Bears REPEATING and SHARING ...........
New York / NJ want a SCOOP..?....When Taxi Medallions Were SOLD...Every TIME a Environmental IMPACT Study has To BE DONE By LAW before Any SALES were ALLOWED....NYC Made MILLIONS.........How Did Ride Share APPS Circumvent Those RULES...???...Ask Yourselves Was IT A Tech Company Line of BS..?...Was IT Fake JOBS Creations..?...Was This WHOLE Deal Thought ABOUT Way BACK....Hmmm NJ / NYers WANT To KNOW...FOLLOW The MONEY....!!!...APPS Caused The CONGESTION and POLLUTION Why ARE ALL NJ / NYers Now Being PENALIZED....???....!!!!....🧐🧐🧐...LOOK DEEP / Find OUT The TRUTH.....!!!!...That Was Bloombergs and Cuomo GRAND PLAN....!!!................Scoop No TWO.....!!!!.....UBER Has Paid Lobbyist in NYC At Least 2 Million Dollars FOR Congestion PRICING Knowing It Would FURTHER Destroy The Yellow TAXI Industry.....The Uber SURGE PRICES Will Be EVERY Rush Hour or RAINY Day....!!!.....PS The NY Times Story on Medallion Lending Practices IS Not Entirely TRUTHFUL its a " DEFLECTION " Story....!!!!.....
Re The Recent PROTEST in NYC By APPS......Hmmm.....Actually THIS IS Stunning.....!!!!
Their Business IS Cruising...!!!....Well WE Knew THAT All ALONG
HEY We The MEDALLOIN Yellows OWN Those RIGHTS....And WERE Calculated into ENVOIRMENTAL Impact STUDIES and Were NOT To Have CAUSED Congestion FEES Which MAY Be 9 BUCKS For ALL......
Huh...How DID That Get ALLOWED ...?
I just tweeted this...Everyone knows its true.