Taxis are getting screwed again, with uber winning in court , taxis are higher priced than uber/lyft , cabs are empty
Told Ya SO........
Ultimate GOAL.......Ride SHARES Want US Gone....!!!!...............Always With The LOWER Pricing GIMMICKS....Then PUTTING in The SURGE Scew Em Price During PEAK Ridership Times....
Time For The SHITTY City to The RIGHT THING......
Pssst I Bet Bloomerbags STILL " At IT " ......
:o :o :o :o BLOOMERBAG :o :o :o :o
they planned it all , step one , dont make any awareness of the TLC's impending rate mistake until they do it , then well sue and get it reversed , then our rates will be higher than taxis , mission accomplished
This competition between the two segments must be equalized in every which way.....
I think the TLC meant well, but they screwed up. It can be corrected.
can it be corrected, what if TLC loses in court , then what, reverse the taxi increase? It'll take a while to make things right , if it can be done, i read of an appeal , next hearing in late January, one month like this OMG
You said that the taxis were empty. But, what do you see on the trip sheets and hear from the drivers?
Im seeing cabs much emptier than usual, lyft rates to LGA 1/2 the price of yellow
Uber cheaper than yellow , when i looked were being crushed
Im waiting to see the shift totals , will know soon about that
Drivers don't want to change the meter, but that wont help