uber-rallies-troops-ahead-of-regulations-fight |
4/15 | Ottawa taxi industry considers options after city green-lights Uber | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ ottawa-taxi-industry-plots-next-move-after-uber-legalized-1.3536161 |
4/14 | A Federal Judge Compared Uber to Silk Road | MOTHERBOARD | http://motherboard.vice.com/read/a-federal- judge-compared-uber-to-silk-road |
4/14 | Uber says it will leave Newark if new regulations pass | NJ.com | http://www.nj.com/essex/index.ssf/2016/04/uber_says_it_will_leave_newark_if_new_regulations.html | |
4/14 | Female Taxi Passenger Jailed For Sexually Assaulting Male Driver | HUFF POST | http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/female-passenger-jailed-for- sexually-assaulting-male-taxi-driver_uk_570cf956e4b0fa55639daff9 |
4/14 | New York's 'textalyzer' could uncover distracted driving | autoblog | http://www.autoblog.com/2016/04/12/textalyzer-new-york-distracted-driving/ | |
4/14 | Uber Legalized In Ottawa Over Taxi Drivers' Protests | HUFF POST | http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2016/04/13/ uber-ottawa-legalized-taxi-drivers_n_9684726.html |
4/14 | Calgary United Cabs slash fares by 20% to undercut competition | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-taxi-war-rates-1.3531919 | |
4/14 | Uber Wants You To Know It's Tired Of Sharing Data With Regulators | NPR | http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/04/12/473985914/ uber-wants-you-to-know-its-tired-of-sharing-data-with-regulators |
4/14 | Taxi Drivers Block Streets in Buenos Aires After Uber Launch | Gadgets360 | http://gadgets.ndtv.com/apps/news/taxi-drivers- block-streets-in-buenos-aires-after-uber-launch-825078 |
4/14 | Uber passenger says driver’s chase ended in death of SF pedestrian | SF Gate | http://m.sfgate.com/crime/article/Uber-passenger- says-driver-s-chase-ended-in-7244573.php?cmpid=email-mobile |
4/13 | One City in Westchester County to Allow Taxi Street Hails | NBC | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Westchester- County-City-to-Allow-Taxi-Street-Hails-375432101.html |
4/13 | Rochester Taxi drivers rally against ride-sharing services | WHEC | http://www.whec.com/news/taxi-drivers-rally- against-uber-lyft-rochester/4102023/ |
4/13 | The global alliance against Uber just came online | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/lyft-didi- ola-grab-anti-uber-alliance-launches-2016-4 |
4/13 | Hillsborough regulator puts pressure on Uber drivers, company fights back | WFLA | http://wfla.com/2016/04/11/hillsborough-regulator- puts-pressure-on-uber-drivers-company-fights-back/ |
4/13 | If you live in California, NYC or Chicago, Uber probably gave information about you to the government | Fusion | http://fusion.net/story/290630/uber-transparency-report/ | |
4/12 | Rochester Taxi drivers rally against ride-sharing services | WHEC | http://www.whec.com/news/taxi-drivers-rally-against-uber-lyft-rochester/4102023/ | |
4/12 | Uber Driver Also Did Heroin Deliveries, Prosecutors Say | gothamist | http://gothamist.com/2016/04/11/uber_driver_heroin_pickup.php | |
4/12 | U.S. transit agencies want Uber, Lyft to help provide services for disabled riders | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1N3iv22 | |
4/12 | Women-only Uber-style service launching in Boston could face legal troubles | NY Times | http://nytlive.nytimes.com/womenintheworld/2016/04/11/women-only- uber-style-service-launching-in-boston-could-face-legal-troubles/ |
4/12 | Stolen Uber car turns up in Queens pond | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1qK0Vqg | |
4/12 | Milwaukee Taxi Drivers Plan to Strike | WDJT | http://www.cbs58.com/story/31692325/taxi-drivers-plan-to-strike | |
4/11 | Uber driver picked up a lot more than just passengers | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1SIJtJ2 | |
4/11 | Cab drivers’ health risks are putting you at risk, too | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1S0c90v | |
4/11 | Forum educates voters on ride-hailing ordinances | myStatesman | http://www.mystatesman.com/news/news/ forum-educates-voters-on-ride-hailing-ordinances/nq3cF/ |
4/11 | Women-only Uber set to open in Boston. Isn't that illegal? | Christian Science Monitor | http://www.csmonitor.com/Technology/2016/0410/ Women-only-Uber-set-to-open-in-Boston.-Isn-t-that-illegal |
4/11 | Uber and Lyft Could Solve Paratransit Issues, If Not for Their Own Access Problems | SKIFT | http://skift.com/2016/04/10/uber-and-lyft-could-solve- paratransit-issues-if-not-for-their-own-access-problems/ |
4/10 | Taxi Managers: Make It Easier For Uber Drivers To Become Yellow Cabs | CBS | http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/04/09/uber-taxi-medallion-petition/ | |
4/10 | Uber is a nightmare: They’re selling a big lie — and the New York Times keeps buying it | SALON | http://www.salon.com/2016/04/09/uber_is_a_nightmare_theyre_selling_ a_big_lie_and_the_new_york_times_keeps_buying_it/ |
4/10 | Lyft Has a Multi-Million Dollar Labor Issue That Uber Would Understand | SKIFT | http://skift.com/2016/04/09/lyft-has-a-multi-million- dollar-labor-issue-that-uber-would-understand/ |
4/10 | Toronto officials propose rules for Uber, help for taxi drivers | info-europa.com | http://info-europa.com/world/toronto-officials- propose-rules-for-uber-help-for-taxi-drivers/2180 |
4/10 | Uber to Carve Out Own Exception in New York State Regulations to Side-step Disabled and Skirt the Law? | UberPeople | http://www.uberpeople.net/threads/uber-to-carve-out-own-exception-in-new -york-state-regulations-to-side-step-disabled-and-skirt-law.70962/ |
4/9 | Taxi group wants regulation change to allow some Uber cars to become yellow cabs | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/20ojH2m | |
4/9 | White Plains NY overhauls taxi law | lohud | http://www.lohud.com/story/news/local/westchester/white-plains/ 2016/04/08/white-plains-overhauls-taxi-law/82662174/ |
4/9 | Uber Settles False-Advertising Lawsuit for $10 Million | LAWEEKLY | http://www.laweekly.com/news/uber-settles- false-advertising-lawsuit-for-10-million-6805486 |
4/9 | Uber seeks to freeze pay lawsuit | Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/sanjose/blog/techflash/ 2016/04/uber-class-action-drivers-appeals-court.html |
4/9 | The latest in lawsuits against Lyft and Uber | VACTORNEWS | http://vator.tv/news/2016-04-08-the-latest-in-lawsuits-against-lyft-and-uber | |
4/9 | Bill pushing for Uber, Lyft to operate in Rochester | RochesterFirst.com | http://www.rochesterfirst.com/news/ local-news/bill-pushing-for-uber-lyft-to-operate-in-rochester |
4/9 | Toronto Proposes New Rules for Uber to Help Taxi Drivers | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/04/07/toronto-rules-uber-help-taxi-drivers/ | |
4/8 | Uber drivers have stricter rules thanks to new City Council bills | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/transit/uber-drivers-have- stricter-rules-thanks-to-new-city-council-bills-1.11665460 |
4/8 | Newark seeks to regulate Uber | NewJersey.com | http://www.northjersey.com/news/newark-seeks-to-regulate-uber-1.1539484 | |
4/8 | Judge Likes Lyft Litigation So Much He Orders Both Sides To Come Up With More Money | Forbes | http://www.forbes.com/sites/danielfisher/2016/04/07/judge-likes-lyft-litigation- so-much-he-orders-both-sides-to-come-up-with-more-money/#3f91f4795d70 |
4/8 | Next generation of app-driven ride service | Caller Times | http://www.caller.com/opinion/editorials/next-generation-of- app-driven-ride-service-2fe6e9c2-ca85-1404-e053-0100007fa80d-374961821.html |
4/8 | Checker Cab Philadelphia denied preliminary injunction versus Uber | PennRecord.com | http://pennrecord.com/stories/510710806-checker-cab- philadelphia-denied-preliminary-injunction-versus-uber |
4/8 | New Regulations Take Toronto Cabbies For a Ride, Critics Say | EVERYTHINGZOOMER | http://www.everythingzoomer.com/toronto-cab-industry-feels-taken- ride-new-proposed-regulations/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss& utm_campaign=toronto-cab-industry-feels-taken-ride-new-proposed-regulations |
4/8 | Austin expands background checks for taxi drivers | my Statesman | http://www.mystatesman.com/news/news/local-govt-politics/ austin-expands-background-checks-for-taxi-drivers/nq2SP/ |
4/8 | Uber’s Surge Pricing Might Take a Hit in California | TECH NEWS TODAY | http://www.technewstoday.com/29192-ubers-surge-pricing-might-take-a-hit-in-california/ | |
4/7 | Uber cars rack up violations for illegal street hails as NYC proposes crackdown | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1N9G8kj | |
4/7 | Uber, Lyft Drivers Attend Newark City Council Meeting On Proposed Fees | CBS | http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/04/06/newark-uber-lyft-fees/ | |
4/7 | State Of The NYC Taxi Medallion Financial Sector | Seeking Alpha | http://seekingalpha.com/article/3963691-state-nyc-taxi-medallion-financial-sector | |
4/7 | City to consider Uber price request bill; disability advocates to rally for wheelchair accessibility | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/news/city-to-consider-uber-price-request-bill- disability-advocates-to-rally-for-wheelchair-accessibility-1.11660987 |
4/7 | Bills regulating Uber, pedestrian plazas sail through City Council committee | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160406/BLOGS04/160409929/bills- regulating-uber-pedestrian-plazas-sail-through-city-council#utm_medium= email&utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160406 |
4/7 | 55 Rideshare Industry Experts Predict The Biggest Issues of 2016 | THE RIDESHARE GUY | http://therideshareguy.com/55-rideshare-industry- experts-predict-the-biggest-issues-of-2016/ |
4/7 | Uber, Lyft reignite plans to expand into upstate NY | The News and Observer | http://www.newsobserver.com/news/business/article70268967.html | |
4/6 | Taxi and Limousine Commission prepares cabbies for sexual harassment crackdown | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1RwMoo2 | |
4/6 | Taxi, Uber, and Lyft Usage in New York City | toddwschneider.com | http://toddwschneider.com/posts/taxi-uber- lyft-usage-new-york-city/#annotations:8938032 |
4/6 | Taxi Ordinance Overhaul Designed to Improve Passenger Experience in White Plains | patch | http://patch.com/new-york/whiteplains/taxi-ordinance- overhaul-designed-improve-passenger-experience-white-plains |
4/6 | Uber passenger takes sleeping driver on high-speed chase: cops | NY Post | http://nypost.com/2016/04/05/uber-passenger- takes-sleeping-driver-on-high-speed-chase-cops/ |
4/6 | Palm Beach County tentatively OKs Uber rules after yet another debate | myPalmBeachPost | http://www.mypalmbeachpost.com/news/news/local/ palm-beach-county-tentatively-oks-uber-rules-after/nqzJR/ |
4/6 | France proposes fund to repay taxi licenses | france24 | http://www.france24.com/en/20160405-france-proposes-fund-repay-taxi-licenses | |
4/6 | California senator with ties to taxi industry takes on surge,br>pricing by Uber and Lyft | L.A. Times | http://www.latimes.com/politics/ la-pol-sac-ben-hueso-uber-pricing-bill-20160405-story.html |
4/6 | Court lets Uber appeal a class- action lawsuit filed by its drivers | L.A. Times | http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/ la-fi-tn-0406-uber-lawsuit-20160405-story.html |
4/6 | Judge unlikely to let Uber out of driver rape lawsuit | arstechnica | http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/04/judge- unlikely-to-let-uber-out-of-driver-rape-lawsuit/ |
4/5 | Plans to legalize Uber raise accessibility concerns | CBCNEWS | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/uber-accessibility-concerns-1.3519962 | |
4/5 | Woman says Uber driver came over uninvited, tried to grope friend | Fox13 | http://www.fox13memphis.com/news/trending-now/woman- says-uber-driver-came-over-uninvited-tried-to-grope-friend/197190235 |
4/5 | Judge calls Uber algorithm “genius,” green-lights surge-pricing lawsuit | arstechnica | http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/04/judge-calls-uber- algorithm-genius-green-lights-surge-pricing-lawsuit/ |
4/5 | Employment Attorney Predicts Lyft Class-Action Settlement Has Far-Reaching Implications | Lawyersand Settlements.com | https://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/articles/ california_labor_law/interview-california-labor-law-52-21385.html |
4/5 | Transit officials preparing study for unbuilt 10th Avenue subway station | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160404/REAL_ESTATE/160409984/transit- officials-plan-to-bring-unbuilt-10th-avenue-subway-station#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160404 |
4/5 | Palm Beach County Commission to discuss rules for Lyft, Uber | Sun Sentinel | http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/ palm-beach/fl-palm-uber-preview-20160404-story.html |
4/5 | Karnataka nixes surge pricing by taxi-hailing apps like Ola, Uber | The Economic Times | http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/small-biz/startups/karnataka-nixes- surge-pricing-by-taxi-hailing-apps-like-ola-uber/articleshow/51678792.cms |
4/5 | How black cabbies plan to fight back against Uber | MT | http://www.managementtoday.co.uk/news/ 1389846/how-black-cabbies-plan-fight-back-against-uber/ |
4/4 | London black taxis vs Uber: This is cabbies' big plan to save the industry | CITY A.M. | http://www.cityam.com/238027/london-black-taxis-versus-uber-this-is-cabbies- big-plan-to-save-the-industry-and-they-want-the-new-mayor-of-london-on-board |
4/4 | New Sex Harassment Rules Defined for Cabbies | newser | http://www.newser.com/story/222996/officials- to-cabbies-no-ejaculating-on-passengers.html |
4/4 | On Uber, three issues Toronto needs to get right | thestar.com | http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2016/04/04/ on-uber-three-issues-toronto-needs-to-get-right.html |
4/3 | Travis Kalanick conspired with Uber to set surge pricing for rides: US Judge | MEDIANAMA | http://www.medianama.com/2016/04/223- kalanick-uber-surge-pricing-lawsuit/ |
4/3 | Fasten your seat belt: Palm Beach County revisits Uber debate Tuesday | My Palm Beach Post | http://www.mypalmbeachpost.com/news/news/local/fasten-your-seat-belt-palm-beach-county-revisits-u/nqxby/ | |
4/3 | Uber driver worked while awaiting trial on 2 rapes | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/news/local_coverage /2016/04/uber_driver_worked_while_awaiting_trial_on_2_rapes |
4/3 | Federal judge not so sure Uber and Lyft are any different from cab companies | Boston.com | http://www.boston.com/news/business/2016/04/02/judge- not-so-sure-uber-and-lyft-are-any-different-from-cab-companies |
4/3 | Rio de Janeiro comes to a standstill as taxi drivers protest against Uber | The Telegraph | http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/04/02/rio-de- janeiro-comes-to-a-standstill-as-taxi-drivers-protest-aga/ |
4/3 | Uber Defense Falls Flat in Driver Rape Case | THE RECORDER | http://www.therecorder.com/id=1202753939545/Uber-Defense- Falls-Flat-in-Driver-Rape-Case?slreturn=20160303071728 |
4/2 | The head of the SEC warned investors to be wary of Silicon Valley unicorns | Buiseness Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/sec-chair- mary-jo-white-warns-on-unicorns-2016-4?r=UK&IR=T |
4/2 | Uber CEO Travis Kalanick To Face Price-Fixing Antitrust Lawsuit, Judge Rules, As Uber’s Legal Woes Mount | International Business Times | http://www.ibtimes.com/uber-ceo-travis-kalanick- face-price-fixing-antitrust-lawsuit-judge-rules-ubers-legal-2346649 |
4/2 | Bethpage Merges Montauk | Credit Union Times | http://www.cutimes.com/2016/03/31/bethpage-merges-montauk?slreturn=1459594153 | |
4/2 | Uber resisting NJ fingerprint proposal | app.com | http://www.app.com/story/money/business/2016/04/01/ uber-resisting-nj-fingerprint-proposal/82540274/ |
4/1 | Fed judge: Boston taxi regs not fair because Uber, Lyft get pass | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/business/business_markets/2016/04/ fed_judge_boston_taxi_regs_not_fair_because_uber_lyft_get_pass |
4/1 | Rules for Uber: A Tale of Two Big Cities | TransitCenter | http://transitcenter.org/2016/03/31/rules-for-uber-chicago-new-york/ | |
4/1 | Uber antitrust lawsuit over pricing is green-lighted by judge | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160331/TECHNOLOGY/160339966/ uber-antitrust-lawsuit-over-pricing-is-green-lighted-by-judge |
4/1 | New Yorkers work in home boroughs but still suffer long schleps, report says | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160331/BLOGS04/160339967/new-yorkers- work-in-home-boroughs-but-still-suffer-long-schleps#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160331 |
4/1 | Taxi union leader: No DNC strike, UberBlack doesn't speak for drivers | Philadelphia Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/morning_roundup/2016/03/ taxi-cab-uber-lyft-no-strike-during-2016dnc.html |
4/1 | The Disruption In Oil Markets Is Just Beginning | Forbes | http://www.forbes.com/sites/ucenergy/2016/03/30/the-disruption-in-oil-markets- is-just-beginning/?utm_campaign=Forbes&utm_source=TWITTER&utm_medium= social&utm_channel=Business&linkId=22883674#6dbb7a196678 |
MEDIA NEWS STORIES-March 2016 | ||||
3/31 | New proposal coming to regulate Uber, Lyft in Hillsborough County | Tampa Bay Times | http://www.tampabay.com/news/transportation/new-proposal- coming-to-regulate-uber-lyft-in-hillsborough-county/2271335 |
3/31 | Group Forms To Battle Uber and Lyft On Ridesharing Election | KLBJ | http://www.newsradioklbj.com/news/austin-local-news/ group-forms-battle-uber-and-lyft-ridesharing-election |
3/31 | City officials: Uber, others don't have license to operate in Elgin | Daily Herald | http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20160330/business/160339869/ | |
3/31 | Uber's future in Ottawa to be revealed in taxi report | CBCNEWS | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ ottawa-uber-taxi-bylaw-review-1.3512873 |
3/30 | America’s busiest airports may demand tougher screening for Uber drivers | VB | http://venturebeat.com/2016/03/27/americas-busiest-airports- may-demand-tougher-screening-for-uber-drivers/ |
3/30 | Uber can't live up to the expectations it set | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-wp-blm-uber-comment- f33131ae-f5c3-11e5-958d-d038dac6e718-20160329-story.html |
3/30 | Taxi, Uber Black Drivers Threaten to Not Pick Up Passengers During Democratic National Convention | NBC Philadelphia | http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Taxi-Uber-Black-Drivers-Threaten- to-Not-Pick-Up-Passengers-During-Democratic-National-Convention-373785381.html |
3/30 | NYC Taxi Commission Prepares Crackdown On Sexual Harassment | CBS | http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/03/29/ nyc-taxi-drivers-sexual-harassment-fines/ |
3/30 | Hillsborough County cracks down on Uber, Lyft drivers | WFLA | http://wfla.com/2016/03/29/hillsborough- county-cracks-down-on-uber-lyft-drivers/ |
3/29 | Bankers hopeful but bracing for more stress in taxi medallion space | SNL | http://www.nyctaxinews.com/bankers_hopeful.pdf | |
3/29 | Taxi commission to clarify rules on sexual harassment of passengers | POLITICO | http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/city-hall/2016/03/ 8595025/taxi-commission-clarify-rules-sexual-harassment-passengers |
3/29 | Taxi drivers want legislation to deal with Uber | NEWS MONTREAL | http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/taxi-drivers-want- legislation-to-deal-with-uber-1.2834864 |
3/29 | Next Time You See a Taxi, Ask Yourself, Is This a Cop? | MOTHERBOARD | http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-nypd-does- not-want-to-reveal-how-many-undercover-cop-cabs-it-has |
3/29 | End-game approaching for Uber ‘operating outside the law’ in Toronto | THE GLOBE AND MAIL | http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/ uber-may-be-regulated-into-submission/article29404359/ |
3/28 | Here's How Much Money You Can Save From Deleting Uber and Lyft From Your Phone | YAHOO | http://news.yahoo.com/heres-much-money-save-deleting-212100891.html?nf=1 | |
3/28 | Airport aims to use Uber drivers' fingerprints to check past | San Diego Union Tribbune | http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2016/mar/27/ airport-aims-to-use-uber-drivers-fingerprints-to/ |
3/28 | Woman skipped out on $600 cab fare from NYC to Denver, Pa.: police | PENN LIVE | http://www.pennlive.com/news/2016/03/woman_skipped_out_on_600_cab_f.html | |
3/27 | Robert Rodriguez Introduces Toll Reform Bill in State Assembly | STREETSBLOG NYC | http://www.streetsblog.org/2016/03/24/robert-rodriguez- introduces-toll-reform-bill-in-state-assembly/ |
3/27 | Should Rideshare Drivers Be Required To Get Fingerprinted? | The Ride Share Guy | http://therideshareguy.com/should-rideshare- drivers-be-required-to-get-fingerprinted/ |
3/27 | 5 Ride-Sharing Alternatives to Try on Your Next Vacation | YAHOO | http://news.yahoo.com/5-ride-sharing-alternatives-try-next-vacation- 155705074.html;_ylt=AwrBTz78OfdWO1YAQ2px.9w4;_ ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw-- |
3/27 | New Yellow Cab taxi serves people in wheelchairs | SCTIMES | http://www.sctimes.com/story/news/local/2016/03/26/ new-yellow-cab-taxi-serves-people-wheelchairs/82172664/ |
3/27 | Why Driverless Cars Will Screech to a Halt | OBSERVER | http://observer.com/2016/02/why-driverless-cars-will-screech-to-a-halt/ | |
3/27 | The Future of Lyft’s Peace Pact with Drivers Depends on a Judge’s Decision | SKIFT | http://skift.com/2016/03/26/the-future-of-lyfts- peace-pact-with-drivers-depends-on-a-judges-decision/ |
3/26 | NYC Getting New Taxi-Hailing App | NEXT CITY | https://nextcity.org/daily/entry/curb-ride-hailing-app-nyc-taxis | |
3/26 | U.S. judge questions Lyft settlement over driver benefits | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/ us-lyft-drivers-hearing-idUSKCN0WQ2GZ |
3/26 | Uber and the City are Sparring Over an Ordinance that Could 'Spell the End of Ridesharing in Chicago' | ChicagoInno | http://chicagoinno.streetwise.co/2016/03/25/ uber-chicago-beale-ordinance-would-end-ridesharing-in-chciago/ |
3/26 | What's next for traditional taxis? | Sun Sentinel | http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/ broward/fl-broward-taxi-future-20160325-story.html |
3/25 | Verifone’s Curb Taxi-Hailing App Comes To NYC | PYMNTS.com | http://www.pymnts.com/news/merchant-innovation/2016/ verifones-curb-taxi-hailing-app-comes-to-nyc/ |
3/25 | Plan to change NYC's bridge tolls, reduce traffic hits Albany | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160323/BLOGS04/160329935/plan-to-change- nycs-bridge-tolls-reduce-traffic-hits-albany#utm_medium=email&utm_source=cnyb- dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160324 |
3/25 | Proposed ordinance would all but end Uber ride-sharing in Chicago | Reboot Illinois | http://www.rebootillinois.com/2016/03/24/editors-picks/marco-mccottry/ proposed-ordinance-would-all-but-end-uber-ride-sharing-in-chicago/55040/ |
3/25 | Uber Congestion Study Backfires for New York City Mayor De Blasio | news.heartland.org | http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-article/2016/03/24/ uber-congestion-study-backfires-new-york-city-mayor-de-blasio |
3/25 | Surprise: Uber, Lyft hate proposed ride-hailing regulations | CRAIN'S | http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20160324/NEWS10/160329894/ surprise-uber-lyft-hate-proposed-ride-hailing-regulations |
3/24 | Philadelphia Taxi Association files antitrust lawsuit versus Uber | PennRecord | http://pennrecord.com/stories/510702887-philadelphia- taxi-association-files-antitrust-lawsuit-versus-uber |
3/24 | LaGuardia Airport overhaul expected to be cleared for takeoff | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160323/REAL_ESTATE/160329948/-5-3b- laguardia-overhaul-expected-to-be-cleared-for-takeoff#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160323 |
3/24 | Taxi-hailing app takes on Uber with a new weapon | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160323/TECHNOLOGY/160329946/taxi- hailing-app-takes-on-uber-with-a-new-weapon#utm_medium= email&utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160323 |
3/24 | Taxi-hailing app Curb to relaunch with a new attack plan against Uber | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/3/23/11294758/curb-app-taxi-hail-uber-nyc-verifone | |
3/23 | Curb with Advance Booking for Taxis Coming to NYC | Business Wire | http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/ 20160323005489/en/Curb-Advance-Booking-Taxis-Coming-NYC |
3/23 | Uber's technically not legal here, but it may be soon | USA TODAY | http://www.lohud.com/story/news/local/westchester/ 2016/03/21/ridesharing-westchester/81846626/ |
3/23 | Uber and GrabCar Are Made Illegal in Indonesia After Violent Protests | INVERSE | https://www.inverse.com/article/13158-uber-and-grabcar- are-made-illegal-in-indonesia-after-violent-protests |
3/23 | Jacksonville moves forward on Uber, Lyft regulations | ACTION NEWS JAX | http://www.actionnewsjax.com/news/local/lack-of-tight- regulations-on-lyft-uber-drivers-causing-debate-in-jacksonville/175175552 |
3/23 | U.K. Lawmaker Proposes Rules to Protect London Taxis From Uber | Bloomberg Business | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-03-22/ u-k-lawmaker-proposes-rules-to-protect-london-taxis-from-uber |
3/23 | Report says Uber may have spent $9.6 billion on Mercedes cars | SFGATE | http://blog.sfgate.com/techchron/2016/03/22/ report-says-uber-may-have-bought-9-6-billion-in-mercedes-cars/ |
3/22 | Protest against taxi apps causes chaos in Indonesia capital | Newsday | http://www.newsday.com/news/world/protest-against- taxi-apps-causes-chaos-in-indonesia-capital-1.11603579 |
3/22 | Hit-And-Run Taxi Driver Says He Thought He Hit A Pothole, Not A Person | gothamist | http://gothamist.com/2016/03/21/hit-and-run_taxi_driver_arrested_fo_1.php | |
3/22 | Lyft reportedly saved $126 million by refusing to classify drivers as employees | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/3/21/11275940/lyft- drivers-classify-employee-independent-contractor-uber |
3/22 | Two years and half a million dollars later, ACCC gives green light to taxi industry’s ‘Uber killer’ | news.com.au | http://www.news.com.au/finance/business/travel/two-years-and- half-a-million-dollars-later-accc-gives-green-light-to-taxi-industrys- uber-killer/news-story/d6c43cc3287d76c0b464e9fb8051e97e |
3/22 | McPier says Uber, Lyft need to start paying taxes for passenger pickups at O'Hare, Midway | Cook County Record | http://cookcountyrecord.com/stories/510702922-mcpier-says-uber- lyft-need-to-start-paying-taxes-for-passenger-pickups-at-o-hare-midway |
3/22 | Uber To Replace Drivers With 100,000 Mercedes-Benz S-Class Self-Driving Cars | DESIGN&TREND | http://www.designntrend.com/articles/72346/20160320/ uber-self-driving-cars-mercedes-benz-s-class.htm |
3/21 | Lyft drivers would make more as employees, estimates show | engadget | http://www.engadget.com/2016/03/20/lyft-driver-income-estimates/ | |
3/21 | Taxi Federation slams Uber safety rules | stuff.co.nz | http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/78043949/Taxi-Federation-slams-Uber-safety-rules | |
3/21 | Uber drivers' next stop: Bankruptcy? | SF Business Times | http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/blog/techflash/2016/03/uber-driver-expenses-costs-profit-bankruptcy.html | |
3/21 | Botched Uber request preceded Kalamazoo killing spree | WZZM | http://www.wzzm13.com/news/local/kalamazoo/botched- uber-request-preceded-kalamazoo-killing-spree/92717557 |
3/21 | Indonesian taxi drivers to rally for ban on online taxi apps | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/us-indonesia-taxis -idUSKCN0WN0YD?utm_source=applenews |
3/20 | Uber resisting checks of drivers at 2 top U.S. airports | Philadelphia Tribune | http://www.phillytrib.com/news/uber-resisting-checks-of-drivers- at-top-u-s-airports/article_a6e42d25-0f6c-5e87-a146-1d9ec95990fa.html |
3/20 | State inaction drives Uber issues back home | Sun Sentinel | http://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/ commentary/fl-viewpoint-uber-20160318-story.html |
3/20 | Cities’ attempts to regulate Uber, Lyft prompt departures | Caller Times | http://www.caller.com/news/local/cities-attempts-to-regulate-uber -lyft-prompt-departures-2e53d335-a2b1-686c-e053-0100007fd682-372591321.html |
3/20 | What We Call Uber Drivers Has Huge Implications | HUFFPOST | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/uber-drivers_us_56ec6447e4b084c672204d5d | |
3/19 | New insurance rules a personal challenge to all Uber drivers | Driving Canada | http://driving.ca/auto-news/news/uber-insurance | |
3/19 | Uber, Lyft sued; McPier, others say taxes owed on airport pickups | CHICAGO SUN TIMES | http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/uber-lyft- sued-mcpier-others-say-taxes-owed-on-airport-pickups/ |
3/19 | Uber driver accused of raping passenger at Anaheim motel | ABC | http://abc7.com/news/uber-driver-accused- of-raping-passenger-at-anaheim-motel/1251345/ |
3/19 | 2 Uber drivers charged with sex assault of MSU students | Detroit Free Press | http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2016/ 03/18/2-uber-drivers-face-sexual-assault-charges/81968890/ |
3/19 | Uber balks at rules proposed by Atlanta’s airport | TAMPA TRIBUNE | http://www.tbo.com/ap/uber-balks-at-rules- proposed-by-atlantas-airport-20160318/ |
3/18 | Garcetti pushes fingerprint based background checks for Uber and Lyft drivers | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-ln-uber- lyft-fingerprinting-los-angeles-20160317-story.html |
3/18 | Anaheim Uber driver arrested on suspicion of raping woman after ride from bar | Orange County Register | http://www.ocregister.com/articles/mousa-708655-uber-woman.html | |
3/17 | Transportation chair announces a (mostly) voluntary car-free day | POLITICO | http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/city-hall/2016/03/8593993/ transportation-chair-announces-mostly-voluntary-car-free-day |
3/17 | Kalamazoo Uber driver accused of killing six people suing app-based taxi service for $10 million | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1Lr3FSt | |
3/17 | Chicago Alderman proposes giant step to save ‘dying’ taxicab industry | Chicago Sun Times | http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/beale-taxicab-industry-uber-ordinance/ | |
3/17 | Qld minister denies Uber free ride | sbs | http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/2016/03/17/ qld-minister-denies-uber-free-ride |
3/17 | Study: Uber and Lyft Should Share More Data With Cities | Wall Street Journal | http://www.wsj.com/articles/from-the-digits-blog-study- says-uber-and-lyft-share-more-data-with-cities-1458080500 |
3/17 | Some Uber Drivers Feel Left Behind As Company Chases Lower Fares | BuzzFeed | http://www.buzzfeed.com/carolineodonovan/some-uber-drivers-feel-left-behind-as-company-chases-lower-f#.jgd8jyRKQ | |
3/17 | Woman says Indy Uber driver wouldn’t let her out of car | Fox59 | http://fox59.com/2016/03/16/woman-says-indy- uber-driver-wouldnt-let-her-out-of-car/ |
3/17 | Uber safety a source of concern, Toronto-area survey says | thestar.com | http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2016/03/16/uber- safety-a-source-of-concern-toronto-area-survey-says.html |
3/16 | MADD officials oppose Southampton bid to make Uber abide by law | Newsday.com | http://www.newsday.com/long-island/suffolk/madd- officials-oppose-southampton-bid-to-make-uber-abide-by-law-1.11574859 |
3/16 | Taxi! Singapore's Uber Disruption Fades | bloomberg.com | http://www.bloomberg.com/gadfly/articles/ 2016-03-15/taxi-singapore-s-uber-disruption-fades |
3/16 | Lyft driver failed sobriety test ‘pretty hard’ | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1TLl2QE | |
3/16 | ANTISEMITIC ROAD RAGE: UBER DRIVER SENTENCED AFTER YELLING 'KILL ALL THE JEWS' | INQISITR | http://www.inquisitr.com/2860511/antisemitic-road-rage-uber-driver-sentenced- after-yelling-kill-all-the-jews/#utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed& utm_campaign=Feed%3A+google%2FyDYq+%28The+Inquisitr+-+News%29 |
3/16 | Letter: Elected officials should shun Uber, Lyft | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/opinion/20160315_Letter __Elected_officials_should_shun_Uber__Lyft.html |
3/16 | Uber faces lawsuit after nurse suffers brain damage in Miami Beach crash | Miami Herald | http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/ community/miami-dade/article66023067.html |
3/15 | UBER BILL KILLED IN ALBANY | NYC TAXI NEWS www.wavtaxi.com | http://www.nyctaxinews.com/Letter-wavtaxi.pdf | |
3/15 | De Blasio helps Uber snub the disabled, ad claims | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1pFREPk | |
3/15 | Hail, no! Disabled New Yorkers in dire need of accessible taxis and other public transportation | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/250w1JJ | |
3/15 | 4 Passengers Rob Taxi Driver at Knifepoint in Brooklyn: NYPD | NBC | http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/NYC-4-Passengers- Rob-Taxi-Driver-at-Knifepoint-in-Brooklyn-371946072.html |
3/15 | Uber lawsuits common across the U.S., but New Orleans case unique | Lousiana Record | http://louisianarecord.com/stories/510701000-uber-lawsuits- common-across-the-u-s-but-new-orleans-case-unique |
3/15 | Chicago Ride-hailing drivers owe city $15M, fueling demands for licensing | Chicago Sun Times | http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/ride-hailing- drivers-owe-city-15m-fueling-demands-for-licensing/ |
3/15 | Plan to regulate Uber, Lyft all but dead in Florida Legislature | Miami Herald | http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article65208997.html | |
3/15 | Man charged in Kalamazoo shootings says Uber app made him do it | CBS | http://www.cbsnews.com/news/man-charged-in-kalamazoo- shootings-says-uber-app-controlled-him-jason-dalton/ |
3/14 | Former NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission head wants to put limit on Uber’s price surging | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1phbMGT | |
3/14 | Joshi's Dream - A Rider’s Utopia: Uber, Yellow Cabs Servicing New Yorkers Together | JPUPDATES | http://jpupdates.com/2016/03/12/a-riders-utopia- uber-yellow-cabs-servicing-new-yorkers-together/ |
3/14 | Legislature balks at Uber rules; issue goes back to Palm Beach County | Palm Beach Post | http://www.mypalmbeachpost.com/news/news/local/legislature- balks-at-uber-rules-issue-goes-back-to/nqj6m/ |
3/14 | After House OK, Senate goes to bat on Uber regulations | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/business/business_markets/ 2016/03/after_house_ok_senate_goes_to_bat_on_uber_regulations |
3/14 | Request for class-action lawsuit against Uber filed | CJAD | http://www.cjad.com/cjad-news-quebec-beyond/ 2016/03/12/request-for-class-action-lawsuit-against-uber-filed |
3/14 | Local Taxi Company Giving Uber a Fight | KVRR | http://www.kvrr.com/news/local-news/ local-taxi-company-giving-uber-a-fight/38498530 |
3/13 | As Uber expands so do the protests by taxis | Mexico News Daily | http://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/as-uber-expands-so-do-the-protests-by-taxis/ | |
3/13 | Uber legislation finally flames out | FLORIDA POLITICS | http://floridapolitics.com/archives/ 204474-uber-bill-finally-crashes-burnes |
3/13 | Could Uber And Airbnb Have Helped Make President Bloomberg? | PYMNTS.com | http://www.pymnts.com/news/regulation/2016/could- uber-and-airbnb-have-helped-make-president-bloomberg/ |
3/13 | Two California bills to ease regulation of Uber have been bottled up for nearly a year | THE REPPUBLIC | http://www.therepublic.com/view/story/ 095d4c704cd242ee9e8e2cf05cce4bd9/CA--Ride-Hailing-Regulations |
3/12 | Will safety be at risk if Palm Beach Co. allows cabs, limos, and Uber to do own background checks? | WFLX | http://www.wflx.com/story/31435295/will-safety-be-at-risk-if-palm-beach-co-allows-cabs-limos-and-uber-to-do-own-background-checks | |
3/12 | Taxi union files class-action request against Uber | Montreal Gazette | http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/taxi- union-files-class-action-request-against-uber |
3/12 | Uber drivers: Fare cuts are killing our income | WCPO | http://www.wcpo.com/money/consumer/dont-waste-your-money/ uber-drivers-fare-cuts-are-killing-our-income |
3/12 | An Uber Bad Idea | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/an-uber-bad-idea-1457739686 | |
3/12 | NC teen claims Uber driver has been sending suggestive texts, harassing him | WNCN | http://wncn.com/2016/03/12/nc-teen-claims- uber-driver-has-been-sending-suggestive-texts-harassing-him/ |
3/11 | Disability groups push Warren to rethink Uber support | USA TODAY | http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2016/03/10/disability- groups-press-warren-to-reconsider-ride-share-support-uber-lyft/81581744/ |
3/11 | Bill’s Uber secrets | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1QEGhA1 | |
3/11 | DC Commission develops DC Taxi Cab App | WUSA | http://www.wusa9.com/news/local/ dc/taxi-cab-app-gaining-users/76180346 |
3/11 | Quebec government considering buying back some taxi permits, reselling or leasing them to Uber | Montreal Gazette | http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/regulate-uber | |
3/11 | Massachusetts House passes bill regulating Uber, Lyft | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/03/09/massachusetts-house- passes-bill-that-would-regulate-uber-lyft/CEvRShkYIhhCyTdN2LQETM/story.html |
3/11 | Uber seems to offer better service in areas with more white people. That raises some tough questions | The Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/03/10/uber-seems-to-offer- better-service-in-areas-with-more-white-people-that-raises-some-tough-questions/ |
3/11 | Too Good to Be True: The Problem(s) With Uber and the On-Demand Economy | Jobs with Justice | http://www.jwj.org/too-good-to-be-true-the- problems-with-uber-and-the-on-demand-economy |
3/11 | We're just getting started': inside Austin's contentious clash with Uber and Lyft | theguardian | http://www.theguardian.com/technology/ 2016/mar/10/uber-lyft-austin-ann-kitchen-sxsw-texas |
3/11 | Uber is using its app to troll local politicians again | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/3/10/11193852/ uber-florida-senate-andrew-gardiner-politician-app-troll |
3/11 | Uber: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly | Nasdzq | http://www.nasdaq.com/article/uber- the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-cm591739 |
3/10 | New Philadelphia coalition aims at advancing ridesharing agenda | PHILADELPHIA BUSINESS JOURNAL | http://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/news/2016/03/09/ driving-philly-forward-taxi-urber-ppa-ridesharing.html |
3/10 | Taxi interests renew barrage, of complaints about Uber, Lyft | CHICAGO BUSINESS JOURNAL | http://www.bizjournals.com/chicago/news/2016/03/09/ taxi-interests-renew-barrage-of-complaints-about.html |
3/10 | More than 40 men arrested as taxi driver protest against Uber turns violent | Mirror-UK | http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/more-40-men-arrested-taxi-7525425 | |
3/10 | Can D.C. Taxis Compete With Uber? Regulators Consider Major Deregulation | WAMU | https://wamu.org/news/16/03/09/can_dc_taxis_compete_with_ uber_on_their_own_turf_regulators_consider_major_deregulation |
3/10 | Taxi Co.’s Unfair Competition Suit Against Uber Survives | The Legal Intelligence | http://www.thelegalintelligencer.com/id=1202751664180/Taxi-Cos-Unfair -Competition-Suit-Against-Uber-Survives?slreturn=20160210073931 |
3/10 | Apped to Be Poorer: Uber's Latest Fare Cut Squeezes Drivers, Taxi, Industry | indypendent.org | https://indypendent.org/2016/03/04/apped-be-poorer- ubers-latest-fare-cut-squeezes-drivers-taxi-industry |
3/10 | Investigate Uber's 5,827 customer service tickets relating to accusations of rape and 6,160 for sexual assault. | petitions.whitehouse.gov | https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/investigate- ubers-5827-customer-service-tickets-relating- accusations-rape-and-6160-sexual-assault |
3/10 | Uber’s Fight in Florida Is Getting Personal | re/code | http://recode.net/2016/03/09/ubers-fight-in-florida-is-getting-personal/ | |
3/9 | NYC cab drivers would be required to undergo anti-sexual assault training under proposed bill | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1p6dYAZ | |
3/9 | Don’t give Uber a license to discriminate | NEW York Slant | http://nyslant.com/article/opinion/ don%E2%80%99t-give-uber-a-license-to-discriminate.html |
3/9 | Uber, Lyft Accused of 'Ride Stealing' as Cab Rides From O'Hare Plummet | DNAinfo | https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20160308/downtown/ uber-lyft-accused-of-ride-stealing-as-cab-rides-from-ohare-plummet |
3/9 | Email insights: Taxi association ad targets Uber, Lyft for “lax background checks” | Florida Politics | http://floridapolitics.com/archives/203940-taxicab-association- releases-new-ad-targeting-uber-lyft-lax-background-checks |
3/9 | Philly Cabbies' Claims Against Uber Pared | Courthouse News Service | http://www.courthousenews.com/2016/03/07/ philly-cabbies-claims-against-uber-pared.htm |
3/9 | Uber app targets Florida Senate president for ‘selling us out’ | my Palm Beach Post | http://www.mypalmbeachpost.com/news/news/state-regional-govt- politics/uber-app-targets-florida-senate-president-for-sell/nqftk/ |
3/9 | National Poll Shows Passengers Want Uber Drivers Fingerprinted | TLPA | http://www.tlpa.org/index.php?bid=40&newsStoryId=11 | |
3/8 | City is prepared for possible NJ Transit strike, de Blasio says | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160307/BLOGS04/160309887/ city-is-prepared-for-possible-nj-transit-strike-de-blasio-says#utm_medium= email&utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160307 |
3/8 | Clergy join push to expand car-service companies like Uber across New York State | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/24KkjCU | |
3/8 | Disability advocates to protest Uber | WGRZ | http://www.wgrz.com/news/local/disability-advocates-to-protest-uber/72391841 | |
3/8 | Southampton wants Uber to follow same local rules as taxis | Newsday | http://www.newsday.com/business/southampton- wants-uber-to-follow-same-local-rules-as-taxis-1.11536201 |
3/8 | Both sides find fault with latest ride-hail legislation | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/business/business_markets/ 2016/03/both_sides_find_fault_with_latest_ride_hail_legislation |
3/8 | Shocking stories about Uber’s customer service also show a company struggling to cut costs | PANDO | https://pando.com/2016/03/07/shocking-stories-about-ubers-customer-service- also-show-company-struggling-cut-costs/48cdc46d6c18f7689c5eb3de39839c9fe9bf87e2/ |
3/8 | Internal Data Offers Glimpse At Uber Sex Assault Complaints | Buzz Feed | http://www.buzzfeed.com/charliewarzel/internal-data-offers- glimpse-at-uber-sex-assault-complaints?utm_term=.ju1kaOdvN#.pmQ8XZb6O |
3/7 | Fatigue Factor in Taxi Drivers Gets a Hard Look | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/fatigue-factor- in-taxi-drivers-gets-a-hard-look-1457316891 |
3/7 | This mobile app might save cabs from Uber | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1QAFwZT | |
3/7 | The Real Reason Uber Is Losing in China | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/03/07/uber-china-2/ | |
3/7 | Bill’s big waste | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1TfN06K | |
3/7 | Handcuffed man who escaped from cops is busted in cab | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1Ss4Jaf | |
3/7 | Deputy Secretary says Uber must obey taxi rules | PORTUGAL News Online | http://theportugalnews.com/news/deputy- secretary-says-uber-must-obey-taxi-rules/37656 |
3/6 | Fake vomit scandals are happening in Uber rides across America | DIGITAL TRENDS | http://www.digitaltrends.com/cars/uber-fake-vomit/ | |
3/6 | Cab industry, police chief ‘disappointed’ in proposed Mass. Uber law | boston.com | http://www.boston.com/business/2016/03/05/cab-industry-police-chief- disappointed-proposed-mass-uber-law/x53TDE9hQuJGWfkIBegNsK/story.html |
3/6 | Uber flirts with transit agencies across the U.S. for a share of paratransit services | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/uber-flirts- with-transit-agencies-across-the-us-for-a-share-of-paratransit-services/ 2016/03/05/5eb8b118-d751-11e5-9823-02b905009f99_story.html |
3/6 | Uber's Employment Fight Just Got More Complicated | Fortune | http://fortune.com/tag/uber/ | |
3/6 | Why should taxi drivers be hit with a fine, for dropping fares at bus stops? | Derby Telegraph | http://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/taxi-drivers-hit- fine-dropping-fares-bus-stops/story-28862483-detail/story.html |
3/6 | Taxi driver is fighting for his life after being shot in the head in Astoria | QNS | http://qns.com/story/2016/03/04/cab-driver-fightinf -for-his-life-after-being-shot-in-the-head-in-astoria/ |
3/5 | Cab driver shot in head while dropping off passengers at strip club | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1TdZdJf | |
3/5 | Kenney passes on request to wade into taxi, Uber fracas | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/in-transit/Kenney-passes- on-request-to-wade-into-taxi-and-Uber-fracas.html |
3/5 | Taxi Companies in Chicago Aren’t Coping Well With Uber’s Rise in Popularity | Skylinewspaper | http://www.skylinenewspaper.com/taxi-companies-in-chicago- arent-coping-well-with-ubers-rise-in-popularity/ |
3/5 | Legislation would not require Uber, Lyft drivers to be fingerprinted | Boston Hearald | http://www.bostonherald.com/news/local_coverage/2016/03/ legislation_would_not_require_uber_lyft_drivers_to_be_fingerprinted |
3/5 | Uber driver shouted ‘kill all the Jews’ at school bus driver in Stamford Hill | LONDON24 | http://www.london24.com/news/crime/uber_driver_shouted_kill_all_the_jews_at_ school_bus_driver_in_stamford_hill_1_4443814 |
3/5 | Uber, Lyft in upstate New York measure stalls out amid budget focus | NY Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/newyork/news/ 2016/03/03/uber-lyft-in-upstate-new-york-measure-stalls-out.html |
3/5 | Uber Is Hemorrhaging Money Abroad in Quest for World Domination | VFNEWS | http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/03/uber- loses-money-abroad-in-quest-for-world-domination#7 |
3/5 | Uber Accused Of Impeding NLRB Probe Into Labor Practices | International Business Times | http://www.ibtimes.com/uber-accused- impeding-nlrb-probe-labor-practices-2330613 |
3/4 | In Newark Uber fight, growing tension between mayor and Port Authority | POLITICO | http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/new-jersey/2016/03/8592614/ newark-uber-fight-growing-tension-between-mayor-and-port-authorit |
3/4 | Cabbie slashed by passenger after giving him a free ride | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1oRuNzn | |
3/4 | Uber calling its drivers to say unionizing does ‘not fit’ for ride-sharing workers | The Seattle Times | http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/uber-calling- its-drivers-to-say-unionizing-does-not-fit-for-ride-sharing-workers/ |
3/4 | Lawsuits against Uber go forward with limits | SFGATE | http://www.sfgate.com/business/article/Lawsuits- against-Uber-go-forward-with-limits-6869062.php |
3/4 | Florida Taxi Cab Association fires back at Uber, Lyft in new ad | FLORIDA POLITICS | http://floridapolitics.com/archives/203403-florida- tax-association-fires-back-at-uber-and-lyft-in-new-ad |
3/4 | Disbarred lawyer is denied New York taxi license | ABA JOURNAL | http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/disbarred_lawyer_is_denied_new_york_taxi_ license?utm_source=internal&utm_medium=navigation&utm_campaign=navbar |
3/3 | Are Uber Drivers Faking Vomit In Their Cars To Collect Hundreds Of Dollars? | Gothamist | http://gothamist.com/2016/03/02/uber_fake_vomit_scam.php | |
3/3 | Sadiq Khan threatens crackdown on Uber, saying allowing its taxis was a ‘mistake’ | THE SPECTATOR | http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2016/03/sadiq-khan-threatens- crackdown-on-uber-saying-allowing-its-taxis-was-a-mistake/ |
3/3 | More Than 60 Percent Of Uber Drivers Are Thinking About Quitting | THINK PROGRESS | http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2016/02/04/ 3746099/uber-price-cuts-gut-driver-wages/ |
3/3 | Looming era of Uber hits Vancouver's taxi industry hard | The Province | http://www.theprovince.com/news/looming+ uber+hits+vancouver+taxi+industry+hard/11755656/story.html |
3/2 | Philadelphia Cracks Down on Uber | REGBLOG | http://www.regblog.org/2016/03/01/xu-philadelphia-targets-uber/ | |
3/2 | Boston cabs get relief from regulations | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/business/business_markets/2016/03/boston_cabs_get_relief_from_regulations | |
3/2 | Uber, Lyft Drivers Having Trouble Affording Car Leases Offered By Ride-Hailing Companies | CBS | http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2016/02/29/uber-lyft-drivers- having-trouble-affording-leases-offered-through-ridesharing-companies/ |
3/2 | Head of TLC doesn’t think for-hire drivers need to learn English | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1QHVGw5 | |
3/2 | Uber, Lyft granted 2-month extension in Palm Beach County under temporary agreement | Sun Sentinel | http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/palm-beach/fl-palm-uber-regs-20160301-story.html | |
3/1 | Taxi commish questions English requirement for Uber drivers | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160229/BLOGS04/160229879/taxi-com mish-questions-english-requirement-for-uber-drivers#utm_medium=email&utm_s ource=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160229 |
3/1 | Uber driver accused of sexually assaulting Brooklyn woman, exposing himself | pix11 | http://pix11.com/2016/02/29/uber-driver-accused- of-sexually-assaulting-brooklyn-woman-exposing-himself/ |
3/1 | Dispute during Lyft drive raises questions | News4JAX | http://www.news4jax.com/news/dispute-during-lyft-drive-raises-questions | |
3/1 | Google’s self-driving car hits bus | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1XVXWpk | |
3/1 | Many Uber, Lyft Drivers Are Underinsured, Survey Finds | nerdwallet | http://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/insurance/rideshare-drivers-lack-insurance/ | |
3/1 | Swiss taxi drivers stand up to Uber | SWI | http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/unfair-competition-_ swiss-taxi-drivers-stand-up-to-uber/41991190 |
3/1 | Uber temporarily suspending operations in Alberta’s capital | Global News | http://globalnews.ca/news/2547528/government- to-announce-plan-for-ride-sharing-services-in-alberta/ |
MEDIA NEWS STORIES-February 2016 | ||||
2/29 | EXCLUSIVE: Disability advocates urge pols to require wheelchair-accessibility for Uber, for-hire vehicles in NYC | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1KWA0AB | |
2/29 | People are paying big bucks for Uber decals and Lyft mustaches on eBay | BUSINESS INSIDER | http://www.businessinsider.com/people-are-paying- big-bucks-for-uber-decals-and-lyft-mustaches-on-ebay-2016-2 |
2/29 | Uber Alberta says it will shut down Tuesday unless province agrees to changes | THE GLOBE AND MAIL | http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/alberta/uber-alberta-says-it-will-shut- down-tuesday-unless-province-agrees-to-changes/article28940259/ |
2/29 | What Uber case means for an IPO and investors | YAHOO | http://finance.yahoo.com/news/serwer-on-uber-162019080.html? utm_source=FTA+News+2.25.16&utm_campaign=FTA+Communication& utm_medium=email&utm_source=FLA+at+LCT+Las+Vegas+March+1st+2016&utm_campaign=Broward+021816&utm_medium=email# |
2/28 | Uber faces fingerprinting fight in Miami-Dade | Miami Herald | http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/ community/miami-dade/article62532202.html |
2/28 | Uber drivers protest in the Lehigh Valley | WFMZ | http://www.wfmz.com/news/news-regional-lehighvalley/ uber-drivers-protest-in-the-lehigh-valley/38236672 |
2/28 | Why Clayton Christensen Is Wrong About Uber And Disruptive Innovation | TECH CRUNCH | http://techcrunch.com/2016/02/27/why-clayton-christensen- is-wrong-about-uber-and-disruptive-innovation/ |
2/27 | Council to hear bills leveling playing field a bit for taxis, Uber | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160227/BLOGS04/160229894/ council-to-hear-bills-leveling-playing-field-a-bit-for-taxis-uber |
2/27 | Kalamazoo shooter suspect Jason Dalton had long history of driving violations before working for Uber | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1oXX8o4 | |
2/27 | Uber compromise possible in Legislature; would pre-empt local rules | Palm Beach Post | http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/news/state-regional-govt- politics/uber-compromise-possible-in-legislature-would-pree/nqYF3/ |
2/26 | New York’s new plan to cap Uber’s pricing could be a big win for Uber | QUARTZ | http://qz.com/624932/new-yorks-new-plan-to-cap- ubers-pricing-could-be-a-big-win-for-uber/ |
2/26 | Bill would stop Uber from jacking up price mid-ride | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1S2vDoN | |
2/26 | Distracted Driving and the Risks of Ride-Hailing Services Like Uber | NY Times | http://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs/bits/2014/12/21/distracted- driving-and-the-risks-of-ride-hailing-services-like-uber/ |
2/26 | Lyft says Newark ban violates NYC taxi commission codes | POLITICO | http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/new-jersey/2016/02/ 8591983/lyft-says-newark-ban-violates-nyc-taxi-commission-codes |
2/26 | Taxi lender: Chicago uber-clueless on ride-bookers' impact | CRAIN'S | http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20160225/NEWS10/ 160229928/taxi-lender-chicago-uber-clueless-on-ride-bookers-impact |
2/26 | What to know before you take Uber at the airport | Mashable | http://mashable.com/2016/02/24/uber-newark-airport/#ZEo3_5xi1EqK | |
2/26 | Uber drivers cause safety concerns among UCF students | Central Florida Future | http://www.centralfloridafuture.com/story/ news/2016/02/24/uber-drivers-cause-safety-concerns/80819290/ |
2/26 | Uber Faces Potential Big Fine and Ban for Bosses in France | ABC | http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/uber-faces- potential-big-fine-ban-bosses-france-37186348 |
2/26 | China’s Didi Kuaidi Is Raising $1 Billion More To Battle Uber | Tech Crunch | http://techcrunch.com/2016/02/25/chinas-didi- kuaidi-is-raising-1-billion-more-to-battle-uber/ |
2/26 | Uber faces fingerprinting fight in Miami-Dade | Miami Herald | http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/ community/miami-dade/article62532202.html |
2/25 | No Surprise Uber Drivers Are Protesting | GOTHAM GAZETTE | http://www.gothamgazette.com/index.php/opinion/ 6188-no-surprise-uber-drivers-are-protesting |
2/25 | Taxi and Limousine Commission plans to nix 'owner must drive' rule | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1R32ll1 | |
2/25 | Some passengers inadvertently jumping into UberPool | newsworks | http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/local/philadelphia/ 91280-some-passengers-inadvertantly-jumping-into-uberpool- |
2/25 | Palm Beach County would give Uber six more months | Palm Beach Post | http://eyeonpbc.blog.palmbeachpost.com/2016/02/24/1693/ | |
2/25 | What the Michigan shooting spree reveals about Uber’s background checks | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/02/21/what-the- bizarre-nature-of-the-kalamazoo-shooting-says-about-ubers-background-checks/ |
2/24 | Uber, Lyft banned from Newark Airport | NY POST | http://nyp.st/20TTDei | |
2/24 | Boston Police are fingerprinting taxi drivers, but Uber says it won’t budge | beta Boston | http://www.betaboston.com/news/2016/02/23/boston-police- are-fingerprinting-taxi-drivers-but-uber-says-it-wont-budge/ |
2/24 | Fed Up With Uber And Lyft, Drivers Plan To Launch Competing App | Fast Company | http://www.fastcompany.com/3057014/fed-up- with-uber-and-lyft-drivers-plan-to-launch-competing-app |
2/24 | Michigan attacks may renew scrutiny of Uber vetting processes | YAHOO | http://news.yahoo.com/michigan-attacks-may-renew-scrutiny-uber- vetting-processes-023147876--finance.html?soc_src=mediacontentstory&soc_trk=ma |
2/24 | 3 things you need to know before requesting another Uber | YAHOO | http://finance.yahoo.com/news/3-things-you-need-to-know-before- requesting-another-uber-210609878.html?soc_src=mediacontentstory&soc_trk=ma# |
2/24 | A brief history of Uber scandals | YAHOO | http://finance.yahoo.com/news/uber-scandals-timeline-michigan- shooting-140035801.html?soc_src=mediacontentstory&soc_trk=ma# |
2/23 | Newark crackdown against Uber back on | NorthJersey.com | http://www.northjersey.com/news/newark- crackdown-against-uber-back-on-1.1516395 |
2/23 | EXCLUSIVE: TV ad attacks Uber over lack of vehicles for disabled riders | NEWS SOURCE | http://nydn.us/1QaP0uz | |
2/23 | All Boston taxicab drivers must now be fingerprinted with new police initiative, Lyft and Uber could be next | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1SOPYPA | |
2/23 | Taxi, limo drivers upset at Newark backing off on Uber crackdown | NorthJersey.com | http://www.northjersey.com/news/taxi-limo-drivers- upset-at-newark-backing-off-on-uber-crackdown-1.1516130 |
2/23 | Uber defends background checks after Kalamazoo shootings | seeking alpha | http://seekingalpha.com/news/3127826-uber-defends-background- checks-kalamazoo-shootings?app=1&uprof=82&dr=1#email_link |
2/23 | The case for the taxis not making a legislative deal with Uber & Lyft | FLORIDA POLITICS | http://floridapolitics.com/archives/202366-the- case-for-the-taxis-not-making-a-deal-with-uber-lyft |
2/23 | Uber forced to drive defensively, again, after mass shooting | YAHOO | http://news.yahoo.com/gunman-kalamazoo- michigan-worked-driver-uber-085852832.html?nf=1# |
2/23 | 3 things you need to know before requesting another Uber | YAHOO | http://finance.yahoo.com/news/3-things-you-need- to-know-before-requesting-another-uber-210609878.html# |
2/23 | Girl ‘brain-dead’ after Uber shooting gives thumbs-up before organs harvested | NY POST | http://nyp.st/1TvNSCV | |
2/23 | Uber got complaints about Michigan shooter | NY POST | http://nyp.st/1oy8wGW | |
2/23 | I rode with accused Uber killer and he almost killed me with his driving | NY POST | http://nyp.st/1WDvJTa | |
2/22 | NYC Pushes Riders to Share Taxis, but Some Are Skeptical | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/article_email/nyc-pushes-riders-to-share- taxis-but-some-are-skeptical-1456104711-lMyQjAxMTA2ODI3MjkyNTIxWj |
2/22 | Ride-sharing company Uber banned by Northern Territory Government | ABC | http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-02-22/nt- govt-bans-ride-sharing-company-uber/7190848 |
2/22 | Michigan gunman is an Uber driver, picked up fares during attacks: report | NY POST | http://nyp.st/1KBp4rQ | |
2/22 | Kalamazoo rampage among the worst Uber incidents | NBC | http://www.12news.com/news/kalamazoo-rampage- among-the-worst-uber-incidents/50065973 |
2/22 | Kalamazoo Shooting: Family Took Uber With Alleged Gunman During Spree | NBC | http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/family-recalls- taking-uber-ride-alleged-kalamazoo-gunman-n523131 |
2/22 | Kalamazoo shooting: A look at Uber background checks | USA TODAY | http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2016/02/21/uber-puts- prospective-drivers-through-background-checks/80703630/ |
2/22 | Bay County leaders fear Uber may be taking them for a ride | mypanhandle.com | http://www.mypanhandle.com/news/bay-county- leaders-fear-uber-may-be-taking-them-for-a-ride |
2/21 | Why corruption is so rampant in New York government | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1nL25QQ | |
2/21 | Uber Reveals the Top Nightlife Destinations in NYC | MAGNETIC | http://www.magneticmag.com/2016/02/uber-reveals-the-top-nightlife-destinations-in-nyc/ | |
2/21 | Uber, Lyft crackdown in Newark canceled for now | NJ 101.5 | http://nj1015.com/uber-lyft-crackdown-in-newark-canceled-for-now/ | |
2/20 | Uber Drivers Up Against the App | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/21/ nyregion/uber-drivers-up-against-the-app.html |
2/20 | Agencies won't uphold ban on Uber, Lyft at Newark airport | nj.com | http://www.nj.com/essex/index.ssf/2016/02/ agencies_wont_uphold_ban_on_uber_lyft_at_newark_ai.html |
2/20 | Spain: Taxi drivers protest over Uber competition | Euronews | http://www.euronews.com/2016/02/19/spain-taxi-drivers-protest-over-uber-competition/ | |
2/20 | Quebec hearings set to begin into taxi industry and Uber | MACLEANS | http://www.macleans.ca/news/quebec-hearings-set-to-begin-into-taxi-industry-and-uber/ | |
2/20 | Taxi, limo firms refile tossed Uber lawsuit | Palm Beach Post | http://eyeonpbc.blog.palmbeachpost.com/2016/02/19/ taxi-limo-firms-refile-tossed-uber-lawsuit/ |
2/20 | Uber, Lyft insurance bill still ‘work in progress’ in Florida | Palm Beach Post | http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/news/state-regional-govt- politics/uber-lyft-insurance-bill-still-work-in-progress-in/nqSYY/ |
2/20 | Teamsters Condemn Uber for Deactivation of Outspoken Driver | Teamsters | https://teamster.org/news/2016/02/teamsters- condemn-uber-deactivation-outspoken-driver |
2/20 | Lyft Asks Judge to Stop Uber's 'Witch-Hunt' for Trade Secrets | NBC | http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/lyft-asks- judge-stop-uber-s-witch-hunt-trade-secrets-n521526 |
2/19 | Uber drivers and Taxi Workers Alliance rally for fair wages: ‘We reject the Uber model’ | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1Ksj5pa1 | |
2/19 | Taxi Drivers Looking For “Geek” To Block The Uber App | QCOSTARICA | http://qcostarica.com/taxi-drivers-looking-for-geek-to-block-the-uber-app/ | |
2/19 | Warning: Your Uber Account Could Be Hacked | CBS | http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2016/02/18/warning-your-uber-account-could-be-hacked/ | |
2/19 | Enraged cabbies unite worldwide against Uber in 2015 | Yahoo | http://news.yahoo.com/enraged-cabbies-unite-worldwide-against- uber-2015-050603209.html;_ylt=AwrXgiM1jndWiVoAfmPQtDMD; _ylu=X3oDMTByb2lvbXVuBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- |
2/19 | Taxi drivers in Spain protest against Uber | presstv.ir | http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2016/02/18/451020/Spain-Uber-Navarro-Fekete | |
2/19 | Florida-Uber insurance bill still 'work in progress' | Tampa Bay Business Journal | http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news/ 2016/02/18/uber-insurance-bill-still-work-in-progress.html |
2/19 | Price War Sees Uber Lose $2.7m A Day In China | SKY NEWS | http://news.sky.com/story/1644289/price-war-sees-uber-lose-2-7m-a-day-in-china | |
2/18 | Uber drivers steering clear of Newark Airport, Newark Penn Station after city’s warning | NorthJersy.com | http://www.northjersey.com/news/uber-drivers-steering-clear-of-newark- airport-newark-penn-station-after-city-s-warning-1.1513359 |
2/18 | Medallion Financial pivots/says Medallion Value Stabalized | MW Market Watch | http://www.marketwatch.com/story/medallion-financial-pivots-as- taxi-business-is-threatened-by-uber-lyft-2016-02-17 |
2/18 | Las Vegas taxi rides dip, but companies ring up more money per ride | Las Vegas Review Journal | http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/traffic-transportation/ las-vegas-taxi-rides-dip-companies-ring-more-money-ride |
2/18 | Uber’s 10 Worst Actions— Threats, Lies, Sexism & Shady Business Deals | OBSERVER | http://observer.com/2016/02/ubers-10-worst- actions-threats-lies-sexism-shady-business-deals/ |
2/18 | Montreal taxi drivers 'occupy' downtown in UberX protest | CBC News | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/montreal-taxi-protest-1.3451174 | |
2/18 | [VIDEO] Montreal Taxi Drivers Assaulting Uber Driver | MTL Blog | http://www.mtlblog.com/2016/02/video-montreal-taxi-drivers-assaulting-uber-driver/# | |
2/18 | How Uber’s Autonomous Cars Will Destroy 10 Million Jobs And Reshape The Economy by 2025 | CBS | http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2015/01/27/ how-ubers-autonomous-cars-will-destroy- 10-million-jobs-and-reshape-the-economy-by-2025-lyft-google-zack-kanter/ |
2/17 | Ride-hailing routes ride high in Boston | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/business/business_ markets/2016/02/ride_hailing_routes_ride_high_in_boston |
2/17 | Uber and taxi drivers clash (and occasionally agree) at City Hall protest | Daily Pennsylvanian | http://www.thedp.com/article/2016/02/uber-taxi-protest-philadelphia | |
2/17 | Opinion: Uber, taxis should be on level playing field | Vancouver Sun | http://www.vancouversun.com/life/Opinion+Uber+ taxis+should+level+playing+field/11721224/story.html |
2/17 | Uber Lawsuit Alleges Driver Made $80 per Week | Lawyers and Settlements | https://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/articles/california_ labor_law/california-labor-law-lawsuit-167-21273.html |
2/17 | How happy are Uber drivers? Not very, study finds. | Christian Science Monitor | http://www.csmonitor.com/Business/2016/0216/ How-happy-are-Uber-drivers-Not-very-study-finds |
2/16 | Uber, Lyft could see big boom in business amid L train shutdown | PIX-11 | http://pix11.com/2016/02/15/uber-lyft-could-see- big-boom-in-business-amid-l-train-shutdown/ |
2/16 | Uber execs dodge bullet in France but criminal case reveals flaws in expansion strategy | GeekWire | http://www.geekwire.com/2016/uber-execs-dodge-bullet-in- france-but-criminal-case-reveals-flaws-in-expansion-strategy/ |
2/16 | Uber drivers say that driving for Uber kind of sucks | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/2/15/11004250/ uber-drivers-survey-satisfaction-rideshare-guy |
2/16 | Uber’s fare cuts have won over the outer boroughs | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1U4FZVL | |
2/16 | Taxi business fights to be competitive player for RNC in a market saturated by Uber, Lyft | ABC-Clevland | http://www.newsnet5.com/news/local-news/cleveland-metro/taxi-business- fights-to-be-competitive-player-for-rnc-in-a-market-saturated-by-uber-lyft |
2/16 | Uber ruling out move to B.C. until province can develop regulations | THE GLOBE AND MAIL | http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/ uber-ruling-out-move-to-bc-until-province- can-develop-regulations/article28758127/ |
2/16 | The Uber Time Bomb | cab4Now.com | http://cab4now.com/the-uber-time-bomb/ | |
2/16 | As Stated, Uber Class Action is Still A Big Deal | TaxiTruths | http://taxitruths.org/uber-class-action-still-on/ | |
2/16 | Crooks, Thieves, and Liars | TaxiTruths | http://taxitruths.org/crooks-thieves-and-liars/ | |
2/16 | More Proof That Uber Drivers Are Leaving For Taxis | TaxiTruths | http://taxitruths.org/uber-drivers-leaving-for-taxis/ | |
2/15 | Uber Protests Uplift Taxi Medallion Financial Industry | Taxi Truths | http://taxitruths.org/uber-protests-uplift-taxi-medallion-financial-industry/ | |
2/15 | Uber wants more protection at LaGuardia Airport pick up lot after driver is assaulted with traffic cone during protest | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/20TXjlq | |
2/15 | Taxis in Budapest block traffic, demand ban on Uber | FOX-25 | http://www.myfoxboston.com/news/taxis-in-budapest- block-traffic-demand-ban-on-uber/27333698 |
2/14 | Letter to Mayor from NY Daily News | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/uber | |
2/14 | Thank you, Mr. Mayor | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1Vao4eq | |
2/14 | Woman attacks cabbie, 70, when he refused to give free ride to Times Square | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1Ry34zg | |
2/14 | Uber unhappy cabbies | the new paper | http://www.tnp.sg/news/world-news/uber-unhappy-cabbies | |
2/14 | Nearly two-thirds of Canadians say Uber should have same regulations as taxi industry | canadianunderwriter | http://www.canadianunderwriter.ca/news/nearly-two-thirds- of-canadians-say-uber-have-same-regulations- as-taxi-industry-angus-reid-survey/1004023037/?&er=NA |
2/13 | Uber Price Cuts Show Cracks In Business Model | Seeking Alpha | http://seekingalpha.com/article/ 3893346-uber-hits-just-keep-coming |
2/13 | NYC budget gaps could be bigger than de Blasio's predictions, and Uber is partly to blame | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1O3eYKK | |
2/13 | ‘Vision Zero’ Traffic Changes Have Drivers Grumbling On The Upper West Side | CBS | http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/02/12/lincoln-square-bow-tie/ | |
2/13 | TLC Will Target Sleepy Taxi & Uber Drivers | gothamist | http://gothamist.com/2016/02/12/driver_fatigue_nyc.php | |
2/13 | Taxi union: Uber passengers should be fined | CFRA | http://www.cfra.com/news/2016/02/12/ taxi-union-uber-passengers-should-be-fined |
2/13 | Philadelphia taxi, limo drivers protest Uber X, Lyft in Center City | ABC | http://6abc.com/traffic/philadelphia-taxi- limo-drivers-protesting-uber-x-lyft/1196500/ |
2/13 | Uber agrees to pay fines after Newark threatens drivers | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/business/ 20160211_ap_c82392532f114640977f7820786b0167.html?c=r |
2/13 | More Uber drivers file labour lawsuits: One claims he makes only £55 per week | arstechnica | http://arstechnica.co.uk/tech-policy/2016/02/more-uber- drivers-file-labor-lawsuits-one-claims-he-only-makes-80-per-week/ |
2/13 | Comparing ride-share services as a source of income | FOX-25 | http://www.myfoxboston.com/news/lyft-or-uber-comparing- ride-share-services-as-a-source-of-income/76329151 |
2/13 | Uber Passenger Billed $171 After Falling Asleep at Start of Ride | NBC | http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Uber-Passenger-Billed- 171-After-Falling-Asleep-at-Start-of-Ride-368684371.html |
2/12 | Taxi and Limousine Commission to curb fatigue from drivers working long hours | N.Y. Daily News | http://nydn.us/1V7Ng5q | |
2/12 | Albany should make Uber support accessibility | The Villager | http://thevillager.com/2016/02/11/ albany-should-make-uber-support-accessibility/ |
2/12 | Uber, American Airlines form partnership at O'Hare, 10 other airports | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ ct-american-airlines-uber-0212-biz-20160211-story.html |
2/12 | Uber agrees to largest settlement ever, but your cut will be pitifully small | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/2/11/10970088/uber- largest-settlement-class-action-safe-ride-fee |
2/12 | Taxi & Limo Drivers Hit Center City Streets to Protest UberX & Lyft Ride-Hailing Services | NBC10.com | http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/breaking/Taxi--Limo- Drivers-UberX-Lyft-Protest-Ride-Sharing-368479241.html |
2/12 | The D.C. Taxi app has arrived | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/ dr-gridlock/wp/2016/02/11/the-d-c-taxi-app-has-arrived/ |
2/12 | Two Uber executives appear in Paris court facing up to five years in prison for 'running an illegal taxi operation' | DailyMail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3442616/Two-Uber-executives-appear- Paris-court-facing-five-years-prison-running-illegal-taxi-operation.html |
2/12 | Uber, Ola and other taxi aggregators to be banned from charging surge price in Indian state | International Business Times | http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/uber-ola-other-taxi-aggregators- be-banned-charging-surge-price-indian-state-1543178 |
2/12 | Hungary government sides with taxi drivers against Uber | FOX25 | http://www.myfoxboston.com/news/hungary-government- sides-with-taxi-drivers-against-uber/29580986 |
2/12 | Compensating cabbies could get taxi industry on-board with ride-hailing services: research | NEWS-1130 | http://www.news1130.com/2016/02/11/compensating-cabbies-taxi-industry/ | |
2/12 | More Uber drivers file labor lawsuits: One claims he makes only $80 per week | arstechnica | http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/02/more-uber- drivers-file-labor-lawsuits-one-claims-he-only-makes-80-per-week/ |
2/12 | House panel approves bill clearing way for Uber, Lyft in Hillsborough | Tampa Bay Times | http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/the-buzz-florida-politics/house-panel- approves-bill-clearing-way-for-uber-lyft-in-hillsborough/2264840 |
2/11 | Toronto Taxi drivers call off protest planned for Friday-Video | CTV | http://toronto.ctvnews.ca/taxi-drivers-call- off-protest-planned-for-friday-1.2771982 |
2/11 | Uber Ducks Mass. Drivers' Wage Claims | Courthouse News Service | http://www.courthousenews.com/2016/02/10/ uber-ducks-mass-drivers-wage-claims.htm |
2/11 | Uber drivers face towing, fines at Newark Airport, Newark Penn Station | NORTHJERSEY.com | http://www.northjersey.com/news/business/ uber-drivers-banned-from-airport-1.1509286 |
2/11 | Uber’s Shift-y Work | medium.com | https://medium.com/uber-screeds/uber-s-shift-y-work-2665dbb58701#.yp2f6cqf3 | |
2/11 | 'I will run Uber out' vows London mayoral candidate as taxis gridlock streets again | c/net | http://www.cnet.com/news/i-will-run-uber-out-vows- london-mayor-candidate-as-taxis-gridlock-streets-again/ |
2/11 | Uber is no better than an old-fashioned gangmaster so London’s cabbies are striking | theguardian | http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/ feb/09/uber-london-cabbies-striking-black-taxi |
2/11 | Chicago gets taxi apps to compete with ride-hailing industry | FOX | http://www.fox32chicago.com/news/local/88141827-story | |
2/11 | Parking Authority uses sting operations to catch UberX drivers | THE DAILY PENNSYLVAINIAN | http://www.thedp.com/article/2016/02/ubers-taxis-parking-authority | |
2/11 | How France’s Emmanuel Macron lost the Uber war | POLITICO | http://www.politico.eu/article/how-frances-emmanuel-macron-lost-the-uber-war/ | |
2/11 | Black Cab protest is already snarling up roads in central London | CITY A.M. | http://www.cityam.com/234306/black-cab-protest-is-already- snarling-up-roads-in-central-london-including- whitehall-as-drivers-demonstrate-over-tfl- and-private-hire-vehicles-including-uber |
2/10 | Making sure every hail means a safe ride | N.Y. Post | http://nyp.st/1KDD7Nc | |
2/10 | Parking Authority uses sting operations to catch UberX drivers | Daily Pennsylyanian | http://www.thedp.com/article/2016/02/ubers-taxis-parking-authority | |
2/10 | Florida Lawmakers take aim at Uber, Lyft, other ride-sharing companies in competing bills | NAPLES DAILY NEWS | http://www.naplesnews.com/news/state/lawmakers-take-aim-at-uber-lyft-other- ride-sharing-companies-in-competing-bills-2b2fca49-ccc1-1d81-e-368113561.html |
2/10 | In boost to self-driving cars, U.S. tells Google computers can qualify as drivers | MSN | http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/in-boost-to-self-driving-cars-us-tells- google-computers-can-qualify-as-drivers/ar-BBpkjME?ocid=News |
2/9 | Call to restrict Uber drivers’ hours over safety concerns | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1QojCVq | |
2/9 | Uber is destroying the bike messenger | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160207/TECHNOLOGY/160209885/ uber-is-destroying-the-bike-messenger#utm_medium=email&utm_ source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160208 |
2/9 | Florida-Insurance differences stall progress on ride-hail regulation | Tampa Tribune | http://www.tbo.com/news/transportation/insurance- differences-stall-progress-on-ride-hail-regulation-20160208/ |
2/9 | An Uber Labor Movement Born in a LaGuardia Parking Lot | THE NEW YORKER | http://www.newyorker.com/business/currency/an- uber-labor-movement-born-in-a-laguardia-parking-lot |
2/9 | Uber shuts down Paris service to protest new regulations | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/2/9/10948616/ uber-paris-protest-shut-down-taxi-vtc |
2/9 | Uber's Super Bowl 50 Plans Were Overwhelmed Postgame At Levi's Stadium | FORBES | http://www.forbes.com/sites/briansolomon/2016/02/08/ubers-super-bowl- 50-plans-overwhelmed-postgame-at-levis-stadium/#25a60b036ff6 |
2/8 | Uber drivers working up to 19 hours a day just to get by | N.Y Post | http://nyp.st/1nS3WCX | |
2/8 | Published last October: Cabbie John McDonagh takes passengers and theatergoers on a hell of a ride | N.Y. Daily News | http://nydn.us/1NAPCa0 | |
2/8 | The Rise Of Trump And Sanders May Spell Trouble For Uber | Seeking Alpha | http://seekingalpha.com/article/3873596- rise-trump-sanders-may-spell-trouble-uber? |
2/8 | Emotions run high as taxi leaders consider protest during All-Star weekend | NEWSTALK 1010 | http://www.newstalk1010.com/news/2016/02/08/update-emotions- run-high-as-taxi-leaders-consider-protest-during-all-star-weekend |
2/7 | The dark side to Uber’s unstoppable cash grab | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/2/6/10924860/ uber-cash-race-bank-of-america-morgan-stanley |
2/7 | Protesting Uber drivers create long traffic jam in Paris | RT | https://www.rt.com/in-motion/ 331313-uber-drivers-protest-paris/ |
2/7 | Nebraska taxi business curbed by competition from Uber and Lyft, but cab companies say they're still cruising | Omaha.com | http://www.omaha.com/money/nebraska-taxi-business-curbed-by-competition- from-uber-and-lyft/article_0a433c01-38f8-53ab-818e-8eaa84cc7ee0.html |
2/7 | Now it’s Cairo taxi drivers’ turn to say they’re fed up with Uber | QUARTZ | http://qz.com/611570/now-its-cairo-taxi- drivers-turn-to-say-theyre-fed-up-with-uber/ |
2/7 | You've Heard Of UberX. Now D.C. Is Considering Its Own 'Xclass' | WAMU 88.5 | http://wamu.org/news/16/02/05/youve_heard_ of_uberx_now_dc_is_considering_its_own_x_class |
2/7 | Ordinance may mean end of Uber for Corpus Christi | Caller Times | http://www.caller.com/news/local/ordinance-may-mean-end-of-uber- for-corpus-christi-2a71d746-fdd8-4d5e-e053-0100007fe85d-367884101.html |
2/7 | Why Uber's major rebrand appears to have backfired | Marketing Dive | http://www.marketingdive.com/news/why-ubers-major- rebrand-appears-to-have-backfired/413404/ |
2/6 | Protests swell against Uber's surge pricing | Business Standard | http://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/ protests-swell-against-uber-s-surge-pricing-116020500251_1.html |
2/6 | Protest by Uber drivers in Long Island City draws TLC attention | TIMES Ledger | http://www.timesledger.com/stories/2016/6/uberprotest_2016_02_05_q.html | |
2/6 | It’s Toronto’s responsibility to protect taxi drivers: James | thestar.com | http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2016/02/05/ its-torontos-responsibility-to-protect-taxi-drivers-james.html |
2/6 | Taxi drivers accuse Uber of flooding the market | Hartford Business | http://www.hartfordbusiness.com/article/20160205/news01/ 160209951/taxi-drivers-accuse-uber-of-flooding-the-market |
2/6 | Fed-Up Uber Drivers Aim to Disrupt Super Bowl 50 With Their Own Mobile App | Mother Jones | http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2016/02/ uber-strike-united-app-super-bowl-50 |
2/5 | More Than 60 Percent Of Uber Drivers Are Thinking About Quitting | THINK PROGRESS | http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2016/02/04/ 3746099/uber-price-cuts-gut-driver-wages/ |
2/5 | Deal Shows Investors Are Willing to Make a Blind Bet on Uber | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/05/business/dealbook/deal- shows-investors-are-willing-to-make-a-blind-bet-on-uber.html |
2/5 | Advocates rally against Taxi and Limousine Commission penalties | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1nQCl5D | |
2/5 | Not all Chicago taxi drivers happy with city’s new app | WGNtv.com | http://wgntv.com/2016/02/03/not-all-chicago- taxi-drivers-happy-with-citys-new-app/ |
2/5 | Montreal taxi drivers confront Uber driver, smash cellphone in protest | Global News | http://globalnews.ca/news/2498808/montreal-taxi-drivers- confront-uber-driver-smash-cellphone-in-protest/ |
2/5 | Uber & Lyft Customers Experience High Number Of Assaults In January | ubergizmo | http://www.ubergizmo.com/2016/02/uber-lyft- customers-experience-high-number-of-assaults-in-january/ |
2/5 | Assaults By Uber & Lyft Drivers In Single Month Point To Dangerous Trend | Valur Walk | http://www.valuewalk.com/2016/02/assaults-uber-drivers/ | |
2/4 | Director Kevin Smith’s daughter Harley almost kidnapped by fake Uber driver | N.Y, Daily News | http://nydn.us/1P7IGCi | |
2/4 | Uber drivers stage protest over French response to taxi strike | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/2/3/10903662/uber-protest-paris-taxi-strike-vtc | |
2/4 | Montauk CU in N.Y. Works to Fix Taxi-Medallion Loan Woes | Credit Union Journal | http://www.cujournal.com/news/compliance/montauk-cu- in-ny-works-to-fix-taxi-medallion-loan-woes-1025608-1.html |
2/4 | Disabled New Yorkers have bleak travel options—even under the best conditions | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160202/OPINION/160209981/ disabled-new-yorkers-have-bleak-travel-options-even-under-the-best |
2/4 | City airports see record number of passengers, amplifying calls to 'grow or die' | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160203/BLOGS04/160209935/city-airports- see-record-number-of-passengers-amplifying-calls-to#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160203 |
2/4 | Road Warrior: Cabs back at Secaucus Junction train station | northjersey.com | http://www.northjersey.com/news/nj-state- news/cabs-back-at-secaucus-junction-1.1504640 |
2/4 | Uber's Rebranding Reveals Everything That's Wrong With Uber | inc.com | http://www.inc.com/justin-bariso/ubers-new- rebranding-reveals-everything-thats-wrong-with-uber.html |
2/4 | Assaults By Uber & Lyft Drivers In Single Month Point To Dangerous Trend | Value Walk | http://www.valuewalk.com/2016/02/assaults-uber-drivers/ | |
2/4 | Uber drops its U. Why? | BBC | http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-35479636 | |
2/3 | Uber, Lyft price cuts have attracted the attention of NYC taxi regulators | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1SX4iVT | |
2/3 | Uber Drivers and Others in the Gig Economy Take a Stand | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/03/business/uber- drivers-and-others-in-the-gig-economy-take-a-stand.html |
2/3 | Uber drivers protest price cuts in Long Island City | QNS | http://qns.com/story/2016/02/01/drivers-to-uber-ceos-stop-being-selfish/ | |
2/3 | Uber Drivers Protest Fare Cuts Ahead Of Super Bowl | BUZZ FEED | http://www.buzzfeed.com/carolineodonovan/uber-drivers-protest- fare-cuts-ahead-of-super-bowl?utm_term=.rbv0ZPJ1gv#.rwWE91DKmG |
2/3 | Quebec taxi drivers seek court injunction banning Uber | Yahoo | http://news.yahoo.com/quebec-taxi-drivers- seek-court-injunction-banning-uber-215713899.html |
2/3 | Boston-Taxis look to apps, Uber-style, to save the cab | Boston Globe | http://www.betaboston.com/news/2016/02/02/taxis-look- to-apps-uber-style-to-save-the-cab/ |
2/3 | After taxis, French Uber drivers launch their own protest | France 24 | http://www.france24.com/en/20160202-after-taxis- french-uber-drivers-plan-own-protest |
2/2 | Why thousands of Uber drivers are planning to protest in New York City today | NEWS SOURCE | http://www.businessinsider.com/why-uber-drivers-are -protesting-in-new-york-city-today-2016-2 |
2/2 | Some Uber Drivers Strike To Protest Company’s Fare Cuts | CBS | http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/02/01/uber-strike-fare-cuts/ | |
2/2 | New Orleans taxi cab drivers take on Uber drivers | WDSU | http://www.wdsu.com/news/local-news/new-orleans/ taxi-cab-drivers-take-on-uber-drivers/37757006 |
2/2 | Chicago misses target date to have ride-hailing apps in all taxis | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/bluesky/originals/ ct-chicago-taxi-universal-app-arro-curb-bsi-20160201-story.html |
2/2 | Uber’s rates great for riders, debilitating for drivers | THE ORACLE | http://www.usforacle.com/news/view.php/1016093/ Ubers-rates-great-for-riders-debilitatin |
2/1 | Drivers plan Uber strike at Long Island City office after company announces price cuts | PIX 11 | http://pix11.com/2016/01/31/drivers-plan-uber-strike- at-long-island-city-office-after-company-announces-price-cuts/ |
2/1 | Quebec taxi industry mobilizes to fight Uber | CTV NEWS | http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/quebec-taxi- industry-mobilizes-to-fight-uber-1.2759079 |
2/1 | Uber: Canada taxi industry studied remedies Sunday | The Silver Times | http://sivertimes.com/uber-the-taxi-industry-studied-remedies-sunday/6762 | |
2/1 | How Software in Half of NYC Cabs Generates $5.2 Million a Year in Extra Tips | NY Times | http://iquantny.tumblr.com/post/107245431809/ how-software-in-half-of-nyc-cabs-generates-52 |
MEDIA NEWS STORIES-January 2016 | ||||
1/31 | Taxi companies not in favor of Uber coming to Rochester | WHEC | http://www.whec.com/article/stories/s4033484.shtml | |
1/31 | As Uber Slashes Prices, Cracks In The Gig Economy Begin To Show | Think Progress | http://thinkprogress.org/economy/ 2016/01/30/3744403/the-uber-effect/ |
1/31 | UBER RATE CUTS LEAVE MANY MAKING LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE | INQUISITR | http://www.inquisitr.com/2753145/uber-rate-cuts-leave-many-drivers-making- less-than-minimum-wage-some-switching-to-lyft/ |
1/31 | A Philadelphia agency was caught teaming up with taxi companies to fight Uber | VOX | http://www.vox.com/2016/1/30/10873372/uber-lyft-taxi-philadelphia | |
1/31 | St Louis Taxi commission trucks on as some try to end it | St. Louis Post Dispatch | http://www.stltoday.com/news/traffic/along-for-the-ride/along-for-the-ride-taxi- commission-trucks-on-as-some/article_95e52dfc-b1c0-53bb-860a-089b3f8293d0.html |
1/31 | App to give Boston cabs a Lyft | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/business/business_ markets/2016/01/app_to_give_boston_cabs_a_lyft |
1/31 | Uber: Philadelphia Parking Authority is untrustworthy | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/business/transportation/20160130_ Uber__Philadelphia_Parking_Authority_is_untrustworthy.html |
1/31 | Gasparilla: to Uber or not to Uber? | Tampa Bay Times | http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/baybuzz/ gasparilla-to-uber-or-not-to-uber/2263330 |
1/31 | Meet the 23 power players of Uber | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/the-power-players-of-uber-2016-1 | |
1/31 | Taxi Group Protests Uber's Announcement of Price Cuts | Time Warner | http://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/ 2016/01/29/uber-announces-price-cuts.html |
1/30 | Why Uber’s price drop could actually trigger higher prices | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1KLFDvE | |
1/30 | Uber is slashing prices in New York City | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/1/28/10864516/ uber-cutting-uberx-rates-new-york-city |
1/30 | Taxi drivers protest Uber price drop | ABC | http://abc7ny.com/traffic/taxi-drivers- protest-uber-price-drop/1178638/ |
1/30 | Things Are Getting Ugly in Uber’s and Lyft’s Fight Against Fingerprint Checks in Austin | re/code | http://recode.net/2016/01/29/things-are-getting-ugly- in-ubers-and-lyfts-fight-against-fingerprint-checks-in-austin/ |
1/30 | Uber: Philadelphia Parking Authority is untrustworthy | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/business/transportation/ 20160130_Uber__Philadelphia_Parking_Authority_is_untrustworthy.html |
1/30 | French Taxi Strikes Subsiding After Government Promises | ABC | http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/french- taxi-strikes-subsiding-government-promises-36591349 |
1/30 | Taxi group cites traffic, Uber as basis for fare hike | Inquirer.net | http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/760063/taxi- group-cites-traffic-uber-as-basis-for-fare-hike |
1/29 | Is Uber to blame for gridlock shock? | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160128/ TRANSPORTATION/160129868/is-uber-to-blame-for- gridlock-shock#utm_medium=email&utm_source= cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160128 |
1/29 | Uber slashes fare rates for some drivers by 15 percent | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1nrgwc3 | |
1/29 | Uber loses bid to pause drivers group lawsuit as trial looms | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-wp-blm-uber- ae485860-c535-11e5-b933-31c93021392a-20160127-story.html |
1/29 | Emails: Parking Authority worked with taxis to stop Uber | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20160128_Emails__ Parking_Authority_worked_with_taxis_to_stop_Uber.html |
1/29 | Florida House votes to stop local bans or regulations on Uber, Lyft | Tampa Bay Times | http://www.tampabay.com/news/politics/stateroundup/florida- house-panel-advocates-ban-on-regulating-uber-lyft/2263094 |
1/29 | Uber Confirms Florida Driver's Personal Information Was Leaked | NBC | http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/uber-confirms-florida- driver-s-personal-information-was-leaked-n505281 |
1/29 | French court 'orders Uber to compensate' Paris taxi rival | BBC | http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35417987 | |
1/29 | The bullet that Lyft just dodged is still coming for Uber | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/1/27/10841138/uber-lyft- drivers-settlement-class-action-lawsuit-California |
1/28 | Judge: NYC Taxi Drivers Must Abide by Accessibility Rules | NY Law Journal | http://www.newyorklawjournal.com/id=1202748184091/ Judge-NYC-Taxi-Drivers-Must-Abide-by-Accessibility-Rules |
1/28 | During fight with city, Uber sought executive order from Cuomo | POLITICO | http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/albany/2016/01/ 8589209/during-fight-city-uber-sought-executive-order-cuomo |
1/28 | Uber Gets Fined $1.3 Million For Ambiguous Driver Training Videos In France | Tech Crunch | http://techcrunch.com/2016/01/27/uber-gets-fined- 1-3-million-for-ambiguous-driver-training-videos-in-france/ |
1/28 | Cab network on Uber bill: 'All taxis want is a fair playing field' | BizVentures | http://www.bizjournals.com/albuquerque/blog/bizventures/ 2016/01/cab-network-on-uber-bill-all-taxis-want-is-a-fair.html |
1/28 | Speaker: House will take up Uber law this winter | boston.com | http://www.boston.com/business/2016/01/27/speaker-house-will- draft-uber-law-february/PYh49s1HDKOQ1ZM5sJYnJM/story.html |
1/28 | Uber bill blocks fingerprint checks, poised for Fla. House passage | Palm Beach Post | http://protectingyourpocket.blog.palmbeachpost.com/2016/01/26/ uber-bill-blocks-fingerprint-checks-poised-for-fla-house-passage/ |
1/28 | Four Tampa drivers file latest federal lawsuit against rideshare company Uber | Tampa Bay Times | http://www.tampabay.com/news/transportation/four-tampa-drivers- file-latest-federal-lawsuit-against-rideshare-company/2262863 |
1/28 | Uber driver 'pulls handgun' on passenger | The Register | http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/01/26/floride_uber_incident/ | |
1/27 | Uber is facing a staggering number of lawsuits | FUSION | http://fusion.net/story/257423/everyone-is-suing-uber/ | |
1/27 | Beijing Blames Uber for Its Obscene Traffic Problem | GIZMODO | http://gizmodo.com/beijing-blames-uber- for-its-obscene-traffic-problem-1755161197 |
1/27 | Uber driver attacks pregnant woman’s service dog: cops | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1RM3umo | |
1/27 | Is Uber Trying To Kill Lyft With A Price War? | Forbes | http://www.forbes.com/sites/briansolomon/2016/01/25/ is-uber-trying-to-kill-lyft-with-a-price-war/#682a02657b02 |
1/27 | France's Taxi Drivers Are Wreaking Havoc in Paris Again | FORTUNE | http://fortune.com/2016/01/26/ france-taxi-drivers-public-sector-strike/ |
1/27 | French PM bows to pressure after taxi drivers protest | The Local fr | http://www.thelocal.fr/20160126/frances-pm-agrees-to-step-in-to-appease-taxis | |
1/27 | Why A San Francisco Cab Company Blames Uber for its Bankruptcy | Fortune | http://fortune.com/2016/01/25/san- francisco-taxi-company-bankruptcy-uber/ |
1/27 | Moorhead scales back city taxi law to satisfy Uber | INFORUM | http://www.inforum.com/news/3932715-moorhead- scales-back-city-taxi-law-satisfy-uber |
1/27 | Sweeping new regulations proposed for Uber, Lyft may level playing field for taxis | San Francisco Examiner | http://www.sfexaminer.com/more-inspections-criminal- checks-in-sweeping-new-ca-regulations-for-uber-lyft/ |
1/27 | Uber doxxed one of its drivers | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/1/25/10827996/ uber-driver-personal-data-mistake-glitch |
1/27 | Uber driver 'pulls gun' on passenger in Florida | BBC | http://www.bbc.com/news /technology-35410676 |
1/26 | Hillsborough Uber drivers file suit alleging labor law violations | TAMPA TRIBUNE | http://www.tbo.com/news/crime/hillsborough-uber- drivers-file-suit-alleging-labor-law-violations-20160125/ |
1/26 | Is Uber Trying To Kill Lyft With A Price War? | FORBES | http://www.forbes.com/sites/briansolomon/2016/01/25/ is-uber-trying-to-kill-lyft-with-a-price-war/#597c14a07b02 |
1/26 | French taxi drivers clash with police in anti-Uber strike | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/1/26/ 10832204/french-taxi-uber-strike-paris-vtc |
1/26 | Uber CEO Blocking Drivers on Twitter for Protesting Fare Cuts | OBSERVER | http://observer.com/2016/01/uber-ceo-blocking- drivers-on-twitter-for-protesting-fare-cuts/ |
1/26 | My peace plan for NYC’s taxi-Uber war | amNEWYORK | http://www.amny.com/opinion/columnists/william-f-b-o- reilly/my-peace-plan-for-nyc-s-taxi-uber-war-1.11387063 |
1/26 | Taxi Drivers Say Government and Politicians In Collusion With Uber | QCOSTARICA | http://qcostarica.com/taxi-drivers-say- government-and-politicians-in-collusion-with-uber/ |
1/26 | Uber and Lyft didn’t bankrupt Yellow Cab, and they could hit same pothole | MWMARKETWATCH | http://www.marketwatch.com/story/uber-and-lyft-didnt- bankrupt-yellow-cab-and-they-could-hit-same-pothole- 2016-01-22?mod=mw_share_twitter |
1/26 | Uber Screwup Exposed Driver's Social Security Number and Tax Info | GIZMODO | http://gizmodo.com/uber-screwup-exposed- drivers-social-security-numbers-an-1754960649 |
1/25 | France’s highest court upholds ban on UberPOP ride-sharing servic | France 24 | http://m.france24.com/en/20150922-france- uberpop-highest-court-upholds-ban |
1/25 | French chauffeurs launch union over Uber fare cuts | France 24 | http://m.france24.com/en/20151013-france-uber- cab-drivers-launch-union-fare-cuts |
1/25 | French taxis to strike Tuesday | rfi | http://www.english.rfi.fr/visiting-france/ 20160124-french-taxis-strike-tuesday |
1/25 | Taxi Drivers in Budapest Put an End to Demonstration Against Uber | Travel Pulse | http://www.travelpulse.com/news/impacting-travel/taxi- drivers-in-budapest-put-an-end-to-demonstration-against-uber.html |
1/25 | Smoldering Debate Over Uber Flares Up in Cabinet | HAARETZ | http://www.haaretz.com/israel- news/business/.premium-1.699263 |
1/24 | Is Uber the next Webvan? Will Uber go bankrupt? | siliconangle.com | http://siliconangle.com/blog/2016/01/22/is-uber- the-next-webvan-will-uber-go-out-of-bankrupt/ |
1/24 | There's only one thing that will make Uber cap surge pricing during Winter Storm Jonas | ROAD WARRIOR | http://roadwarriorvoices.com/2016/01/22/theres-only-one-thing- that-will-make-uber-cap-surge-pricing-during-winter-storm-jonas/ |
1/24 | Uber Increasingly Targets Drivers Over 50 In Recruitment Push As Company Reports $1.7 Billion Loss | INQUISITR | http://www.inquisitr.com/2732953/uber-increasingly-targets-over- 50s-in-driver-recruitment-push-as-company-reports-1-7-billion-loss/ |
1/24 | Facing a Price War, Uber Bets on Volume | Bloomberg Business | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016- 01-21/facing-a-price-war-uber-bets-on-volume |
1/24 | Stolen Uber accounts worth more than stolen credit cards | CNBC | http://www.cnbc.com/2016/01/19/stolen-uber- accounts-worth-more-than-stolen-credit-cards.html |
1/24 | Florida Roundup: The Future Of Uber In Miami-Dade | WLRN | http://wlrn.org/post/florida-roundup-future-uber-miami-dade | |
1/23 | Taxi Dave Rides the Airwaves | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/24/ nyregion/taxi-dave-rides-the-airwaves.html |
1/23 | Uber now a licensed Toronto taxi brokerage | TORONTO SUN | http://www.torontosun.com/2016/01/22/uber- now-a-licensed-toronto-taxi-broker |
1/23 | Prosecutors back fingerprinting of Uber, Lyft drivers The Lowell Sun | lowellsun.com | http://www.lowellsun.com/breakingnews/ci_29415228/ prosecutors-back-fingerprinting-uber-lyft-drivers |
1/23 | Uber accused of missing driver's criminal record in alleged sexual assault | c/net | http://www.cnet.com/news/uber-missed-criminal-record- of-driver-in-alleged-sexual-assault-lawsuit-says/ |
1/23 | Florida legislature split on insurance requirements for Uber, Lyft | Insurance Business | http://www.ibamag.com/news/southeast-news/florida-legislature- split-on-insurance-requirements-for-uber-lyft-27755.aspx |
1/23 | Nevada-Council approves city taxi program | Daily Mail | http://www.nevadadailymail.com/story/2270003.html | |
1/23 | After LAX allows UberX pick-ups, taxi drivers brace for 'trouble' | KPCC | http://www.scpr.org/news/2016/01/21/56977/after- lax-allows-uberx-pick-ups-taxi-drivers-brace/ |
1/23 | Uber will cap surge pricing in NYC during this weekend's snow storm | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/1/22/10816774/ uber-capping-surge-pricing-nyc-winter-blizzard |
1/22 | Taxi vs. e-hail report: City must update regs | QUEENS CHRONICLE | http://www.qchron.com/editions/queenswide/taxi-vs-e-hail-report- city-must-update-regs/article_9718de00-4d25-546d-af4d-ba1f910e0809.html |
1/22 | Blake: ‘Green Taxi Cooperative’ hopes to speed past Uber | THE COMPLETE COLORADO | http://completecolorado.com/pagetwo/2016/01/20/ blake-green-taxi-cooperative-hopes-to-speed-past-uber/ |
1/22 | We just want a level playing field' – taxi companies | Northern Life.ca | http://www.northernlife.ca/news/local News/2016/01/20-uber-open-house-sudbury.aspx |
1/22 | How Uber riled French taxi drivers ahead of Paris protest | THE LOCAL | http://www.thelocal.fr/20160121/uber-irks- french-taxi-drivers-days-before-planned-strike |
1/22 | Are Uber and Lyft helping or hurting the environment? | The Guardian | http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/jan/21/ uber-lyft-helping-hurting-environment-climate-change |
1/22 | Older Drivers Hit the Road for Uber and Lyft | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/23/your-money/ older-drivers-hit-the-road-for-uber-and-lyft.html?_r=0 |
1/21 | Taxi taxes should be equal between yellow and green cabs | QNS | http://qns.com/story/2016/01/19/160602/ | |
1/21 | Mayor de Blasio's Vision Zero may take longer than expected to reach its goal | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1ZAgR8q | |
1/21 | Maybe Uber Isn't God's Gift To Mankind | Forbes | http://www.forbes.com/sites/hbsworkingknowledge/2016/01/20/ maybe-uber-isnt-gods-gift-to-mankind/#4d2f809f379d2d44a01379d3 |
1/21 | Hungary government sides with taxi drivers against Uber | NBC | http://www.whdh.com/story/31015262/hungary-government- sides-with-taxi-drivers-against-uber |
1/21 | Despite Progress on Ordinance, Ride-Sharing Still Illegal in Miami-Dade County | WLRN | http://wlrn.org/post/despite-progress-ordinance- ride-sharing-still-illegal-miami-dade-county |
1/21 | Uber drivers claim victory after Miami-Dade commission meeting | WSVN | http://www.wsvn.com/story/31013528/uber-drivers- claim-victory-after-miami-dade-commission-meeting |
1/21 | Uber Drivers Plan Boycott After Fare Cuts Slash Their Earnings to Below Minimum Wage | OBSERVER | http://observer.com/2016/01/uber-drivers-plan-boycott- after-fare-cuts-slash-their-earnings-to-below-minimum-wage/ |
1/20 | Councilman Greenfield Pens Letter to NYC DOT, Inquiring about Speed Camera Revenue | JPUPDATES | http://jpupdates.com/2016/01/18/councilman-greenfield- pens-letter-to-nyc-dot-inquiring-about-speed-camera-revenue/ |
1/20 | An advocate is alleging Uber discriminates against people with disabilities | THE WEEK | http://theweek.com/speedreads/600116/advocate- alleging-uber-discriminates-against-people-disabilities |
1/20 | How have Uber and Lyft changed the Memphis taxi industry? | COMMERCIAL APPEAL | http://www.commercialappeal.com/business/How-have- Uber-and-Lyft-changed-the-Memphis-taxi-industry-365806721.html |
1/20 | Uber and taxis compete for every rider - including, finally, wheelchair users | CBC | http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/programs/ metromorning/uber-and-taxis-compete-for-every-rider- including-finally-wheelchair-users-1.3409364 |
1/20 | Canada-Taxi industry review to take six months | CTV | http://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/taxi-industry-review-to-take-six-months-1.2743416 | |
1/19 | Disability advocates pushing de Blasio to address accessibility in Uber, Lyft policy | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1V2FmKh | |
1/19 | Mobility Ventures Unveils MV-1 Empire, A Wheelchair-Accessible Taxi For $19,000 | autoevolution | http://www.autoevolution.com/news/mobility-ventures-unveils-mv-1- empire-a-wheelchair-accessible-taxi-for-19000-video-103732.html# |
1/19 | Uber passenger says driver sexually assaulted him | L.A. Daily News | http://www.dailynews.com/general-news/20160118/ uber-passenger-says-driver-sexually-assaulted-him |
1/19 | POINT: Uber surge pricing is a justice issue | Daily Trojan | http://dailytrojan.com/2016/01/11/point- uber-surge-pricing-is-a-justice-issue/ |
1/19 | Taxis in Budapest block traffic, demand ban on Uber | NBC | http://www.whdh.com/story/30989511/ taxis-in-budapest-block-traffic-demand-ban-on-uber |
1/19 | Taxi drivers in Hungary demand Uber to be shut down | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/ us-uber-tech-hungary-taxi-protests-idUSKCN0UW1WA |
1/19 | Canada-City Hall making moves to update taxi bylaw | meridianbooster.com | http://www.meridianbooster.com/2016/01/18/ city-hall-making-moves-to-update-taxi-bylaw |
1/19 | Cabbie's Wife In Uber Campaign | MSN | http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/breakingnews/ cabbies-wife-in-uber-campaign/vp-BBomlk9 |
1/19 | London’s Black Cabs Turn To Crowdfunding To Fight Uber | Tech Crunch | http://techcrunch.com/2016/01/18/londons-black-cabs- turn-to-crowdfunding-to-fight-uber/#.lowryvg:sLBN |
1/18 | The Companies That Are Funding Uber and Lyft | INVESTOPEDIA | http://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/ 011516/companies-are-funding-uber-and-lyft.asp |
1/18 | San Francisco-Taxi regulator responds to Yellow Cab bankruptcy | San Francisco Examiner | http://www.sfexaminer.com/taxi- regulator-responds-to-yellow-cab-bankruptcy/ |
1/18 | London-Cabbie's Wife Tries To Put Brakes On Uber | sky News | http://news.sky.com/story/1624470/ cabbies-wife-tries-to-put-brakes-on-uber |
1/18 | New Bill Would Let Prospective Cabbies Skip English Test | Gothamist | http://gothamist.com/2016/01/17/ new_bill_would_let_prospective_cabb.php |
1/18 | Bill takes us for a ride on Uber | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/bill-takes-ride-uber-article-1.2498624 | |
1/17 | Uber and Lyft’s big new lie: Their excuse for avoiding regulation is finally falling apart | SALON | http://www.salon.com/2016/01/16/uber_and_lyfts_big_new_lie_ their_excuse_for_avoiding_regulation_is_finally_falling_apart/ |
1/17 | City issues low-impact report on car-hail apps | POLITICO | http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/city-hall/2016/01/ 8588254/city-issues-low-impact-report-car-hail-apps |
1/17 | Uber isn't responsible for New York City's crappy traffic, study says | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/1/15/10774878/ uber-nyc-bill-de-blasio-traffic-study-failure |
1/17 | Florida-Senate may put brakes on Uber, Lyft | HT POLITICS | http://politics.heraldtribune.com/2016/01/15/ senate-may-put-brakes-on-uber-lyft/ |
1/16 | NYC taxi drivers may not have to take written English test before getting license under City Council proposal | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1leWoZt | |
1/16 | City Hall Does U-Turn with Uber Study | WNYC | http://www.wnyc.org/story/uber_not_blame_congestion/ | |
1/16 | In Uber Florida legislation, an end to county training for taxi drivers | Miami Herald | http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/ community/miami-dade/article54908205.html |
1/16 | Florida-'Uber' proposal ready for House floor | NEWS4JAX | http://www.news4jax.com/news/florida/ uber-proposal-ready-for-house-floor |
1/16 | Tampa Uber drivers protest cut in pay | Florida Politics | http://floridapolitics.com/archives/ 198727-tampa-uber-drivers-protest-cut-pay |
1/15 | Life could get a lot easier for NYC cab drivers in 2016, taxi chief says | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160114/BLOGS04/160119919/ life-could-get-a-lot-easier-for-cab-drivers-in-2016-taxi-chief-says#utm_ medium=email&utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_ campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160114 |
1/15 | Why Uber Faces a Rough Road Ahead | OBSERVER | http://observer.com/2016/01/why- uber-faces-a-rough-road-ahead/ |
1/15 | New York City Uber Study Finds Traffic Congestion Could Get Worse | International Business Times | http://www.ibtimes.com/new-york-city-uber-study- finds-traffic-congestion-could-get-worse-2266006 |
1/15 | Wheelchair users' group demands TLC crackdown on Uber | NYC DIGITAL | http://www.digital.nyc/news/wheelchair- users-group-demands-tlc-crackdown-uber |
1/15 | What's Morgan Stanley Saying About Uber? | MSN Money | http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/us/ whats-morgan-stanley-saying-about-uber/vp-BBocMma |
1/15 | Taxi Finance Company Re-Ups at 437 Madison Avenue | Commercial Observer | https://commercialobserver.com/2016/01/taxi- finance-company-re-ups-at-437-madison-avenue/ |
1/15 | War on Uber grows as taxi drivers stage noisy airport protest | NJ.com | http://www.nj.com/traffic/index.ssf/2016/01/ war_on_uber_builds_as_taxi_drivers_stage_noisy_airport_protest.html |
1/15 | Here are the biggest threats to Uber according to Morgan Stanley, the bank that's helping the $62 Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/biggest-risks- |
and-threats-to-ubers-business-2016-1 | |
1/15 | Uber fined $7.6 million by California utilities commission | L.A. Times | http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-tn-uber-puc-20160114-story.html | |
1/15 | Victor Crist hints at “radical” move in Hillsborough if Legislature doesn’t act on Uber, Lyft | Florida Politics | http://floridapolitics.com/archives/198498-victor-crist- hints-radical-solution-stop-uber-lyft-hillsborough-legislature-doesnt-act |
1/14 | Wheelchair users' advocacy group demands TLC crackdown on Uber | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160113/BLOGS04/ 160119952/wheelchair-users-group-demands-tlc-crackdown-on-uber |
1/14 | California woman says Uber driver broke her jaw | FOX | http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/01/13/california- woman-says-uber-driver-broke-her-jaw.html |
1/14 | Uber relaxes restrictions on nonviolent criminals becoming drivers in California | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/1/13/10759688/ uber-relaxes-driver-screenings-california |
1/14 | Fighting Uber, taxi owners ask to keep older cabs on the road longer | Miami Herald | http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/ community/miami-dade/article54550595.html |
1/14 | Are Lyft and Uber safe? | Pittsburgh Post Gazette | http://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/2016/01/13/ Are-Lyft-and-Uber-safe/stories/201601130071 |
1/14 | Five things to expect from Florida legislative session | Sun Sentinal | http://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/todays-buzz/sfl-5-things-to- expect-from-florida-legislative-session-20160112-story.html |
1/14 | Taxi company owner claims Uber drove away his dream of retirement | newsworks | http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/local/item/90000-taxi- company-owner-claims-uber-drove-away-his-dream-of-retirement- |
1/13 | East Hampton Officials To Appeal To Cuomo Regarding Proposed Statewide Taxi Rules | 27east.com | http://www.27east.com/news/article.cfm/General- Interest-EH/466690/East-Hampton-Will-Appeal-To-Cuomo- For-Consideration-of-Statewide-Taxi-Rules |
1/13 | Why Uber’s surge pricing is doomed | Startup Smart | http://www.startupsmart.com.au/technology/why- ubers-surge-pricing-is-doomed/2016011216247.html |
1/13 | NYC Taxi Driver Fined for Bypassing Al Roker | U.S.News | http://www.usnews.com/news/entertainment/articles/2016-01-11/ new-york-taxi-driver-accused-of-refusing-al-roker-is-fined |
1/13 | Chicago Cabbies Honked Off About City Choosing 2 'Universal' Taxi Apps | DNAinfo | https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20160112/ downtown/cabbies-honked-off-about-city- choosing-2-universal-taxi-apps |
1/13 | Uber Might Owe Tens Of Thousands Of California Passengers $1.8 Million In Class Action Lawsuit | Tech Crunch | http://techcrunch.com/2016/01/12/uber-might-owe-tens- of-thousands-of-california-passengers-1-8-million-in-a- class-action-lawsuit-over-airport-fees/ |
1/13 | A former Uber driver who slept in her car just won a $15,000 legal settlement with Uber | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/uber-driver-slept- with-family-in-vehicle-rented-from-uber-2016-1 |
1/13 | Uber Eases Screening Rules in California | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/uber-eases- screening-rules-in-california-1452668401 |
1/13 | Uber's Financials Show Huge Growth, Even Bigger Losses | Forbes | http://www.forbes.com/sites/briansolomon/2016/01/12/leaked-ubers- financials-show-huge-growth-even-bigger-losses/#2715e4857a0b5b06a1075c99 |
1/12 | City Councilwoman Calls For Panic Buttons In All Cabs To Improve Safety | CBS | http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/01/11/taxi-panic-button/ | |
1/12 | Fans of congestion pricing eye boost from Cuomo's new proposals | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160112/POLITICS/160119985/fans-of- congestion-pricing-eye-boost-from-cuomos-new-proposals#utm_medium=email& utm_source=cnyb-morning10&utm_campaign=cnyb-morning10-20160112 |
1/12 | Bus drivers union blames pedestrians for their own deaths | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1W1nKzF | |
1/12 | Mobility Ventures Unveils New "MV-1 Empire Taxi" for NYC | PR Newswire | http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/mobility-ventures- unveils-new-mv-1-empire-taxi-for-nyc-300202426.html |
1/12 | Chicago will be first to launch universal, citywide taxi-hailing app in February | Road Warrier | http://roadwarriorvoices.com/2016/01/11/chicago-will-be-first- to-launch-universal-citywide-taxi-hailing-app-in-february/ |
1/12 | Why Uber’s surge pricing is naive economics | The Conversation | http://theconversation.com/why-ubers- surge-pricing-is-naive-economics-52948 |
1/12 | Suit claims Uber aims to put taxi biz under | philly.com | http://www.philly.com/philly/news/local/20160112_Suit_ claims_Uber_aims_to_put_taxi_biz_under.html#disqus_thread |
1/12 | Taxi Drivers Planning Nationwide Protest Against Uber | Qcostarica | http://qcostarica.com/taxi-drivers-planning- nationwide-protest-against-uber/ |
1/12 | Uber vs. Ola: Taxi app fight for Indian business heats up | CNBC | http://www.cnbc.com/2016/01/11/ola-launches-corporate- service-to-fend-of-uber-in-india.html |
1/11 | EXCLUSIVE: NYC’s push for more cabs with wheelchair access creates taxi war | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1OJgR4s | |
1/11 | EXCLUSIVE: Delivery companies dodge parking ticket fees, cost New York City more than $10M a year | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1RwciNp | |
1/11 | Taxi technology firm iCabbi to step on the gas | Irish Examiner | http://www.irishexaminer.com/business/taxi-technology- firm-icabbi-to-step-on-the-gas-375478.html |
1/10 | Study: Competition from Uber, Lyft Making Cab Drivers Nicer | PJ Media | https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/1/10/ study-competition-from-uber-lyft-making-cab-drivers-nicer |
1/10 | NAACP, Uber chide fingerprint proposal | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/01/07/uber-naacp-raise- concerns-with-fingerprinting-proposal/0V0EoB9kHZAQFIb53suFnL/story.html |
1/10 | Class of Drivers Say Uber Tricked Them | Courthouse News Service | http://www.courthousenews.com/2016/01/08/ class-of-drivers-say-uber-tricked-them.htm |
1/10 | Mark Hayward's City Matters: Uber drives circles around local taxi laws | NEW HAMPSHIRE Union Leader | http://www.unionleader.com/article/20160109/ LOCALVOICES08/160109227/-1/mobile&template=mobileart |
1/10 | Two of five limo firms suing Palm Beach County over Uber drop out | Palm Beach Post | http://www.mypalmbeachpost.com/news/news/local/ two-of-five-limo-firms-suing-palm-beach-county-ove/npz9K/ |
1/9 | Council needs to slow down on Uber bill, advocate says | CRAIN'S | http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160108/BLOGS04/160109898/ council-needs-to-slow-down-on-uber-bill-advocate-says#utm_medium= email&utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160108 |
1/9 | Limo service claims Uber is racketeering in Michigan | Detroit Free Press | http://www.freep.com/story/money/business/2016/01/08/ limo-service-claims-uber-racketeering-michigan/78510106/ |
1/9 | Fourteen of 166 rapes reported in NYC in 2015 happened in taxis, livery cabs, other for-hire vehicles | NY Daily News | http://nydn.us/1O94DR1 | |
1/9 | Philadelphia Uber Black Drivers Sue Over Independent Contractor Status | Buzz Feed | http://www.buzzfeed.com/johanabhuiyan/ uberblack-employees#.mkrP5EW9ND |
1/9 | Uber is cutting prices in January, but only if you live in a city where it's a win-win | Business Insider | http://www.businessinsider.com/uber-cuts- prices-in-january-for-some-cities-2016-1 |
1/8 | New York City Council Bypasses Mayor Bill de Blasio on Uber Policy | WSJ | http://www.wsj.com/articles/new-york-city-council- bypasses-mayor-bill-de-blasio-on-uber-policy-1452217772 |
1/8 | Setting precedent, Conflict of Interest Board settles with Mark-Viverito | POLITICO | http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/city-hall/2016/01/ 8586998/setting-precedent-conflict-interest-board-settles-mark-viverito |
1/8 | Mass. police chiefs urge fingerprinting for Uber drivers | Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/01/06/mass-police- chiefs-urge-fingerprinting-for-uber-drivers/ Qtvp15kKODXOY588ADDubO/story.html |
1/8 | Contractor vs. Employee-Florida Unemployment Compensation An Intriguing Appeal Involving Uber | LEXOLOGY | http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx? g=58308fa0-13a7-41a5-9f7a-cac5d3c0376d |
1/7 | Windsor to crack down on Uber drivers: Mayor | Windsor Star | http://windsorstar.com/news/local-news/ vets-cab-asks-drivers-to-report-uber-drivers |
1/7 | Uber Black Drivers File Lawsuit Against Uber Following Protest | NBC | http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Uber-Black- UberX-Uber-Lawsuit-Philadelphia-Limo-364458771.html |
1/7 | Advocate for disabled raises concern with Uber | D&C | http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/politics/blogs/ vote-up/2016/01/06/advocate-disabled-raises-concern-uber/78339086/ |
1/7 | "Uber" ordinance is not enforced in Lee County | FOX-4 | http://www.fox4now.com/news/uber- ordinance-is-not-enforced-in-lee-co |
1/7 | Uber Settles With New York Attorney General Over “God View” Tracking Program | BUZZ FEED NEWS | http://www.buzzfeed.com/johanabhuiyan/ uber-settles-godview#.igjgZ1ADj2 |
1/7 | Thanks to Uber, San Francisco's largest yellow cab company is filing for bankruptcy | THE VERGE | http://www.theverge.com/2016/1/6/10725434/ sf-yellow-taxi-coop-bankruptcy-uber-lyft |
1/7 | Aviva Canada says it will sell insurance to Uber drivers | Inside Toronto.com | http://www.insidetoronto.com/news-story/6221323-aviva- canada-says-it-will-sell-insurance-to-uber-drivers/ |
1/6 | New law outlines Texas insurance requirements for Uber, Lyft | KEYETV | http://keyetv.com/news/local/new-law-outlines- texas-insurance-requirements-for-uber-lyft |
1/6 | Do angry Uber users have a case against 'surge pricing'? | CTV NEWS | http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/do-angry-uber- users-have-a-case-against-surge-pricing-1.2723419 |
1/6 | Uber fined $2,000 for violating Portland lobbying rules | The Oregonian | http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/ index.ssf/2016/01/uber_fined_2000_for_violating.html |
1/6 | CEShowdown: Las Vegas Taxi Drivers and Cab Companies Are Super Pissed at Uber and Lyft | re/code | http://recode.net/2016/01/05/ceshowdown-las-vegas-taxi-drivers- and-cab-companies-are-still-super-pissed-at-uber-and-lyft/ |
1/6 | Taxi drivers oppose MSP airport proposal on Uber, Lyft: What's at stake | MPRNEWS | http://www.mprnews.org/story/2016/ 01/05/msp-airport-uber-lyft-cabs |
1/6 | Uber Charges Drunk New Year's Eve Customer $1,114.71 For Getting Home Responsibly | JALOPNIK | http://jalopnik.com/uber-charges-drunk-new- years-eve-customer-1-114-71-for-1751034144 |
1/6 | GM invests $500 million in Lyft, sets out self-driving car partnership | REUTERS | http://www.reuters.com/article/us- gm-lyft-investment-idUSKBN0UI1A820160105 |
1/6 | U.S. Chamber calls Seattle’s Uber union law illegal, threatens lawsuit against city | Geek Wire | http://www.geekwire.com/2016/u-s-chamber-of-commerce- calls-seattles-uber-union-law-illegal-hints-at-lawsuit/ |
1/5 | Why So Many People Think That Uber And Lyft Can Rot In Hell After Their New Year's Eve Price Surges | HUFF POST | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ira- israel/why-so-many-people-think-_b_8908416.html |
DATE | Uber fare-surge horror stories from New Year’s Eve | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1S0ssyg | |
1/5 | Uber sued by drivers excluded from class-action lawsuit | Los Angeles Times | http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-uber- lawsuit-driver-misclassification-20160104-story.html |
1/5 | O’Connor v. Uber: Why the, days of driver ‘flexibility’ are already numbered | VB | http://venturebeat.com/2016/01/03/oconnor-v-uber-why- the-days-of-driver-flexibility-are-already-numbered/ |
1/5 | Uber Surge Pricing on New Year’s Eve Was Crazy High in Broward | New Times | http://www.browardpalmbeach.com/news/uber-surge-pricing- on-new-year-s-eve-was-crazy-high-in-broward-7492857 |
1/5 | Uber confirms problems with fare estimates on NYE, says they were ‘harder to find’ for NYC, Boston users | Bob Sullivan | https://bobsullivan.net/gotchas/uber-confirms-problems-with-fare-estimates-on-nye-says-they-were-harder-to-find-for-nyc-boston-users/ | |
1/5 | What’s Really Behind Uber NYE Price Hikes | Voices Of Liberty | http://www.voicesofliberty.com/article/ whats-really-behind-uber-nye-price-hikes/ |
1/5 | Attorney General's Stepdaughter Held Over Disputed Taxi Fare | ABC | http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/attorney-generals- stepdaughter-held-disputed-taxi-fare-36089229 |
1/5 | Chicago Officially Selects Two Taxi Apps to Help Cabs Take on Uber | Chicagoinno | http://chicagoinno.streetwise.co/2016/01/04/chicago- officially-selects-two-taxi-apps-to-help-cabs-take-on-uber/ |
1/4 | Pedestrian safety improvements on Bruckner Boulevard in Hunts Point | Bronx Times | http://www.bxtimes.com/stories/2016/1/01-traffic-2016-01-01-bx.html | |
1/4 | Uber customers furious after New Year’s Eve price surge | KRON | http://kron4.com/2016/01/02/uber-customers- furious-after-new-years-eve-price-surge/ |
1/3 | Proxy fight keeps ‘Taxi of Tomorrow’ on ice — even as Uber shows real future | NY Post | http://nyp.st/1mjzj9k | |
1/3 | The $200 Uber Ride And The Realtime Data-Driven Sharing Economy | Forbes | http://www.forbes.com/sites/kalevleetaru/2016/01/02/the- 200-uber-ride-and-the-realtime-data-driven-sharing-economy/ |
1/3 | Uber’s No-Holds-Barred Expansion Strategy Fizzles in Germany | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/04/technology/ ubers-no-holds-barred-expansion-strategy-fizzles-in-germany.html |
1/3 | $173 Uber fare for IL. New Year’s customer | WOODTV.COM | http://woodtv.com/2016/01/02/173-58- uber-fare-for-il-new-years-customer/ |
1/3 | Uber 'surge' hangover: $500 for a 20-minute cab ride? | FOX | http://www.myfoxboston.com/news/uber-surge- hangover-500-for-a-20-minute-cab-ride/12751100 |
1/3 | Manchester officials to discuss ride-sharing regulations for companies such as Uber | NEW HAMPSHIRE Union Leader | http://www.unionleader.com/article/20160102/NEWS09/160109970 | |
1/3 | Uber Riders Ring in the New Year With Surge Pricing Complaints | ABC | http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/uber-riders- ring-year-surge-pricing-complaints/story?id=36052178 |
1/3 | UBER, LYFT Face wild ride in ’16 | Boston Herald | http://www.bostonherald.com/business/business_ markets/2016/01/uber_lyft_face_wild_ride_in_16 |
1/3 | Letter: Uber shouldn't get a free ride | The Virginia Pilot | http://www.pilotonline.com/opinion/letters/letter-uber-shouldn- t-get-a-free-ride/article_31c17491-0c6e-593a-b2a6-d7a8ed2c7de2.html |
1/2 | Uber Riders Ring in the New Year With Surge Pricing Complaints | WMVO | http://www.wmvo.com/business-news/uber-riders-ring- in-the-new-year-with-surge-pricing-complaints/ |
1/2 | $173.58 Uber fare for a New Year’s customer | KWQC | http://kwqc.com/2016/01/01/173- 58-uber-fare-for-a-new-years-customer/ |
1/2 | Uber 'surge' hangover: $500 for a 20-minute cab ride? | WSB-TV | http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/national/ uber-surge-hangover-500-20-minute-cab-ride/npwQ4/ |
1/2 | Atlanta Police investigating two Uber-related robberies | WTVM | http://m.wtvm.com/wtvm/pm_/ contentdetail.htm?contentguid=od:lSJawNFj |
1/2 | Smartphone Apps Helping Taxi Companies Compete With Ride-Sharing Services | ABC | http://kstp.com/article/stories/s4005477.shtml | |
1/2 | 'Illegal' taxi service shut down | Daily Echo | http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/14176816.display//td> | |
1/1 | 23,000 Cars on NYC Streets and No One Is Tracking Uber’s Safety Record | STREETSBLOG NYC | http://www.streetsblog.org/2015/10/22/23000-cars-on-nyc-streets-and- no-one-is-tracking-uber-traffic-collisions/ |
1/1 | Number of Traffic Deaths in New York Falls for a Second Year in a Row | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/02/nyregion/number-of-traffic- deaths-in-new-york-falls-for-a-second-year-in-a-row.html |
1/1 | Editorial: Get Uber, taxi regs in gear | ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL | http://www.abqjournal.com/698719/ opinion/get-uber-taxi-regs-in-gear.html |
1/1 | Council chiefs battle to shut down "illegal" taxi service | Daily Echo | http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/14174387.Council_ chiefs_battle_to_shut_down__illegal__taxi_service/ |
1/1 | Uber surge pricing on New Year's Eve opens new front in war with taxis | theguardian | http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/dec/31/ uber-surge-pricing-on-new-years-eve-opens-new-front-war-with-taxis |
1/1 | Uber aims to turn everyday commuters into taxi drivers | The Telegraph | http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/12075665/ Uber-aims-to-turn-everyday-commuters-into-taxi-drivers.html |
1/1 | Taxi-hailing apps: To ban or to regulate? | ejinsigh | http://www.ejinsight.com/20160101- taxi-hailing-apps-to-ban-or-to-regulate/ |
1/1 | Mayor: Uber staying in Pensacola | Pensacola News Journal | http://www.pnj.com/story/news/local/pensacola/ downtown/2015/12/30/mayor-extend- uber-agreement/78031754/ |
1/1 | Demand for app-based cabs up, but all eyes on Monday | Business Standard | http://www.business-standard.com/article/current- affairs/odd-even-plan-car-pooling-service-radio- cabs-comes-to-commuters-aid-116010100256_1.html |
1/1 | Year in Preview: What the Uber Lawsuit Means for Workers in the Sharing Economy | SF WEEKLY | http://www.sfweekly.com/sanfrancisco/news-san-francisco-uber-tech- law-legal-court-shannon-liss-riordan-edward-chen-lawsuit-labor- employee-contractor-1099/Content?oid=4375240 |
News Stories-2015 | ||||