you have two stores side-by-side and basically they're providing the same service but one has price control and one doesn't. The one that doesn't have price control , whenever it's busy , raises its price because it has enough customers and it can charge higher prices and still sell. The other one has a fixed price, so when it's busy it gets some customers but at a lower price than the unregulated store.
When it's slow and customers are few the few customers all go to the unregulated store because they lowered their price below the price of the fixed price store. how could a store survive under those circumstances, this is the same thing that's s happening to the taxis . it's ridiculously wrong
This is no secret. I hope with the new regime at City Hall and the T.L.C. they will find a way to fix it!
the more i think about it the more its unbelievable that it could even be, when it first started the rational was people would be devoted to yellow and that ubers up and down pricing wouldn't matter , but thats BS , with the smartphone apps passengers know what the cheapest ride is instantly , price is everything
Thats why yellows dont do good at night anymore, uber lowers their price and taxis become more expensive, and taxis cant do anything except be second class citizens
All would be well if only yellow was allowed to have apps.....That's what should have been from the beginning
if proper justice and thinking were done then , they would have given sole right for yellows to use the apps in the congestion zone, at least , and if there were not enough cars because of, then they could sell medallions, dumbasses
Maybe THE New Guy in Charge WILL Understand This..........
:o :o :o :o
The GREEN Cab Experiment Proved WE Were RIGHT There Is Minimal NEED For CABS Cruising in Outer Boros......
the effects of this improper pricing is especially at night, business is tuff and Uber got unfair pricing advantage,
it would be ok if we were allowed to have nonfixed pricing as well, if we are being restricted by the City then we need to be rewarded with some sort advantage to make us competitive again , if you want a cab or uber ride the sole difference should be whether you choose to do it by phone or by hand , vehicle rules must apply to both services equally , otherwise its another competitive advantage ,